@Atlanta Hawks

This can’t be real

Why do we keep getting punished with these garbage owners. The only reason our cap situation is bad is because we keep holding to players too long because we need to get the most value.

by AugustSV


  1. Nicks Christmas presents might be affected if daddy pays the luxury tax

  2. Sammcbucketts

    The hawks have a choice to make, be serious about winning or be serious about saving money.

    The hawks next cost cutting move will be the most back breaking in terms of its impact on the team’s ability to win.

    Even if the plan is to just run in back and trade CC, a salary dump for CC would kill us. At the minimum we need to take back a decent role player and or use a MLE in order to be a playoff team.

  3. If they want to keep Trae, they were already going to have to suck it up and go over the apron this year.

  4. No, he was super excited. I think he was more stunned than anything in the world. There’s no way he could have been ready for going from 10 to 1. Watch the interviews after the draft and they could trade the pick away but he even stated openly, they haven’t even considered NOT drafting the first overall pick. Fake news.

  5. Being in the luxury tax with a team who can’t win a play-in game is not good. I don’t know why this sub thinks the Ressler’s are being cheap when they don’t want to spend more money on a non-winning team

  6. manervaavrenam

    Why just post a screenshot of only the title of some click baity article and then try to start a discussion about it?

  7. traeyoungbias

    Why y’all get so pressed over a headline? Did it have any substantial reporting from a credible source?

  8. It was Clickbate they combined the 2 headlines. Executive was reluctant to celebrate in the draft room and the roster spot puts them in the luxury, my bad !!

  9. LutherOfTheRogues

    OP link the article. I’ve googled my ass off to find it and can’t find it.

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