@San Antonio Spurs

Stephon Castle’s Fit at Point Guard | Spurs Draft | SSPN Clips

Stephon Castle’s Fit at Point Guard | Spurs Draft | SSPN Clips

I think this fits into something else that was on the docket today and that was the Stefon Castle point guard situation and so a couple things the first thing is I didn’t realize he played point guard in high school and that’s just on me I was ignorant of that um so that explains why he’s you know wanting to do this more um two I mean and and for those of you guys who don’t know he was a McDonald’s All-American fstar recruit like at the point guard position two as explained in our episode last week he went to Yukon with no guarantees for playing time position you know what I mean he just went to win to win back-to-back national championships which he did and he played whatever role was necessary and asked of him um so that’s where this is a little interesting to me Ethan because you know there’s some recruiting stuff going on I mean obviously there’s always recruiting stuff going on in college sports bear with me here I where this is going to have a connection um and one of the things that a lot of the recruiting people say is don’t listen to what they say watch what they do like so if a kid’s saying he’s committed to a school but he’s taking visits to others how committed is he right um Stefon Castle is saying he’s not going to do pre-draft workouts and um with teams that won’t consider him a point guard sorry I’m pulling this up exactly so so we don’t butcher this um here we go there are Whispers of Stefon castle and his Camp potentially not being willing to do pre-draft workouts for teams with starting point guards already in place Castle views himself as a point guard and he was a f-star recruit at the position before arriving at Yukon potential potentially interested teams like the Hornets Trailblazers and Grizzlies could be impacted Castle is viewed as a consensus top 10 pit in next month’s draft and there was also another thing that came out today Ethan that me mentioned in the comments earlier and that is this according to Kelly EO who is a reporter for the athletic he said that the Spurs are said to be big fans of Stefon Castle Kelly uko Al EO also reported that the Rockets uh may be potentially looking at Darius Garland or excuse me not Darius Garland Donovan Mitchell and maybe potentially making a move for him as well the only reason I bring that up is just to kind of give some more legitimacy to him working for the athletic as a reporter um and also just because I saw that when I went to his profile because I was like okay if this guy’s saying this let me see how legit he is and I was like okay he works for the athletic he’s an NBA writer for them so you know that doesn’t mean he’s going to be right about everything but it’s not like this is just some Twitter account saying this either right all right so with that being said Ethan um there is some smoke for the Spurs with Stefon Castle but what I was trying to connect with the college recruiting thing is that he’s saying that he doesn’t want to do pre-draft workouts with teams that don’t consider him that already have a point guard but his actions last season were going to Yukon and just doing whatever playing whatever role possible to win you know what I’m saying so I’m not saying that he doesn’t want to be a point guard in the NBA obviously he does but I find it hard to believe that with what he did last year that if he were to get drafted by somebody who told him hey we want you to play the two or the three that he’s just be like nope I’m I’m going full Eli Manning I’m not you know like I’m not getting drafted by you I demand a trade now like if he was that guy he’s not and I know like yes he wanted winning a championship was a big part of him going to Yukon but obviously that shows that winning is a big part of his goal and it also shows that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win you know on the team um with all of that being said the Spurs need a point guard which is actually why I think this whole scenario kind of makes Stefon Castle more intriguing um and there’s there’s a number of things that I kind of wanted to dive into with that but what are your thoughts on kind of you know him saying that he only wants to play point guard and how that might play out he he might I mean it could be a couple things one it could be just his his team his agent saying that because they don’t want him to go five six or seven uh let’s say the Spurs don’t take him at four you know those next three teams don’t necessarily need a point guard so maybe they’re thinking oh we can still take castle and just play him at small forward it’s like no we don’t want to go there because your point guard you know it might not even be him I think I think probably more often than not these discussions are being h i mean I’m sure he’s involved but I I don’t necessarily see Stefan Castle coming out and saying I refuse to play for a team that already has a starting point guard like you said he is not necessarily his actions have not reflected that um maybe he just wants to play for San Antonio or maybe it’s just like point guards get paid more maybe as simple as that like maybe like he just wants to be classified as a point guard kind of like in the NFL when guys are trying to be classified as receivers that are tight ends I think that was Jimmy Graham because get paid more than tight ends get paid um yeah and and like the comments are saying he didn’t necessarily have an opportunity at Yukon because of their depth that point guard and their style of play to Showcase his ability as a point guard um is kind of point guard by committee at times and obviously they had a lot of guys that had that skill set so other things Shine for him and he’s 6 fo five and there were smaller players on that team I’m pretty sure so just by matchup wise he’s going to be at the wing more often than not at Yukon so I if for some reason teams are are slotting him at the wing position more uh maybe his team just wanted to nip that in the bud and say look this guy’s a point guard he just didn’t have the opportunity at Yukon to be a ball dominant High usage rate guy yeah I mean I think you summed it up pretty solidly there Ethan and I was texting with some friends uh before the episode started and one of them just made a point like if Castle ends up going to another school he probably puts up like way better stats too because it’s not just that he’s playing on Yukon who’s a talent stacked team but we’ve talked about this before I believe in the prospect the first Prospect breakdown we did on Stefon Yukon has one of the most complex offenses in all of college basketball and that’s why they’ve won the National Championship two years in a row and the other thing that I even brought up in the prospect breakdown and once again this is when I was ignorant of his high school little or his high school history I guess you could say a little bit um was you know you did see him orchestrating sets a lot of times you know in the Yukon tape and you know when I was watching that I was like maybe there is a little part of him that could that could be a point guard but in my head I’m thinking like oh we’re gonna that would be like a project not to the and this is when I’m ignorant of him playing point guard in high school but when I first said that I was thinking like oh this will be not not so Hand level because he has a better handle like he he already proved that he could you know work through ball pressure and like dribble around guys it wouldn’t be to that extent but I kind of felt like okay this would be like a molding project if we’re going to do that so I wasn’t even really considering that too much I was thinking about him more at the three because we already have Devon vasel but now that all of this is coming out it it’s definitely making me think about a lot of things Ethan because to be honest and I had this thought earlier today and just tell me what your thoughts are on this offensively he kind of does what Trey Jones does right now but like has more of a bag inside the paint you know what I mean and there’s there’s a little bit of the shooting questions but we also saw at the combine him win the three-point shooting star drill um you know yukon’s offense maybe if he’s in a more free flowing system he gets more looks he has more volume the numbers are better um but I believe that was a little bit of a struggle in high school for him as well too but I think also what we saw thought the combine shows that it’s not like you know his his jumper is just complete crap either like L said it’s going to need some work it’s not perfect but also I think he could you know I think it’s if Jeremy soan can get to 33% at three-point shooting this season like Stefon Castle I I think has the potential to maybe even do better than that in his career but even in a sense where that doesn’t work out that’s already the case with Trey and what’s Trey’s biggest efficiency at Point guard Ethan defense yeah I don’t really need to say say any more about that because Stefon would be Not only would be he’d be a different physical specimen but he would be a different skill specimen um on defense now you know obviously there’s going to be rookie Growing Pains but I just think about I mean we’re gonna have to deal with Luca we’re gonna have to deal with Shay Giles we’re gonna have to deal with Jaylen green as much as you know Jaylen green isn’t as big as those guys uh Anthony Edwards um Zion takes the floor up a bunch I was just thinking of teams in our division you know and I think in the Zion matchup that would probably be soan regardless um but with Shay and Luca those are dudes who like literally play point guard you know having Stefon Castle on those guys would be a massive upgrade over Trey Jones right right I like to finish off with Castle’s you know our perspective on Castle I like what L said last time we had him on um with Stefon Castle you have to ask yourself what doesn’t he do not what does he do because that list is much much smaller and if you say what doesn’t he do well right now the only thing you can really say is consistent three-point shooting um at Yukon but like you said we still have to be aware of the fact that he won that that drill at the combine his jump shot is not broken it is smooth and shooting is a skill that everybody can improve on we’ve seen it done before and even after chip England left I see you in the comments am even after chip England left we have had players develop and become better three-point Shooters they’re not necessarily 45% right now but we saw Jeremy soan improve this year we saw Trey Jones improve this year I mean I can go on and on Deon Vel improved tremendously as well I don’t remember what he shot as a rookie but it did not translate got better throughout the year as well Kell Johnson like we have seen guys develop even without chip England on the staff so I’m not too worried about that for him yeah and I mean I’m not trying to diminish like stiff chip England’s exit either because look at what how o Oklahoma City’s shooting but at the same time I I do get what you’re saying there like we have seen like what was I don’t remember what Jeremy sohan’s three-point percentage was last season but it was in the 20s and now it’s in the 30s so that’s an improvement and and especially Tre Jones at the end of the season now we’d like to see that consistently throughout the year but defin itely Some solid signs there um but Ethan is that any other final thoughts on Stefon castle at point guard in that whole conversation no sir I think it works and it’s it’s definitely making me consider him at four more I I will say that I love Rob Dillingham um but I think that there’s a lot of I mean like I think there’s some stuff that Stefon Castle could do in the pick and roll with wemi that would still you know um unlock some things for us offensively obviously he’s not going to be able to have this you know he’s not going to have the same step backs and and shooting ability out of the pick and roll that Rob Dillingham does um but nonetheless he would attract attention with the ball in his hand which would you know leave a guy like Devon vasel open that also then ties into Jeremy soan and you know who else we have on the floor at that point whoever we draft at eight um I assume would probably be a three to replace champen um but I there there are some a lot of intriguing I don’t think it’s just like if you if you pick Castle there’s not like some offensive potential there still is what I’m trying to get at I would agree with that yes sir

Ethan and Jude discuss the recent news on Stephon Castle at point guard, the Spurs reported interest in him + more of the appeal he may have in SA! šŸ€šŸŽ™ļø

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  1. If I was Castle I would throw that hint out there too. I mean you are to spend the next 10-15 years of my life so i want to play in an environment i can excel in.

  2. Tre's defense is absolutely horrible, every game he gets blown by, posted up, bullied, just about everything you can think of a horrible defender does. So with saying that, I'm not sure anyone is convinced Castle is a point?

  3. Right now, a lot of Derrick White 2.0 comparisons are being thrown out for players, but out of all of them, Stephon Castle actually has one of the best chances of becoming that — and maybe more.

    Castle's the kind of guy not only Pop loves with his defense-first mentality, but also the type of player Brian Wright drafts — combo guards and wings that are switchable. It's so damn seamless and obvious, I don't know why we even need to debate it.

    I'm not sure if Castle has Dillingham's star potential/upside but there's certainly a world where if Castle is hitting his 3s, he's the ultimate X factor/glue guy the Spurs have out there making things happen so that Wemby and Vassell can do their thing. He can come in and back Tre Jones up to start the season, get in a lot of reps until Pop is comfortable, and I can see him maybe playing big minutes by season's end, hopefully a play-in push. Castle won't be spending much, if any time in the G-League.

  4. Castle is a SPUR, plain and simple. I saw a video where they were asking some of the draftees, ā€œwho would you rather go to a party for, Drake or Kendrick Lamar?ā€ And Stephon said Iā€™m not a fan. If that doesnā€™t scream Spur, idk what does

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