@New York Knicks

How Josh Hart’s ‘Extremely Rare’ Contract Made This Knicks Team

How an ‘Extremely, Extremely Rare’ Contract Created the Villanova Knicks

I thought this article was a really interesting read.

And it showed how much Josh Hart did the Knicks a solid by opting into his contract for the final year before signing his extension.

I know Donte was weighing several options in free agency besides the Knicks, and thanks to Hart we were able to give a competitive offer to bring Donte in.

The one remaining piece to bring the Villanova Knicks to completion:


by jhMLB


  1. SanctorumAeternam

    I love this team. I feel like you could make a highlight to One Shining Moment for this group when all’s said and done 

  2. MikeyLikeyPhish

    Has anyone ever seen Josh Hart and the Energizer bunny in the same room?

  3. TheFrebbin

    I was watching the roommates episode with Starks and it occurred to me that Hart is like a hybrid of Starks and Anthony Mason in many ways

  4. NYdude777

    I mean none of this is a coincidence. It’s all mapped out ahead of time. Just like OG and iHart this summer. Those deals are probably already written out and mathematically perfect.

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