@San Antonio Spurs

Gregg Popovich Caught With Wemby!

Gregg Popovich Caught With Wemby!

all right this is some absolute goat business right here I want some n are we having fun yet okay so I know you guys saw this viral video going all over the place on Twitter not really all over the place okay I think Spurs fan saw it I I don’t I don’t know if the rest of the NBA World cared or saw this at all but papovich spending some time with wiim banama I believe that they’re in France okay what’s the drinking age for France I I’m not quite sure I know when I was cuz I visited France and I was 18 when I visited France and I could drink but I I don’t know if it’s under that or Alexa what’s the drinking age for uh France in France the minimum age to purchase and consume alcohol is 18 years however there is no explicitly stated drinking age which means that minor can drink alcohol with the consent of their parents or legal Guardians it is important consumption of alcohol by miners is illegal and subject to penalties oh okay so yeah so you can drink basically at any age um okay you can only purchase it at 18 okay whatever it’s all good um but it looks like they’re in a restaurant and we all know that if you’re in a restaurant with Greg Papa you’re you’re probably getting you’re probably getting some wine okay um now the reason why I wanted to go over this because I I did think this was cool I I love sightings of uh our coach and our players together no matter what but this kind of just brought me back to to a few instances that I recall in which you know articles put out how important these team dinners actually are for Greg papovich and for the San Antonio Spurs and I know that a lot of people well I don’t want to say I don’t want to say a lot I don’t I don’t want to just you know overgeneralize but there is a section of Spurs fans if you’re anywhere on the internet you know there’s a section of Spurs fans that aren’t necessarily that hype about papovich whether it be political stuff which is stupid to me for you to be upset about that um especially when it’s about civil rights but whatever I digress um but or it’s about how in the ’90s he took over the job and they probably just didn’t like him since then they call him a narcissist all these different things that I don’t think is necessarily merited um for papovich um but I’m going to tell you this right now these types of coaches they they don’t just come around okay it’s it’s not these he’s a rarity this type of coach is an absolute Rarity um and he talks about how important these dinners are and how important it is to build up that camaraderie but even more so there’s other players in particular that that talked about this um so we got Danny Green here and it says this is from Danny Green uh dinners helped us uh have a better understanding of each individual person which brings us closer to each other and on the court understand each other better and then pal gasal said I haven’t been a part of that any anywhere else and players know the importance of it as well and how important it is to pop moving on from that even papish talked about this this is actually not that long ago I think this is oh it’s right here uh it was in January um he says when you sit there uh at a meal you learn a lot about the world and he said that’s just that’s just logical camaraderie uh I don’t know where you’re from if you have children if you have three women you’re dating or three men I don’t know anything about you uh but when you sit there at a meal when you have as many foreign guys as we’ve had over the years you learn a lot about the world you start to feel for somebody you fall in love you feel responsible you want to do something for a teammate it all builds over time so those really small pieces is what makes the team special the I I I want people to understand how rare it is okay it’s not just the fact that we we draft really well which which we do you get the right character guys but how rare it is to have a team that’s been losing and not being the best okay we’re not that talented let’s be honest we need more Talent on the team but a team that’s been losing how they’ve been losing and being as young as they are and not pointing the finger or it not looking weird go go look at the Detroit Pistons right like they’ve lost games plenty of games just like we have but it’s a different vibe with them you watch Detroit Pistons and there’s this Vibe of I don’t know a little bit of animosity towards one another it’s it’s really strange and I know it’s kind of hard to pick up on if you’re not paying attention but dude the it’s not normal to lose the way you lose and everyone still be on the same page and you’re not seeing too much um craziness going on uh everyone still bought into uh the vision bought into uh what the team is trying to do it truly is the closest thing you can get to this a family in the NBA you you it’s really tough uh but hey the Spurs have managed to do that also I wanted to go over this so this is Richard Jefferson talking about these dinners as well lne dinners I’ve heard about what was pop like on the road pop was amazing so it I think it all started it started back when like pop was like Hey if you guys ever see me out at dinner like I’ll buy you guys dinner that was his thing so these guys would figure out where he was going to dinner and then they would they would go to dinner and like sit they would and again pop is a huge foodie huge foodie Wine Guy and then with his Coes and all that stuff he would just get them all together after in different towns and whatever and they would just drink and eat forever and pop would go to One restaurant for appetizers another restaurant for main courses and another restaurant because they have this amazing terisu that’s the type of like schedule pop is on and all those guys are like hey you got to Kiss the Ring he’s The Godfather so like yeah it’s intense but as the team dinners oh yeah they’re great and no one wants to be the first one to get up it’s like uh guys we’ve been here for two hours and there’s 20 of us and they’re just crushing wine can we go the San Antonio wi but you you love to see it and uh yeah like he said pop is a huge enaile but also one thing about papish 2o that I read I don’t know if it was in the was it in this article it is in this article okay cool cool cool yeah it is in this article um his tips are absolutely ridiculous so if you guys were just curious yes he does leave a tip but he doesn’t leave leave a tip like we do you know maybe 10 15 20 bucks uh $10,000 he will often leave $10,000 in tips for nothing meals which means he just got some freaking wine and he’s like here’s here’s $10,000 um pretty cool pretty cool stuff um but here here’s what Don Nelson had to say he spend more on wine and dinners than my whole NBA salary uh so great stuff there man I I just wanted to bring that to your attention because I know that this seems like something small which you know I guess I guess in the big game maybe it is but the these small things build up and I I think papovich is a type of coach that we’re just not going to get again and it’s going to be rare to have somebody close close to this uh so we really need to enjoy it while we can and regardless of what happens if papovich stays for two or three more years and he decides to retire or what whatever whatever the the outcome looks like if he actually does hit 80 and he’s like all right I’m out if that happens we still going to have to go back on what came before and at least give papovich his flowers for the championship team that we’re inevitably inevitably going to become uh he’s he’s a huge part of that gigantic part of that um but I’m hoping that if he does uh retire you know when his contract is over that he at least goes into a different position and um whoever comes after him he has coached them up as well so we’ll be safe but th this type of stuff man you don’t get this too often and and you love you love to see it all right you you love to see it but anyways I will get with you guys later man until next time bye bye bye [Music]


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. They’re in San Antonio. Wemby is globetrotting lately. BTW, it’s true about Pop, my cousin used to bartend in a fancy restaurant in SA, and Pop tipped him $10,000.

  2. i dont think we gotta worry about wemby puttin on pounds with them dinners god damn

  3. I really wish Pop grows fond of Victor as he is fond of Tim & Dave. I know we French people are wired differently so I hope it works out well between them.

  4. In my humble opinion, this is the best ONE you have made thus far! I love it! 😍 No extra shenanigans or on solicited opinions. Hit the spot my friend!

  5. People are upset at pops political stance because he supports the fake ideas of the left, and spouts ignorance.

    It has nothing to do with REAL civil rights and ACTUAL American values.

    That's why.

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