@Brooklyn Nets

Anthony Edwards, Tyrese Haliburton and why Nets might be one trade away from a deep playoff run

Anthony Edwards, Tyrese Haliburton and why Nets might be one trade away from a deep playoff run

coming up with the Eastern and Western Conference Finals Now set we look at how it reflects on the Brooklyn Nets their timeline for success and whether or not they’re picking just the absolute worst point to go ahead into a rebuild we dive in coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day [Music] Rook yo ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here on the lockon podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day he’s Doug Nory I’m Adam arre we thank you as always for making us your first listen of the day we are 100% free on all those great platforms and let you know this episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz lockon NBA and use promo code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 and Doug we’re talking Eastern and Western Conference finals and obviously obviously how it relates back to Brooklyn and just getting in the mix here for the NBA Playoffs ah it’s been really instructive I think I mean Joe aside I think it’s been really instructive to think about how this NBA landscape is going to unfold here over the next couple years some things you can take away that probably that might work in the Net’s favor um a lot of things that might really not work in the Net’s favor at all um just in terms of the timelines around some of these teams and sort of the teams that have now made it all the way following I mean I would call it like legendary Timberwolves Nuggets game on Sunday on Sunday evening um that was just an all-timer I mean really actually will probably only not be an all-timer only because it wasn’t far enough along in the playoffs everything else about it was amazing like it kind of now depends on where Minnesota lands but in terms of like what it represented anyway we can get into that more but like really was as great a game as you could ever kind of get in terms of just like sort of Leverage those series sometimes I mean we’ll see how the Western Conference plays out it’s going to be Timberwolves and Mavericks over there but those series sometimes to your point when they end you go ah boy I hope I I hope the Western Conference Finals lives up to it right because now you had that such a great seven game b seven game battle in that series you wanted to carry over and it’s it’s going to be almost impossible to match that level of intensity especially because you have the defending champs and the Nuggets there and ironically enough I didn’t realize it until yesterday when they lost it’s now how was it five six seasons in a row that the defending Champions do not make it back to the Conference Finals the the second round excuse me the following year right so I mean even that alone is high level instructive about how hard it is to not only achieve the ultimate goal winning a championship but then also be at the high level in the mix year over-year in either conference yeah and so like that’s the part where you take away like the uh the part for the Nets is you say to yourself okay well it’s hard to M it’s hard to sustain being great over long periods of time so that it’s going to be available for other teams on a year-by-year basis I mean if you’re a Nets fan that’s sort of what you kind of put you prop this whole thing up on right it’s like hey it’s hard to get back it’s hard to repeat it’s hard to just go far in the playoffs year after year injuries timelines player movement like this stuff does change sometimes really quickly yeah and that it honestly like that’s the thing the Nets are probably banking on the most is that like is that upheaval is Works in their favor at this point because like obviously like you know SL slow long-term Bild doesn’t work in their favor because they’re not doing that but in terms of just um in in terms of like hey the landscape’s going to change and maybe we’ll benefit I mean that’s kind of what they’re kind of banking on to some degree it’s probably correct it’s it’s a little harder to see because of some of these teams that are actually really good now MH and we get into that like the teams that are really good that are in the Western and Eastern Conference Finals for the most part have one thing going for them which is they’re super young and they have Superstars they have superstars that are on the younger side that is a little hard when you start looking at you know how this could play out for the team but yeah like they are probably banking on sort of like the entropy of of the of the landscape right it’s just going to get chaotic and that that’s probably what they’re hoping for and even I’ll stay Western Conference Centric just for a minute because we’ll talk Eastern and the Pacers we want to get into even the Knicks who get eliminated obviously in the game seven corpses all over the court for them as they tried to make their way through the playoffs but out west when you look at it just to your point there’s a couple things that like didn’t not even for the Nets but Nets and the NBA overall the fact that the Mavericks are in the Western Conference Finals there was a version of it where people speculate hey if it doesn’t work out with Kyrie what will their next move be right will they potentially make a pivot and try to rebuild in a different way around Luca now instead you look at team no matter what the result is they’re going to try to run that thing back next year you know the timber woles are going to be in there the the Clippers look like they are in locked in mode just because they’re going to a new Arena all these things so there’s actually a lot of ways that this is played out in the west specifically where it’s like yeah nothing’s going anywhere in terms of teams that maybe would decide hey we’re going to Pivot out of this the OK OKC gets eliminated but they’re a really young good team so they may only look to add to it so sometimes you get results in the playoffs that Inspire teams to say all right let’s go ahead and start our our retool our rebuild a year early for the most part it’s all been no we’re going to probably double down no matter what the result is and that’s another bad sign for any team in the next position trying to rebuild and get things back on track yeah because right right when you look at these teams it’s sort of how they’re already built now look you want to say too like a a lot of what we’re going to talk about is in the Easter is in the Western Conference and the Eastern Conference is much more of a crapshoot at this point uh I can definitely hear that part because like we are focused on the Western Conference here where we’re like okay well Luca you know he’s 25 you have uh SGA um you have obviously ant who’s just gonna who’s now in the Western Conference Finals um you have all these guy you have still you have joic who ran out of gas there at the end but it’s hard to see him having just like a massive drop off here in the next few years and so you look at these teams now you’re saying okay well great good news they’re on the Western Conference now we look over to the dust ball Eastern Conference that can’t get a single team healthy all the way through and and you all of a sudden you start telling yourself a totally different story and maybe that’s the case and maybe that is like the thing that they look at the most because you know if we if we highlight who got through it was kind of just like the team that lost the least amount of guys plus Boston who had the the ability to Lose a Guy and still kind of be okay because everyone else lost guys right right um now you I saw say well is that gonna happen every single year I you probably can’t Bank on that either and so it’s a tough spot I mean they’re in a really really tough spot when you kind of look at the landscape so Western Conference tells us Brooklyn Net’s winning a championship in the near future maybe not likely but as Doug started to allude to Eastern Conference making the Playoffs being kind of fun we’ll go ahead or at least I will give you the Silver Lining version using Indiana Pacers as the prime example we’ll get into that coming up here in just one moment all right before we get to that tell you about friends over at Yahoo finance look we live in a really changing environment when it comes to finance when it comes to keeping all of your stuff in one place we got inflation we got portfolio management it could be tough like you’re looking at your debt you’re looking at your mortgage you’re looking at your all your Investments where they all can be in one place this is where Yahoo finance has it figure out you can get access to news data tools all you need in order to reach that Financial Freedom you’re looking for make sure you put all of your investments into one place where you can see them all in a really really easy view see how they’re performing hopefully on their 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reality of it and if you’re one of those teams if you’re the Lakers right now have fun you figure out what you want to do this off season because it’s going to be a mess to keep yourself competitive in the East however understanding that the New York Knicks it was the walking wounded it was the last man standing it was Jaylen Brunson broken hand everything so we understand if you are a Knicks fan we’re not you know net Centric that throws slight at them it stinks you were a really good team and any other year with the average number of injuries that come over the course of a season in playoffs you’re likely in the Eastern Conference Finals right now but you get absolutely decimated and you don’t make it so the Pacers advance and this was thrown up by the way on you know the the classic whatever Outlets who do you want to see win the championship I said halberton and the Pacers just because it would be the absolute last thing anybody is anticipating or desires you like yeah great he wins one before Luca I think that that’s the best narrative you put forth do you how much are you willing to say that the Pacers are a good example of why the Brooklyn Nets can at least be competitive in a fairly short order remember these two teams were with wi one win projection of over unders coming into the year now whether or not the Pacers are always going to be likely to make it out of this type of run in the playoffs and go to the Eastern Conference Finals fine debatable less than 1% great but they’re in the playoffs and they won a series and then they maybe got lucky with injuries and got to win another one the can’t do that because they weren’t in the playoffs that’s how close you can be though to maybe going on a little run yeah sure I mean making the playoffs is step one right like making the playoffs and have everything break right for you is is the is the first step it’s hard for Nets fans to see this because they’ve had like make the playoffs everything break wrong for so many years in a row that it’s hard to think that like oh maybe one day things will kind of just break out in front of us correctly it’s like we the superstars things broke absolutely horrifically now without the superstars be optimistic what an understatement I that’s an understatement of the century to say they broke herly I like it was like literally the worst possible outcome I really can’t imagine short of just like World War II or something breaking out where basketball doesn’t matter anymore after you know then number two the net the way the Nets way not overstating that by the way no but the um in terms of that it’s hard to see but like if you look at how the playoffs have shaken out in the Eastern Conference right you can tell yourself a story where it’s like okay we exceed expectations everyone kind of gets a little better or is a little better than we thought right like halberton think most people thought that he was kind of on this path and he takes a little leap and then they and even he probably didn’t take like the massive leap I think most people thought it was going to happen I think there’s probably some injury and stuff in there but then they make a trade for SE yakum to sort of marginally or get better around not even the margins just add this other top 50ish player top you know wherever you want to land with him and then all of a sudden you’re just a good decent team right and then things work out well and you know I don’t know if they should tell themselves a story that okay one more move from a championship they’re probably not but sometimes in the NBA the goal is to kind of just ex again exceed expectations they’ve clearly done that and if that’s where you are with the Net’s timeline and build can we see a situation where the Nets make a move and then everyone kind of just like stays healthy and they play and the new coach kind of puts them together I think there I think that’s a fine story to tell and I think that’s what you kind of need to be banking on at this point again with the Nets it’s so hard to see because they’ve legit been like the nut low on outcome for so for so long right now but you’re right in you’re right I think you’re you do a good job of bringing that in as a possibility for the Nets mostly because I think you’ll never hear that from anybody else because it’s so hard to see but I think for I think that’s a good job by you to bring it in especially to compare those over unders in the season because I think that when you posted that the other day I was like oh that’s really good that’s an interesting comparison about where these things can go and again it’s like to what you say remember the Nets are maybe one of the only teams based on over under projections that grossly missed the mark on this by the way I think it was Orlando was 35 and a half coming into the season so talk about overachievers as well but and it’s even Beyond it’s beyond it’s not about beating the Knicks and making to Eastern Conference Finals remember the Pacers won a first round Series so there’s there’s multiple versions of this Nets make the playoffs win a first round matchup maybe because it breaks well the Knicks kind of got I want to say lucky because of the injury so you can’t you can’t use that word with them in their postseason but they got they got a nice break getting up to the second seed earning the second seed and then having things happen near the bottom of the bracket where it was like okay we get Philadelphia and they’re not 100% healthy now we catch the Pacers a team that we don’t think is top tier unfortunately injuries derail us as well the other part about it can can I cut you off for one second because I want to say one more thing about the Knicks the other thing about the Knicks is and this is where like you you say to yourself okay what can the Nets end up being something like this the you look at the Knicks and you’re like where they track along with the Pacers is that they had guys who kind of got a lot better quicker than you thought they were gonna be right like halberton they trade for halberton for sabonis and it’s like okay well I think most people thought in even in the moment that was a great win for the Pacers but then halber did just get like better right and then you look over at the Knicks you’re like they signed Brunson I think people were like that’s a pretty good signing no one ever thought it was this good where he just can carry a team on his back so you’re like all right can like a guy like cam Thomas just get better I’m sure right like and can he get to that level I don’t know but it’s easy to forget sometimes that these other guys weren’t at these levels until they were yeah right and then one and then they are and then you kind of can’t remember that they weren’t but if you’re just trying to tell yourself sort of a story then maybe you’re like okay well they have a guy they have guys that take leaps right like maybe cam Thomas takes a leap into that next level of guy I only say that because we’ve seen it from other guys so anyway sorry to cut you off but like the Knicks kind of do follow that same path no but that’s a part that’s exactly a part of it too right like again it is hard to see the Nets having these either lucky breaks or having things work their way but cam Thomas all of a sudden enters the conversation of being a top X player you see some of the consistency they make a little margin move here in the off season and you just see a team that goes from I don’t know let’s say they’re r on the same thing right 38 and a half kind of wins next year well all of a sudden they become 42 wins it’s not as it’s not a seismic leap but it’s enough to say you’re in the playoffs now and now maybe the first round matchup works out because team X or Y got into a certain seating and you catch a bit of a break there it this isn’t painting the picture of and that’s how the the Brooklyn Nets give away no assets don’t need to bring in a star and end up in the finals no that’s not what it is but getting yourself back on a solid footing and feeling like you can have success and oh by the way just before we go a layer deeper specifically on the Nets for the Indiana Pacers when you go and think about it from this perspective because we’re talking about this offseason Onan Mitchell really big assets to go get him go get a star whatever the case may be we highlighted will would Darius Garland maybe be a pivot option for the Brooklyn Nets remember the Raptors ended up with brown Lewis noira two first round picks via the Pacers in 2024 I’ll do the the classic thing where I’ve been saying listen yes it’s no you know bad draft class but there’s still good players in it okay but if it’s one of the weaker ones you gave away two first round picks you feel better about that and a conditional first round pick in 2026 they got back seak for that in a future second my point being is that price tag for a guy that was going to the final year of a contract everyone anticipates the Pacers are going to bring seak back that’s not that bad like that’s not a huge price point to move the needle so can Brooklyn be in a position next year where Cam Thomas starts to show that next level of his game where you feel optimistic enough Clowney and others maybe male bridge is just playing to par here and you go okay who’s the guy on an expiring deal that doesn’t take a lot he’s not at the elite of the elites but we bring him in and we cement our playoff positioning for next season that can matter that can move the needle for the organization in the short term oh yeah I mean totally agree I think that’s probably where they have to be thinking about themselves if they’re not going to blow it up which is really they’re not going to do it doesn’t seem like at this point then or hold on one second because I we make here what it is let me say here is the the problem coming up here in a second is all of the indicators from this past season around specific players on the roster and wanting to be optimistic that they collect itively can take that positive step forward we’ll get into that and some Doug Nory thoughts in just one moment all right before we get to that tell you about our friends over at FanDuel it’s winner take all time in the NBA FanDuel is giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $ five bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads money lines player props so much more if we’re looking ahead at the Eastern and Western Conference Finals obviously you got some good games going here I like Pacers plus N9 and a half Celtics end up playing with their food a little bit too long with some of this stuff long layoff for them too not saying Pacers are going to win but plus nine and a half I could see them keeping it close here against Boston on the other side let’s go Mavericks plus four old friend Kyrie Irving Luca donic after a long 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oh well they’ll get back to and really reset what we think about them in a lot of ways it’s is it going to be cam Thomas because if it’s not cam Thomas then I think you actually have bigger problems we talk about Noah Clowny we’re excited about some of the young guys but those two veterans specifically I think that’s what fans are the most you know hard pressed to believe in that these guys can be a version of player on this currently constructed roster that can help you get to the playoffs that can help you maybe push a team for a playoff series win in the first round okay so I’ll counter that actually with a way something I don’t usually say when it comes pendulum all episode long I love it yeah know and and this is not a way that I usually take this but I can counter this pretty easily I think the way to tell yourself the story around that is to say they were miscast if they can either have you know a guy like cam cam Thomas up or let’s say you trade for Donovan Mitchell who takes the scoring load off these guys significantly and now all of a sudden they’re back into the roles of which they’re much better suited we see time after time that these guys and it happens all the time these guys get miscast into certain roles it gets a lot harder and then the efficiency goes down the expectations are too high like things kind of just get screwed up a little bit and then when the pecking order gets reset things just kind of end up start working back out again I mean there’s examples I mean honestly there’s examples all over these playoffs right it’s like oh Carl Anthony towns not great as a number one as a onea or two next to ant now it looks a lot better right like um Kyrie right we’ve seen many times with Kyrie it’s like Kyrie leading his own team or even next to Durant I mean that’s gonna be tough when it’s like sort of just me my turn your turn when it’s him and Luca and he’s just like and you have to pay attention to you you can kind of let everyone else roam free now all a sudden all these other guys are just hitting threes like there’s like there’s nobody of business right um Aaron Gordon in Denver Miss Cass is the one in Orlando becomes one of the best role players in the whole NBA so I I think that with NE when it’s next to yic not to say that Nets have these other Superstar guys but if they are able to bring in like a Mitchell or someone else in that caliber of player and now everyone gets pushed down a rung yeah back into the spot where we used to see them as good value then then you’re just your your whole opinion changes and I think that like for that from that standpoint they kind of are one player away like one player away from resetting everyone else’s organizational hierarchy or basketball on court hierarchy they really are and now that one player’s hard to get you know Don you know the stars are hard to get and you have to give up a lot to get it but you can see how adding just like one guy can push everyone back into the roles where we used to like really cheerlead how good of or like how good of a pickup they were and maybe it’s just that easy and the funny thing is too that I think I think you would agree and I and I agree with you right I mean that’s a part of the silver lining of how can this team be better how can they turn it around and be more fun in the upcoming season but I think the difference for you and me is saying if you get Donovan Mitchell a lot of fans would say make the case that and then all of a sudden you’re you’re Eastern Conference Finals competitive I don’t know if that’s the case or not now Eastern conference is obviously more open to the West we understand that but the difference of to your point just getting guys slotted correctly and just feel feeling like night overnight the system the team the players can all function properly you and I have said this before on the podcast watching these playoffs and reflecting on how possessions looked not even games just possessions looked for the Brooklyn Nets this past year it it made me feel like I was not watching the NBA covering the Brooklyn Nets this past season because it just did not have any of the system any of the flow and that comes down to Talent it comes down to guys being able to take players one-on-one off the dribble on the offensive end like all the things that we know that the Brooklyn Nets have lacked but it is such an insane contrast what you see from these playoff caliber teams and you mentioned halberton for the Pacers those injuries slowed him down even throughout these playoffs but then when you saw what looked like the closest thing to fully healthy version of him you saw that burst you saw that player that get the ball in his hands and really make things happen and it’s what the Nets lack maybe cam Thomas is that guy for them for sure I like the idea maybe just to tie a optimistic bow on it we said this before I don’t know if Donovan Mitchell is the right move the price price point all those things you can talk me into it just for being a better team we’ve talked about pivoting to other lower rung players I I’m starting to round into liking the idea of the Brooklyn Nets trying to get back into the draft to make a move maybe moving on from a veteran being in a position next year as the deadline approaches to look at the guys that are entering the final year of their contract right that take the risk can you resign them like the Pacers like with SE yakum and say hey is the price point a little bit lower here for us that we can take a short-term sample and then maybe move ourselves forward that way that seems like the lowest risk while still having reasonable reward expectations being back in the playoffs and giving a team a run for their money yeah look and I we’ve long been on the the train of you know reset this thing it’s going to be hard to compete here for the next few years reset this thing down to the studs that’s just kind of where they are they put themselves in this spot it’s just what happens they took a swing it missed and now you just and now you kind of rip it Down based on who you have left if they had you know if they took a swing and they still had like sgaa I would not say that right like this young they still have like took a swing to build honestly actually actually take it back like the Pacers they took a swing ad SE yakum he’s older let’s say it didn’t work at all you wouldn’t rip it back down because you still have halberton right like you still have some of these you still have younger players the that’s kind of like don’t have as much of that so I just think that I’ve we’ve long stood in the the platform of it just kind of doesn’t make sense for what they’ve already done and where they are and what they have and and that and that’s just and that’s just the way it is but if the goal is to be entertaining and the goal is to try to get lucky a little bit on sort of like what happens to other teams I do think it’s better for ticket sales and better for excitement and better for just like fan base to just have a team that plays in a playoff series and wins I I’m still for that for sure I just think it probably has a shorter Shelf than some of this other stuff but I but I still go for it like if they signed if they traded for Mitchell like we said we I don’t think it’s a good idea but in the end would it make them better and be more exciting team of course of course like it’d be insane to say otherwise so I don’t know I’m a little torn and I do will say the way the Eastern Conference shook out a little bit I don’t know you could kind of see it being a little more tenuous as as as it goes forward to as the age of some of these dudes oh of course and yeah it’s all relative to what what’s the ultimate goal here for this team I would note like and it’s funny I would note players like saying Chris Middleton and Milwaukee very old they’ll be 34 next season you look out across the landscape Miles Turner and the Pacers but obviously I mean talk about a guy that went from being like hey when can we dump this dude off this roster to oh a part of of a team going to the Eastern Conference Finals and keeping him around and that’s how F that’s how fast narratives changeed too around the NBA but I mentioned some of those those players that will be on expiring deals next year going towards the deadline and the the hard part maybe Aaron Gordon’s going to be a Aaron Gordon’s still not 30 years old yet I don’t know why why that blows my mind some of these players will be available I think the other hard part that we’ll get into at a deeper level would be next year as the deadline approaches and you think about some of these players and you maybe want to make that move I think all these teams will say yeah well we we’ll R tooling on the fly as well we’d love to have male Bridges to be a supporting cast member for us we’d love to have player X and that’s a part of the hard spot the Nets find themselves in where they’re committed or where they seem to be committed to certain players and still wanting to maybe bring in pieces that help make them better with without giving up what what they’re calling their current core right right and that’s actually a big that’s actually a problem too maybe this is for another episode but there’s it’s not like the Nets are the only team in this position there’s lots of other teams that are out there right now being like hey we might be only one guy away from being really good and now all of a sudden like now you’re you are competing with it’s not like that only the Nets want these guys like you look over at Philly and you’re like well we might be one guy from the championship because like we might be a Donovan not him he’s not probably a great example but we let’s just like might be like one guy like that away from a championship the Lakers clearly proba want to keep winning right the Bucks want to keep doing this like there are now they have a they’ll have a harder the heat they have a harder time maybe putting the same packages together but it’s not like they’re not going to try it’s like not the Nets aren’t the only team that might see them being one guy away from being awesome the magic even right there’s teams out there that are going to see this the same way and that it’s I think sometimes people get a little confused it’s like just the Nets want these guys it’s like ah no everybody does join us next time when we lay out the landscape of all the teams that could be standing between Brooklyn and their pursuit of stars over the course of the next couple years all right we’re going to get out of here much appreciate everyone rocking us’re rock don’t rock us rock with us through the playoffs make sure you subscribe over on YouTube subscribe where listen to the podcast the nightmares you spend the rest of your life being funny at parties and then people say why didn’t you do that when you were on television that is Conan O’Brien oh one of the all-time great posts we back in tomorrow talking more Brooklyn n basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball yeah

Anthony Edwards and the Minnesota Timberwolves advanced in a massive win over the Denver Nuggets. Tyrese Haliburton and the Pacers take down the Knicks in MSG. Are these stories instructive for how the Nets’ future could unfold? Are they maybe closer than we think to making a deep playoff run?

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  1. @lockedonnets I think we need to trade the Twins and DFS. We need to let go of these ordinary veterans and start over with our young guys.

  2. Mitchell on the Nets won’t be as good as his Cavs team so really what are we doing here? Tsai just wants a box office name. If he cared about winning, he’d blow it up and build through the draft and young guys.

  3. Do you trust Mitchell and his timeline? I don’t. The new method of operations is the superstar grabs the richest bag and then if he doesn’t like the timing of our ascension, then he demands a trade (when he is less valuable).

  4. Nets should have do the Rockets deal, its better to have your own picks and be bad than be mid and have a maybe with a lot of certainty on other picks. Cam Thomas, Jalen Green, Cooper Flagg, Clowney and Claxton, that looks good!!!!

  5. Like I said in previous episodes, we should stop talking about Mitchell, Giannis or others. There is no sign of them being unhappy at their teams and even if they are, there is no reason for them to come to Nets in this situation. It's obvious that Sean Marks cannot read the current market and Joe Tsai still leaving him in the team means there is no hope for this organization. The man wanted to get two 1st round picks with DFS, and look at the contract he gave Cam Johnson and are now trying to give Claxton. I say we need to change the GM first in order to start tanking and rebuild team from scratch.

  6. Indiana is an interesting case. They play fast, run multiple actions, and can shoot (highest % in the league this yr). Their players fit nicely within that construct. That’s their “identity.”

    The Nets don’t really have an identity as of yet. Hopefully Jordi can facilitate finding that identity. I do believe that Cam Thomas has a lot of room to grow and the mindset to do it. The game is clearly slowing down for him. Nowhere has the “entropy of the landscape” been more evident than with the Nets over the past couple of years. That needs to stop and hopefully we will have a more structured and cohesive environment within which to operate going forward.

  7. You think the nets will sit and watch the draft take place in Brooklyn without a single pick? Doubtful, I look for them to trade into the draft more then trade for superstar.

  8. 0:05 – Unless Sean Marks said we're trading Mikal, Johnson, and DF-S for draft picks, players on their rookie contracts, and veterans on bad contracts, we're in the middle of a retool.

    I'll still listen to see where y'all take this

  9. Cavs fan here. Just a reminder we don't want Cam Thomas or any other junk for an All NBA player in Donovan. That's all

  10. 10:40 – This was before the Pacers acquired Pascal Siakum. We dumped Dinwiddie for Schröder… barely a blip on the radar.

    Who could've been our Siakum? Dejounte Murray?

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