@Denver Nuggets

No longer welcome here

No longer welcome here

by Bdanster22


  1. mmaguy123

    B*tch made

    This guy doesn’t know what competition is

  2. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    “I come in peace” fans are categorically a bunch of hoes

  3. Visible_Heart_7932

    Timberwolves fan here…

    just kidding.

  4. SuperDoubleDecker

    Fuck anyone that does that coming in peace bullshit. It’s lame af and anyone that does it is a loser.

  5. Forward-Reporter8320

    Actual wolf here, just got done eating a rabbit, it was delicious. Going to hide in a cave from the bear that lurks around these parts.

  6. vladimir_pimpin

    “Really gotta give your team their flowers!” Like holy shit shuuuuuut uuuuup

  7. sentripetal

    Now I know how a cuck feels like in the rest of their lives.

  8. Street_Drop

    How do we know who to shame if the user name is blacked out?

  9. ephen_stephens

    I too cum in peas.

    *Also (because we’re so generous) free peas for all lurking Timberwolves and Lakers fans!*

  10. turdfurgy69

    Anyone who says some variation of coming in peace objectively fucking sucks

  11. jamarcusaristotle

    Mark Davis fan here, I come in peace…

  12. scrambler90

    Pure cringe “I come in peace” gtfo and stay in your own lane

  13. This the same guy who said Jamal was trash? Probably. Also it’s not hard to find the user if you go to the TWolves sub

  14. LiberacesWraith

    Nuggs fan here please touch my naked quivering body t-wolves fans.

  15. ScienceIsSick

    This is so fucking cringe, it’s fine if you want to say “yeah, they’re a good team” but the glazing is crazy.

  16. vintage_rack_boi


  17. looktheresafox

    I can’t wait to watch Ant win his first title…. in Denver. Follow that KD example

  18. jesuswasahipster

    Why’d you scribble the name out? Unmask this traitor.

  19. I actually don’t understand how someone can unironically make a “*fill in random team* fan coming in peace”

  20. 99Will999

    What being a broncos fan does to a mf. But that’s lame no doubt.

  21. entyfresh

    That dude has more posts in that one T Wolves thread than they have in their entire 6 year account lifetime on this sub. They were never really a Nuggets fan to begin with.

  22. Sloth-TheSlothful

    These kind of people are such cucks. This guy in particular is so cucky it honestly sounds like a wolves fan is trolling their own sub

  23. Long_Liv3_Howl3r


    The “nuggets fan” getting prepared to type up that post. The “coming in peace” posts are some of the cringiest things on Reddit. Probably worse than the incel and furry subs.

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