@Dallas Mavericks

A Controversially EPIC Finish

A Controversially EPIC Finish

all right so what a game that was first off I just want to clarify something I gave my editor Russell the night off um he works his butt off usually he’s been the one staying up late editing these videos into the middle of the night for me and got him all looking good and he just needed a day off he needed a break I appreciate him and he does a great job on this channel so because he’s not around I have to edit this video so the quality is not going to be up to its usual standard so bear with me on that one but anyways back to the game Dallas won the game they won the series in six final score 117 to 116 and we have got a lot to talk about um so first off I was on Twitter SLX whatever you want to call it and both fan bases are already complaining about the refereeing and it’s it’s pretty humorous but I will say ref certainly felt extremely involved in this contest they had a hand in everything and both teams both fan bases really feel like the refs were out to get them I will say this game was determined by free throws on the last shot for Dallas PJ Washington went up for that three-point shot and they called a foul on the court now the thing is there was initial contact with the basketball it looked like it was all ball until the hands gets dragged down and then there’s contact with the arm but the rule book does State and Richard Jefferson I believe he even said this during the game as we were watching the broadcast that that can be legal if the initial contact with the basketball is all ball and the contact after afterwards with a body is ruled inadvertent apparently the referees didn’t see that as conclusive enough evidence so they didn’t overturn it therefore PJ Washington shot his three free throws and the Mavericks go on to win the game so that was a huge play I mean a series deciding play and I think for Oklahoma City fans this is going to be a big one that’s probably going to bother them for a long time they got a bright future and I’ll talk about that more in a little bit so I mean they might get over this quickly from a competitive standpoint but looking back on the series saying what if this one might stick with you for a little bit the way Bulls fans looked at the 1994 Eastern Conference semifinals between Chicago and New York and that Phantom foul call or the way the Pistons fans looked at the Phantom foul in the 1988 NBA Finals where Bill lambir was was called for a foul uh on Kareem Abdul Jabar during a during a Skyhook which I will admit even as a Lakers fan that didn’t really look like a foul the way those foul calls haunt those fan fan bases I think that’s going to be bothering OKC fans for a while in this same fashion who knows I might even be making what if videos about this series 20 years from now but again if you’re a thunder fan I wouldn’t be too discouraged you’ve got a bright future and maybe you’re feeling a little bit ripped off in the at this moment but you have the youngest team in the play playoffs you’ve got an MVP candidate in SGA you’ve got a future Superstar player in Chad holgren and you’ve got an extremely deep team yes they were a first seed and a lot of people are going to say this was one of the weakest first seeds we’ve ever seen I I’m not sure I necessarily agree with that they’re a young team and one of the concerns with a young team is they don’t know how to stay poised and they don’t know how to put teams away that is a usually a TR of an inexperienced young team and they got big lead double digigit lead after Double digigit lead on these Dallas Mavericks and they just couldn’t close it out they couldn’t put it away but the experienced Luca donic the experienced Kyrie Irving and they had role players who stepped up big they were able to turn that game around and end up winning the contest so again I think OKC is going to be fine in the long run based on their Foundation they’re going to be contenders for years to come so now let’s focus on the Mavericks for a bit Luca finished the game with 29 10 and 10 so a nice strong triple double for him which is basically just standard procedure for Luca he also had seven turnovers and he was extremely sloppy early on uh but he did clean it up that seventh turnover came around the 8 Minute Mark of the third quarter so good job finding his composure and cleaning up his game a little bit and not making those mistakes uh as often down the stretch now Richard Jefferson during the broadcast on ESPN or ABC whatever he brought up a good a good point that Luca was lacking focus and it is standard procedure for him to be complaining to the referees constantly but it was especially the case this evening he was in the referee’s ear the whole night whether or not Maverick’s fans thinks that justified whether or not it even is Justified you still got to be a leader you still got to be available for your troops you got to put your head down and yeah they were able to win this game and win this series but they haven’t won the championship they still got to go to the Western Conference finals and I tell you what if you’re getting rattled by guys like Lou Dort and Jaylen Williams defending you you sure better hope that Denver ends up winning on Sunday because if Minnesota wins it’s going to be a hell of a lot worse when guys like Jaden McDaniels and Anthony Edwards and the rest of Minnesota are smothering ing you on the perimeter that has been a suffocating defense and I think that would be a nightmare situation for Luca so again if you’re going to be so sidetracked and focusing more on the referees than the actual game you you better hope that you’re not running into those boys in the next series with that being said you’re happy to be a Dallas fan tonight so celebrate the win but that’s just something to keep in mind Kyrie Irving got off to a terrible start only had like four points in the first half but he was clutched once again down the stretch and Luca’s got to be so happy knowing that he’s finally got that second Superstar who he can rely on in big games down the stretch and I saw this crazy stat like just absurd stat for Kyrie’s career he’s 14 and0 in closeout games now I understand part of that is just circumstances uh some of that is coincidence some of that is the guys he’s played with he had you know obviously LeBron James on his team for a while but that is not all just circumstances and coincidence a bit of that is ky Kyrie Irving and he is a big game performer so that was just an amazing stat that I just had to share with you guys and shout out to Kyrie for that obviously PJ Washington made the big plays down the stretch but for me the hero of the night for Dallas was Derek Lively oh my gosh this young kid you guys have got to be loving him over there the hustle plays the rebounds like Luca was was just so fired up seeing all the big Difference Maker plays that he was making and it feels like every successful team has that guy you know what I’m saying like as a Lakers fan we always had that guy sometimes it was Derek fiser even when the Lakers sucked in like in the mid 2000s that guy was uh Rooney tur off for a bit and then in 2009 that guy for us was Trevor arza and then I would even say in like 2020 it was Dwight Howard like Dwight Howard was that guy you always have that guy who who does the little things well he might take a charge when you need it he might dive after a lose ball he might get a rebound where he has to fight past three guys that was Derek Lively tonight and so you got to have guys like that if you want to be competing for championships and I I just had a big smile on my face seeing him do his thing and seeing Luca being so excited about it so let me know in the comments like who that guy is for your franchise whether it was past eras or present like who is that guy that you just like resonate with who just does the little things well and you just love dearly because of that and for Dallas I can tell right now Derek Lively is has been that guy for you guys ultimately he had 12 points and 15 rebounds but his impact went Way Beyond the stat sheet on this evening so now let’s look ahead you’ve got the role players playing great for Dallas you’ve got Kyrie playing well when it really matters in the second half and Luca although he’s banged up he’s hitting big shots and he’s starting to get a little bit of his quickness back ever so slightly and they’re going to be watching this game this game seven between Minnesota and Denver just like the rest of us and it’s going to be interesting Mavericks fans what are you hoping for honestly I know they’re more experienced I know they’re the NBA champions but if you’re the Mavericks I kind of feel like you’re probably hoping for the Denver Nuggets cuz I just don’t like that match up with Minnesota I feel like where they are strong is where they could really frustrate uh Dallas and that’s with that perimeter defense that is just scary and so for that reason I if I was a Dallas fan I would be hoping for Denver I got to be honest I think the Mavericks are losing the series either way and most honest basketball fans are going to share that opinion but with that being said they’ve got a puncher chance I mean the team looked extremely deep tonight and you still got two superstars and Kyrie Irving and Luca donic and On Any Given night one of those guys could just take over and own a game and so you never know they got a shot they got a shot so another great Series in the books another great game in the books again if you’re an OKC fan you got a bright future I wouldn’t stress about it again it’s frustrating the way it ended and we’re going to be talking about this what if for a long time but as they say you know in sports there’s always next year and we’re going to be saying that with OKC for quite a while because they are a really really deep young team let me know who you got in tonight’s game Minnesota or Denver honestly I I kind of don’t care who wins as a general basketball fan I’ll be happy either way and I’ll be making either Anthony Edwards or Nicole yic Legacy videos either way so I’m just hoping for a good game thanks for watching as always make sure to like And subscribe for more basketball content and I’ll see you guys in the next video [Music]

My raw, immediate reaction to the conclusion of Game 6 between the Dallas Mavericks and the OKC Thunder.


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The game of Basketball has been my passion since I was 5 years old. I grew up as a kid watching my dad’s recorded VHS tapes of playoff games through the 70s and 80s, and collected all the Basketball cards. Something about the game and what it represents just hooked me from a very young age.
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Intro Music: Turn On – RW Smith​​​​​​​​​​


#nba #basketball #hoops


  1. What is there to even argue about? Kyrie got the rebound and put the ball in? Even if the foul isn't called, Dallas are up by 1. Great video as always though Jonny

  2. Im just glad Dallas shut up the media…everyone was talking about Kyrie not mixing well with Luka..also that his former teammates got better teams (Durant Suns and Harden Clippers)..then everyone counting them out against the super stacked Clippers and the young OKC…now they're in the West Finals😂

  3. as an OKC fan I just dont think shai shouldve closed out that hard, I honestly don't think he would've made it if he just had a normal contest

  4. Johny first time u made a bad video. It was a foul because washington pump faked. so the foul was made on the second motion. And kyrie even makes the basket afterwards. So yeah. Bad takes

  5. dallas wins title. luka has the team he need. stays healthy. i look forward to wcf opponent cuz it will be great

  6. In slow motion, even before the contact with the arm, you see SGA's hand contact Washington's right pinky. Initial contact was still ball imo… and I don't know the rules enough to know if that changes anything.

  7. OKC will win a bundle of championships over the next 10 years. Dallas were lucky but if there was no foul called Kyrie had it in with 2.0 left anyway.

  8. I got Denver winning in a very tight game tonight. It really could go either way.
    I predicted the Nuggets to beat the Timberwolves and win the championship over on my youtube channel, so I hope they win, but it really doesn't matter too much to me.
    I think whoever wins tonight's game will win the championship, so it'll be a good one for sure.

  9. I see no problem with the outcome. OKC was the least likely to win it all out of the 4 remaining West teams. They beat the injured pelicans and struggled againts a hobbled Luka. The refs even allowed them to mug Luka the entire series. They should not complain about officiating cause not only was it in their favor, but their best player relies on initiating contact to live on the line.

  10. Nobody had a problem with Luka passing the ball to the corner with 40 secs left ? Results in a brick instead him taking a 8 ft fade away.

  11. The following action was a two pointer for Mavs. If they have overturned the foul call, then they should call it a block which turns into a pass that leads to two points scored afterwards. I guess 🤔

  12. What's crazy to me is that even if the refs swallowed his whistle on the obvious foul kyrie still would've won the Mavs the game with his layup off the block
    1:28 look at him under the basket

  13. The final call was correct, and the refs were on the thunder side the entire game plus entire series so OKC cannot complain about refs

  14. 'Controversially. REALLY? even SGA said he fouled PJ. Terrible analysis. MAVS IN 6 despite Tony brothers was the best player for OKC in Game 6

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