@Golden State Warriors

NBA commissioner cites Warriors coach for decline in fouls

NBA commissioner cites Warriors coach for decline in fouls

by Electronic_Dance_640


  1. Rambo247365

    That last line in the article ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)

  2. steronicus

    Draymond and his elbows catching strays over hereā€¦ šŸ‘ˆ

  3. Nessmuk58

    Let’s all hope for the day when the Warriors coach can cite the Commissioner for a decline in fouls.

  4. EggNCh33se

    That’s why yesterday’s game vs Pels was hilarious! Zion was expecting a foul everytime he lowers his shoulder vs Green, then act like someone stole his big mac when he didn’t get it! šŸ˜

  5. moulinpoivre

    The NBA would rather reduce whistles for the whole league than send curry to the line

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