@Boston Celtics

Kendrick Perkins GETS EXPOSED By Jayson Tatum

Kendrick Perkins GETS EXPOSED By Jayson Tatum

and at times we keep wondering when is uh JT going to arrive when can we put his name in the conversation with Luca and Anthony El was and things of that nature was he the best player on the floor last night hell no he wasn’t and look I understand he had what 36 last night 12 rebounds he should have had 50 you in full man never go full when it comes to Superstar players in this year’s postseason nobody’s been more critiqued than nitpicked than Jason Tatum and at first it was minor critiques that were valid his shot was off he was missing threes stuff like that was valid and plainly obvious but the further we advanced in the playoffs the more Tatum was nitpicked the goal post removed and the hate increased tfold and by the time we reached game one of the East finals you had someone like Kendrick Perkins and Jaylen Brown is actually better than Tatum and the best player on Boston what statement did Jaylen Brown make what statement he’s been trying to make all postseason long that he’s the best player on the Boston Celtics perkins’s level of hate for Tatum at this point it’s reaching skip balis LeBron type levels as now Perkins saying Brown is actually better overall player even looking at perkins’s takes from a week ago it disproves that on its own as when it came to big perk’s top five players with the most pressure on them who’s on that list Jason Tatum at number one and quite possibly the dumbest take of the playoffs came after game one versus Indiana now to remind you guys T this game 36 points 12 boards four assist a great allaround game now yes jayen in the fourth quarter had that clutch three in the corner which saved the game that was crucial a great shot props to Jaylen but tat him in overtime this dude took over and sort a game high 10 points now Boston winning this game Tatum playing fantastic being great in OT them snatching a victory from the Jaws defeat what was Perkin’s big brain take the next day was he the best player on the floor last night hell no he wasn’t and look I understand he had what 36 last night 12 rebounds he should have had 50 I want you guys to wrap your heads around this Perkins standard for Tatum is scoring 50 points in the East finals in all of NBA history only two players ever have scored 50 plus points in the Conference Finals that being Durk and 06 and Michael Jordan in 1993 like I said earlier the standard Perkins holds Tatum to is unrealistic even for the best number one options in NBA history but simultaneously we’ll say Jaylen Brown is the best player despite Tatum having all the pressure expectations and supposedly having to dve Dr 50 and one thing that does frustrate me is that Jaylen Brown in all these debates is really being used as a pawn these guys don’t like Jaylen appreciate him or recognize his game when they can’t slander Tatum off his great game and despite Kendrick Perkins being an absolute his narrative after game one spread like wildfire as even shaneon sharp wrongly so was saying Jaylen Brown was Boston’s best player right Jaylen Brown has been their most consistent player throughout these playoffs if you go back look at game in the first round series the second round series and now this one with an opportunity to advance Jaylen Brown has been their best player maybe I’m too young a little naive but I’ve never seen the media pit two superstars against each other in the playoffs and speaking as a Celtics fan the goal of this team is winning a championship I don’t care if Tatum averages 30 Brown averag is 20 or brown Aver is 30 Tatum average 20 this team for the past 5 years has a knock on the door of a championship how they get it done I really could care less about and very quickly to debunk Shannon’s point the Jay in these playoffs has been better look at Tatum in the last six games versus Jaylen in his last six games and for context Boston right now has played 12 games in the postseason so looking at Tatum’s numbers the second half of this playoff run 31 points per game 10 boards six dimes nearly two steals a 59.4 true shooting percentage for Boston in that stretch leading them in points rebounds assists and steals now jaylen’s play also fantastic but compared to Tatum it’s a step below him 26 points six boards four assists 1.2 Steals on really good shooting Jaylen Brown is a phenomenal phenomenal player and highly underrated and T him in his own right after the Slender I’ve seen from lately he’s also pretty underrated but pitting these guys against each other when they’re a Duo on the same team it’s absolutely idiotic and one thing I do want to hit on very quickly Jason Tatum is number one option it’s not really close Jaylen Brown Sun Knights a 1B other Knights a solid number too but the defensive Simon Tatum sees the defensive Focus gets far different than jayen in terms of like they being your Detroit Pistons the Miami he have and they it’s like the the Jordan rules is the Tatum rules and I’ve seen it put together and they will figure out what your weakness is I mean they’ll say after you take three dribbles right we doing this it’s like that detailed if you watch Boston closely watch Jaylen and Tatum closely there’s no question who the better player is but these idiots in the media popping up one game here one game there just to slander tum it’s getting old and just it’s getting corny and my biggest take away from watching Tatum this year really take control of the offense minus porzingis is making the right reads the right passes that in past years he wouldn’t have made I mean tonight versus the Pacers that behind the back dime to Horford in the corner for a very crucial three Tatum two years ago probably doesn’t make that play but this version of JT far better allaround player a defensive player passer and especially rebounder and contrary to what ESPN says nobody on Boston that being tame or brown has to score 40 points every single night to carry the team that is the pressure but on individually on Jason Tatum we can’t put him in the category of LeBron James I don’t even think he has the it factor that Luca donic has dude you’re the best player on the team you got to carry the team maybe he’s just not that guy now that guy right there I think his name’s Adam Han he’s a Knicks reporter for him to have that take it’s what are your qualifications to talk basketball I’m a guy on YouTube I understand Jason Tatum’s standard is it LeBron James Steph Curry or Michael Jordan in terms of carrying a team and for this Celtics team nobody’s carrying them to a championship not Tatum not brown this team was built as an actual basketball team a one through seven we have five different guys can give you 20 points on a given night and the last thing I do want to address is the ant vers tat debate as this debate early in the playoffs the Anthony Edwards fans are very vocal very loud that Edwards final is better than Tatum and a top sevenish player some were saying top five now of course Edwards in a very short time from a great story a great player who’s on the rides to now 2 weeks later just being overrated and kind of tossed to the side and of course Edwards is a great player but you know who ruined all this the NBA media they try to annoint Anthony Edwards ahead of guys like Tatum Luca guys who have been there done that for years on end that’s not ant’s fault but the media an owned this guy prematurely that’s on them but I think he is a tier a Notch below the absolute superstars of embiid uh Giannis joic and now Anthony Edwards um maybe Tatum can change it if they somehow got over the hump and won it this year uh I don’t see them doing that uh but yeah Edwards has surpassed and let’s face it before the off the court problems John Morant had passed Jason Tatum and like I said in my previous video the media excuses for Anthony Edwards they wouldn’t fly for Tatum or Luca at the age of 22 him quote unquote being exhausted only being 22 never having been there before those excuses don’t fly if you’re a top five or top three player like they claimed two weeks ago and there’s the Crux of my argument Anthony Edwards in his life was better than Tatum for a total of two and a half weeks the start of the postseason now the second half of the playoffs Jason Tatum 31 points per game 10 boards six dimes two steals you know the stats now Anthony Edwards still really good numbers production still playing relatively well but compared to his early playout production when he was 30 points per game really every single night this version of ant Edwards two weeks later not even the same galaxy and watching game two the West finals Edwards down the stretch had some really Big Time blunders and the biggest one being that pass NZ Reed they went out of bounds if Jason Tatum made that pass in a playoff game it would be Devcon 4 all Hands-On ship is an all assault on him as an NBA player I mean it would be absolutely nuts but for some reason Anthony Edwards kind of just scir spotted the criticism of his late game play and his bad play in general so that right there is the end of the video as always than guys are watching Hope hope you enjoyed it as next time

Big Perk taking L’s just another day that ends in y. Hope you enjoy.


  1. This romanticization of Anthony Edwards’s needs to be studied. Great player, but his marketability, charisma, and highlight dunks have made people delusional when comparing him to Tatum.

  2. Kendrick Perkins just finds a way to hate on anybody especially Jayson Tatum, that’s why the Celtics are winning it all

  3. I’m not surprised. They need talk about or pick on big market teams in order to stay relevant. For many years it was the Patriots and who was “the man” or whose team was it, Brady’s or Belichick’s. Now, they came up with this crap.

  4. Guess it's Celtics vs Mavericks in the 2024 Finals. Crazy to think this year's FMVP will be somebody who hasn't even won a regular season MVP (Jayson Tatum has an All-Star MVP trophy).

  5. I heard a story from a pretty good source…Kendrick ( 5 points a game ) Perkins was doing Celtics Postgame ….where he basically started his Emmy winning tv career. After the show , he goes up JT, to pretty much give him dap, and JT pretty much ignores him. Just think about it, there’s no way that 1 guy would EVER hate on JT as much as this guy, unless it’s personal.

  6. JT needs to break Kobe's 81 PTS or else he's TRASH! TRASH I TELL YOU!! ….people need to get lost with the pathetic L takes, it's getting outta hand

  7. A couple of fallacies in this video. Saying that Ant wasn't getting criticized for his game 1 performance and for saying he was tired. He literally got criticized for it by multiple media personalities. So, the idea that they're making excuses for him is complete fantasy.

    Second, saying Tatum would get criticized if he had the late game blunders Ant had in game 2. There's no need for hypotheticals. The big reason Tatum isn't in the top 5 for many people is because he HAS had those late game blunders in the playoffs. Multiple times. The 2022 Finals was a big one. He made a lot of blunders in that series. And in 2023, he fell flat against Miami. So, he has a history of blowing it at the biggest moments. That's why a lot of people don't have him in the same tier as Luka and Jokic.

    And Ant is new. He isn't being held to the same standard as Tatum because he hasn't entered his prime yet. But that's nothing new. Tatum was also given a pass when he was younger. At the time, when he lost to GS, he was criticized just as much as Ant is now being criticized. But a lot of those critiques were followed by, "But he's young. This is all part of the growing pains that every superstar goes through." Now, in 3 years, if Ant keeps making the same blunders in the postseason, then he will 100% be criticized as much as Tatum.

    Tatum is a great player. But the reason Boston is so heavily favored to win the title isn't because Tatum is so great. They're heavily favored because that team is loaded. Tatum is usually the best player on the team. But they are fully capable of winning the title, even if he isn't spectacular.

  8. I think it’s Tatum’s best year. He is doing everything for us atm. Passing. Screens. Defence AND scoring

  9. The hate is real! If Celtics wins the title and Tatum wins MVP, Perks gonna be like “Not deserving he should had scored 200”

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