@New Orleans Pelicans

PPR: Should the #Pelicans reorganize the brass?

PPR: Should the #Pelicans reorganize the brass?

like the Pelicans this year like obviously bgo we just showed some articles on the screen with the Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers and and I agree with DC I think Cavaliers would probably be a better place for James Bargo to build that team well I mean this team was a they they’ll be good out the gate not far less pressure but I think like in terms of what the Pelicans going to do they’re going to David Griffin’s going to swing for the fences I mean he has an even quieter guy that’ll take over the general manager position and uh this Bryce so wa how you get how you I don’t understand this C how do you how do you become quieter than the guy who don’t speak he did I keep asking this Q how how does he get quieter than the M because is like I said y’all got to see what we be saying about y’all thinking and I I make a lot of jokes about some of these people I really do I be joking my ass off about them but that’s to stop from crying most of the time the reality is like with the Pelicans man the Pelicans I just did a show earlier today uh with the New Orleans Saints and it’s ran by the same it’s the same leadership group if you want to call it that and the people at the top of the team don’t know about the sports that they are attached to Gail doesn’t know enough about football or basketball to be a real force in a discussion uh with the team the top executive is a guy that has the title as a basketball and football President of Operations VP he’s the president but this guy really and that’s why I was saying that if they’re serious about being a functional organization that need to change the the the architecture of how the team is made made the structure of the business side of the team uh Dennis Luchia needs to be changed into a chief he needs to be changed to a chief executive officer or a Chief Financial Officer and there needs to be another basketball mind maybe two because I go two yeah you gotta have two because you got to have a president that knows about basketball and a vice president and another vice president you need a you need a a CO a combine of guys at the top that know about basketball on the Pelican side and football on the Saints side it’s the same thing as screwing a team up because you’re over relying on one person to make the correct decision not kicking away uh swin cashes I really think swin should actually be the vice president of the basketball operation because she’s impeccable me and DC was talking about this the other day Lex when we were did the research on swin she’s a perennial winner everywhere she went she won she’s a champion yeah she won everywhere she got Olympic medals she was uh she won championships in college she won championships in the NBA she uh she’s a perennial woman she’s accom she accomplished championships at every level of her career she is the she is who we want to be leading this team David Griffin is a is a flimflam man he got one Championship with Cleveland and that’s because LeBron James was telling them who to pick up we know this I know this and I know this and like we catalog so much on the show about the decisions that David Griffin un made since he been here high and Stan bang Gundy that was dumb no smart general manager would have pulled a man who hadn’t coached in years out of retirement to coach for the team unless it’s Phil Jackson I would take a shot on that but not no Stan B gun he ain’t do and then you then you didn’t fire Gentry in your F that is not something a smart PP would do and then he collects these these people no disrespect to tras langon he got smart enough to leave up out here this other Bryce probably it’s gonna be quieter than him you can’t be a quiet general manager with a vocal VP like David Griffin because he likes to talk he likes to be seen look at me I’m the VP I’m a VP of a NBA basketball team those guys you you shouldn’t even know who they are you know who they are but you don’t see them you shouldn’t even see that guy unless he’s standing up next to the general man manager when he holding the press conference and the media wants to ask him a question but he wants the job look at me look at me I want to be seen I’m David Griffin I’m the I pick that guy and that guy no man whoever the general manager is gonna be it got to be a vocal a vocal dude that speaks up or he’s not going to get credit for none of the moves that the team make at all but he’ll get all of the blame and eventually if the team fails he’ll be the guy that gets fired it won’t be Griffin Griffin to lean on well you the general manager I can fire your ass and just stick another quiet guy so I mean in the end man it has to be that’s why I’m saying because you gonna more than likely lose Baro you already left we we lost Tred and bi is on the trade block uh people was asking meq why you why why we talking so much about bi why not CJ well nobody wants CJ right now nobody wants CJ McCullum right now he’s not a hot button issue even though he had a phenomenal year shooting at Portland right but nobody want it’s no people beating the Pelicans door down for a trade for trade for CJ McCullum making 30 plus million dollars a season as old despite the fact he shot the ball shot the lights out with the ball there’s no there’s nobody beating the door me he’s maybe not I hear you D but hold on I’m going somewhere I’m gonna give y’all the floor but I just want to say this and I’mma turn it over to y’all this is the thing I that’s why I’m expecting this to happen I’m expecting him to make a move and the move is going to be a flashy move because it’s David Griffin he’s GNA make a flashy move is he yes that’s one thing you can’t say about the octopus that he’s going to make a splashy move now what that splashy move is one of two things I hope it’s the right one it’ll be one you it’ll be the say again yeah say you’re forgetting one thing man it don’t matter who it is they G they G they gonna Implement what’s your word you created uh just like Mickey Lumis the excuse Matrix is coming oh whoever we get it was their first year they had to get acclimated we that’s the we go here next offseason the excuse very hard to contend to contend for a championship this year it’s too much turnover no no I don’t see and see that won’t work either because because even though you you’re not going bare bone now you you losing bi but you’re losing bi to a trade that should improve the team if you play it right you can get two positions for the cost of one you really could and even if you trade a reserve whether it be larance or Dyson Daniels you should be able to accomplish with a trade of bi to a Cleveland or an Atlanta you should be able to accomplish two starters for the price of one point guard and Center so in both of these teams have players that the the Pelicans want David Griffin is going to swing for the fenses that’s one thing that he is you can’t I I can’t take that away from he’s a micromanager and he’s he’s wants too much credit but he’s a guy that will swing for the fenses so look for him to try to do the Trey young thing and if the Trey Young Thing falls apart look at him looking at Cleveland with Jared Allen they gonna go back to the teams they like perhaps with uh darus Garland and if they don’t work out DC start looking at DC narrative about Detroit but what they can get they ain’t gonna give up K Cunningham but DC likes jayen Durant the jayen he likes the jadens he likes Ivory and Ivy and he likes uh Durant so I mean but anyway I’m G turn it over to y’all Lex what do you think about I mean that’s that’s probably the least of that’s my last trade package man that I want like that that’s probably what you can you gonna wind up with though the organization is in a very peculiar situation because the thing is is that like we said earlier started the rebuild along with the Thunder and the t-s around basically the same time you can even throw Memphis up in there um the thing is is that you look at where we are and where the other teams are and look I know Memphis did not do well this year y’all let me tell you something Memphis is coming they about to boot somebody out all right y’all see my face they about to boot somebody out you know what I’m saying for real like they do have a nice Squad and they found some gems okay they found some gems from the G League GG he he he’s like what 68 man that dude does everything with that basketball how about our Center what’s his name that we used what’s his name Jon J over they they gave him an opportunity yeah they’re gonna keep him his energy do they still have that Xavier what Xavier tman he gone yeah I wonder why Trey jerson yeah but but look they they found in in in in when they were in despair okay they found gems during that time they were like okay this a try out who who wants to join a team who wants to join a team and they and they got that they found two guys that are very promising and let me tell you something they are two dangerous guys when you put those guys next to J Triple J what’s the sniper name y’all know who I’m talking about about in the in the back court with Bane Bane yeah him ban yeah and you still got smart you still got D Rose he hasn’t retired he can still give you some quality minutes just not a whole lot at the same time I mean and then you got you still got a solid a solid bench those dudes are coming man I mean you know you look at this situation with the Pelicans and it’s like y’all need to if you’re going to do something because guess what we’re not really grip is not totally locked into rebuilding this is more so retooling it’s retooling like changing the core that’s a big deal now let me get into that a little bit more what does that really mean to change the cord to retool what is what what does all that stuff mean what it means is do we do not want players we do not want you to trade players that are good in regular season okay I’mma say it again we do not want to trade for players that are good in regular season we need players that perform at a high level they have proven to perform at a high level in the playoffs if you go for the highest the highest caliber of of level of play guess what you gonna get in regular season y’all see where I’m getting at we don’t just want anybody okay now look I know trading for some some of these guys it sounds good it’s like well look if we don’t get this guy this hey getting somebody’s good is it is it I don’t know going after Garland look Garland is incredible during regular season he’s an upgrade Lex I know but I’m I’m telling you I’m again going for look I I anybody saw Trey young what he did with the Knicks the dude went to the Western Conference Finals okay now a lot of people say that that was a fluke because they but they got past Sixers they got past Knicks they went up against Boston and let me tell you something they weren’t no pushovers they fought even though they didn’t have the weapons that all those other teams had they wen’t everybody was looking at them like they shouldn’t have gotten to where they were but they did you see what I’m talking about that’s that’s what this team needs if you’re ret toing if you’re just trying to put somebody with Zion oh so oh we want we want him to grow with Zion no [Music] no are we retooling or are we rebuilding what are you trying to do and that’s why I keep asking that question I know going after Garland is up they roling is it is it roling though if you adding because my my thought process is they’re looking for a point guard and a center they’ve been looking for a center all last year now there two team like I said there there’s two teams that they’re serious about in discussions because they’re players that they believe fits what they’re doing so this is a little different than last year the Pelicans have a group of players that they want Jared Allen is a player that I really do think that they want if they can package something where they can get darus Garing because it works out because Cleveland can’t Is Not Gonna Keep darus Garland and spider Mitchell because I would love to have daryus gar and Jared Allen but for dice Larry Nance Ingram and some pcks I I don’t I don’t know if that can happen what does a guy like Jared Allen command to be removed from Cleveland because Cleveland has been dangling Jared Allen on the trading block for like the last two years man yeah you know why what exactly are they looking for are they expecting to get in a return from he’s he’s their most consistent player he doesn’t get injured he plays a lot now he had this thing where I guess they whatever happened in playoffs you know what I’m saying uh darus Garland and Brandon Engles contracts match up uh the Trey thing I know you like Trey Lex but I’m not even really sure if Atlanta is really trading them or not like all of that still Vue I mean they be looking to move the jonay Murray in the number one pick to get a superstar what what I’m doing what in terms of the what I’m looking at with the team what I’m hearing I’ve been researching it behind Atlanta and Cleveland because it seems like the most likely places where if the the Pelicans are serious about contending and get team to the next level Daris Garland and Jared Allen makes sense and Trey young or maybe not Clint capella maybe the backup center I can’t pronounce a Aang those guys now the Pelicans have interest and both those guys but from what I’m hearing from Atlanta side they’re not going to trade both of them it’s going to either be one or the other either it’s going to be Trey gets traded or it’ll be de jonte Murray that gets traded that’s what I’m hearing what’s up fam this big Q from PPR thank y’all for watching please feel free to hit the Subscribe button the like button and the share button hit all the notification buttons and make sure you follow us here every week as we talk about all things Pelicans much love gopel

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Join Big Q, DC, and Lexxah on the Pelicans Postgame Report (PPR) as they delve into a hot topic: Should the Pelicans reorganize their leadership for more consistent success? In this episode, the PPR crew discusses whether the top brass of the team possesses the basketball savvy needed to lead the Pelicans to victory.

Don’t miss this insightful conversation as they analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the current leadership and explore potential changes that could benefit the team’s future. Tune in and share your thoughts in the comments!

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  1. Say jus trade DG for CJ and dyson and some picks than if we really trying to to trade BI look at a young team like Houston give a young star with the #3 pic r another team that has a star and make a move

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