@Golden State Warriors

can’t even be mad about this

can’t even be mad about this

by singmethesong


  1. YuriusFarrence

    Lol, that’s like If you can’t beat em, join em and lose with them.

  2. wouldbeknowitall

    Hahahaha. That’s a fine fitting end to the season.

  3. Affectionate-Lab-138

    I am a fan of Chris Paul and love to watch him with a Warriors jersey/ but I am curious if HE ever wonders about…. certain words starting with c- and ending in -urse

    EDIT: changed Chris Paul’s initials to his name because his initials are quite unfortunate out of context, i now realize.

  4. LoquaciousApotheosis

    I mean… he beat us in 2014 and is .500 vs Steph’s Warriors in playoff games

  5. WholeWideHeart

    It’s a funny thing, this desperate need to be clever when dumping on people.

    It’s nothing new, but because of the global reach of the internet, everyone has a platform.

  6. Produceher

    That would be funny if it made sense. We didn’t lose because of CP3.

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