@National Basketball Association

Luka Doncic answers questions during interviews similarly to the 45th President of the US

Browsing the r/mavericks subreddit and saw someone state that if you say Luka quotes with a Trump voice that it sounds like something Trump would say and it absolutely is true. He says the classic “some people or they say thing Trump does mid sentence. The way he goes “We have a good relationship, I’ll tell you. Some people say we don’t…” is so Trump.

I completely understand that English isn’t his first or even second language and am in no way making fun of Luka.

Example 1: Luka Doncic on the Grant Williams trade: “I think the trade was great for us. But Grant is a great guy. We have a good relationship, I’ll tell you. Some people say we don’t, but we have [one].”


Example 2: Luka Doncic on breaking Mark Aguirre’s Mavs single-season scoring record: “[It means] a lot. It’s the franchise that drafted me. They gave me, they say, ‘the keys.’ They say it like that, but I’m just glad I’m here in Dallas.”


by Luka77GOATic


  1. Luka77GOATic

    Guess one of Lukas nicknames, “The Don” now makes more sense. Both also have Slovenian wives…

    Edit: Should probably make it clear that I’m in no way offering support or endorsement towards Donald’s J. Trump with this post.

  2. You are kinda highlighting the fact that DT’s lingual capacity is equivalent to someone whose English is his 3rd language…

  3. buffalotrace

    People are saying, many people, that Luka and not Brony Jokic is the real mvp this season. There will be a steal, the Dens have gone way too far, spread way too many lies, and are crooked. Luka has really won, and won huge, such a massive win, people have never seen such a win. That’s not me saying that, that is them. We gotta take care of Brony Jokic and these Dens. Lock em up! 

  4. Meh I don’t see it rly

    Here’s what chatgpt thinks that would be…

    “Well, let me tell you folks, that trade? It was fantastic, tremendous, believe me. Grant, he’s a tremendous guy, I have a tremendous relationship with him, the best. Some people, fake news media maybe, they say we don’t, but let me tell you, we do, and it’s tremendous.

    Let me tell you, folks, it means a lot, a tremendous amount, believe me. The franchise, they drafted me, they gave me the keys, they say. And let me tell you, I’m just so glad, so incredibly glad, that I’m here in Dallas. It’s a tremendous honor, believe me.

  5. 1337-Sylens

    Why would you not be making fun of luka this is hilarious lmao, I think he’d laugh too

  6. lost_in_trepidation

    Believe me this is much better than his rookie year where every other word was “you know” or “(something or someone) is special”

  7. LoWE11053211

    I dont know,

    I may vote for him over biden or trump

    but I am basketball fans, I am biased.

  8. Liverpoolclippers

    Americans are so brain rotten, how do you hear this and think of Trump?

  9. Should have replaced Dallas for another city when speaking

  10. Acework23

    So this is the newest way to hate and diminish Luka? Compare him to Trump? “No way making fun of Luka” my ass. Lots of plyaers answer like politicians and Luka has been media trained from early age.. this is a very weird thing to make a post about…very weird.

  11. Tiny-Instruction1987

    Something something Melania is Slovenian

  12. Weird-Couple-3503

    This is just how normal people talk. You could pull a random quote from most players and it would fit this . I guess you just think using the phrase “great guy” makes it like Trump? lol

    TDS should legit be in the DSM 6

  13. shambahlah2

    Pretty sure it was Atlanta that drafted Luka…

  14. betweenthebars34

    What is the point of this …

    He’s not native to English. Woah, big shocker.

    This is what happens when people live on social media.

  15. Monster_island_czar

    If Luka had his own version r/The_Darnold (The_Doncic has a nice ring to it), I would instantly subscribe. Even as a Suns fan.

  16. TrailerParkBuddha

    Woah buddy settle down, off season’s still a month and a half away, don’t be blowing your shitpost load mid-April. We need these to get us through the summer.

  17. booyakuhhsha

    This is one of the more odd things I’ve seen somebody spend time connecting the dots on lol

  18. NBApundit

    Luka’s response, if asked anything about the MVP votes, should be: “If you count the legal votes, I won. Frankly, I did win this MVP!”

  19. FatKitty56

    Stop the steal! Luka is the REAL mvp and it’s a basketball witch hunt run by the dens!

  20. New-Worldliness5163

    What kind of bullshit ass post is this?

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