
How the Wolves clamped the Nuggets

How the Wolves clamped the Nuggets

[Music] what a turnaround again in one of the craziest back and forth series in NBA history the nuggets rebounded from a game six blowout to take a 20po third quarter lead just to see the Wolves Redux their game six defense and outscore them 42- 17 over the next 14 minutes back in game two Minnesota’s defense put on an absolute Master Class the the nuggets and much of the basketball World Shell Shocked only for Denver to come back and solve the Wolves scheme with a bunch of small adjustments that let them dictate the action by game five one of the key developments was Denver working to switch Rudy goar onto Nicole yic so he couldn’t Roam and help on Joker’s moves and the MVP cooked the defensive player of the year in that game dropping 20 points on 10 scoring attempts when he was guarded by goar but in the final two games jic had just six total scoring attempts when guarded by Rudy because the Wolves avoided the matchup instead of switching Joker’s screens Carl Anthony towns usually went under them so he could stay with jic and keep goar off ball as a RoR playing The Possession on Minnesota’s terms and it almost didn’t matter where the screen was set C scrambling to go under here even if that meant conceding space to joic he goes under at the foul line on this and Joker almost begrudgingly shoots an open three and look at how extreme this one is Murray sets the pick for Joker cat goes so far under he’s near the charge Circle and the tradeoff is they give up another open triple remember this is the same wrinkle they busted out in game five for backto back SC scores but in game six the Wolves weren’t switching it so they conceded the outside shot only the Nuggets were ice cold and this also works against that dangerous haot cut the Nuggets love to run cat goes way under Mike Conley lingers and this is where the wolf’s defense is comfortable Rudy’s waiting at the basket towns is banging with Joker they send a double and jokic’s pass pulls Michael Porter Jr out a little because he’s worried about Conley jumping the route then Conley denies the corner pass Porter doesn’t drive because goar’s in there there’s an open man in the corner but he takes a tough three instead here’s the same screen for jic in game seven cat goes way under again and that pass is a little late because Nel Alexander Walker’s hounding Murray so there really isn’t a penalty to pay and he forces joic into a tough shot and in that sense Minnesota picked the right poison jic and Murray came into the playoffs hitting 47% of their open threes in their postseason career but in the last two games of the series they shot just four of 18 on these wide open triples and maybe that’s luck but maybe it’s fatiguing playing against such a ferocious defense either way they wanted to protect the paint with that scheme we discussed from game one goar’s roaming in front of the rim so he takes away Murray’s cut when yic screens towns doesn’t want to leave him open on the roll Rudy can come help on the ball and that’s Aaron Gordon’s last three-point attempt of the series this time goar’s roaming in the paint and Cat FS toward Murray before letting him go and recovering to joic and he’s always trying to stop jokic’s roll touches but he doesn’t care as much about him popping out for three and this is why yic took so many threes in game seven Denver wants that switch but cat goes under again and niola finally lets it Fly and this one to start the game is even better with towns thinking about going under at the foul line goar says just get back to jic and maybe Nica is too open on some of these as the series progressed they also threw yic and Murray different looks instead of sticking to jic towns late switches to Murray here while Anthony Edwards takes Joker again he leaves him on the outside to help on any drive and the trip goes nowhere so when Murray runs the pick and roll in game seven he assumes cat will stick with yic but instead jumps out to contest the shot and yic is able to clean up the glass because of that switch but for the most part this change up worked mpj is expecting to have space here cat lunges at him instead and that leaves Joker again and he could not buy a jumper so all this keeps the Denver ball handler on his toes because goar can fake like he’s picking him up and then Retreat to the rle man and when Murray comes back for it a second later he does switch onto the ball and completely Smothers the shot there was no box out there but this Gambit came up huge in the comeback where out of a timeout Reggie Jackson comes off the screen and Cat stabs at him that catches Jackson off guard so he picks it up to hit yic but cat’s stunting just to recover back to Joker and it’s a huge turnover then late in the game Murray’s wondering if Nas Reed’s going to stay with the ball or recover back to the roll man he stays just to switch back to Joker when ant recovers and then Nas can use his length in the post against ni Cola and that’s a massive stand and watch goar come help only to sit on the pass to Gordon which makes jokic think about it and so he’s stuck having to shoot goar was sitting on these passes to Gordon on the Baseline all series and there was even one play in game five where yuch was able to squeeze the pass through only to get stuffed when Rudy h helicoptered around and he was exceptional at psyching out Shooters while playing Gordon behind him note that right hand to defend the pass and then he bothers Murray into a short Miss so Minnesota’s scheme took away the heart of the Twan game between joic and Murray and kept Gordon in mind as goar clogged the paint here it is in game seven where jic has a switch against the Slender Jaden McDaniels go comes to double then instantly recovers to Aaron and again that throws off jokic’s lob and it’s a turnover and this time it’s Murray who breaks free and into the backline he’s looking for goar to retreat to the lob only he stays and kills the shot and then tips it to start the break so Rudy did an amazing job playing multiple players at the same time in tight quarters and just freaking people out into shooting near the rim and that was one of the primary reasons the Nuggets had so much trouble scoring at the basket in the last two games of the series it also helps to have great perimeter Defenders watch Edwards stay connected to Murray through multiple screens on this possession and then goar walls off any Drive ideas and this is why Denver had an 85 offensive rating without yic on the floor ant switching on to muray in the third quarter of game seven really helped stall out Jamal’s big game and turn the tide and Edwards was amazing with his ball pressure and then ability to go under the screen and just rematerialize right back in front of the dribbler here’s one from game six where he slides perfectly with Murray’s crossover then Ducks under the screen at the last second and makes life very hard for Jamal and Murray’s used to having a size advantage or bullying slender defenders in the post but Edwards is quick and strong so he can chase him around like he’s handcuffed to his shorts and then Stonewall Murray when he tries to bully him this is from the fourth quarter of game s where ants glued to him while bobbing and weaving underneath a series of picks he finally pushes Murray into goar and there are four wolves in the paint but Conley’s sitting on that corner path so jic is the only open nugget McDaniels fakes the close out and they end up with a contested three instead so this defense can help and recover instantly cat attaches back to jic goar roams to help Edward sinks down to Gordon Aaron actually tries to screen him but he slips out to contest then nearly blocks it after the pump fake and that is superhuman recovery to LEAP out like that and still pounce like a cat on the second jump here’s the same scheme from game six with Reed as the RoR this should be an open three for casy p but ant runs him off the line and takes away the show and go and then it’s McDaniel’s turn because on the reset he gets picked off by yic only to track down Murray and smother him from behind my word so the length and quickness of this defense ifies some of Denver’s cutting actions that are usually effective and that brings us to the most important part of all of this Minnesota’s defensive rating was nearly two points better in this series than in the regular season and that defense generated easy offense for them especially when they needed it most they had a number of Defense to offense sequences in that incredible second half comeback that was a foul but even the best refs miss a few but this one was clean as a whistle from Conley and again the defense isn’t back and that leads to wideopen clutch offense for the Wolves remember in the last video we looked at how good Denver’s halfcourt defense was during this series especially with jic defending the pick and roll where they held Minnesota to a 95 offense of rating According to second Spectrum during the regular season the Wolves averaged 114 points per 100 after their opponents made a field goal against Denver that number was down to 110 so they underperform when the Nuggets mostly set their defense after true set pieces free throws timeouts or dead balls they had a 110 offensive rating during the season but were 18 points worse against the Nuggets meaning the Wolves mustered up just a 103 offensive rating against mostly set or set Denver defenses but after a defensive stop Minnesota’s offensive rating went from 121 in the regular season all the way up to 128 against Denver their defense was their best offense and this could be subtle too the Poke away here leads to a 4 on three towns is ahead of porter on the wing so that means cat has inside position on the offensive rebound and joic isn’t vertical enough to save save the day given the stakes and competition this might have been the best game of cat’s life he made a number of huge shots especially when Minnesota’s halfcourt offense was completely stuck in the early parts of the game he did a good job using his strength to bang with yic in the post and keep him off his spots and he mixed up those looks in their funky pick and roll coverages really really well there were even a couple plays in the series where yic out cut towns away from the ball but in game seven cat was ready for that cut jammed up the Joker floater and then he held his ground on the Block as the Wolves defense did its thing finally I thought Minnesota outlasted Denver in this Marathon they were built to take down the nuggets and all that size length and depth took its toll they scrapped Kyle Anderson this game so they all always had two true big men on the floor and it was fitting that six Man of the Year Nas Reed came in and dominated the final 5 minutes of this series so while their halfcourt offense is still a bit bumpy this Minnesota defense looks like it’s historically great and after a wild back and forth series that was enough to knock off the defending NBA champions and move one step close closer to an NBA title if you want to work in basketball I have the place for you its Sports business classrooms immersive program inside summer league in Las Vegas past instructors in this program have included Commissioner Adam Silver Mike Danton and tons of other industry leaders in the NBA and in media sign up using the code great day for $300 off there’s more information in the description box below if you are interested to support this channel directly check out thinking basketball that is the best way to support the thinking basketball podcast and this channel thanks as always for watching all the way through and especially in Minnesota I hope you are having a great day

How did the Minnesota defense slow down Nikola Jokic, Jamal Murray and the Nuggets offense to advance to the 2024 Western Conference Finals? This detailed film breakdown & scouting report explores their scheme to stop Jokic, adjustments throughout the series, Game 7 comeback, Anthony Edwards, Karl-Anthony Towns, Defensive player of the Year Rudy Gobert and more.

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Stats courtesy: @bballport
Footage in this video is owned by the NBA and its partners. It is intended for critique and education.

Music by Nemesis (instrumental)



  1. Maybe now that TB has shown how good Rudy was defensively, his haters can shut up for 5 minutes.

    That would be nice. Just five minutes, please.

  2. In the 90's I use to crave for some beautiful offence, never imagine how beautiful would be to see or watch some nice defence… back to the basics..! I love it..!

  3. Goon under a 7 footer’s ball screens makes sense to me. The NBA treats every player like they’re Steph Curry, it makes no sense. If Jokic wants to shoot pull up and off the dribble threes, let him.

  4. I was so disappointed when Draymond kept criticizing Gobert’s defense as if he could do better 1 on 1 against Jokic. Both of them are SYSTEM defenders that shine most when their rosters are communicating and working off eachother, but I guess that’s Draymond for ya.

  5. Jokic went 34/7/19. This wasnt a “we figured out Jokic” type of effort. This was KCP, MPJ and Murray not showing up for 4-6 games. Murray decided to play for a half. Anyone who watched this saw how many wide open shots were missed by the Nuggets. What you qualify as a tough 3 really isnt.

    This went down as a team wanting it a lot more than the other. The Nuggets should feel embarassed.

  6. I think it's very weird that so many people are looking at the denver game 7 and saying, "ahh well Dallas is going to give the wolves different looks they haven't seen yet" and then lists a bunch of stuff the wolves saw in round 1 and earlier in the denver series. Like, yeah, Dallas is going to be a fundamentally different kind of challenge than GAME 7 against Denver after each team made a bunch of adjustments and counter adjustments, but it's not like Minnesota has no idea how to deal with two good shooters. That's literally what the suns series was

  7. 47 minutes Jokic, while 3 centers switch on him, Minesota did a good job tactically, defensively and overall. Malone should have rested Jokic more, when they had 20 points lead that was the perfect time. But the bench is non existant anyway… even starters were terrible. They miss Brunce Brown and Jeff Green a lot. How could you expect to play so many playoff games with only 2 big guys? (Jokic and AG)

  8. AwfulCoaching already analyzed this. Denver has nepotism coaching and can't guard a pick and roll to save their lives.

  9. I think the only big problem Denver had was just bad shooting. The waste many easy open shots, that's it.

    Minnesota shooting percentage even not really good, Denver just even worse than that

  10. gobert somewhat beating the playoff dropper allegations is something i did not see happening but that wolves coaching staff deserves alot of credit. great chess match kind of series

  11. So you're saying Rudy isn't a scrub that should have been benched at halftime? Dang.

  12. No mention of the RG fadeaway? Not even in passing? Seems like the most weird shot of the series. Probably would have fit in the Denver half court defense section.

  13. So basically Joker's bad 3 point shooting cost Denver the series…

    Also Rudy played exactly the defensive role that draymond Green usually does, yet draymond somehow found it appropriate to criticize his defense 🤔

  14. The level of missed open 3 shots by Denver was extremely surprising. Also, Jokic played almost the whole of game 7. The nuggets lack of shooting and depth was the huge problem

  15. Before the series started Edwards said "they got the MVP but we got Jaden McDaniels" and people laughed. Jaden McDaniels dropped 20+ pts in game 7 on 7/10 shooting. McDaniels was the X-factor, it's hilarious that when Edwards said that that it ended up being all too true.

  16. Because they are not icing the Screen and Love to Gamble, oh and we are LIVING IN NORTH KOREA!!!!

  17. The Wolves hounded the Nuggets and the physicality took its toll. Plus the Nuggets bench is almost non existent offensively. They didn’t solve Jokic but made him work and the other guys didn’t show up enough, especially in game 7. Edwards didn’t have a great night offensively but the other guys did. Even Rudy was good, drew a bunch of fouls on the Nuggets. Wolves are championship material, even more so with the rules of emphasis.

  18. I think the mavs might have the same problem they get a lotta points off lobs and gobert usually makes the right read on those later in this series

  19. Something interesting to me is that, yeah Jokic is a great shooter, but its primarily a counter. The wolves defense is always keeing in mind guarding the entire system more than just Jokic, and makes them beat them with their worst counters. What drives the offense is his post game, passing, and screen action. Even if Joker makes his jumpers, his teammates aren't comfortably doing their jobs either. Gobert is skilled enough to takeaway Gordon cuts, and the wings are aggressive enough to turn it into a Jokic shoot out. Denver is fine with that if it's in the post since Jokic is so dangerous in isolation. But the wolves have body after body to throw at the two man game, even their sixth man can do well on their best scorers.

  20. Awfull Coaching channel is doing a better job Ben.

    As a matter of fact, you are good with video manipulating, slow motions and a baritone smooth voice.

    But, basketball wise, you usually let a lot of X and O's behind.

    I would like to see you make a breakdown on Jokics awfull defense perception and how it cost them the season.

    In Awful Coaching we believe.
    We live in North Korea.

  21. All that said and done their bench scored 13 and nuggets bench had 5. That's your game. Losing Bruce brown was devastating. He was a major force off the bench for them last year.

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