@Milwaukee Bucks

L2M Report confirms 2 missed calls from the Pacers game.

L2M Report confirms 2 missed calls from the Pacers game.

by Outrageous_Hamster_6


  1. All those offensive rebounds we gave up is what lost us that game

  2. Ghostofclaybobpast

    That siakam forearm to lillards face was so blatant. It happened directly in front of the ref. And it prevented dame from getting one of those key rebounds. Just egregious.

  3. UncleSamPainTrain

    Who cares? They got a home whistle. It happens. What *doesnt* happen is giving up 6 offensive rebounds on one possession 

  4. Mcswigginsbar

    We were getting fucking hosed down the stretch.

  5. CaptainJYD

    I need to know if Bev was out on the ground and how that wasn’t a flagrant on khris on his drunk attempt.

  6. And he stepped on his foot causing the injury that lead to the re-aggravation. I know that it’s not entirely his fault but I’ll still say fuck Siakam

  7. I more pissed about the one out of bounds call that the refs reviewed without the Pacers having to challenge. A few minutes later, there was another wildly close out of bounds that went in the Pacers favor and the refs didn’t feel the need to review that one

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