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Luka-Kyrie combine for 66 points, Brou’s Wolves are done, Celtics impressive? | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Luka-Kyrie combine for 66 points, Brou’s Wolves are done, Celtics impressive? | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Luca and Kyrie combined in the fourth quarter this series 20 points a game shooting 56% 70 from three from three pretty good only four Turners last night they had 21 wow so Nick they were tough shots last night man he’s he’s making them unbelievable he’s making them the defense isn’t horrible what I’m saying uh what impressed you the most well I mean they’re up 3 0 and this series started in Minnesota which means Brew what did they do oh here we go into the timber wolves house he got to get a better not get a sandwich they got comfy on the couch and listen Luca’s not into sandwiches chips and sod pop we know what LC is into he said you know what let me crack open an ice cold beer wow let me grab hold on let me grab a controller so I can get my OverWatch ranking even higher and then he said Rudy bring me my hookah and he absolutely celebrate listen in their house he kicked his feet up turned on OverWatch you you better not be getting high no it’s hook tobacco base glorious rips from his hookah and took control of the series did we buy that we bought we bought that hookah after game two anticipating game three and that’s be hon that looks better than sandwich yeah you got the nice PlayStation controller you got the nice cold beer and you got Lucas be careful Lucas those those charcoals get very very hot uh listen guys this is a perfect storm of and this is where I think you’ll agree one of I actually agree with what you just did I mean that’s exactly what they did I hate to say it’s a perfect storm of one of the greatest offensive players the League’s everever seen Luka is that he is one of the greatest heliocentric or not offensive forces the league has seen a number two option who when his mind is right and he is not relied on to be the number one option is as good of a number two postseason killer as we’ve seen like that’s what his resume is in this specific and a roster built exactly with not only those players strengths but maybe more importantly those two players weaknesses in mind and all of that plus two guys who are absolutely Fearless at the end of close games is how you take a team that looked like oh my God they’re go they’re they should be the favorites to win the title in Minnesota and three games later every close game late you’re like well they’re going to lose yeah they’re going to lose because the other guys are going to take it from them it looks somewhat not exactly the same but it’s a lot like the Lakers Nuggets where the games were you know Lakers are right there and then Denver just pulls away and it gets to the point where it seems inevitable and that’s what this is look the difference in this series is the two stars for Dallas have shown up in a huge way particularly down the stretch and the two stars for Minnesota for the most most part if not ants had moments cat is totally been non-existent shooting 27% from the floor 133% from three that and then down the stretch look at this the the Timberwolves have held the lead in the last five minutes in each game I know they were up four or they were they were up four with three and a half minutes left in game one get out scored 10 to three they’re up five with a minute and a half left in game two get out scored 60 to rest of the way what are you smiling about you got something they’re they’re up to with five minutes left yesterday and they get out score 14 to three down the stretch and you are right Nick look Kyrie Irving will probably not go down I mean who knows what he does going forward but most likely won’t go down as a top 10 point guard of all time but skill-wise I’ve always said this about Kyrie up until like this season he’s really only been about as far as accomplishments about 75% of the player he could have been and he’s still a Hall of Famer if you if he didn’t have and some of it was injuries too not just off the court stuff but his game is crazy and so at the end of games you have literally got two unguardable players all right and they they both can handle the ball terrifically they both can get to the rim and finish they both can score in the mid-range they both can shoot the three they both can catch and shoot they both can pass so if you double them they can either throw an alleyoop or or spray it out to a three-point shooter or pass it back to the other like Kyrie there’s nothing it’s it’s actually different than that because LeBron was not the jump shooter especially at that time that Luca is like they I think it’s more dangerous offensively not defensively obviously because LeBron was such a great defender but when you got two guys that can shoot it the way and we said it earlier the defense on some of these threes Lucas hitting and some of the mid-range shots the turnarounds the defense is good by Minnesota it’s just yeah they’re they’re playing you follow the NBA transactions probably closer than most people certainly me when did Kyrie and Luca hook up when when did they sign mid through last year oh last year yeah oh so Brew you knew that Kyrie and Luca were two great offensive forces going into this series right they’re on the team yeah yeah so why did you pick the Wolves after you just gave this long spiel about how great they’re two the best players are better the woles were good in the clutch against Denver what that it’s not look at how close these games have been it’s not just that they’ve lost but they’ve these games are right there for the taking and they Anthony Edwards has falling off down the stretch in some of these games and and I we’ll get to him because I got a lot to say about him but yeah I I just think it’s not like they’re getting blasted I’m I’m wondering what is this have something I can tell you he he was grinning because he thought you were going to unveil close sweep again we’re right that’s what he thought that’s why he was he did the absolute it’s been so bad down the right and then he did this thing where he tried to kill you for your pick when he refused to make a pick because in part that’s exactly what I did to him the Nuggets Tim series and you’re catching trapnel I everything you said about Kyrie is true and I will I have no problem sitting here on TV and saying listen I picked the Mavs to win the title last year and when they got Kyrie I said it hurt their chances like I I was so I was so down on Kyrie the actual player versus Kyrie the idea and he has totally I I saw you because of the off the court yeah yeah well because the off the court stuff impacted on the court it wasn’t just off the court things it was because of off the court things he couldn’t he wasn’t available for you and post LeBron when he was available for you in the playoffs he was bad in the postseason and that has now obviously changed and so I he does deserve credit the Luca piece of it if I may quickly this has been the trajectory he’s been on since he was a child at 16 years old he’s an impact player in the second best league in the world at 18 years old he’s the MVP of That League and a champion at 20 years old he’s League MV or rookie of the year in the NBA at 21 he scores 42 in his first playoff game ever at 22 he averages 368 and 10 in the series against the Clippers at 23 he has a down year and at 25 he is or I skipped a year there but you guys follow it or no 23 at 23 he in the Conference Finals pardon me beating the at 24 he has a down year and at 25 he’s on the precius of the finals and entering the is he actually the best player in the world discussion that’s been who he’s supposed to be with one weird outlier year last year and obviously kid and Nico Harrison and Kyrie and everyone else deserve a ton of look I I honestly as much as I’ve Loved Kyrie’s game from Jump Street yep I didn’t think they should resign him yeah because I felt like if you give him multiple years now he’s got the security financially to just maybe he does some more stuff off the court but maybe that was a wakeup call maybe the fact that he didn’t get the full Max the full Max just matured yeah no I think that’s a big part of it too okay as you were referencing earlier uh t- wolves this series some people are calling it a close sweep I don’t know if you want to go there but are you giving up on your wolves it’s got to I’ll go there close sweep I’m not ashamed of a close sweep you think it’s a sweep well look this is [Laughter] tough but I guess I’m not immune each one of us has had to take our medicine this postseason you picked the Lakers to beat Denver you of course nobody’s beating the nuggets in a seven game series yeah and I guess now it’s looking like with bruised wolves in not a hole in an abyss all right and you guys know I don’t abandon ship at the first sign of danger no all right when they were down 32 to the nuggets and you were dying for me to come over to your side what did I do I stood 10 toes down true when they when they were down 20 if you had texted me with them down 20 I would have said the wolves are going to win all right I I had them all right now as much as I would love love to sit here and say I Envision later this week throwing on the sunglasses putting on the robe kicking up my feet I like that I also am responsible on this show for True heartfelt cogent analysis not out here like a car all right so Timberwolves it’s over you’re run is done at least this year there will be no historic comeback I hate to say it but you are done yeah there we go yeah it’s as simple as that I thought it would feel better to be honest with well here’s the thing and Brew tried to be a little tricky there saying I had to eat it cuz I got a first round serious right yeah but the but then by that same logic I do believe and by I do believe I mean I checked the tape this morning you multiple times had the Clippers beating these Dallas Mavericks who I think now you’re time I the Lakers over theet but that’s neither here nor there here’s where you guys both I think missed the boat on this one Dallas has arguably been the best team in the league for a couple months we can show it to you what Dallas has been since early March the numbers I was going to show it earlier but we can get it to it now it’s 27 and8 but it’s better than that cuz two of those game three of those eight losses number one they didn’t play I think it’s Boston I would say Boston take this graphic off the screen okay so I don’t I don’t actually age is that the best in the west 27 and8 I understand but so if if just please let me finish exploring the graphic if I may the 26 and five is when their guys play because LCA and Kyrie both sat out the final two games of the year that is the best record in basketball the the defense has been unbelievable and when you consider difficulty of competition over the course of the playoffs I think that tilts heavily in the favor of anyone in the west versus anyone in the East you then add to this series or what the Mavs have done all playoffs which is a stat TNT showed we put our own little twist on it which I don’t think is about the the Timberwolves not having it they luc’s thrown 28 Aly oops successful Aly oops these playoffs the rest of M has thrown 20 every other team’s at nine so it’s 48 to 9 to 8 to 6 it’s not like Al oops are worth more but they basically it’s about a 98% shot and the fact that they’re getting them at 5x the rate of everyone else means they are creating some of the easiest offense I don’t think that’s an indict and by I don’t think that’s an indictment on the Timberwolves I mean a little bit man I if they were doing it they did it in round one to the Clippers they did it in round two to the number one seed top five defense Thunder they’re going to do it in round four to Boston whether they’re going to win or not they’re going to have five six Aly oops a game and it is part of the the last one Luca had in this game to ice it was falling down left-handed and like there’s no and for as much as people want to rip gobear it’s it’s almost an impossible for situation for him because to come up and help and then Luc just throw the L but don’t don’t you think that that um they took that away from the Nuggets like that that joker to Aaron Gordon all of a sudden it wasn’t there and then and then it’s back where goar is letting I’m not saying he’s letting it happen but it seems to be available in this series and it wasn’t in last I part of it the Nuggets had really one playmaker as great as Jamal Murray is not really a playmaker for other players and they got two and that’s that’s also you got to guard Luca further out from the basket than you have to guard Joker so there’s you know what I mean there’s more ground to make up I I’ll say like I I should what I should have seen is and we talked about a little bit no 22 Anthony AB is 22 no 22 has ever been the year old player has been the best player on his team in the history of the NBA that won a championship and this goes back to George mik all right all the others magic Kobe who were young they had they weren’t the best players on their team at that LeBron didn’t win when he LeBron didn’t win and and so I thought with his Supporting Cast even know he’s technically the best player I thought with cat and goar and Conley that they would be good enough to win it and obviously that’s not the case and so um you know he’s learning you’re seeing why no 22s year old players ever led a team to a championship because he’s still figuring it out he’s still figuring out when to be aggressive when to get other series of his life which isn’t helpful well Tak shots pre game probably i’ bring it down to 1100 I would save 400 for the game here’s the best point differential in the last 30 postseasons now maybe this says something about the Celtics dominence maybe it says something about a moderately easy uh injury plagued path even though porzingis isn’t playing uh have you been impressed with the Celtics yeah yeah you guys know I’m hard on the Celtics to say the EAS the path has been easy is it’s just unbelievably like I’ve never seen this in the NBA I it done all the years but I don’t remember a team Jimmy Butler best player out in the first round Donovan Mitchell best player Jared Allen maybe be the second best player out against Cleveland and now Tyrese halberton out can I make it just a quick porz is not close to their best no I know isn’t that the reward for getting the number one seed injuries the other team’s being injured I don’t think so yeah a little bit because when you’re playing a Heat team that is been you’re playing other teams that go through some injury strife and drop down in the rankings and you get to be the number all these injuries happened but that’s not but that the heat weren’t the 18 because Jimmy got hurt Jimmy got hurt in the final game before the playoffs started the the Donovan Mitchell was healthy when the series started was Donovan Mitchell healthy the whole season no but Donovan Mitchell got hurt the Cavs dropped and they got to play and then and then he was fully healthy and we were talking about him being great in round one and scoring 50 and then he got hurt and Tyrese Hal was hurt during the year that’s what I’m saying Tyrese halber was hurt during the year I I agree yes but I don’t I I just you asked the question I I think you’re saying give them credit for putting themselves in the number one right cuz cuz the Nick like the the um bucks didn’t put themselves in the number two spot like they couldn’t they could have avoided in the so I get what you’re saying but it’s still been a yellow brick road to the NBA finals I’ll give them Credit in that they’re not fooling around they you know two five game series You could argue they could have swept but they’ve blown them out in all the wins essentially and this series hasn’t been they haven’t had all blowouts but no you all of a sudden I I haven’t you’re oddly defensive about a team that I feel like you were openly skeptical of up to an including discounting Tatum’s performance in the finals when brew and I defended him and now being and now and all week we tried to get you to pick a team to win the championship are you now picking Boston I certainly like them okay but that’s you ready to make a pick so are are you ready to make a pick your wounds have healed not ready yet ready to get back out what I’m certainly not going to side with you and and the naavs and your sh I got to make here’s the thing I will say this I will say this and I’m look I’m leaning Dallas strongly I think I’m gonna pick Dallas the Celtics if you go there Wilds look they do have great Defenders and Drew holiday and Dereck white two great perimeter Defenders for Kyrie you got size and some good defenders in brown and Tatum to defend Luca and they spread the floor with that fiveman out offense to bring Gafford and guys away from the rim so they I think they do match up remember I said last week I think they match up better with Dallas than Minnesota so I think there’s a reason if you want to go there I might there’s a little support for you I just can’t give them a ton of like people like say what more do they have to do if being down eight with two minutes left to a Pacer teams without Tyrese halberton even though you pulled out the win is not something to me that in Confidence Game one they have the number one scoring margin in the playoffs that’s I what do you want to do I I I understand that and if they which is why we are paid for our analysis I’m just my opin well they have the number one scoring margin in the playoffs and you’re like they were down in the fourth and came back what do you want to have a bigger number one Mar the question is man was I impressed with Boston and since I was last here since we were last on TV here is what I seen them do have a nice win in game two and then game three I think Sleepwalk against a team that has that that starting five has no business in the Conference Finals and they got away with it does that impress me is the question it does not we’ll see if they end up playing up to their the stat you’re showing say they are one of the greatest teams ever I think that they are not even one of the three best teams in the NBA so we’ll see so we we’ll we see how it plays out I’m definitely taking the Celtic is that yeah yeah after this you got the Celtic all right there it is some sad news uh we’re going to end the segment with uh bill walon has passed away at the age of 71 he anchored a Legendary Run with UCLA won two NBA championships is a member of the Hall of Fame and brought an infectious joy throughout his broadcasting career Brew how will you remember Bill Walton well first of all I mean obviously was a tremendous player and a lot of people might not know cas fans that injuries really I don’t ruined his too strong but hurt his career because he it it broke my heart Dr J was my favorite player and Bill Walton led the Portland Trailblazers to Series championship over them in 1977 um so I remember him as a great player whose career was sabotaged by injury but I worked with Bill at ESPN and he was a ton of fun to work with he he said my analysis was Baler Dash fash poppycock but hey he was a lot of fun to work with and I remember him as a great guy I was disappointed when they took him off the NBA broadcast he did with Steve Snapper Jones because I thought those two were great together so I I remember it was a great player a great fun guy to be around and uh I thought he was a tremendous broadcaster as well so on on the basketball side of things from Midway point of his junior year of high school until the Midway point of his senior year of college he didn’t lose a game didn’t lose a game uh there was an 88 game Collegiate winning streak in there plus what he did in high school plus what he did as freshman year at UCLA if you ask the question who’s the greatest college basketball player of all time you’re allowed to give two names either L all sender or Bill Walton they’re the only two eligible then in the pros as Brew mentioned he has 20 20 points 23 rebounds seven assists eight blocks to win a championship against Dr J at the peak of Dr J’s Powers then next year was the youngest te ever to win a corre and then next year he followed that up by winning League M VP and then foot injuries derailed it but despite that he then was Sixth Man of the Year for a team a lot of people think is the greatest team ever the 86 Celtics with all that said he might have been an even better broadcaster and I was telling these guys before the show when I was a little kid Bill Walton is who I wanted to be when I would tell people I want to do broadcasting and I wanted I I said I want to talk about the NBA for a living it was the Walton Steve snapper Jones combo on NBC that I loved and wanted to do and I didn’t know he had to be a player or a coach to sit in those seats um so I so many of my memories as a kid growing up the soundtrack are him and Snapper bickering you know playfully with each other and I remember getting mad telling my mom how that I thought that Snapper Jones was so mean to bill because I didn’t know their friendship so he is a legendary career over 60 years or 50 years truly truly unbelievable that was well said Bill Walton was 71 years old thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1

The Dallas Mavericks increased their lead to 3-0 after a 116-107 Game 3 win over the Minnesota Timberwolves. Nick Wright, Chris Broussard (who mourns for his Wolves) and Kevin Wildes break down Game 3, including how impressive Luka Dončić and Kyrie Irving were, along with what went wrong for the Wolves. The squad then discusses how impressive the Boston Celtics have been this postseason and share a tribute to the late Bill Walton.

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Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, and Kevin Wildes team up on First Things First. The trio offers their take on a bevy of sports stories alongside special guests from across the sports world.

Luka-Kyrie combine for 66 points, Brou’s Wolves are done, Celtics impressive? | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. Both the eastern conference finals and western conference finals are very similar in that both teams that are down 3-0 realistically at worst should be up 2-1 but due to their lack of production in the clutch they’re done for. Celtics gonna sweep the Mavs

  2. Realistically.. Ant-Man beong the #1 option SHOULD have KAT to lean on when times get rough… Kat showed us who his was after the game last night when he didn't do the post game interviews… They caught him sneaking out the backdoor snd cornered him 😂 my man was fully dressed with his chains on and everything 😂😂

  3. How ridiculous. I'm a big fan of CC too. But now I'm also a fan of Boston and Kelsey. Get a grip people. Also I hope the coach is working on better plays that maximize Bostons' talents.

  4. Crazy thing I'm sure Luka was also down 18 so should that seris be 2-1. Consistence is all I ask dont disparge one player when the other actually mirrors him their one in the same with different skills.

  5. Nick’s a Celtics hater no worries. One thing left is to win the chip.Cs had a much harder run a few years ago and they were gassed.

  6. R.I.P Bill Walton!😔 An all time great player! Many people don't know that he used to stutter as a very young man and was very shy because of it. I have the same issue so I can relate. But for him to have gone on to become an awesome color commentator is nothing short of superb! GOD bless his soul. He will be missed.

  7. You know KD is gotta be livid. This is what he thought he and Kyrie would be like and they up 3-0 on the team that swept them.

  8. 6:19 I have allot to talk about anthony he has allot to say about him. Not su much about the guy carrying this team. The NBA/Media trying to hard not to have a white man as the face of the NBA. This comes from a mexican that has not sides just loves basketball

  9. This luka hate needs to stop. You guys called devin booker their next Kobe, luka destroyed him in a game 7. You guys said he couldn’t beat the clippers, soon as he got kyrie on the team they washed them. You guys called ant the next mj, luka is currently 3-0 on top of them. If luka beat the Celtics in the finals, I wonder what ya will say.

  10. It's insane how that game winner from Luka has not been talked about at all today on any show I have not heard it mentioned.

  11. lol he called kyrie the help 😂😂 they allow this disrespect is crazy if anything Luka helpin him in these playoffs kyrie has been the most consistent player period Luka had to step up not kyrie

  12. I can remember all these media guys screaming that Dallas was crazy for bringing Kyrie on board 🤔 here's a nugget for all those guys, Dallas got 2 assassin's and they will win multiple chips 💯

  13. I like Kevin Wildes and Broussard but Nick Wright is a joke. Always has been. The amount of hate he has for the Celtics is crazy. Not even top 3 in the NBA now? Gimme a break. Most teams in the playoffs don't steamroll teams away from home, even if players are injured. Does he not watch playoff basketball? Not to mention the amount of pressure they have on them from all the media and themselves on showing up in the playoffs. He can hate all he wants but I'm impressed that the Celtics are one game away from the Finals and I honestly think they match up with Dallas really well. Definitely not an easy pick between the two.

  14. The media only talk about ppl when they are on top and when they are down the step all over them..Kyrie have and is always better than Steph Curry, but u guys always lift up curry

  15. Captain Picard: Computer, immediate dunk needed to sabotage enemy morale. Eject ball into Lob City.

    Computer: Projectile ejected into the Lively-Gafford stratosphere; result – instant flush.

    Captain Picard: Computer, The Ant & the Puddy KAT are trying to breach our security system. Activate the pest repellant.

    Computer: Lively-Gafford repellant activated; result – instant rejection.

    Captain Picard: Computer, game is too close to call and time is winding down. Activate the twin dynamite.

    Computer: Luka-Kyrie dynamite activated; result – enemy exterminated.

  16. 🧹🤑🧹🤑🧹🤑🧹🤑🧹🤑🧹🤑🧹🤑🧹🤑 Which trumps: talent or money⁉️ Refs – less money, ticket sales – less money, concession sales – less money, hotel sales – less money, broadcasting rights – less money. MAVS in 5‼️🏀👏🏽🏀👏🏽🏀👏🏽🏀👏🏽🏀👏🏽

  17. Nick is a Kyrie hater who believes Dallas was favored even before Kyrie joined. In my view, Kyrie is the main reason for their success. Personally, I love Kyrie, but I believe the T-Wolves will make history with a comeback or they will win next year. Mark my words.

  18. First thing First cast forgot about warriors first championship run. Every team they played that team superstar got injured

  19. im really trying not to like nick wright cause of some of his agendas but..he`s making it very hard after this lol hilarious

  20. so Nick gives Kyrie credit and others because of Luca’s success but when LeFraud wins, its all him and when LeFraud loses, he has no help?

    remember LeFraud had Kyrie when “he had no help” ..

  21. This whole panel is full of clowns. Kyrie did nothing wrong off the court other than not follow your corporate/government narrative.

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