@Miami Heat

Anyone Else Happy for “Airplane Mode’s” Success in Dallas?

Anyone Else Happy for “Airplane Mode’s” Success in Dallas?

by bigdogdriver


  1. Skinnecott

    i fucking miss djj so much. one of  my favorite heaters

  2. binokyo10

    For sure. No ill will toward former heat players mostly

  3. XanderAndretti

    Yes, seems like they actually understand how to use him properly and he’s playing with two guys in luka and kyrie who can constantly feed him good looks at the rim. I’ll always have a soft spot for him, he’d probably still be here if he could shoot better but he always gave us great energy and effort. 

  4. Candid_Sand_398

    Yes. Very. Dallas is a fun team to watch, I can’t lie. It’s good to see him being utilized.

  5. OhMyItzBam_Herro305

    He made Heat basketball fun, when we were pretty irrelevant and he gave us something to look forward to.

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