@Dallas Mavericks

[@noahweber00] Luka and Kyrie on what they mean to each other: Doncic: “Nothing but supportive of everything I did…Just helped me mature a lot, realize to see the game in a different way, and obviously on the court it’s amazing to play with a guy like him…”

Continued: Irving: “I just think this guy next to me has pushed me to continue to work on my game and continue to develop as a young leader and I think the big word we can both agree on is maturity. Coming into Dallas, I was dealing with a lot…They embraced me with open arms…I knew eventually that I would get (Luka) to open up, this guy’s a big teddy bear at times off the court, big competitor. A teddy bear who likes to compete. He’s still ducking me in dominoes…I just have to sit back and marvel at his talent…I enjoy watching him be a father, I enjoy watching him develop as a person first, and then the basketball stuff will take care of it…Good human being, good young man.”

by MindArr0w77


  1. YoStepWithLuka77

    Holy moly Nico really brought everything this team needed. Brought kyrie to Dallas to start it off. Like we did a full 360 from being a play in team last year to coming back to the WCFs. Honestly one of the best GMs in the entire NBA. This is special to see how he pulled all of this off.

  2. Tears in my eyes!

    They’ve developed such a good bond and it’s gone beyond my wildest expectations

  3. D_Whistle

    It’s wonderful to see this bond developing between them on and off the court. They didn’t have enough time together to create this last year.

  4. 0nMelancholyHill

    A teddy bear who likes to compete lol sounds about right

  5. therealgoat1212

    My goats so supportive to each other ❤️

  6. JKiddBurner

    Nico knew **WHO** he was trading for in Kyrie. That trade was about more than ball

  7. k-seph_from_deficit

    If we had a ring chasing vet like KD or Bron, I shudder to think of the ‘rumours’ which would have come out of Bontemps and Co. 4 games into the Clippers series with Luka playing poor and them doing well.

    Look at what AD goes through despite being the best player on that team and KD crying to the media mid series 0-2 about not getting enough looks with Book at point.

    I did not ever think I’d be saying this but what separates Kyrie from other elite vets in the league is the human non-transactional side of things.

  8. xPeaWhyTee

    Aww you can just tell how much Luka really likes Kyrie ❤️

  9. Witteness82

    Man it’s really crazy how much r/nba and social media warped my perception on Kyrie. I absolutely love this guy

  10. retrospects

    That’s how you talk about your best friend.

  11. HardcoreKaraoke

    These guys are both alpha 1a first option type players who deserve the ball. The fact that Luka was able to embrace being passive after being “the guy” for his entire career and Kyrie was able to buy into someone else’s team is just crazy.

    I think we all know this is Luka’s team if he wanted to be a diva but he has literally said he’s the Robin to Kyrie’s Batman. Also I think we’d all understand if Kyrie dipped after that first year because he wanted to be “the guy” somewhere. The fact that they both share the accolades and spotlight while doing it unselfishly is so awesome to see.

    Kyrie has had a terrible statline for most of the playoffs but that’s because he has been doing the gritty shit. Opening things up for other guys and making crazy defensive plays. You think most guys on his level of greatness would willingly do that? Fuck no. Everyone in the media is talking about Kyrie’s stats and he’s just out there winning games without caring about the box score. I love that mentality.

  12. A teddy bear who likes to compete, so Luka is an Ewok?

  13. ImTheJdot

    Like one of the Twitter replies said, Kyrie is everything we had hoped Porzingis would have been.

  14. GormlessK

    This is so fucking wholesome. This team just has so much positive energy in and around it.

  15. Mavs buddies group chat has said “The Power of Friendship!” and holy shit it’s real. Got me crying in the Cell Lot at Austin-Bergstrom waiting for my lady to land. Shes gonna think it’s because she’s home lol

  16. AshyCheekss

    I dunno what the fuck you call these vibes but goddamnit they got me holding back tears…

    The bond Luka and Kyrie have despite so much negativity from the media when we brought Kai here…

    To DLive…

    To PJ being the hometown kid showing up **BIG** in the playoffs…

    To DJJ coming here on a vet minimum contract and proving doubters wrong…

    …good God…


  17. spark2824

    It’s crazy the chemistry these two have in such a short period of time

  18. bucketGetter89

    Damn, Clipper fan here and EVEN I can only get so horny. These guys are amazing to watch together

  19. Another Mavs fan touched on it in the main NBA subreddit first, but I think we were absolutely the best scenario for Kai given what he was going through before us.

    Kidd being a player’s coach & Kyrie having nothing but love & admiration for Kidd when he was growing up has been a perfect match so far. Throw in Nico also knowing Kai & his mom/agent beforehand alongside Mark having no reservations either, it’s great seeing him happy here & the mutual respect he and the team have for each other. Could definitely see Kai ending his career in Dallas with the way the team has grown over the last 2 seasons.

  20. PointBlankCoffee

    Idk how you can’t like Kyrie, man. Such a genuine dude. People get hung up on politics so much when the most important thing is how you carry yourself and treat others.

  21. scoringtouchdowns

    MFFLs are loving the bromance! How cool was it to see Dirk courtside for the game, too?

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