@Cleveland Cavaliers

Donovan Mitchell from Cleveland Cavaliers is the PERFECT trade target for New Orleans Pelicans

Donovan Mitchell from Cleveland Cavaliers is the PERFECT trade target for New Orleans Pelicans

Donovan Mitchell Jared Allen Darius Garland any of the above all of the above I’ll tell you why the Cleveland Cavaliers are the perfect trade partner for New Orleans it’s trade Target Thursday here un locked on Pelicans let’s go you are locked on Pelicans your daily New Orleans Pelicans podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to another edition of locked on Pelicans the daily podcast covering your favorite team in the Orleans Pelicans in NBA part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day available wherever you get your podcast and available on YouTube I’m your host Pelicans Insider credential member of the media Jake Madison at no Jake on Twitter here with yall on this Thursday and it is trade Target Thursday we are going to look at the Cleveland Cavaliers because they are the perfect trade partner for the New Orleans Pelicans because you can come up with like five six seven eight different traits we’ll look at Donovan Mitchell Jared Allen how about both of them together or do you settle for Darius Garland can you get Isaac aoro someone else in there too there’s a variety of ways to make trades work we’re going to look at them here in today’s episode of Locked on pelicans and of course thank you for making locked on Pelicans your first listen today and every day we are here Monday through Friday the number one pin podcast covering everything you want to know especially this off season where we are looking at trades for this team to kind of remake itself so please subscribe wherever you get your podcast join over 10,000 Pelicans fans on YouTube as well because we’re going to be doing everything a lot of draft stuff going to be coming next week as well so let’s get into it let’s get into Donovan Mitchell this is probably the the prize trade Target the jewel that you could get in a brain and Ingram trade Donovan Mitchell is a fre freaking star and he doesn’t necessarily want to be in Cleveland he was traded there after being in Utah he supposedly has his sight set on New York there’s been just a lot of like smoke about that sort of thing but this is a certified Allstar level all NBA guy that can go out and just score the ball and that’s what you’re looking for to really upgrade this team and while the Cavaliers probably don’t want to trade him he’s got one year left on his deal and if he doesn’t sign an extend mention that really does signal that he’s not going to stay in Cleveland so they’re likely looking to move him to get something in return for what they traded for him which was a whole bunch of picks and things like that so if he doesn’t sign an extension you’re almost he’s almost assuredly going to be on the move this season and he is good there is no getting around it you know in his seventh year out of Louisville Louisville here it’s a guy who averaged 26.6 points per game last season made the All-Star game he has won 1 two three four five All-Star Game appearances under his belt for his career he takes over eight threes per game but when you look at the past three years that’s above nine three-point attempts per game last year 37% year before that 38 39% he’s a good shooter he gets to the free throw line he makes his shots he also averages for his career 4.6 assists including 6.1 last season 5.1 rebounds basically what you need to know is 26.6 points per game on under 20 shot attempts 19.8 two years ago when he finished six in the MVP voting 28.3 points per game on 20.6 shot attempts that’s real good folks he also more importantly shoots threes his shot profile will absolutely line up with Zion Williamson he takes 20% of his shots 21% of his shots at the rim and 45% of them from three so you’re looking at close to 70% % or so of his shot attempts are either at The Rim or from three that’s the type of profile that’s going to fit around Zion Williamson doesn’t really take contested long mid-range jumpers if you’re comparing his shot profile to brand and Ingram this fits better and he’s potentially going to be available making $35 million next season you’re going to need to give him a big extension a near Max very similar to what Brandon Ingram is going to make but I don’t think you really have much trouble convincing yourself that you need to pay Donovan Mitchell if that’s what it would come to defensively he’s not Elite I will give you that but if you look at the Cleveland Cavaliers defense the past two years they were seventh best this year so top 10 they were the first last season they were first the year before that keep that in mind when it comes to talking about Jared Allen but look I I don’t need to sell you on Donovan Mitchell spider Mitchell is his nickname do I right like you know he’s good he would fit here he would be great draws two to the ball shoots threes can assist all of that would be great I I would prefer him over a guy like Trey young but will he sign an extension Trey young has the advantage of being under contract you don’t really care if he wants to be here or not he’s under contract and he has to be Donovan Mitchell in a year could walk so would he sign an extension and it feels like you would need to talk to him first talk to his representation and kind of get that Assurance or just like sign him to it the moment he’s traded but if you’re the would it be worth taking a chance let me know what you think in the comments down below would you trade Brandon Ingram Dyson Daniels or Jordan Hawkins and a first round pick or two for uh Donovan Mitchell knowing that he might walk or is that too much to stomach I don’t know he’s so good I think him and Zion could work so well together that it could be worth it look at what the Toronto Raptors did trading for Kawhi Leonard he walked after a year but they won the title this is is the type of thing that I think would Elevate New Orleans into the upper echelon of Western Conference teams this would be that kind of gamechanging move that makes you significantly better say it’s Ingram something and picks for Mitchell your starting lineup then is CJ McCollum Donovan Mitchell Trey and or or Trey Murphy or herb Jones First Team all defense Zion Williamson and a center I think that’s pretty good they’re shooting there particular if you run Trey out there CJ Mitchell and Trey around Zion sounds fun to me you can get away with a cheaper Center at that point in time too because you have so much offense everywhere else still a bit of a hole at Center but that’s also where a guy like Jared Allen’s name has come up and what I want to talk about in the next segment here in just a minute is what if you get both both Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen I did mention the Cavaliers defense being very good very elite a lot of that is the rim protection that Jared Allen provides them I think that would be a GameChanger not just because you get a rim protecting Center and a lob threat and that’s what he is he’s not a stretch big not a three-point shooter but I do think that getting a rim protector changes how this team would play defense they wouldn’t always need to switch everything and that I T think is the type of thing that opens you up to more defensive play Styles than they currently have that could be a useful thing too you can also play very aggressive on the perimeter knowing that you have that rim protection back there kind of similar to what the Minnesota Timberwolves do with Rudy goar so Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen coming to New Orleans in the same trade not as crazy as you might think let’s look at what that deal would look like coming up here next in today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs when you’re hiring for your small business you want find quality professionals that are right for the role and that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs is the tool to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free you can’t be 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Pelicans your first listen today and every day we are here Monday through Friday the number one Pelicans podcast covering everything you want to know about this Pelicans team and today we are looking at trades with the Cleveland Cavaliers bring Donovan Mitchell in I’m all for it right what about other trades and we’ll look at maybe a slightly more realistic trade that’s still pretty big in the third segment of today’s show if you’re second listening brand new Saints offense maybe it’s actually going to make Derek harby good Ross Jackson locked on Saints he’s breaking down everything black and gold including what the offense could look like next year and how that’s going to impact and maybe help Derek Carr that sounds good to me go check out lockon Saints as your second listen today so we just talked about Donovan Mitchell Jared Allen I like both of them right and if you just trade for Donovan Mitchell say you trade bi and a pick and another player you still kind of have a hole at center with the starting lineup of CJ Donovan Mitchell herb Jones Zion and whatever Center it is what if you can fix that what if you can kind of solve all the Pelicans problems with one move one trade and that involves Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen coming back to New Orleans so you get that Elite score shooter point guard and a center that makes a ton of sense because look the Cavaliers seem like they’re going to get rid of one of Darius Garland more on him in the third segment and or Donovan Mitchell and one of Jared Allen or Evan Moy Allen didn’t play in the playoffs sham shiria had that you know hit piece locked and loaded for teams that maybe you got to keep an eye on this off season notice there wasn’t one for the Pelicans after their their loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder but the Cavaliers are kind of a team in flux in transition so they’re going to make some changes they also desperately need Wing help desperately need Wing help they don’t have it there they need more size and scoring on the wing Brandon ingr gives them that so what if you could fill that hole at Center in the in the guard position the creation position you can do that Donovan Mitchell Jared Allen coming into New Orleans in exchange for Brandon Ingram and CJ McCollum and maybe another player and a pick or two I would do that trade in a second you’re starting lineup then becomes Donovan Mitchell herb Jones Trey Murphy on Williamson and Jared Allen you have that Elite lob threat and rim protector there you still have your defense in herb Jones you have shooting and scoring in Donovan Mitchell Trey out there as well around Zion I think it could work I think that could really work and be a very very good and elite team and I think a deal like that makes a ton of sense for the New Orleans Pelicans we love CJ you’d like to you know keep him here maybe not everyone loves CJ McCallum I shouldn’t say that I shouldn’t speak for you but I do think he’s done some really good things here and he had a very good season last year but I you know this is a way to get Trey Murphy in the starting lineup if you trade Brandon Ingram straight up for Donovan Mitchell Trey is likely still on the bench and I think we want to see him have a bigger role CJ Donovan Mitchell herb Zion Center you know you could you could swap out herb Jones for trade there but you’re not going to do that you you like the defense you like the shooting that herb is giving you even if he’s not a guy that you know teams cover but there’s something to be said for his Improvement there and I think they want to kind of keep him in the starting lineup and as I said in yesterday’s show for the everydays he is the backbone of the team but I would do a deal absolutely that is CJ McCullum Brandon Ingram whatever picks they need like whatever picks they need for Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen obviously you’re doing this if Donovan Mitchell is signing an extension and I think that team looks really good on paper really good on paper you could even include a guy like Jordan Hawkins in that deal then just basically sign um Matt Ryan I think Matt Ryan can give you a lot of the shooting that Hawkins gives you and now this team is just built to win Now versus also kind of planning for the future a little bit it’s going to be an expensive team but you also shed some salary in this too which makes it a little bit easier maybe for ownership to kind of approve this sort of deal and just be expensive ensive for the next two years so I think that’s the type of deal that makes a ton of sense for New Orleans that’s kind of the pie in the sky dream deal but they need some help on the wing Cleveland absolutely needs some help on the wing we’ll talk about Isaac aoro in the next segment here Max stru but those guys aren’t exactly like lighting it up getting it done for them they’re not bad players by any stretch but I think it would be very good to get an elite Wing player particularly in the Eastern Conference then they still have Darius Garland you know their starting lineup if they do a deal like that right is going to be CJ McCullum Darius Garland you have uh CJ McCollum Darius Garland Brandon Ingram right then it’s probably is it it’s um is it Dean Wade or who who’s on the the power forward position for them let me pull their roster up um Dean Wade at the four and then Evan Mobley at the five it’s not bad like I think that can be pretty competitive you still get shooting in CJ you have your point guard in Darius Garland an elite Wing score over in brain and inam a center that you like and other role players they still keep a lot of their depth which has made them good Max streu Isaac aoro there on the wing as well Carris Levert coming off the bench in the back court that’s a team that does make some sense particularly if you also include the 21st overall pick or the 17th overall pick in a deal and then that gives them even more depth although I’d like New Orleans to keep one of those picks in this draft because you’re going to need to draft someone else to kind of fill out the roster given how expensive all of a sudden it gets for the Pelicans here but that’s the dream deal why stop at Donovan Mitchell when you can get Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen well I’m in favor of getting Jared Allen he’s not the stretch big that you really really really want to see play around Zion Williamson I would be fine with him starting don’t get me wrong but if the deal is and we’ll look at this in the next segment you know if the deal is like brainon Ingram and the star coming back is Jared Allen I don’t love that you know they called about Jared Allen at the trade deadline and Cleveland said yeah give give us Brandon Ingram we’ll give you we’ll give you Jared Allen that doesn’t feel like enough to me and we’ll look at Darius Garland in the next segment here because that’s probably the more likely player coming back along with Jared Allen but that doesn’t excite me nearly as much as Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allenwood so I think when you look at it that that’s where this trade makes a ton I it makes sense to me for both sides you would need some picks really going to Cleveland there and New Orleans is taking a risk depending on the contract situation with Donan Mitchell but I’m curious what you think about that deal CJ McCullum Brandon Ingram let’s say Jordan Hawkins and like two first round picks for Jared Allen and Donovan Mitchell and that’s assuming that Donovan Mitchell will sign an extension so he doesn’t walk in a year if he if he doesn’t give you that you trade significantly less look at kind of how cheap a guy like Kawhi Leonard went for in that trade because there weren’t assurances that he would sign an extension that’s why teams were scared off from trading for Anthony Davis because they knew he just wanted to go sign with the Lakers that’s why kind of that return from the Lakers for Anthony Davis is a little bit of a minor miracle given how little leverage the Pelicans had in that sort of deal but we don’t need to stop there right there’s other players that can be included in any kind of permutation of this trait Isaac aoro can be included Max stru can be included I think some guys probably wouldn’t I wouldn’t hate Dean Wade coming to New Orleans if you could grab him right there’s a lot of pieces there the Cavaliers were good last season they were fourth in the Eastern Conference 48 and 34 one fewer win than the New Orleans Pelicans and they won a first round series which New Orleans certainly didn’t do here so you could include a guy like Larry n Jr going out there’s just so many combinations of deals and we’ll look at more of those in the next segment here that I think this is probably like one of the more likely destinations for a guy like Brien Ingram and potentially CJ McCullum if New Orleans really wants to make a big big splash that’s the team that I would be calling first the Cavaliers trying to get a deal done let’s look at some other deals though maybe less exciting than Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen but no less important impactful and probably more realistic Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen like all the way up there we’re looking at The Shining sun coming down on us the Savior and everything it it’s that’s a tough deal to figure out and I would be shocked though not like ruing and out that if that’s what happened because that’s such a significant move and risk for the Cavaliers even if it makes sense but there’s other more realistic deals that I think work and that can help improve New Orleans let’s take a look at those coming up here next in today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans is brought to you by better help we all carry around different stressors big and small and when you keep them bottled up it can start to affect you negatively so therapy is a safe space to get things off your chest and to figure out how to work through whatever is weighing you down so 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Pelicans your first listen today and every day we are here Monday through Friday the number one Pelicans podcast covering everything you want to know about this New Orleans Pelicans team so please subscribe wherever you get your podcast join over 10,000 Pelicans fans on YouTube as well we are the number one Pelicans podcast doing trade Target Thursday trade Team every this Thursday it sounds like we’ll get more into the draft you won’t get draft coverage like this anywhere else when it comes to the Pelicans it’s about to be team workout season draft workout season you’ll start to see some names leaking of who the Pelicans could be targeting it’ll be a lot of names I’ll help you sort through all of that here unlocked on Pelicans part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day for your second listen today ignore all that shouting on Fox Sports ESPN or any place they don’t actually talk basketball make the switch to the lockdown sports today free 247 sports streaming channel it’s programmed for you every day to bring the biggest stories without all that yelling lockdown sports today brings you C Miss analysis opinions in news stream streaming 24/7 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day so we went over kind of the big the big deal right like that’s Donovan Mitchell get him Jared Allen’s kind of number two if you can get them both even better there’s a trade out there that I think makes some sense a more realistic trade though is going to be not bringing in Donovan Mitchell Jared Allen firmly on the table fully believe that right those talks have probably already begun Darius Garland could be included too you know it gives you a guard there if you trade Brandon Ingram for Darius Brandon Ingram some someone else and like another pick for Darius Garland and Jared Allen I think that is doable I want to look up one thing when it comes to Garland here um I think he’s represented by clutch which I don’t love here yeah so he’s represented by clutch darus Scarlet which is something we don’t love right but look he’s a player and this is a guy that can be a guard for you he’s a little bit undersized at 61 but this is a guy that you know at one point was an All-Star a couple of years ago back in 2021 2022 as an Allstar he averaged 21.7 points per game on 17.3 shots he shot 38% from three on over six attempts almost seven attempts per game 8.6 assists he’s closer to a point guard than Donovan Mitchell is though I wouldn’t say he’s Elite at it for his career he averages 6.7 assists so aren’t bad numbers they’re not insane numbers 6.5 last year 7.8 the year before that 8.6 the year before that so it’s declining a little bit but that has more to do with his role he’s a pretty good three-point shooter too 38.4% on almost six attempts for his career that’s what you want to see guy that can fit around Zion Williamson a little bit more and he’s used to not being like the number one guy kind of based on the team that he is a part of right now so all of that makes sense 17% of his shots at the rim 42.3% of his shots from three-point range last year gets into the paint and takes those kind of mid-range jumpers but not the long ones only 7.7% of his shots were between 16 and uh 16 feet in the three-point line I think that’s an okay number right there so him and Jared Allen in exchange for Brandon Ingram whatever other pieces I think is something that can be realistic here your starting lineup then of CJ McCullum and Darius Garland isn’t like my favorite backcourt defensively it it worries me especially with Garland being shorter than CJ McCullum you know then you pop in Trey Murphy or herb Jones Zion Williamson and Jared Allen right or maybe Garland can come off the bench though I don’t think he would really take that kind of role so it still kind of puts you in the same issue that you’re in when we talked about just trading Brandon Ingram for Donovan Mitchell right one of the keys with all these trades is how do you get Trey Murphy into the starting lineup I think we’d like to see that I think that’s something that can be really important and as you look at kind of onoff guys like the pel win his minutes and he’s very impactful when he’s paired with Zion Williamson so finding a way to get him on the court there is important you know Jared Allen’s your Center Zion’s your four here Darius Garland CJ and then treyer herb it’s the same kind of conundrum question that’s there so you’d like to kind of expand a trade you know you could potentially move CJ McCullum in a separate deal then but if you get Jared Allen what do you move him for you don’t need a center at that point in time but I think if you look at a trade for Darius Garland for Jared Allen for Brandon Ingram you could maybe get them to include a guy like Isaac aoro Max stru in there particularly if you give up someone like Dyson Daniels or um Jordan Hawkins and I think those guys you know kind of give you more positional versatility and maybe a little bit more offense and defense right streu can shoot it seems like he would get played his depth on the wing that’s important same thing for aoro he’s a very very good Defender that is shooting the ball relatively well but just his offensive game hasn’t really developed probably in the way that they would have liked but that’s a useful young player and maybe means you use one of those first round picks in that deal to also bring him back Accord last season where’ the numbers go 9.4 points per game but he shot 39% from three on three attempts you know he’s average for his career you know that was the best he’s had his rookie year was bad but the next three years weren’t bad at all and I think that says something there so when you look at some of those numbers it it makes sense to have him as a depth piece he’s used to be a starter but you bring him off the bench there’s use there I think the past three years he’s averaged 37% from three 2.6 attempts right could his volume go up could that be a useful piece and a wing Defender there that you bring Off the Bench I think that’s a guy that New Orleans would probably like or maybe you go after a Dean Wade something like that but there’s ways to get deals done or maybe you don’t get Garland and it’s Jared Allen aoro and Dean Wade and you get a lot of depth there at that point for the New Orleans Pelicans and kind of complete the roster a little bit more make it a little bit taller too which I think is something do any of these trades excite you but I think when you look at this team the Cavaliers they’re kind of the most natural trade partner for the New Orleans Pelicans you know I think there’s a variety of ways you can get a deal done you know maybe it’s not Jared Allen maybe it’s just bringing in a guy like Darius Garland aoro Dean wi right and then you trade CJ for something like a center whether that’s to Orlando for Wendell Carter junor and Cole Anthony then you get and and a pick you could probably do that if you’re new or you know if the the Orlando match magic would do that I think they can absorb CJ’s salary like that and then you’re starting lineup you know that’s a way to get try Murphy in there all of a sudden there’s different ways to kind of do this and these trades expand but when we’re looking at the Cavaliers you know the kind of the priority is Donovan Mitchell then Jared Allen to me then it’s Garland in like a distant third and then whatever other pieces you’d like I don’t think you’re going to get Evan Mobley from them that’s why we’re not talking about him here I don’t think you’re going to yeah that’s I don’t think you’ll be able to get Garland and Mitchell not that you would want that anyway uh so I think when you look at it Mitchell could be moved because of his situation Allen could be moved because I think they want to kind of build around Evan Mobley and that makes a ton of sense and that makes sense for New Orleans as well because they need help on the wing enter one Brandon Ingram let me know what you think about these deals what about these trades do you like the one of CJ McCollum Brandon Ingram for Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen and whatever pieces you need to kind of even it out right we we don’t need to get into the granular details of some of these real minor things how many second round picks are included or not that’ll get sorted out it’s all about the big pieces the main pieces and that’s what I see there let me know what you think in the comments down below do you agree do you disagree and that’s going to do it for this trade Target Thursday episode of lockon pelicans as always I’m your host Jake Madison Nola Jake on Twitter this is the lockon Pelicans podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day appreciate yall watching and I’ll be back with with y’all tomorrow

The perfect trade target for the New Orleans Pelicans does exist and it is Donovan Mitchell from the Cleveland Cavaliers. Jake Madison looks at what Spida would look like next to Zion Williamson on the Pels. But why stop with Mitchell? New Orleans could get BOTH Jarrett Allen and Mitchell in the same trade for Brandon Ingram and CJ McCollum. Or is Darius Garland a better alternative?

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  1. Why would Mitchell want to leave Cleveland when they can pay him $70 mill more than any other team especially if they trade Garland at his instance. He could get his $ play a couple of years & later request a trade with more.
    Garland & hopefully Allen is the play for the Pels.

  2. If you trade BI you have to have a lineup that included Trey! Trading BI and keeping CJ would create lineup problems(only because of CJ defense). You’d have to move both. Herb, Trey, and Zion has to be the core of the starting lineup if you move BI.

  3. If I'm Cleveland, there is no way i would be willing to have Garland and CJ starting together, particularly without a wing stopper on defense. You would have to get a third team involved.

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