@Los Angeles Lakers

Thank you for this season Lakers

Thank you for this season Lakers

by chrisbrits24


  1. HughGRextion

    fuck is there to be thankful for about this season lol

  2. Legitimate_Page659

    Say what you will, but these guys were down 0-3 and still played their hearts out.

    GG 💜💛

  3. chrisbrits24

    Balled out the final game. Couldn’t ask for more. See you next season. 💜💛

  4. Cautious-Bother9931

    It was a fun season nonetheless. Life goes on and it’s time for baseball

  5. What a bunch of bum ass roll players who still gets paid millions.

  6. Only Bron, AD, at a lesser extent DLo and AR, the rest can fuck off

  7. DeepCleaner42

    Jaxson Hayes and Dinwiddie are not nba caliber players. Ham is gone. Gabe Vincent was a miami fluke. Anyway have a nice vacation boys.

  8. LosAngeles1s

    any other coach and this would’ve been a. 55+ win team man

  9. I just need Anthony Edwards to crush this Nuggets team. I just need to see that.

  10. At least Cam Reddish didn’t play.

    Sad Christian Wood and Vando couldn’t get back. They had great moments this year.

  11. dedman1477

    I’m so sad we didn’t get to see Vando one last time this season. He would’ve played better defense on MPJ and Murray than Rui. Just hope we can get a consistent squad back next year! ^.^

  12. JMSpidey25

    I’m proud of the fight this team showed these last two games. I don’t know what the future holds for this unit, but regardless I’ll always be a Lakers fan for life. Congrats to Denver, they have one hell of a team.

  13. PeeWeePangolin

    Someone convince the counter protestors at UCLA that Hamas is at Crypto. No justice, no peace until Hamas is let go!

  14. Sooo what are the offseason moves, obv Dlo not coming back? Not sure if Gabe is still contract but if we can get a healthy season from him and get him integrated he could finally be key.

    Thinking on it now I can’t believe we got so much fkn Cam Reddish minutes this season holy

  15. babbuboyo

. We really could have won this series

  16. I enjoyed watching this season for the most part Hamas aside. First time actually seriously watching and following the NBA and watched every single game no regrets. Got to see my first ever Lakers game in person and witness the goat play before he retires. Not really positive we can convert this into a winning roster this off season but we shall see. Thank you to the Lakers sub for entertaining me this season except for the few psycho extreme takes.

  17. itsamiamia

    It wasn’t a sweep. The games were competitive. Ham has a better chance of getting fired. Silver linings.

  18. interrobangampersand

    Thankful this season is over. I really hope they get Darvin the fuck outta here. I don’t want to endure another season trying to get excited for big games but knowing exactly how they’re going to end.

  19. Counterspell_God

    Proud of the heart these guys played but man we’ve got to keep Dlo and trade him for a better fitting piece.

  20. kodominator

    I want gen z Michael Jordan and the Wolves to humble the Nuggets. They’re definitely beatable this year no question

  21. IllustratorNo9257

    Ham needs to go to the slaughterhouse! Boy bye!

  22. I’m proud of this team! They fought till the end! See them next season!

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