@Boston Celtics



drama of the previous we got a quick answer it was close all night now we’re going to pick it up just under 5 minutes to go in the game Pacers leading by two and the Pacers going to turn defense into offense and Jay will look at the pass here from Tyrese halber just great Hands by Pascal seak and then in transition running the floor and he was critical down the stretch in the game Pacers up by four now with three minutes to play Al Horford up and down night for him Allen but he knocks this one down yeah he needed that one but he had struggled from three-point range in this game he was three of 12 got to be better scored 15 now it’s Andrew namard on the other side he knocks down a he had big shots down the stretch Pacers are up by three 39 seconds to play now Celtics inbounding down by three they would have opportunities Austin Rivers all night long and Jason Tatum so much of the night could not get them to fall this is a game where Indiana literally gave gave the game away you can’t rushing for where’s he going Ian mistakes that cost you inexplicably racing it up the floor in a moment where all you want is to get fouled then we’re coming down the other way Celtic still alive there’s a miss here comes another great opportunity for Tatum and he can’t get it to go it and so the Pacers have the ball and it looks like they’re just going to run it out Celtics had fouls to give so down it goes they’re inbounding the ball 10 seconds left they have a timeout left Allan and instead they do that they something inexperience from them hard the head coach tried to take the blame here saying we had the timeout we should have used it but a lot of issues here in execution so that would lead to this you cannot give up a three Mike Breen pum trying to get free throwing in the corner Brown fakes fires up the three bang bang Jaylen Brown knocks down the three to tie the game timeout Indiana unbelievable the legendary double Bang from Mike Breen and worth every syllable what a shot from Jaylen Brown how did they let him get it off we’re going to debate it all night long Meanwhile we’re tied at 117 now here’s Hal Britton what was the play at the end of regulation didn’t seem like there was a play at the end of regulation he had to ISO at the top and decided to take it off then Jason Tatum just went off in overtime yes how many ways did they give this game away and then as you say this was a night where Tatum would have been the goat and I don’t mean that in the good way instead Jay he does take over in the overtime yeah 10 points in overtime and just found a way and and Indiana just gave this one away this critical issu down this another turnover that’s I understand ball pressure but there’s really no ball pressure there that’s on him 22 turnovers for the Pacers on the night and then here’s Tatum again he didn’t have a huge night but in the end he finishes with 36 points 12 rebounds took over the overtime 40 seconds remaining Pacers have the ball have one more chance and typically I mean or appropriately for the way this game went they turn it over halberton at 25 holiday at 28 Celtics win an absolute classic in game one and after all everyone was talking about was that finish the three that you made to tie it and send it to overtime just what was the play it’s the playoffs you know uh we drew up a play and it was perfectly executed I told you I was going to be open in a corner and I was and I knocked it down so um it went exactly how we planned it this loss is is totally on me with 10 seconds in regulation we should have just taken the time out Advanced the ball um and found a way to get it in and and made it free throw or two and and ended the game was there instruction of foul before that round three even though there wasn’t really a chance to do so yes but he caught the ball and he was fa up so passcal decided to lay off which was you know I understand you know that’s probably the right decision you don’t want to give up a four-point play so um you know look a lot of things had to go wrong for us and right for them they did and so you know we got to own it and we got to get ready for Thursday okay so much to unpack here and watching the game The King LeBron James was just like all the other fans saying and you all still want to know why I would foul up three every single time he said it I said it everyone sitting in their home said it that’s wrong j wrong well one let me let’s start with this that’s wrong in that particular situation I watching that back I now take back what we talked about meaning what CU cuz watch when he catches the ball he head fakes so as he’s head faking if you’re fouling me I’m going into my shot motion that’s I’m going to the free throw line if you’re not going to foul if you’re not going to foul before the ball comes into his hands if he’s facing up towards the basket you can’t do it as soon as you go to foul the guy’s going to raise up and shoot watch it in if you watch it in slma this is not Philadelphia like Tyrese Max is bringing the ball down the court it’s a completely different situation see like he’s shot right there they don’t but he’s got the ball down he’s he’s about to he’s head picking by the way let me show you something stand up for a second give give us the camera for a second please if if I catch the ball and I’m facing I’m he go foul me oh I’m in my shot motion I’m going to the free throw line I’m going it doesn’t matter if I get it off I’m going to the free throw line I’m faced up he has the size to be able to contest that and make sure the ball doesn’t even get up in the air I’m saying that’s a different situation like I I I hear what LeBron is saying but in that situation at that Split Second the code red was called foul that was what they were told that’s what they all said as as so as you can tell we were all leaping out of our seats to get at this thing here here’s the play this is the play that is going to live forever in run him over so you’re telling me there was no opportunity there in your view he seak in that situation does the right thing not taking the foul there yes because right now he first off they should have switched I don’t know why they didn’t switch here so he’s lagging behind the play and already Jaylen Brown is into his shot motion of an incredible finish to regulation how would you sum up what happened that the Indiana Pacers had a legendary choke job in the last minute of the game like it’s you know you can sit that sit up there and people can say well you know look at the free throw discrepancy but I can go through the last minute of the game The Rush shot with a 16 seconds left on the shot clock by Tyrese Halburn him turning the ball over with 30 seconds left to go pushing the pace when there was no need for him to push the pace he should have slowed down the game considering they had a three-point lead even to the inbound pass why wasn’t TJ McConnell the guy throwing the inbound pass he’s Your Leader by the way everybody knows as a guard if you’re having the ball on sideline out of bounds One Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi when I get to three Mississippi if I start feeling pressured instead of trying to thread the needle if I have a time out the burn time out and then on the last possession why not just switch we can watch that play over and over and over that’s TJ McConnell that’s a little wrap screen around he flares they don’t switch Pascal then Trails the play and that’s when he cats them in the corner for a wide open three you switch that you switch everything you know they’re going for a three you can give up a two yeah there’s a right there’s a code word for that too that probably McConnell has to yell out and then they know to switch right yeah I mean if they switched that he probably would have been able to foul you know before he even gets in a shot position but because he’s 2 seconds behind by the time he gets the ball or by the time he gets to him in the corner he’s already facing up at the basket every player is trained they know guys are trying to foul at this moment they’re looking for it I mean that’s why he even put his hands down there because he didn’t even want to risk even getting anything which ends up being counterproductive because now he gets a free three the easiest three in basketball is a corner three so I know that shot looked incredibly difficult but Jaylen Brown’s just shooting a Pat and fade away in the corner with no hand up in his face I wish there was so many ways that the old expression let me count the ways the different the number of ways the Pacers gave this game away you just did a good job Jay of sort of rattling off one after another after another but what they all add up to to me is they just didn’t look ready for this moment they had Boston dead to rights in their own building and particularly Tyrese Halbert and where’s he going I mean you’ve got the ball you’ve got the lead they’re going to foul you let them foul you you don’t need to race up the court there you don’t need to score you need to run as much clock as you can get fouled and the game with the free throw this is the play I’m talking about there’s 30 seconds left with the lead does he not know the score well sometimes your biggest strength is also your biggest weakness right that’s the pace that Indiana plays at but there’s no need in end of game situation in regulation just got to be strong with the rock like it was that turnover there was also the turnover in overtime people can sit there all day long and talk about Drew holiday and the pressure that was just a careless turnover in OT by Tyrese halber and that’s in in the biggest moment but what you said let’s go back to what you said at the very beginning of the take and and that is that they choked this game away I mean if halberton wanted to wear a hoodie for this game with Reggie Miller on it this was the game to wear it was more appropriate but the reality is this is this is what you now are concerned with for you other Pacers because they’ve been resilient they’ve bounced back we’ll see what they do in this series but as we said yesterday the Celtics give you a game at home they do you see their home playoff record over the last couple of years they’ll give you one that was the game if you’re the Pacers that was the game did you just give away the one one game you could get to get back home court advantage well we’ll get to the big picture on it like that in a minute I want to see a little more little picture here we heard Rick Carlile after the game say this one is completely on me how much of what happened last night in your mind Austin was on the coach uh there was definitely some blame to be going around I think everybody gets a little bit of part of last night Halle Burton’s turnovers uh obviously nart threw the ball away he shouldn’t have been taking the ball out in the first place they had a timeout they didn’t get a foul off when they were down three um this is the play that we talking about here how so you’re saying the two things they get wrong are why is nard inbounding the ball instead of McConnell not that he can’t he’s just the experience there is not there so you don’t want to put a guy like that in a position because they end up panicking like this and they throw the ball he’s he’s running full speed towards the Baseline that’s a tough pass even if he would have caught that he probably would have traveled I mean so that’s a disaster and then they have a timeout remaining and that’s that’s the part of this I will never understand they’ve got a timeout remaining just turn to the referee and put your hands together like this you will also get to advance the ball Al got to go get the ball’s got to go get the ball man like if you the best play of the team like I don’t care how you got to get it get it done I’d rather get offensive foul from trying to get the ball so hard put somebody on your hip and call for the ball you know what I mean like there were so many factors that went into them throwing that game in or that game away last night it was frustrating watching it because they played such a good game and how many times did the Celtics have this team down where they’d go up 10 go up 11 and they just let them come back they just so resilient n Smith had a great game you you just alluded to it I don’t know if you come back in game two and can compete at this level because this was the game for them to win and this was the game where I thought they played great basketball and could steel went at home look at their starting lineup everybody played well down the line Miles Turner shooting shooting the hell out the ball from three everybody’s chipping in they got great bench production again McConnell wore out Pon microcosm for a second so every great coach will tell you that the point guard on the floor is an extension of the coach on the sideline right so yes I think there’s a lot of blame that will go on Rick Carlow as the head coach and also Tyrese halberton as the extension of the coach on the floor there are little things that you know when things start to get tight that you have to be the leader the def facto leader on the floor and I think there were a lot of mishaps inbound plays with TJ McConnell that’s on Rick Carlile that’s also on Tyrese halber not going to get the ball not trying to thread the needle like thinking through the game when you play fast when you’re used to um you know incredible amount of volume of possessions per game sometimes it hinders your ability to Think Through the game because you’re used to playing fast and this is what we’re talking about the inexperience of Indiana down the stretch on the road thinking through the game late stretches hton had a good General I mean if you look at his numbers he had a good night but the mistakes at the end absolutely killed them not and carile now handled the postgame much like he handled the first two games in the previous Series where down 02 he went into a whole speech postgame about small Market needs a chance and he took all the pressure off his team he knew this is a young team this is their first kind of real experience in the playoffs and what he did was changed the narrative instead of it being about his team coming up small it was different and it allowed his team to sort of not have to take all the pressure on themselves for what they failed to do and then they came back and won that series and they did so by showing resiliency I think he did the same thing after this game I think he recognized my guys melted down like my guys made some mistakes we looked inexperience at the end of this game and with that mind he once again put it on himself this is on me I made mistakes and he’s trying to take the pressure off his team so they’re not feeling it they’re not feeling the blame he’s the one taking the blame I think that that that is true I think that is what he’s doing he’s also right he does get a lot of the blame for this the fact that they don’t call a timeout in that situation when you have a timeout and sakim is running to your point at full speed in the wrong direction where even getting the ball in bounds that’s what the Celtics are begging you to do trapped him if you would have in the corner what that if the coach at at that point has to either call the timeout or have instructed him if you don’t have what we want call the timeout we’re going to get to move the ball it it everything in the world goes wrong sense you’re at three Mississippi and we all know this on the sideline the coaches are typically watching the count from the refs yeah and we’re not saying something either they called a timeout before that why are they inbounding the ball right there they call timeout before this play yeah so if you call timeout you can move the ball up why why why are they inbounding the ball right there we’ll look into that I’m not 100% sure of what that is but the the larger point is if he he definitely has a timeout remaining in his pocket at that point and if there was ever a situation that called for one that was it I I I do want to say something because I know we’re going to talk about Indiana throwing the game away you but shout out to Jaylen Brown to have the composure the turn Face to give you that head fake I’m telling you that head fake I know is smaller and people at home may not recognize that but that ability to turn that puts the defense in such a precarious situation cuz if you reach your hand in I’m going up through my shot motion I’m going to the free throw line balls he played by him in a huge shot to send this game into overtime amazing that he’s the one that got the ball in that situation too first guy over there should have been Jason Tatum with a big hug thank you because you saved me from being the topic of conversation today so now let’s go back to the bigger picture question that we just brought up here just read you have a text text by himbo saying Indiana is the first team in recorded history to lose a playoff game with the ball up three in the final 10 seconds no team loses that game no I mean first team that so that that puts us right where we want to be in this conversation which is I can see this going one of two ways and Rick carile who was going to the Hall of Fame as a coach yes you made the point he pushed all the right psychological buttons in the that previous Series against the Knicks after game two I think he pushed the right psychological buttons with his locker room talking about the small market after game five I thought he pushed the right psychological buttons challenging his guys you were out physical you were out hustled all that stuff and they respond responded in a huge way so he has the challenge here now to make sure his locker room doesn’t feel like what you just said which is that was our shot and we blew it the flip side of that is we’re just as good as they are we are right there with them in their own building which way do you think it is you as an observer not as someone there do you think this was their shot and they blew it or do you think this was proof the Pacers can absolutely play with them listen at some point we got to start giving Indiana credit it seems like every time they do something well we’re just like throwing a reason of why it happened and it’s usually regarded as the other team making mistakes the Pacers can play basketball man right they got a talented team they have depth they have guys that can come off the bench and change the game they have a point guard who pushes the pace that’s very hard for a team to play at we talk about why the Pacers kept coming back in the game it was the pace every time that the Celtics got control of this game they just kept running the ball down their throat to the point where they would just come back have have a couple easy points couple turnovers here next thing you know is a three-point game they’re very resilient they’re well coached and like you said greeny they’re very confident now they’re highly confident if anything I know they they lost that game and tricked it off but they have to go in the locker room at some point yesterday look around like yo we can beat these guys they’re not Invincible they’re they’re vulnerable and this is at home we all know what the Pacers do at at their home they haven’t lost in quite a while they haven’t lost at home game since March 18th straight so that which is it is was this the shot that they had and they didn’t get it or was this proof that this is absolutely a dog fight in this series could go seven game I feel like this was the shot because as I mentioned before the Celtics give you a game in their building it’s for some reason that’s what they do they had that rust excuse of not playing for a week while the Pacers were coming right out of a fight and they were still pretty much ready for it and ready for playing at a playoff level because I don’t think the Celtics fla had a terrible game they did not play well overall in this game and yet they escaped with a win so you let them get away with a win despite not playing their best game but this feels like a missed opportunity a big time for the Pacers I I thought it was their best shot of getting a win on the road in these first two games this series is live man I I think this series is live just because of the style in which the Pacers play and look Boston plays into how the Pacers want to play did they’re a high volume three-point shooting team this this is not like a very physical team that beats you up with points in the paint so they have some some of these spells where they miss shots man and and that feeds into how Indiana pushes the 45 from three Jay that’s what I’m saying you can’t you’re not going to survive shooting 15 of 45 that’s how Boston plays you live by the three you can die by it too both teams attempted 99 field goals in this game now it was overtime so it was 53 minutes not the regular 48 but that is a lot of shots the biggest number is the 32 points off turnovers which the paces aren’t a high turnover team that’s the other thing you expect them to clean up we’ll see if they can well also it’s it’s a time that the Boston Celtics had off The Layover between the first two rounds right because you talk about Indiana coming off that game seven they were already hitting the ground running that’s why I feel like that was their best shot to get a win on the road but you go back to Indiana it’s going to be a different story I’m just seeing that number for the first time on ESPN bet the Celtics are an eight and a half Point favorite in game two that’s a big number by NBA postseason standards uh that that’s a very that suggest you taking that Austin wasn’t which side of that would you like none of these guys will bet to be clear but which side of that would you like I I would take that bet you take the P just due to the fact of that you got guys after the game alluding even after a win and Tatum talking about man we we got to play better

On Get Up, Jay Williams, Austin Rivers and Alan Hahn join Mike Greenberg to react to the Boston Celtics’ 133-128 OT win over the Indiana Pacers in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Finals. Then, the panel discuss if the Pacers blew their best chance to win the series.

0:00 Celtics vs. Pacers recap
4:30 Celtics outlast Pacers in OT
5:45 Jaylen Brown’s last-second three-pointer!
9:00 The Celtics playoff record
11:00 Did the Pacers blow their best chance?
15:00 Can the Pacers stay with the Celtics?

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  1. Im torn right now as a long time CELTICS FAN since the days of Antoine walker
    And as a long time admirer of Reggie Miller since the days he went to war against the knicks & bulls
    I just hope the wolves take care of business out west

  2. Not giving the Celtics any credit is par for the course on ESPN. Boston haters for life.

  3. Hey Greeny, Pacers didn’t give away the game, the Celtics earned it!!! the game was close from beginning to end okay and THE BEST TEAM WON! And it’s not over until it’s over! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  4. Indianas starting five has to be the most inexperienced I’ve seen in a while .. the Celtics were rusty! just wait and see that defensive prowess is only going to improve and will be stifling! Celtics in 4?

  5. I agree with Jwill once TH turned the ball over for trying to go fast and hitting the ball on his knee that’s what made them lose

  6. Mazzula is not a nba coach. He’s trash! Ever since he started coaching this team the defense went out the window! Please fire him win or lose the championship

  7. On that final shot in regulation, Jaylen told Jrue he’d be open. He was when the ball came his way, but he was most definitely NOT open when he shot it, which makes it all the more legendary.

  8. Pacers should have won this, but not all is lost. I think they gained the confidence that they can beat this team and win this series!

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