@Oklahoma City Thunder

Shai says his argument with Cason Wallace at the end was a miscommunication. SGA wanted to foul PJ, Cason wanted to play the possession. “I apologized to Case, I felt bad. He does nothing wrong all game, and the one thing he does right, I yell at him. But we’re good.”

Shai says his argument with Cason Wallace at the end was a miscommunication. SGA wanted to foul PJ, Cason wanted to play the possession. “I apologized to Case, I felt bad. He does nothing wrong all game, and the one thing he does right, I yell at him. But we’re good.”

by LoxDnw


  1. Feels nice to have a bus driver who holds himself accountable.

  2. blacksoxing

    I read this as the rookie having the confidence to end the game vs play chess. Cason was ready to demoralize the Mavs. Whew!!!

  3. chloroform42

    Dad is more mature than all of Reddit at age 25

  4. Leaders lead. Shai is him on and off the court.

  5. GooseGang412

    If anyone wonders how OKC has overachieved all year and is still finding ways to win, it’s Shai. Not just the scoring and stats, but the leadership too. Dude is built different when it comes to being a leader of men

  6. bluggabugbug

    I get what SGA is saying, but if Cason did nothing wrong all game and then you yell at him for the one thing he does right, means he didn’t do anything right all game.

  7. aBurgerFlippinSecond

    This is great for three reasons: first, Shai is mature enough to admit when he made a mistake, even with rookies. Second, Cason Wallace definitely has that dawg in him. And third, they both clearly want to win that bad, it’s just a matter of staying on the same page.

    Vibes are still ✨ immaculate ✨

  8. JD-Anderson

    I like to peek in at the clipper sub now and then and they want him back at any cost. One guy said see if Presti will take KL and PG for SGA. Made me chuckle.

  9. SuburbanRafiki

    Fella’s and ladies, no matter how this series progresses, I am damn proud to be a thunder fan. This season has defied my expectations at every turn. Shai being a serious MVP candidate, getting the No. 1 seed with 55+ wins, Chet playing every single fucking game and being an absolute game changer for us from the get go. I think with all this it’s easy to forget how bright our future truly is. Not making the WCF will sting for sure but as big Sam said, it’s just the beginning of our arrival.

    #TTFU and let’s send the Mavs home!!!!

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