@National Basketball Association

Jokic attempts to win opening tip

Jokic attempts to win opening tip

by heatup3


  1. Dude legit always makes me laugh true to his nickname

  2. I had a moment where i thought it was hockey, and the ref was going to send him out and AG would have to come in and jump

  3. His whole game was a bust after that I’m sure

  4. girlscoutcookies05

    He let em know right away this is an ordinary game for him lmfao

  5. Donker_is_Bookic_dad

    Peak basketball. That man’s my hero

  6. tmperflare

    The ref definitely punished him by throwing the ball while he was on the way down lmao.

  7. TubbzMcGee

    Jump balls from drones 25 feet above the court can’t come soon enough.

  8. When your character is allowed to move during a cutscene

  9. BlackSheepComeHome14

    This is the only highlight I could find with Jokic today.

    Man he must have played like shit, surely we won by a lot

  10. RenaissanceHumanist

    I remember this one time we were playing this team with an absolute giant and knew we had no chance of winning the tipoff. So, we put our shortest guy out there for it. The giant took offense and dramatically spiked the ball to win the tipoff. It went out of bounds and we gained possession.

  11. im____new____here

    In 25 years this will be used in a “We done with the 20s” montage 

  12. MrBuckBuck

    It’s funny how he doesn’t really care about the tip ball.

    Eventually, the ref got tired of it, and he threw the ball up when Jokic has already landed.

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