@New York Knicks

Just in case anyone was looking for a reason to hate Joel even more.

Just in case anyone was looking for a reason to hate Joel even more.

by Tommy-M-Shelby


  1. Meanwhile Josh is buying that dude his suit for the game, Donte gave him an autographed jersey as thanks and Brunson shouted he and his family dinner…

    Fuck embiid

  2. WintertimeFriends

    Dude is literally there to protect these guys while they warm up.

  3. NintuneJoe

    It gives me so much joy that we sent his ass home

  4. This is actually one of the most POS moves I’ve seen an athlete pull on a normal person. Dude’s job is to stand there and make sure no one goes on the court and instead of just not being an asshole, embiid constantly bumps into him.  And the coaches trying to talk to the guy to explain why their player is being a prick is infuriating.

  5. OutsetFlair

    Security should do his job and kick him out of the arena!

  6. OnlyHereForNYSports

    Sixers are a straight up poverty franchise.

  7. surprised Joel didn’t fall to the ground with his hands up looking for a foul

  8. Had no idea he was such a loser until this series…..

  9. HoyaDestroya33


    What a fucking cunt! A freaking millionaire bumping someone who is just trying to do his fucking job. Glad that we’re the one who sent this bitch and his team on vacation. SMD Embiitch

  10. deep_fried_cheese

    Genuinely he has to be a top 3 most unlikable player in this league barring the dudes who committed assault(not on the court)

  11. Did this dude just have a psychotic break during this series or something? Get this man a wellness check while he’s in Cancun

  12. I’m surprised he didn’t flop to the ground begging for a foul.

    This bum looks for contact even when he’s warming up.

  13. confuddly

    He was in a bad mood this entire series. I think he got a technical or flagrant in every game this series

  14. GalaticCuriousity

    My respect for him was low. Now it’s at zero fuck this dude.

  15. Aesop_Rocks

    So, my problem for sure, but I won’t click a TikTok link. Can anyone please tell me what happened here?

  16. Mr-Dicklesworth

    As someone who also ushers as a part time job fuck this POS so hard. It’s a thankless job to stand there and help patrons however we can for shit pay; and this cunt decides it’ll be funny to fuck with him with his thug ass bodyguards for literally no reason. Hope this ugly ass bitch retires with his half frozen face

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