@Miami Heat

Miami Heat vs Boston Celtics Game 4 NBA Playoffs Postgame Show | The Basement Sports Network

Miami Heat vs Boston Celtics Game 4 NBA Playoffs Postgame Show | The Basement Sports Network

[Music] catches puts up a three one go rebound Bosch back out to Allen his three-pointer [Music] F oh yeah we packing somebody up tonight hey come on in take your shoes off before we close the door few rules he packing the we about to blow this the basement ain’t nobody safe you already know grab a seat and kick your feet before you get to you want the X and the O the yes and in the F the but in the hero you feel it in your soul when the ring is the go somebody need to go we be sure to let you know going hard for my dogs is an everyday thing like Jimmy down the lane of 13 off the screen whole Squad keep it tuck like number 17 bring your takes and your memes going hard for the team going down in the [Music] Bas oh it’s going down in the basement get your takes off you get your going down in the b y welcome to the post game show and honestly guys I don’t know what y’all want me to do tonight I know people watch Tyler hero play basketball tonight and expect me to come here and go on some kind of TY but I’m just not feeling it like I I feel nothing I’m sorry I I was at this place in the last game of the season like right before the playin or like after they lost the first playin game too I just I feel nothing like I I can’t I can’t make up or generate kind of like this fake anger for Tyler hero tonight I can’t I can’t generate even fake praise for B my tonight like I can but it just don’t feel like it’s worth [ __ ] tonight so like we gonna get into this we gonna get into the game tonight we’re gonna get into kind of like some of the general themes maybe from this season maybe from Twitter who knows what we this conversation could lead into but this game like I hope so but this game and see it it was just it put in our face what we’ve already known to be the truth about this team like we do not have enough okay so I am only part of the contingent that will be offering my opinion tonight I’m Royal a shepard uh I am joined today by my boy alex sheltman sheltman how are you doing today um I’m doing well I’m glad we have hopefully only 40 more 48 more minutes of basketball this season I know a lot of people will disagree with that sentiment but I am ready to uh move forward I don’t want see this roster play anymore like no more just just end it now give me something for the pain and let me die type [ __ ] like and that those sentiments are being echoed throughout the comment section about people just like this is a slow March Tri death they’d rather it be the end of the March next but y’all know that is not how the Miami he operate they will win game five for no reason at all but to get smoked game six Ricky J Mark Kane champion of the Kane game pulling up one time for the one time Kane Ricky how are you doing today well two things come to mind uh for starters you can’t win in seven unless you first go down 3-1 uh secondly that’s been the narrative from the very beginning of the series it’s always been heat and seven because like I’ve said the Miami Heat are going to win the NBA championship and if you disagree you support genocide you hate children and you’re a racist speaking of racist speaking of racist one of your colleagues is in the chat so you can go ahead and read wna give a shout out to uh ni first of all we not shouting out I just said you can read this [ __ ] like we we not shouting you out brother 199 in money going to me heyo that’s the end of that I’ve shown this comment for long enough want to thank Mel E for the 313 don’t know Ricky I’m not going to do you like that and leave you on the bottom now I was thinking about it though uh he said heat lost but bam hits a three and Bam overs hit so that mean you won some money we appreciate you for shing with the game My Guy dump awful dump awful was in the live YouTube comments as we were doing playback which was also live here on the YouTube channel donated some change over there so we appreciate you again for coming to the postgame show Don the $5 he said I remember rooting for Bimbo CO’s in 1990 thinking of Miami he offense could not possibly look worse I was naive we have all been fooled into thinking that we’ve seen the worst version of the Miami Heat to think this is the worst version that we have SE real hoot talk is in the building what’s going on St man oh man um I just I can’t believe what I’m witnessing here I mean I can believe it but it’s like it’s so nasty people are mad I don’t know how you let this team affect your mood affect your mental like and I will say one thing if Jeff Van Gundy is on the call for your no Stan Van Gundy apologies if Stan Van Gundy is on the call for one of your games the NBA has quit on your team and it is going to be fixed he get the worst games we just needed that [ __ ] uh Scott Foster to let just like if you get Scott Foster and the Stan Van Gandhi combin going on Doris Burke is the cherry on top of that [ __ ] somay love B brother she is horrific at her J not for her commentary Ricky at least you can admit that brother stop that uh from Brady Hawk uh somebody posted one of his stats he said field goals 35 for 86 Celtics field goals 36 for 86 that can’t be real but it nope it definitely is they shot the same from the floor and got their teeth kicked in uh we’re gonna start with you tonight Shel just give me your thoughts on the game um I knew this game was over and that they don’t give a [ __ ] about this season when Payton Pritchard uh and all the the 61 Neo-Nazi that he is was able to get an offensive rebound through four guys in the lane um that that was that was it for me like I I knew that they don’t care about playing basketball tonight pretty much uh confirmed that 3 minutes later when Derrik white decided to shoot seven of eight from three in the in a six minute span um and the game was over from there I mean I had it on in the background after halftime but I wasn’t really paying attention to it um you know they went on the little fake run at the end uh Bam gets a [ __ ] technical that will probably be rescinded uh after they review it but who cares none that he deserved it I I I don’t think I don’t think it’ll be a flager I think they’ll resend it personally I could be wrong but I think they will resend it D’Angelo Russell got hit in the [ __ ] face and they did not call it yes but that’s a bit different than what bam did tonight like we can all I don’t know if we can all agree but like some people will agree that it wasn’t that that play was felt like a little bit beneath what bam has kind of become as a person and as a player in this NBA like you didn’t have to do that I I thought it was a little bit of a cell job but uh maybe I’m biased [ __ ] the Celtics of course um but I mean the game was over at the half like let’s be real like that flagrant sucked the the air out of the room no no Diddy um you know any any little run that they were going on at that point um immediately stopped as soon as uh as soon as uh the the flagrant occurred it sucked the air out of the room okay we got it thank you uh that ends my uh oh hang on I gotta let Stone thank you Stone got a legal pad out here yeah this this is the type of energy that we need we need to make sure that we’re holding everybody accountable for the things that they say on this network J coming in with the guts heat and seven who are we to argue with you brother like who are we she gets it she knows uh Stone want to hear your thoughts on the game tonight bro my thoughts um haime hakz G leager Caleb Martin YMCA basketball player Kevin Love retirement Duncan Robinson Haywood High Smith Walmart employee Patty Mills back to Australia buddy go develop those u8s in Australia it’s time for to go uh and donon Wright 31 other teams wouldn’t sign you um yeah it it stunk these guys stink the whole season um just nasty uh no not at all not possible anymore we literally lost the third game of the series tonight we can’t score points it is unbelievable like they scor 12 points in a quarter backto back nights there’s no adjustments being made it is please just [ __ ] find a way to get the ball in the hoop Heywood High Smith’s out there trying to literally punch the basketball into the net it is disgusting hoops and I can’t wait for it to end six years that is that’s a more reasonable time that makes that makes it blow this [ __ ] up hey bro for real dog like I I feel you want to thank cors with the $10 don’t know cors say real hoopers know this good offensive players don’t need to dribble that much to get they shot off Tyler was literally dribbling out of the shot clock tonight listen brother Carmelo Anthony could score in a phone booth one dribble no dribbles like he could do it like I I get it bro like Tyler hero I’m not gonna say he’s not a good off offensive player he’s a good offensive player but that needs to be like within the context of like what the NBA is like a league that lends itself towards more offensively minded players stop lying he is a terrible offensive player you are you are you are stretching this bro no Diddy uh listen brother but on stretching don’t worry we got you King we we we’re we’re uh we’re making sure that people being held accountable Tyler hero is a good offensive player bro he’s just like I don’t think he’s the kind the caliber of offensive player that everybody else wants him to be like he’s a better offensive player than Heywood HMI he’s a better offensive player than Caleb Martin I can’t even discern the difference at this point it’s just bad shots coming from everywhere it don’t feel like it anymore some somebody with the $2 Dono uh Pat gonna be we were injured we’re running it back brother we all know this shaqs with the 9999 don’t know said Tumi luggages are ready to pack these boys post next game brother we are not I don’t know bro like I feel like packing up the whole team at this point it’s like it’s I don’t know it feels like old dog I don’t know what to say to you bro like I keep donating we’ll ship them out Express tomorrow donating first some people on this network still have the Vigor to do such things like I’m just I’m limp right now bro like I’m flaccid like terms of this in terms of this team brother like I can’t get it up no more bro huh seis blue chws X pills I need it all brother like I can’t get it up they don’t move me that’s so that so like so yes like this [ __ ] here is it’s [ __ ] crazy Dan the filmg my wife I love her so very much because she said something to me about you she said you kind of look like Dan Rue and I don’t know if I agree but now every time I see your name I want to say Daniel son that’s the one I say Dan is the man with plan to get you yeah Daniel baby with the $5 Dono he said shout out to the Florida Panthers for doing this job and winning just like James F they are very consistent and reliable yes indeed so ladies and gentlemen make sure that you know you hit up our guy James Pew for insurance 3 2 34 38 3 2 1 3 4 5 7 7 3 8 3 2 1 3 4 5 7 7 38 don’t complicate Insurance can’t wait do you need sole Health advisor he is not a liar so pick up the phone and call Simple Health advis hey bro just because of that little that little jig I don’t remember man phone [Music] yeah somebody in the comments said that this team is giving me erectile dysfunction I mean you did say you were flaccid so what is that commenter’s name I need to write this down hold on I will find him uh or shag they they them I will I don’t know where they are and I don’t feel like looking anymore because I got another Dono that I’m supposed to read the boy Justin I finally showed up to work thank the Lord he’s not gonna do nothing back there because the show gonna be over soon but uh dumb AF again with the $5 Don he said I looked up Caleb Martin stats in 2K and it said who gives a [ __ ] I agree uh James Pew would never scam you but in order to find that out for yourself you have to make sure you give my dude a call uh some of y’all don’t even know that y’all need insurance and even if you don’t think you need it give my man a call and give him a call at 321 345 7738 that will be James pew let me put this ad up real quick uh yeah complicated email them I don’t give a [ __ ] and give him a call at 321 5773 disrespectful all right you can go ahead and continue shout out to Justin for doing hey bro just this Justin show I said this last time this is Justin show I just participate on it he controls what be happening in the show all right uh yeah I need I need to correct one thing I said I said Caleb Martin back to the why Caleb Martin niow okay thank you uh I was hoping more shanga um I’m thinking that’s more of like the speed of where they need to be Justin they say check your DM bro um yeah let’s let’s Ricky I don’t think we ever got to you your thoughts on the entire game and we’re 16 minutes into the show uh Ricky just give me your thoughts on the on the game and in his totality uh heating seven but you want to P or something like no no no no no no no you could I thought I felt like that bar was so you know it needed to sit it needed to Fest it let the people digest that huh you know what I’m saying because sometimes it can go over the head if we just move right past it but when you say it like that sometimes it just needs to sit in the air and you know I think a few people starting to come yes sir Ricky they know they they realize the real um I don’t care to talk about individual players uh particularly but I’ll let you guys decide if you want to do that uh Ricky was there any player NE talk about niiko uh Ricky jar you know just another night of me being proud of my son I think it’s a fantastic I I think it’s a fantastic turn of events where in some of the biggest games of the season see a uh rail thin European athlete uh step up his game and contribute in a great way now whether or not the other the others want to step up to the plate and join him in the sun uh that’s not Nico that’s not Nico’s business it’s up to them to decide to hit shots and play like a competent NBA player Unfortunately they didn’t and um come this time next year um we’re going to look we’re going to be looking at quite frankly the next the modern day Tony kach uh he’s going to be wonderful he’s going to lead the um he’s going to lead the Miami Heat to the promised land and uh when we repeat next year you’ll remember this day thank you thank you very much uh Ricky not he he corrected it with another $2 donut but he meant to say Ricky does Caleb need to play for the Guang dong NE kichwa play my theme music okay hold kich thank [Music] you time but yes uh I think I think Caleb Martin does need to play um not from Miami I think that’s over with like Miami Miami squandered their chance at um getting some sort of value for him because if I’m not if I understand this correctly he has a player option this summer yeah so he’s gonna opt out of that and get buku bucks from some trash well from some other trash team somewhere that’s actually willing to pay him or or Pat Riley okay so for starters we don’t need him we don’t need him did you see yesterday we don’t need him okay gu we we what did we see yesterday nobody watch that [ __ ] game Ricky J Mark who wants to see cheating ass Joel embid play one of the Oompa loomas uh did you did you have anybody that you wanted to talk about in particular from this game shelman just the whole [ __ ] team honestly like as a whole uh you know Tyler didn’t have the greatest game but tonight I honestly didn’t think like he was the noteworthy stand out of pile of [ __ ] on the court so uh him and Bam combined to shoot 19 of 39 which was 49% from the field uh the rest of the team was 16 of 44 which is 36% um everyone sucked like terribly and the biggest standout to me was Caleb Martin obviously um I I don’t I don’t want him playing in China either he should be on the front lines of some War torn country fighting for their independence um he’s not good at basketball like you you shot four of 16 or some [ __ ] and you got your face fried off by Derek white who eats concrete for breakfast like get get off my team and they had the opportunity to trade this guy after an Eastern Conference Finals MVP snub last year in the off season but they didn’t and now they’re going to lose him for nothing he is like he is the epitome the poster child of this this year he failed Asset Management har Harry is having a [ __ ] mental conniption right now thinking about Caleb Martin not being traded for four second rounders in the off season when he could have been traded for that and now he’s going to opt out and the [ __ ] the Raptors are going to pay him $40 million a year just to get the the salary floor like don’t discuss my goat in these type of conversations I I I was not really much of a Caleb hater this year I thought he was up and down but when he was good he was cool and when he was bad he was not the worst player on the court so he was ignorable but my God he had one good game and he’s been [ __ ] since yeah uh Harry is stuck in a time like har is in Hell let be perfectly honest with y’all like a hell of like I told you [ __ ] what to do and it’s so obvious now D way greater than jcole debatable uh we we gonna have to have let’s start a dialogue you mentioned something that we have taken a very long time to get to and Derek white almost why bro here we go but Derek white Derek White had almost 40 today uh Stone why because this team stinks um he has no respect for anyone on the court he literally thought he was at the YMCA because we have YMCA players out there um the player I would specifically like to focus on tonight is haime hakz JR um I was sold on him as a draft pick people told me because he had final four experience because he was a seasoned college player coming out well in these playoffs he has stunk um I don’t want him on my team he doesn’t look like more than a g leager to me um if you had the opportunity to trade him for anything this summer and don’t you are stupid um He’s Just Not it he he plays basketball with his head down and he those three-pointers I mean they sound like gunshots like that he does not hit a thing from three it is nasty and I’m I’m done watching him you saw a little bit of it tonight like they left him wide ass open they said we dare you yeah like it’s it’s just not a thing James low with the 499 don’t know appreciate you gang he said the team obviously has overachieved and I think the front office is blinded by that what moves would you guys like to see this offseason um any moves that give me a different team to watch like I’m I’m under so I think this kind of ties into kind of like the conversations that’s been happening on Twitter all day but I think that Miami has kind of waited so long that they’ve missed the boat on being able to make this this build an actual Contender and also kind of missed the bolt on being able to build a contender for after this like you don’t have like Jimmy Butler is the piece that you would have used to kind of set yourself up for the best positioning for a future bill but you have not moved Jimmy Butler and you’re at the point now where you’re probably going to have to resign them and when you resign him for $50 million you’re not gonna be able to [Music] put that supposed to be you know that Royal that actually reminds me of something but go ahead bro you know how for many of our viewers are probably very familiar with um the legendary theatrical experience known as Avengers endgame and how the Marvel Cinematic Universe there were some losses but it ended on the infinity Saga relatively speaking ended on a very high emotional note that tied up a lot of loose ends Loose Ends right that there um and tell me brother oh no I wasn’t I wasn’t now the unfortunate thing about that is quite frankly you can make the case that uh the MCU had the equivalent of a 3-1 lead heading into the fourth quarter up 15 points but they fumbled the bag in um phase four four and a half five whatever right now but at what cost Mr Perez but at what cost he told us real real quick Sebastian Perez did say that he would be here Win Lose or Draw uh after this game true to his word he is back out brother congratulations you beat the eighth seed that barely want to play in but anyway back to my more important Point commenter um they had a chance to integrate the X-Men the Fantastic Four or at the very least plant some seeds so that way we’d be excited about what’s to come in the MCU but pandemic aside they fumbled the following two phases they went with eternos instead that’s another discussion but um they fumbled badly and as a result the MCU is in disarray and this and this was before all the stuff with Kang happened the Miami Heat had that moment in 2020 they had that moment again in 2022 they had that moment a third time you normally don’t get chances like this where you can sell high in 2023 just last year when they were what three wins away from an NBA title and they did nothing they didn’t run they basically just R ran it back thinking let’s just stick with the same formula even though the game has changed now here we are one game away from elimination we’re winning the title but that’s besides my point one game away from elimination and look around but Ricky we thought we could survive on reputation and Vibes and now we are just well to that point no like they knew that they couldn’t otherwise there’s there’s no Dame Lillard like Pursuit or disappointment if they thought that they could realistically bring the same roster back and repeat the same success they knew that they couldn’t and I feel like I don’t feel like it’s a fact they made the choice to go all in on Dame and after that have no contingency plan whatsoever for how they would move this roster what’s up sh did I mean did they go all in on Dame or did they set themselves at a price ceiling that they stopped at and they didn’t eclips that ceiling that would have been what Ricky is referencing where they should have gone all in I feel I I feel like they handcuffed themselves intentionally so they could say well we tried I got you right so here’s the thing they had the chance to begin pre-production and casting on the the X-Men Fantastic 4 and all those other guys like the more familiar Marvel properties right yeah they had that chance but you didn’t hear anything about it you heard you heard Rumblings you heard all that and nothing but love Des shanqi that was solid some of the best onscreen combat I’ve seen in a superhero comic book film in a while right but the thing is they had a chance to at the very least lay the groundwork so that way us watching could see oh okay cool yeah yeah yeah let’s see what’s going on but y’all remember y’all remember all those end credits and post-credit scenes right where it was a bunch of different things huh I don’t want I don’t want to cut the analogy off because I think it’s good but I think we’re going a little bit too deep in this feels more like a struggle Mills analogy if you guys don’t know what struggle Mills is make sure you check that out that is where we talk about anime and cartoons and all that type of stuff we’re brother you see I I catch them all like like ash catch them brother but uh but look that’s kind of that’s what we kind of talk that’s how where we kind of talk about that stuff I want to shift this conversation more back to like the basketball because I know everybody doesn’t get the Marvel references or whatever uh but yes to that end like Miami had the opportunity to fortify a bill that they had started or improve on a bill like several times over and again and again like they’ve chosen to try and straddle the fence like they’ve tried to make sure that they haven’t been able to go too far in any One Direction where they don’t want to sell off young pieces to contend now and they don’t want to S off old pieces to go into a full rebuild and so now you get kind of the same product couple years in a row and I think the fan base in general has just kind of like lost its way in terms of like how they evaluated it so um so yeah like I really don’t have [ __ ] to talk about in this game I really don’t know what we can do in terms of giving people hope for next game um I know Ricky says that we are going to win this series and eventually win the title and while I would love to believe him because he never lies um I can’t I can’t walk there with you brother um I feel like Miami I want to say that they lose the next game but this feels like a game that Miami just wins for the [ __ ] of it like only to lose game six like Miami feels like they win this game in Boston right and then you lose game six on your home floor uh which Miami has lost I think his last six home playoff games by the way for those of you who are keeping I’m not I’m just saying just get for nasty man with the $10 Dono he said internal development Tyler think bigger we have enough find the guts this is where we want it uh we love being the hunters LMO I think that speaks to the narratives of the fan base so let’s get to that a little bit because Twitter was annoying me just to tag uh Mr Untouchable Nico yic had three points and didn’t play in the fourth if if even SPO don’t trust him why should we shut your face that’s why because he has star potential uh like of all these narratives let’s get into it a little bit like which one pissed you off the most which one got like on your nerves so far like you can do whether the whole season or just playoff sheltman you probably have the most of them but let’s let’s pick like your top two or three if you’re G to give them a list of multiple or just one would do but however you see fit like what’s the most annoying thing that’s being said around this scene um there’s two I’ll pick the polite one because the other one correct maybe maybe another stream we we only get like one more of these streams maybe another stream I don’t have the energy right now correct um the the the narrative that pisses me off the biggest is when um other stars on other teams come up short or fail to advance in the playoffs you know Donovan Mitchell has a shitty game Bradley Beal looks like [ __ ] yesterday um you know rattle off the names uh and we mock them for it relentlessly and we say oh haha the Miami Heat got to the finals with uh undrafted free agents but you know these guys have never gotten there at all so why should we bring them to our team because they can’t get there but in the next sentence they will say Eric spoler is the greatest coach in the league Talent maximizer he gets the most out of anyone he can win with Public’s employees um which is it because if you if you give if you give Eric spola Donovan Mitchell and he’s currently making Duncan Robinson look like a competent NBA player what do you think he’s going to do with Donovan Mitchell he made LeBron James look as the best he ever has in his career what you doing show man brother can I speak oh I don’t know what’s going on with my TV right now but it’s dark brother witnessed that up close and personal I’ve never seen so many individuals who can’t dribble a basketball cat Patty Mills brother the man behind me said we should have been had Patty Mills in at least he’s a dog I was like that is a p bro that team bro like yo I knew this team was bad bro but to watch it up close and personal and I got home so fast because the boy had the parking pads underneath the the stadium so they they send you out the opposite way where you don’t got to go to a track but yeah come on now yeah to see that up close and personal bro like this gonna shock y’all a little bit I was like okay him doing all he could do and then like I’m watching Everybody play and I’m like Tyler looks competent compared to like everybody else bro that’s how bad it was bro I was like yo but yeah thoughts from the game at the how you let Derek white get 38 Dale brother I tried I tried he he got porzingis allegedly allegedly on the roof with it rooftop rooftop snip snip rooftop rooftop hey yeah we leaving here with something so I’m leaving here with what what B had 257 and five and I’m leaving here with a let’s go Heat t-shirt Mickey went back to back on these boys you would think he was from the six he went back to back T-shirts bro he heard the people but he y nothing on that roster so got smoke he got smoked by 20 he made he knows he’s only got to pay for two shirts this time Stone the nastiest narrative that you’ve heard going around on he Twitter today um that that this team’s headed to Cancun um they’re not they don’t deserve Cancun um they don’t deserve a swamp in the Everglades um but that’s where I would send them let them let’s see that fight it out with the AL [Music] fun fact if Tyler hero were to walk on his [Applause] arms sh thank you [Music] get ready to learn Chinese buddy it won’t be long before you’re playing point guard for the Wong dong Tigers you trash ass [ __ ] [ __ ] out of my face with that [ __ ] [Music] oh holy [ __ ] bro that boy added a new one in the rotation I had one time that [ __ ] boy look dog all I’ll say is bro all this is all I say do like this team has shown us repeatedly who they are and uh like the narratives are interesting uh he said you guys are watching Shogun uh for sure mono summer is the goat [ __ ] is you Tim man but sheltman legit took the the real narrative that was going to piss me off like I I can’t stand what people are saying about like oh look at this star fallout look at that star Fallout and like acting like Eric spoler wouldn’t give you the very best version of that star like I mean he’s making art with macaroni it’s crazy yeah just like Barry is my guy but he had the audacity to say Donovan Mitchell’s never been to a finals and Tyler Hero has I would a one for one swap but not more than that like what if what the [ __ ] are we doing so like basement bar be going crazy sometime but sometimes he’d be off the reservation like a someone tweeted out today that Nicola yic has an like you can’t he’s the only person in the league with his skill set the only one your point yeah I compared him to I compared him to Simone funo in a quote to how dare you right that’s cuz you’re nasty and this person had like 47 followers so they weren’t doing it for engagement farming they were just that stupid they just believe that um hey can I get a get a a takeoff because I was never like the biggest Jason Tatum hater like I always like oh he cool he be hooping and he still be hooping but after watching that game bro hell no that [ __ ] to be a role player sometimes bro and his team going to win like convincingly bro like seeing it up close I’m like bro I kept like like mid third I looked up I’m like damn ain’t doing [ __ ] I was like this [ __ ] got like 13 points I’m like I’m like where all that scoring coming from and I’m like looking around and they’ve changed like the the visuals on how they you know how they used to just put the names in points just run it they actually have like faces now and like um yeah then I saw it it said Derek white 22 points and I was like [ __ ] what since when I did not notice Derek white scoring that many points um but yeah bro like Tatum if he don’t win a chip this year bro I I will from here on out after the season I will pack him up bro like every chance I’m a certified t hater after this season bro he cuz n bro like [ __ ] get he be chilling bro yeah yeah bro he gets he gets a lot of a lot of biggest margin for era of any quote unquote Superstar like in this league bro like in quite some time probably since Steph in like 2016 and he pushes off literally every drive like there’s at least one push off with those long ass arms I see it somebody said Tatum is flea market mellow no it’s kind of funny because remember Tatum as we’ve been saying for some time now this is the kind of guy who could blow up for 50 but then go an entire half in a playoff game without scoring a basket now could you imagine if Kobe had done that uh during his Heyday or if dwade had done that in a big playoff game during his Heyday it’s insane but in this relatively low IQ unfortunate you know like in this low IQ social media basketball Hooper casual fan age people just Overlook that like it’s nothing or they pretend like it’s not there or the moment he hits a jumper it’s like oh man you see that’s why that’s why he’s on his way by the way Jaylen Brown has about six more months until he’s a fraud I know y’all saw that Taylor Works video but Ricky I got I got a yes or no question for you I only want you to answer yes or no and then I want you to kind of like sit and think about it because you said something about IQ do you think the overall IQ of the NBA is lowering like the players the basketball IQ of players in today’s current NBA like is it dissipating it feels like it’s getting they’re making the game easier because players don’t understand like more complex I don’t want an extended answer I just want yes or no yes we’ll talk about it after the show though we’ll talk about it after the show 40-year-old LeBron can win games in the playoffs still I agree Ricky I agree WBA is going in the opposite direction in the NBA right now um let’s talk um I don’t want to talk about the next game I don’t really want to talk about adjustments because I don’t think there’s anything that Miami can really adjust to in here um just knowe that like starting next game everything will be about transactions with us bro like the postgame show will be a formality but we will not be even talking about the game we will be talking about trading people like that’s kind of like what that’s kind of where my mind is right now so like all the content that we gonna be making it like it’s going to be geared towards kind of like moving on from this season like I’m done with it to be honest with you dog like if they continue it cool like if they just so happen to extend this one more game fine that gives us one more opportunity to kind of like share these post game shows with you guys which has been awesome so I appreciate you guys who’ve been with us all season because this has been awesome to kind of grow and sharing this experience with you guys but if they end it all then it’s cool like we still gonna be making content it’s just gonna be pack after pack after pack after pack I’m gonna do scenarios where everybody on this team is on a different roster not just the usual suspect so like get ready for that y’all prepare yourselves for that no use talking about next game like I said we’re not going to do that but we will be here um on playback for sure um you can catch us on playback during the game uh we’ll try to make sure that we keep that going after these gam stop like to have the day the conversations in the middle of the day whenever we can find time or whatever um yes sir my boy dolphin pulling up one time dolphin we appreciate it been here forever that’s dolphin Reed uh that’s that’s who that is over dolphin you should change your YouTube name to Dolphin so people know you are but yeah uh we’ll get to all that though but make sure y’all check us out on playback during the games uh make sure you subscribe here on YouTube and like this video for after the game content um and some content in between too like we got the random scrub heat podcast that’s being put up here we got struggle Miz that we putting up here for a little while but eventually be switching over to the twitch channel uh just a bunch of things but we’re going to have more kind of like noname content being putting up where we’re just discussing the team how we feel like it can be better some of the the general ideas that you some of the general conversations that you’re seeing going on on heat Twitter we’ll start having them on here but yeah thank you guys in the comments as always for joining the show making it much more fun than it would have been without you oh what’s up so one more narrative that didn’t get addressed is this idea that Heat fans I give Rick I a give Ricky and Kim chance to go so I let them do that at the I was gonna say that uh Heat fans would have traded dwade like that narrative that’s getting spread around is so disgusting and it makes me mad like trying to any players on this roster to dwade um suggesting that the people that want Star players on their team uh would have been totally happy with a sha Odum and Butler uh Trio it’s all nasty and disgusting and I don’t care if you have faxes printed Pages receipts telegrams like you’re just a [ __ ] I’m sorry stone tablets yeah who the [ __ ] you talking about I generally do not do that I will not do it I will not condone or condemn what stone just said y’all know what it is we know what it is it’s all cool to me can can I ask Ricky a question as a segue into his uh sure his narrative sure Ricky do do you remember um what Dwayne Wade said after the heat loss to the Celtics in 2010 um I believe it was the game after his 46-point game where they lost in Boston do you remember what he said I’m never gonna I never want to feel like this again he said this would be his last first round exit for a while yeah and it it it didn’t it didn’t or it didn’t hurt that he was uh scheduled to become a free agent that summer I believe it was the summer of 2010 if I’m not mistaken when most of heat fandom online heat fandom was born um and um if I’m not mistaken the heat had a significant amount of cap space and flexibility heading into that summer and um from what I remember certain not to cut you off there was one additional piece to that quote he said we’ve got some work to do the front office has work to do you just have to see things being done being accomplished I mean why would Dwayne Wade question this front office does he not know that they’re their job than he is like why would he have the audacity to do that can can I I think I might have an answer for you sheltman because after what we saw after what after what we saw this team do in 2006 and after what was done after that 2016 team completely checked out there was almost nothing done the off season like the offseason of 2007 aside from um Ricky Davis so so you’re saying the front office isn’t right about everything 100% of the time like they can be wrong occasionally oh well here’s here’s what I know about the front office being wrong it was this front office that prioritized Assan Whit side and Kevin Durant in the summer of 2016 while their franchise player after witnessing Kobe Bryant get a sweetheart $42 million contract to finish his to finish his career but but they know more than us they’re better at they’re better at their jobs than anything will ever be in life right I I will say that the front office is governed by valuable human beings who are prone to making mistakes as we saw approximately 7 years ago this well I hate to tell you yeah I hate to tell you you’re wrong uh they are right about everything they can never be wrong about anything no no you are just you’re just a guy um but you are wrong in this case um and unfortunately I don’t I don’t make that narrative uh that’s somebody else um yeah he’s about to do it you can say Shan Rochester name we don’t give a [ __ ] about him like he’s he’s weird Ricky I don’t care how many 14y old girls you coach like that’s just [ __ ] stupid he’s he’s he’s a he’s a strange guy um Ricky what’s the weirdest narrative uh that you seen going around on Twitter about basketball about basketball the weirdest narrative on Twitter the heat specifically oh about the heat um that it’s one that I’ve engaged in a great deal um is that um we should just Overlook the fact that even when LeBron James was here uh the lower bowl had patches of empty seats that all we get are excuses and add hominum attacks instead of accountability for the same franchise that has witnessed this problem exist from the time the from the time the building was even erected yeah go ahead write that one down um and yet despite all that got your bottom dollar buddy yeah zero down yeah and quite frankly it’s an eyesore it doesn’t look good and this is I guess my narrative it wouldn’t surprise me if that contributed to why certain players left I agree 1,00% want to thank the nasty man with the $20 Dono said quick question if the heat were able to get LaVine and DCH how would y’all feel that would be the kind of deal the Suns Did Last Summer like Pig in mud yeah if we get both that’s like P slot doesn’t help the team I I would be happy as sh the the Suns do not have air exposure and those are real NBA basketball players you’re telling me I don’t have to watch you’re telling me I don’t have to watch the corpse of Patty Mills step on the court ever again yeah I’m sorry but if you give two explosive guards I don’t even care if lavine’s knee is exploded just the he will be a spot up shooter here like I dlion contract do not care at all brother I would love it uh Kendall nastiest narrative that you’ve seen on Twitter about the heat bro I don’t I’mma Be real bro like every here now and then I see something but I don’t be locked in like that bro about this team and what other people say I’m so past the point where it’s like like if someone like adds me and I see it and I feel like arguing because I like doing that like to keep my skills sharp um when I have to really go up against Real like sharks in the water you feel me like I it’s some real hitters out here who make me like think when it come to like talking Sports and stuff but it’s like for this fan base brother like stupid as [ __ ] BR their minds have been like manipulated I don’t want to call them stupid I just feel like the fan base mind has been manipulated to the point where it’s just like just believe just believe like mindset instead of like no like let’s cheat quote unquote to win like what is this an episode of Ted lasso we’re trapped in a Disney movie narrative it is disgusting [ __ ] about Ted nor no lassos but all I know is that it’s a lot of [ __ ] on that Heat roster bro CA like them boys think like I can’t bro like that was nasty bro I was in real four like watching that bro like Flex on them bro it’s like I never seen people like not like Talent bro like that’s just the nastiest thing if I could come if I had to give you an agenda is I can never seen a fan base like not like Talent bro like I find it absolutely insane look guys I know there are some people like you I know you don’t agree with nothing that we’ve said but like it doesn’t really matter bro like the the proof is in the pudding this team is not good enough and all of you guys who tried to hope and pray and wish your team to being better it did not work uh where did Talent get to the Warriors and Suns the talent got four championships bro wait wait can I say can I say something do like well I know I can I’m big dog but come on like like bro where have we gotten to this place where we give a [ __ ] about other people failing so much why does that matter it has nothing to do with my process bro that’s like saying let’s put in let let me try to dumb it down let me you something stupid they’re like fantasy football Okay so the third pick in the draft of this past season took Tyreek Hill but they finished six and seven and didn’t make the playoffs six people pass on Tyreek Hill in the first round there are no running backs I think I’ll take Brandon auk why why would you do that because Brandon I the goat he he is nice he is he’s a nice player but I tried to not make it up that far but why would pass on Tyreek Hill in the fantasy draft because last year who took him didn’t win this this is and this is another thing like to say fan fans are delusional is wrong people should choose to support their team win or lose fans don’t run the organization we support should we storm [ __ ] bis gang and burn [ __ ] down yes wait wait Ro hold on where were you on January 6 Cruz man go ah no because here’s the thing man like you you know what I’m reminded of I’m reminded of that Boondocks episode where huie was so pissed off at this unconditional support for R Kelly it’s like if you really support R Kelly get some help for R Kelly get some counseling get that hold him accountable if you’re not holding someone you love accountable are you really helping them are you really showing your love for them because here’s the thing man like I’m not saying stop going to GES and all that other stuff because quite frankly to have a sports franchise in your neighborhood it’s it’s a privilege in many in many respects we don’t not everybody has that in their in in their Community right but here’s the thing that is not a neighborhood Ricky you know what I’m talking about but I I recognize but look because here’s the thing right we can support this team we can also be upset or Express displeasure when they don’t hold up their side of the bargain because here’s the thing they expect us to come to games cheer establish a a huge uh very inhospitable atmosphere for opposing teams but we have to have a reason to go watch the game we have a we have things to do why would I want to pay money out of my wallet that I work hard for just to go watch a team get scrubbed Ricky Ricky to Ricky Ricky to your point not even the money bro the time you know you know you just spoke about oh the fans not showing up bro I left my crib bro at 6:15 I didn’t get in my seat until 7:45 because there is one exit it’s 2B exit 2B and everybody you know how traffic is people on two lanes over they gonna try to get over they gonna go all the way down bro so a [ __ ] like that and money and time is like let me let me continue that right because here’s the thing Kendall was the game tonight I had the opportunity to go to the game tonight I was offered tickets like and I I checked to see what the price of those tickets in that particular area was it was like $340 now let me ask you something does 300 for our viewers out there $340 can you just come off of $340 like it’s nothing I mean I mean some of y’all got it sure no problem God bless y’all right but why would I pay $340 to get stuck in Miami traffic to sit in an arena that quite frankly has needed a Reen a renovation for about 15 years now and then watch my home team gets scrubbed by like 20 or 30 points no I wasn’t by 20 or 30 points my there and like what what are we doing why would I want to come see that when I could just stay at home up here in bokeh and just be like oh well that sucks well all right I’ll just go make myself a sandwich or order a pizza or something like it doesn’t make sense like you you’re throwing these tickets at us you’re saying this is how much we got to pay but the product doesn’t reflect that this team has been a playing Team since the bubble or say for the you know the that one year they went 53 and 29 right but like what what am I seeing okay I’m not watching the Nuggets I’m not watching the hell LeBron I’m not watching the Lakers I mean it’s La whatever they can do whatever they want I ain’t talking about that I’m not watching I’m not watching a novelty act like I’m not watching Wy play uh what give me a reason to come and watch this team maybe win you’re not even watching NBA players like that that’s the these are these are graduated g-league players exactly so it’s like exactly why would I want to take now there’s somebody I’m trying to take there but that’s something else all together relax yourself goddamn it I’m trying to let you cook but you’re making it hard for me Ricky oh I got it I got ladies and gentlemen just it’s not g give me a product to want to go watch so this is my thing uh Jay J Royals I know kind of like your overarching point like your thing is this whole team is injured if they weren’t then we would have had a chance or whatever but brother like that’s the problem like you can always find an excuse for this team underachieving bro like they’re always there bro there’s always an injury here there’s always an injury there or some [ __ ] like that like no no team is perfect health 85 games into the season no one they all are dealing in seven years even still though like if you want to chop this up to bad luck like you like real talk like you can make yourself believe that this fully healthy team would have beaten the Boston Celtics you can try to make yourself believe that but we’ve known fully healthy we’ve seen it fully healthy during the regular season this team was not playing to the level of like they were playing down to the level of competition weren’t always rising to the occasion when it was playing Elite competition like this team this is a bad team and I think it’s okay to say that and I think it’s okay to hold them accountable for the decisions that they made that created them that created this bad team that’s could beat we couldn’t beat the Pacers in a must-win game and we couldn’t beat the Sixers in a must-win game and that was with everyone so no no we didn’t see this version of the team beat the Celtics we seen G Vincent but this is what I’m saying like you can convince yourself of all these things like we’ve seen them beat the Celtics you’ve never seen this version of the Miami Heat beat the cels you see did not go undefeated in the playoffs somebody you see the name on the front of the jersey and you think that it’s copypaste season after season when the names on the back of the Jersey are completely different from year to year [ __ ] the Celtics are better than last year they got Drew holiday and Chris STS porzingis even though he hurt himself this game brother this has nothing told we were told they were they were deeper this year than they were last year if they’re deeper this year than last year they should be able to overcome Jimmy Butler’s absence in some fashion again in some fashion they should be able to over it doesn’t have to be that they sweep the Celtics they beat the Celtics in five make the games look competitive if you’re a deeper team Jimmy Butler shouldn’t be everything to the team we’re not but you’re treating him like he is not SM honest with your support we’re not cond we’re not condemning fans for supporting the team or even being optimistic about the team that is your prerogative like you’re saying bro it is our prerogative not to share your sentiment it’s it’s not our it’s our prerogative not to share your sentiments like we don’t we don’t view the team the way that you do we feel like our version of support is by holding them accountable for their inactivity in terms of making this team what they’ve marketed to be we’ve been we’ve grew up with this team telling us that they compete for championships every year when they do anything to the contrary we will hold they ass accountable for doing that and that’s just the reality of how this gonna work now if you don’t want to hear that don’t [ __ ] watch like I keep telling y’all [ __ ] this and don’t [ __ ] watch this show there are plenty of platforms out there that will speak to your fandom go watch them don’t come in here complaining about the way that we choose to express our fandom like it’s it’s useless like it’s useless brother you know what it is Roy here’s the thing oh yeah one last just I promise one look here’s one thing I can promise you as someone that’s been working with these dudes for quite some time we might tell you a joke but we’re not gonna tell you a lie Royal might but most of us are not gonna tell you a lie okay we’re not gonna lie to you we’re not here for we don’t need access we don’t we’re not trying to suck up to anybody I gotta get one last thing in here the year they were the one seed bam Jimmy and Tyler hero missed more games than they did this year give me just one second we’re not trying to do what up to nobody uh Rich Richard I believe the word suck was used don’t worry it’s 4K we pay for the package amazing we pay for the package with the 4K King you know what I’m saying it’s gonna capture you pay for the package wow wow the video Justin Nixon six n keep going oh that’s s [Music] i oh

Covering all things Miami Heat including Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Josh Richardson, Caleb Martin, and Kevin Love.

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  1. Run it Back Sleepy Pat just woke up and asked if Jimmy Carter won the election. Dude is clueless. The league is past him. Please retire already and get someone in here that can actually sign talent.

  2. I like Kendal’s point. Why worry about other team’s failures. We are a winning organization and this team is not a winning team anymore. That is why they need to make changes.

  3. Ricky made a great point. The product on the floor is not good enough for people to spend money to watch the team. There is so much to do in the south Florida and money isn’t easy to come by for so many people that it’s not worth going. Who’s going to drop over $80 for each ticket for nosebleed seats?

  4. No one was ever trading multiple 2nd round picks for only caleb martin even after the run he had in the ECF. Teams know what he is and wasnt gonna replicate that run again.

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