@Dallas Mavericks

Tried telling my friends about the fraud case on SGA and Dort but they still ain’t hear me😪

Tried telling my friends about the fraud case on SGA and Dort but they still ain’t hear me😪

by Wallstreetlovesme


  1. Packogdoches

    This isn’t SGAs fault leave him out of this lol, he’s carving us up

  2. uninspiredlt

    SGA Is actually a really smart and skilled help defender

  3. AlecarMagna

    SGA is doing great. He’s having a Lukaesque run of needing some damn help.

  4. james_da_loser

    SGA was single handedly keeping the game alive for them. If he didn’t show up to play, we would steamrolled them by 25+

  5. highfalutinman

    I’ve come to hate-respect SGA similar to how I hate-respected Duncan or Kobe in the past. He’s so fucking good it’s infuriating. Frankly the only things I really hate about him is a) his soft ass whistle, and b) how the media sucked on his nuts while they kept moving goalposts for Luka. I’ll still boo the fuck out of him, but it’s not hard to admit that he is a great player.

  6. SGA is a great player … really, really good. But his coach is terrible … I don’t care if he got coach of the year.

    Constantly doubling Luka and trying to rotate double to Kyrie? Those two are both arguably the best point guards in the league at dishing the ball for assists – both of them. They both been slicing up OKC when they are on their game.

    Then OKC coach changes his starting line-up for a critical playoff game … I don’t care that Giddey is the weakest link – changing a starting rotation messes with chemistry on a team and messes with players minds. If Giddey isn’t playing well, just sub him out early.

    Their whole offense is geared to “get the ball to SGA for a 1 on 1 – and kick it out to teammates for 3 pointers”. Nothing else is run. Shoot, I could coach OKC and run THAT offense and look like coach of the year during the regular season – and I only coached basketball up to 4th grade kids.

    Playoffs are different than regular season – teams run film – they pick apart what their opponent does – that offense isn’t gonna work because they have nothing else they do. Kinda easy to cover when you know the play they are gonna run. Just comes down to execution then for defenders.

    All that said, I hope he doesn’t change a thing – Mavs in 6!!

  7. sickfalco

    Yeah call SGA, the guy who seemingly misses no middy, a fraud lol. Dude is the only great OKC player rn

  8. Andrew0409

    SGA is solid. He’s the only one playing consistently well. But honestly that’s also the issue, he isn’t able to get his teammates going like Luka and Kyrie does.

  9. Marticyde

    Despite all the bullshit call, SGA is freaking amazing. That series would have been over if it wasn’t for him.

    He never seems to miss in the midrange and he’s so smooth.

  10. BodybuilderLivid

    Sga is killing it he gets hate because the refs give him some soft touch fouls but sga is a baller and I’m a Mavs fan

  11. retrospects

    Na you can say this meme about Dort but SGA has been the best player on their team easily

  12. Ik we’re competing with them and obviously want them to lose but game got to respect game sga a bucket. He’s showing why he was top 3 in mvp voting. Nobody can guard him. The problem is the rest of his teammates. Jalen Williams was amazing in the regular season and in the first round against the pelicans, he hasn’t done much this series. Chet has played solid defense but on offense isn’t doing a whole lot. Dort had missed countless open 3s. Giddy has been virtually useless in this series. sga is legit as they come the rest of Okc needs a fraud check

  13. ShassaFrassa

    We don’t have to disrespect SGA just to make Luka look better. SGA is a fantastic athlete and a class act. Nothing but respect for him. I just want to bury him in the dirt… but like… respectfully

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