@Toronto Raptors

[Wojnarowski] In approving a new WNBA franchise in Toronto, the WNBA Board of Governors voted 13-0 and the NBA’s Board of Governors voted 29-1. Only the New York Knicks voted against the expansion. Knicks are suing Raptors in case over alleged “theft of proprietary information.”

[Wojnarowski] In approving a new WNBA franchise in Toronto, the WNBA Board of Governors voted 13-0 and the NBA’s Board of Governors voted 29-1. Only the New York Knicks voted against the expansion. Knicks are suing Raptors in case over alleged “theft of proprietary information.”

by NBAball05


  1. NBAball05

    Dolan is human trash if he rather stick it to a city and stop them from developing basketball over petty stuff like a stupid lawsuit that’s going nowhere

  2. Knicks org is realizing that it is unavoidable that they will give up a first for a trash player to another Toronto basketball team.

  3. chrisPjelly

    I still don’t understand how Leon Rose was able to trade away IQ and RJ for OG without Dolan breathing down his neck

  4. Good ol’ Dolan can be relied on to be the douchiest petty fuck.

  5. TheR3dMenace

    Dolan vs. Larry T in the battle of the billionaires, who ya got

  6. CoolEarth5026

    Looking back in retrospect, if what the Raptors allegedly “stole” from the Knicks was such great information, shouldn’t the Raptors have done waaay better this year, just like the Knicks? Or maybe it’s just Douchebag Dolan.

  7. notprodigy

    James Dolan taking hater lessons from Kendrick.

  8. EdSheeransucksass

    Ok ok sure, but when it goes through I hope you mods do the right thing and keep Toronto WNBA news faaaaar away from here. 

  9. vaalbarag

    To be fair, this Knicks performative vote isn’t about the Raptors lawsuit, but moreso the ongoing feud that the Dolan has with the BoG. Last summer, he was the lone dissenter in the Charlotte sale vote, and then shortly after he quit the BoG with a tantrum about how other owners didn’t want his opinions (which happened in July, before the whole alleged Raptors hiring thing). His primary issue is revenue sharing and small market teams. I imagine that he sees the NBA support of the WNBA as another form of small market revenue sharing; Dolan was an original WNBA owner, but the Liberty were never profitable in part because of the way revenues are shared between franchises, and the Liberty are now owned by the cross-town rival Nets. I’m sure he would vote to end all NBA support of the WNBA if given the chance. Plus of course Tanenbaum has presided as chairman of the BoG over an era when the league has adjusted to allow small market teams be more competitive, so Dolan particularly loathes him. Tanenbaum and Dolan are probably about as diametrically opposed as two owners can be.

    So yeah, the Knicks vote here is a bit of a FU to the Raptors and Toronto, but moreso to Tanenbaum, the BoG, Silver, the WNBA, the principle of revenue-sharing, etc…

  10. AdSignificant6673

    They still on that? We made a fair trade and blessed them with OG.

  11. Big_Albatross_3050

    Bruh Larry only has a stake and Veto power in MLSE, other than that MLSE is a public corporation basically run by Rogers and Bell.

    If anything Dolan should be mad at Ed Rogers or whoever the CEO of Bell is

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