@Cleveland Cavaliers

Former Cleveland Cavaliers coach J.B. Bickerstaff lost the locker room & that’s why he lost his job

Former Cleveland Cavaliers coach J.B. Bickerstaff lost the locker room & that’s why he lost his job

Cavs LeBron and a wide receiver that’s being slept on all that’s coming at you on the next episode of The Ultimate 216 [Music] show what’s up on this Thursday afternoon man I’m your host Earl the Pearl thank you for tuning in to another episode of the ultimate 216 show y’all know the Vibes man drop h216 in the chat let me know where you watching from remember to like subscribe hit the notification button to get the latest on this uh show the rest of these spin-off shows and of course our Flagship ultimate Cleveland sports show don’t forget right after this Mikey McNuggets Jason Lloyd got extended coverage on JB bicker sta being dismissed by the Cleveland Cavaliers earlier today how y’all feeling first and foremost let me see if anybody in the comment how y’all feeling how was y work day how you doing today not too often we uh do we come on here and we ask how the audience is doing we kind of just get into it drop a one if you cool with the JB bigger sta firing drop a two if you had an issue with the firing as as many people know by now unless you’ve been living under a rock JB bigger staff was fired dismissed let go uh told to leave the Builder however you want to put it JB bigger staff is no longer the head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers um the first thing I want to do is read this statement from the Cav’s President of Operations Kobe uh Alman he says JB is well-respected NBA coach and is an incredible human being over the past four years he’s helped establish a culture that progressively drove players to become the best versions of themselves decisions like these are never easy particularly when you look back where the franchise rebuild started under his leadership the NBA is a unique business that sometimes requires aggressive risk-taking to move a franchise forward and ultimately compete for a championship we owe a ton of gratitude to everything that JB has contrib we owe a ton of gratitude to everything that JB has contributed to the Cavaliers his engagement in the Cleveland Community we wish JB his wife Nikki their three children the best in their future endeavors and again that’s from the desk of KOB Kobe Alman um got a couple other Clips I want to play before we move on to the next segment I’ll just say this I want to thank JB bigger staff from taking taking over this Cleveland Cavaliers team when he did um taking us basic basically out the basement to a team that uh has made the playoffs the last two years things didn’t go the way that he would have liked and you know sometimes changes need to be made just like when JB took over this this team he was the right coach at the right time right but I think it’s time to move on when your message as a leader grows sour when you lose the respect of the players when players are you know having side conversations none of that stuff is cool right it shows that they don’t believe in you that they lack faith in your message they lack faith in your leadership um we we have talked a lot over the last week about the Articles that’s been written one by the athletic um Jason lloy and cre the other one by Chris Fedor and crew and a lot of it poting pointed to a lot of the same things that a lot of players was questioning you know the the the system a lot of players question a lot of things that they did in practice why they did the things that they did in practice and it just seems like that you know they kind of thought JB was out there a little clueless and when you lose the locker room that’s the ultimate def sense and clearly you can point to a multitude of reasons of why JB bigger staff was let go by the Cleveland Cavaliers but I think when you talk about a coach losing the locker room and and losing the ear of the players that’s the ultimate death sentence that’s not something that you can come back from I’m G to play some comments for you I got one comment from um Stephen A Smith that he addressed on ESPN First Take this morning and then I got another comment from our very own on on I’m sorry Jason Lloyd but this was Stephen A Smith once the news broke about JB bicker staff being fired take a listen to this I’m not happy about it um I don’t think he deserved to be fired um I think that when you look at him and listen um I love me some Donovan Mitchell everybody knows that I wish he was a New York Nick um if Donovan Mitchell wanted him there I think he’d still be there that’s just my my belief I I haven’t spoken to anybody as of yet about it but that’s just my belief um clearly Cleveland wants to keep Donovan Mitchell For the Long Haul and I doubt that they would make a move that they think he would be averse to or completely objectionable to so I got to take that into consideration as well um but I just think that you know what I if you had decided to let him go after he loses in the playoffs because Donovan Mitchell doesn’t miss the last two games and Jared Allen isn’t hurt and can’t play in the series if they played and they lost um I I I would be able to stomach this a little bit better that was Stephen A Smith on uh ESP and First Take earlier today listen I got a lot of respect for somebody like Stephen A Smith but I think he is you know clearly he’s viewing this from from a arms length distance this is not something that I think he has first knowledge of I think that again you can point to a multitude of things you know not being able to construct proper lineups with the talent that you have not really having an offensive system it seems very weird that this team was always performing at its best when players was hurt like how the hell do you have all this Talent on this team and you couldn’t find out or you couldn’t figure out the nucleus to make it go the only the only success that it seemed like we we would have is was success that was kind of stumbled upon and it was a lot due to injury and so I think to me that you can point to a multitude of things and say okay that’s that’s why he was let go but I think the most damning piece of evidence was JB bicker staff lost the locker room Stephen A Smith did say one thing that I definitely agree with we all know that the number one priority in the city of Cleveland this year is doing everything that you have to do to keep Donovan Mitchell in the Cleveland Cavaliers jersey for the uh for the long call or an extend extended period of time and all I’m G say is if he had a ringing endorsement he being JB bigger staff from Donovan Mitchell then he wouldn’t have been fed so I think that should tell you everything that you need to know with that the second clip I want to play for you all here is Jason Lloyd earlier today on the ultimate Cleveland sports show talking about in fact JB bigger staff losing a locker room take a listen if you want to make a case to get rid of JB you can make that case Evan Mobley hasn’t progressed the way that people expected him to Darius Garland seems to have regressed the last year or so y the offense isn’t good enough in the postseason it hasn’t been to this point they just don’t score enough they’ve had fades in the second half you can make whatever case you want to make you can make that case you’re going to hear a lot of stuff over the next 24 48 Hours about why this happened only thing I’ll tell you is if the players wanted him back he would have been back I believe I just put a column out on this I believe he lost the locker room and when you lose the locker room it puts the front office in a position I just wrote in in a column that just posted I don’t believe Kobe Alman wanted to fire JB I feel like Kobe Alman felt like he had no choice now did he have a choice sure he had a choice we talked about it you know we talked about on the show Tuesday tyus where I told you he could come out there and say you guys shut up and knock it off we’re not making any moves this is a good team we’ve gotten better every year go play for your coach shout out to Jason Lloyd that was earlier today on the ultimate Cleveland sports show listen if you a coach that L us the locker room man the NBA is a players driven League there’s no way that you can come back from that so I guess the question now becomes what’s next for the Cleveland Cavaliers you know who are some of the top candidates to becoming Cav’s next head coach um a guy that you know I think name should kind of spark some interest that we didn’t talk about earlier today on on this show uh is Dwayne Casey former coach of the Toronto Raptors I know things didn’t go well for him in Detroit but this is a dude that’s a good coach and we have to keep in mind in the league get coaches good coaches get fired all day every day so I want to go through the comments man I want to know what y’all think about that before we move on to talk about the Cleveland Browns I got a player that um I I think Gonna Make Some Noise interested to share that with youall let’s see what y’all talking about right here Lawrence for Life man shout out to you brother he says he deserves to be fired after last year’s loss I was somebody that was an advocate for the Cleveland cavali leaders to move on from JB biger Staff last year I thought that like when you had e may adoka when you had nurse guys like that that was out there I thought that was your opportunity to strike why the iron was hot and I think this year you won’t see like the fanciest names or the most notable names out there that you know but I do I do think the next group of upand cominging NBA head coaches will be in this next hiring pool and I just hope the Cleveland Cavaliers can get their hands on one of them K Dog LV says JB is a good man but didn’t develop mob and kept one of the best three-point shs in the game sitting on the bench Sam M celebrating today my man says I want LeBron and JJ let’s do this yeah speaking of LeBron and JJ I got some audio from LeBron and JJ a little bit uh later says Jason needs to stop this cake uh needs to stop this cake and eat it to Viewpoint the damn te succeeded despite JB on many many levels he got outreached so damn much as criminal Hammerhead 23 said Casey laugh laugh laugh I guess head uh yeah so that’s that on that uh drop drop what y’ know what you think in the comments man do you think the Cleveland Cavaliers should have moved on from JB bigger staff do you feel like they should have kind of retained him and do you have any idea of or any opinion of who you think should be the next head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers we’re gonna take a quick break here from our sponsor when we come back man it’s a wide receiver that’s on the Cleveland Browns dep chart that I think is being slept on that’s next on the ultimate 216 show but right now it’s a good time to let you know that the ultimate 216 show is brought to you by fanuel is winner take all time in the NBA NHL and FanDuel is giving you a shot to bring home the big win of your own this is all you have to do right now new customers is going to get $150 in bonus Bets with any $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads money lines play props and more visit ucss and make every playoff shot count FanDuel America’s number one sports book right back at it so as you know the Cleveland Browns are in OTAs and you know can’t take too much from it I know a lot has been made about Deshawn Watson and his rotating days of throwing the football um for no really Rama reason outside of a gut instinct I am a huge huge fan of thirdy year Wide Receiver Michael Woods uh that came that we drafted in the sixth round in 2022 out of Oklahoma and I think that this dude has a serious opportunity to earn one of those bottom three wide receiver spots on the Cleveland Browns roster and I’m going to try to explain to you all why I feel that way so first let’s go back before we go forward right right Michael Woods this is what we know 2022 six round pick played at Arkansas for three seasons finished up his collegiate career uh 2021 at the University of Oklahoma he tore his Achilles actually working out with deshun Watson last off season for his career he’s played in 10 games in the NFL he has five receptions for 45 yards no touchdowns only average nine yards a catch not nothing to really take to the and try to deposit because they just not having it college career 43 games played 118 receptions 1,648 receiving yards scored 12 touchdowns had a 13.8 uh yards per reception average this is what I broke down and I took some notes right so Michael Wood 61190 runs this 40 time I think it’s what anywhere between 447 and like a 458 dude right so he got some Wheels to me and the one thing that I found to be very very intriging was in 2022 this was Ken dorsey’s last schol season in Buffalo as the offensive coordinator of the Buffalo Bills seven different players that particular season had a game of a 100 yards receiving or more several different dudes 18 different players caught passes in that system for buffalo in 201 22 now that stood out to me because we’ve heard a lot about how this offense will be more attacking more vertical we’ve heard from Mary K kabit we’ve heard from everybody pretty much who covers the Cleveland Browns they’ve told you that Ken dorsy has pretty much stamped his offense that he has his hands all over this offense and outside of the top three spots Amari Cooper Jerry Judy Elijah Moore you can really make a argu arent that the rest of those wide receiver sponsors are up for Grand right the Browns might might keep six they might keep seven wide receivers so wide receiver position four through six or four through seven I think it’s a good opportunity for Michael Woods to go out there and steal one of those spots now he’s got to come in here he’s got to work his ass off he’s gonna have to have a good OTAs he’s gonna have to have a good mini camp GNA have to have a good uh uh training camp and he’s gonna have to go out there and make some noise in in the preseason and me my personal opinion I think if he’s healthy again I think if he’s healthy I think that he will check all those boxes and I think that he will earn a roster spot and I think that he will actually see some real playing time this upcoming season starting off at minimum as wide receiver number four something else to consider right this is the last year of the contracts for Amari Cooper and Elijah Moore I outside of that there’s only three wide receivers on this roster moving forward past uh 2025 and those guys are Woods Bale and Jerry JY so to me there’s an opportunity there for Michael Woods to be able to uh seize the moment and earn one of these roster spots now again based on the little bit that we’ve seen from him and NFL which is little to nothing it’s really hard to make a case for that right but when you go off of Just again my gut instinct I think when you go off of you know go back and watch his highlight tape from his last year in college you know they call it Woodsville that’s what they called it at Oklahoma I think this dude has legit speed to him everybody talk about the Browns needing somebody that’s a deep threat right and I think this dude can possibly be that potential deep deep threat that we’ve been looking for I think that you know it’s something to be said that even though he suffered that injury last off season that when he suffered that injury he was working one-on-one with the Cleveland Browns starting quarterback I’m not saying that’s the end or be all but I do think that’s something that you can take to the bank and and kind of cash that in clearly Deshawn Watson seees something in this kid or thinks enough of this kid to invite him to come work out with him I think that he has a legit opportunity with all these uncertainties at the wide receiver position to kind of you could throw his name in that hat too as an uncertainty right and see what he got see what he can do because let a lot of people tell it the jury is still out on Elijah Moore the jury is out on Jerry Judy Cedric Tillman David Bell Etc well the jury is still out on Michael Woods as well but I think given the opportunity and being able to stay healthy I think he’ll be able to seize the moment and I think this dude is a sleeper I think this is a dude that we need to really pay attention to man as we start to wrap up this 2024 NFL season because I think he is one of the most slept on players that’s not being talked about and again giving their opportunity I really believe that he’ll be able to come out here and I think he’ll be able to make some noise that’s just my opinion I’m curious to know what y’all think and don’t forget we do got the rookie in Thrash as well another guy that that got some speed to him so you know we we all know Andrew Barry has not done the best job in the world when it C when it comes to drafting wide receivers but it’s something about this Michael Woods do and it’s been something about him since this rookie season that’s just appealing to me so I’m curious to know what y’all what y’all think about that in the chat before we move on um don’t sleep on Michael Woods again if Michael Woods is healthy I think this dude has a a major opportunity to make some noise and grab one of those last two or three positions on the Cleveland Browns roster at wide receiver as always man I want to know what y’all think about that let’s see who we talking about here only Z says he says I guess it’s Mike Wood J because I for sure forgot about bro yeah I think a lot of people forgot about him for real for real uh says only says W had good chemistry with 4 to practice last year worth a shot big dude no did he and got hands yeah bro definitely got some hands man Mike J what up bro I see you out there I appreciate the shout out appr appreciate everybody that’s tuning in right now don’t forget to smash the like button drop the h216 let me know where you’re watching from and all that other good stuff in a minute we’re gonna take our last break of the show when we come back uh Lebron James went to defense of Caitlyn Clark interested to know what you all have to uh have to say about that and what’s your thoughts and opinions on that as well man but before we do that don’t forget check out all the ultimate shows right check out the ultimate brown show Mondays and Fridays hosted by G Bush check out the ultimate Guardian shows that typically comes at you uh every Monday in the morning I believe the show starts at 10: am with Zach Miser and my man Adam the and every Tuesday check out the ultimate Cavalier show with Mikey M nuggets and Jason Lloyd don’t forget a special episode of the ultimate Cavaliers show is coming at you in about 10 minutes 10 minutes so stay right here on the ultimate Cleveland sports Show YouTube channel man we bringing yall content for the rest of the day all right so last thing I want to get into before I take some questions and comments man LeBron James went to back uh for Caitlyn Clark he basically said man it’s a lot of people he feel like that’s out here hating hating on her he was on this podcast um I want you all to take a look at this man excuse the audio didn’t clean it up all the way but just take a listen to will LeBron had to say about K clar the one thing that I love that she’s bringing to hersport more people want to watch more people want to tune in I saw for the first time that they had they had a chartered plane for the first time in their league history you know they flew private that should be celebrated in his own right from anyone that’s you know in sports that’s flown commercial or flown you know Charter that should be celebrated and it’s because of Caitlyn Clark don’t get it twisted don’t get it up Caitlyn Clark is the reason why a lot of great things is going to happen for the WNBA um but for her individually I don’t think she should get involved on nothing that’s being said just go have fun enjoy um people need to realize the Indiana Fever this is the second year in a row to had the number one pick so do y’all know what that mean that mean they’re not that good shout out to LeBron James man what y’all think about that strong opinion from the King this is how I see I do think that some people are hating on Caitlyn Clark but I think that comes with the territory I think that anytime that you step foot in greatness everybody’s not going to like you I think that you there’s going to always be people who have an opposing opinion of you as a player and a person but I think a lot of it could be just frustration as well you know here here’s a young lady who basically like you know she captivated the college basketball scene the women’s college basketball basketball scene and she did so uh very strongly for the last two seasons I can remember just seeing kayln Clark as a freshman and I remember then that okay this girl is a baller she is her she’s definitely gonna be one of the ones that’s one GNA be considered one of the college greats and I I thought she would go on to the next level and have success I had no idea that she would be a Transcendent Talent the way that she is and I think from players in the league I guess if I was to try to put myself in their shoes I can understand the frustration to the point of there has been so many great players that have came before Caitlyn Clark that didn’t get the attention that didn’t get the notoriety they didn’t get the money you know the endorsement deals Etc right like you can argue right now in the current WNBA landscape that AJ Wilson uh the Ford for the Las Vegas Aces to have all the endorsement deals world she shall have her own signature shoe she is clearly the face of the WNBA this is a two-time champion I think backtack champion at that an MVP and Defensive Player of the Year this girl is a straight up baller she has putting in the work and she doesn’t get the same recognition as a Caitlyn Clark so you could kind of understand where the frustration comes from right you know when people try to say that Caitlyn Clark is the best basketball ball player that they ever seen or you know she’s already you know solidify her spot you got to understand those those women that’s in the WNBA those are professionals they’ve been there for a while and you know they they take a little slight to somebody saying that this woman is just going to come in and erase everything that everybody else has done it don’t work like that it definitely don’t work like that at all and so you know I do think she get she gets hated on to a certain degree but the other side of that coin is I just think that some people are fr frustrated I think and the energy sometimes is being misdirected towards her when she absolutely absolutely didn’t do anything at all but I think uh kitlin Clark deserves a major Round of Applause because of her presence because of her Persona because of who she is um as as a you know from a marketing standpoint and as a basketball player she’s helped improve the WNBA D drastically in just five or six games you know you talk about preseason game that she played in her first ever preseason game um I I read a stat don’t have the numbers off the top of my head but it was the most watch WNBA game uh in history on that say Network right if you look at ticket prices for the Indiana Indiana Fever this year compared to last year is up almost triple the amount in percentage if you look at the at home viewership is up uh like over a 100% from where it was last year and it’s not just on games that Caitlyn Clark is featured in you know the the aces they I think they had a match up last week against the New York Liberty and it was like the fifth most highest uh view WNBA game in history and so just her having the impact that she has and her presence alone is putting more eyes on on the product you know people are paying more money to get gear people are really starting to enjoy the WNBA so you know I definitely feel like you know there is some hate and that come with the territory right you know but I keep telling y’all you know they said it before you got to take the bad with the good so shout out to Caitlin Clark man keep your head down stay focused keep doing your thing keep the main thing the main thing and keep and stay focused on your goals and shout out to LeBron James too Bri you know you want to come home you know you want to come home and finish up your career here as always man shout out to you all one last time before I get out of here drop the hash u216 for me and drop where you are watching from as always man I definitely appreciate anybody that take time out to pull up and see what’s going on I want to see the next Josh Gordon we are overdue for that listen the Browns I don’t think the Browns in the history of their franchise pre-or post 1999 has ever seen a wide receiver like Josh Gordon we are long overdue for that type of dude man hopefully one of these dudes that we see this year can kind of like you know step in and solidify himself as next up Freddy B says Michael Woods me he sleep Freddy you need to wake up man wake up says Clark whatever can brings a valkyrie good I have no idea my bad with that Momo I have no idea what that says this says not to say I was a bottom feeder but did she eat because she wasn’t playing alongside top Pierce like a yukai South Carolina and Tennessee uh I’ll say no just for the simple fact that you know at least on the woman’s side of thing the the Big 10 during her playing days was solid you know Ohio state has been solid um you know Nas Hillman just left Michigan a couple years ago she had that program solid and where they needed to be so I think definitely she uh I I I think definitely she she she played against some quality uh competition competition for sure demon 4×4 says I am watching in Houston Texas shout out to Houston Texas man I’m trying to get in trying to get out in Houston real real quick says what it do Earl Pearl keep going my boy man salute y’all already know man listen I appreciate y’all it says Earl needs to brush up on his nor mythology maybe I do man maybe I do as always man I appreciate y’all for tuning in um if I had a good oh again thank you all man for all the support uh for my cousin we’ve raised almost $8,000 here of her GoFundMe account uh if you go check my social medias there is a l link out there to where you can purchase uh determined for Deana t-shirt 100% of the proceeds go towards danana and keeping her well and keeping her alive I cannot tell you how much me and my family appreciate all of you all man um the message I got for you all the day don’t settle like in life and profession and relationships don’t settle like when you know what your heart desire when you know who your heart desires don’t settle you work your ass off to be able to fulfill you know that internal um that internal happiness of of just just living a life that you deserve and a life that you want a lot of times man people be out here settling for things and people that they know damn well that they that they don’t want so get yourself uncomfortable if you know what’s in your mind and what’s in your heart uh I pray that it lines up and you chase after whatever it is that you need to be chasing after to his strongest uh Pursuit till next time man I love you be great spread love remember being great come with a price and spreading love that thing is priceless till next time I am out of here [Music]

On this episode of the Ultimate 216 Show..

Despite the franchise’s first berth in the Eastern Conference semifinals in six seasons, the Cleveland Cavaliers dismissed coach J.B. Bickerstaff on Thursday morning.

Bickerstaff, 45, ushered the Cavaliers through a rebuild, winning 99 regular-season games in the past two seasons, but the franchise now embarks on a search that it hopes will land a coach to take Cleveland deeper into the Eastern Conference playoffs.

After replacing John Beilein as interim coach in 2020, Bickerstaff had a 170-159 (.517) record in five seasons with the Cavaliers.

Full article |

Cleveland Browns WR Michael Woods was drafted in the sixth round of the 2022 NFL Draft, and though he has shown little to nothing, there is the belief that the Browns’ 3rd year WR has a chance to lock down a roster spot, even in a crowded WR room. Michael Woods has the speed to be the Browns’ deep threat that they desperately need, and a future playmaker on this team beyond 2024

Michael Woods II was selected in the sixth-round of the 2022 NFL Draft and had potential to be a diamond in the rough type of a prospect.

In his rookie season, he was not much of a factor at all, only hauling in five catches for 45 yards in a year that the Browns never really got going. While he was poised to find an increased role and try to work his way onto the field in 2023, he unfortunately tore his achilles and was put on the shelf before the 2023 season |

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