@Sacramento Kings

The Handoff: Do the Sacramento Kings need more offense?

The Handoff: Do the Sacramento Kings need more offense?

way it’s time for the handoff yeah Timberwolves at Mavs game for tonight 5 o’clock right here on ESPN 1320 we’ll see you there oh man um boy hey here’s what here’s what I want to start off with because James I threw this at you over the weekend uh and then said don’t reply to this I’ve had some drinks I just wanted to throw this on the table for Tuesday okay we’ve talked about if the kings use their draft pick we’ve talked a lot about wings six7 athlete play some defense maybe knock down a three and contribute right away after watching what Derrick Lively has done for the Mavs in the playoffs specifically in this series and how impactful he has been uh I know he’s out tonight he’s got a sprain neck that but that that’s yeah that was really bad um would it be better for the Kings to look for that kind of player instead somebody who can be like a backup big and just you can say hey go run and try and block shots well it’s funny you say that because before you know we were doing some other stuff me and Damen Barling uh my man DLo usually Monday Wednesday Friday it’s Kenny’s days on a handoff Tuesday Thursdays it’s D’s days on a handoff oh he said I’m gonna go in there I said no no no I’m g go in there I gotta talk to these dudes I gotta talk to these dudes man I gotta talk to them because I was listening on the way in oh and this ties into your question I’m G get to your question great but the whole discussion that you guys had about the king’s offense and what we see now you need defense this is what Mike Brown has been talking about all this other Stu I don’t want to say I disagree because I don’t I don’t but I think you need offense in a bad way on this team and this is where answer your question if they can get that offense then yes you go try and get you a lively sure at 13 if you didn’t trade the pick MH I think those type of guys guys I don’t want to say they’re easily you can find them easy but like Lively Daniel gaffer like they’re they’re there like you can you can find ran Holmes when he was at you know his height you know you you can find those guys you guys they need they need somebody that can get Buckets yeah don’t get don’t get me wrong on the on the needing offense thing that adding another shot Creator Malik monk or or otherwise um or even if they bring back Malik monk you need more shot creation for sure like not hey this guy shoots 42% from three but he can’t dribble more than twice like no you need somebody who can create off the bounce and maybe it’s Keegan maybe it’s not but I’m I’m not I am in on that their roster needs to be different for sure I’m talking just from as a as a coach I thought that was a misstep for Mike Brown in the training camp I thought maybe maybe there’s too much maybe I’m putting too much into like there’s powers and Power in the words and stuff like that and we don’t know what he was saying in like with the team he could have been saying just this and or whatever but I always thought the notion and he didn’t say this specifically but the notion that the Kings can take a step back on offense but if they improve on defense they’ll be a better team no yeah no you always have to this is your for better putting the ball in the basket this is this is who you are and it it kind of started with that and I don’t think the season is Mike Browns far nothing like that I agree with you and James said it too Malik monk doesn’t go down I think when they lost that Mavericks game they were like a game out of six you know when he went down like yeah it was a huge game it was it would have right there if he would have stayed healthy but with the whole Kevin hder Chris dorte stuff I didn’t like it when it happened I understand he’s not this great defender but that’s who you have and that is part of what made you special last year and you’ve got to empower that you’ve got to find a way as a coach to empower that there’s a I’ll talk about it on the show a little bit because it’s a funny story but there’s a situation with a little funny situation with my daughter right now interesting situation interesting situation she’s got to take some medicine she doesn’t want to take the medicine so what we have to do is we’ve got to slip this medicine into this applesauce that she likes so she can get better she got to she not going to just take the medicine just in general she needs the applesauce there and you got to say yo you need this you need this but I’m gonna let you get what you want too I’m gonna let you get your applesauce and that I thought should have been the overarching message with this king’s team this past year keep doing what you do on the offensive end we gonna find a way to get that Ibuprofen defense in there like we I’m I’m GNA feed you some defensive stuff but no please no steps back on the offensive end none sure none matter of fact turn it up even more I’m gonna find a way to get you to play defense but the notion that I it started out in the off no they could take a step back on offense but if they improve on defense that’s that’s gonna be no that was never the issue that should have never been the case okay so my rebuttal to this would be that as a coach and as a parent you have to figure out the work around and for me like maybe there was a step here with Mike and Kevin hder and the way he tried to reach him because as a coach you got to treat everybody the same like everyone has to follow the same rules but you don’t coach players the same way each player is totally unique and you need to find a way to reach that player I think his misstep might have been that he tried one approach with Kevin hder and it didn’t work at all but that you can’t blame a coach for trying one approach with one player and that not working out short term you got to get back in there and you got to find a different way to reach the player and I think there were times where we saw Kevin start to pull out of his Funk but you’re also as a coach you’re being graded on wins and losses and if a player is not giving you what you need as a coach to help you impact wins and losses and to get you wins you have to look other places you can’t make the 2023 24 season trying to make Kevin herder forget about the Three-Point Contest and his performance in the playoffs you as a coach and you as someone who has got no contract after this season you got to be so hyperfocused on moving ahead if it’s if Keon Ellis is a better fit and is Keon Ellis is giv me a better opportunity to win then I don’t care how much Kevin herder makes or the fact that you gave up a first round pick for him you got to do what’s best for the whole and you you got to do what’s best for yourself as a coach you but first and foremost you got to do what’s best for the rest of the group as a whole to move forward and it’s not always on a coach to say man I don’t know why it is that that guy can’t shoot a three anymore sometime you gotta hand him off to a a a training staff and say hey man can you guys try to get him right you got to bring in a sports psychologist say hey I need some help because I don’t know how to get him right but there was clearly something broken and and I think what Mike did probably furthered the issue short term but you got to try everything as a coach you do but my my issue is and like I said Mike Brown should get his money he should be back this is not anything with him moving forward but you do that with Keon Ellis this year you don’t do that with the sight unseen Chris dorte like Chris DTE had done nothing here to to even think about he should be playing over Kevin herder or starting over Kevin herder but he’ there for over a month at that point like when that happened like Chris dwte had been there since like early September playing pickup games with the guys and they could have saw things that we didn’t see but I know when the lights turned on it was like why is this guy yeah no doubt but you have to try it you have to give it a shot right I would say you have to give that’s what preseason is for I would say you have to give Kevin hder a longer leas that like I would try more Kevin herder before like but it’s that he was gonna start a preseason game but if Kevin if Kevin if Kevin herder’s psyche as such that Chris dwte starting a preseason game is gonna derail him in March remember what are we doing here but remember that wasn’t the talk from all of us at the time it was Mike is setting this up for DTE to start open like it was not just a preseason oh let’s see what’s going on we James we talk like yeah but that was like for two days because Chris warte went on that PR season game and got hurt 10 minutes in exact but the whole point is if he doesn’t get hurt that that Hur they were trying yeah so they were trying something maybe maybe it would have worked maybe it didn’t I mean based on what we know now about Chris D it wouldn’t have worked but you got to see it you got to try stuff you can see it with him coming off the bench well yeah but I also see how plays coming off the bench that that’s perfectly fine and if he balls out like Keon ended up doing and and in the situation he’s in now yeah that that spot is gone because he proved himself out there that no this is this guy is who want we we’re not doing that sight unse with Chris dorte we can see how he plays Off the Bench yeah but I’d also say like we hear this quote all the time iron sharpens iron okay I don’t see where the iron was in this situation like I I don’t see where anyone got sharpened and I don’t know that either of them showed you that they were iron at all yeah and that’s a problem that needs to be addressed I know we got to shake it one thing we had 20 seconds the Kings lost in the playoffs I on this hill more because of their offense than their defense their defense was fine their defense was fine in the playoffs to the point where golden state was writing letters about how physical they were their defense was fine sure all right what do you guys got coming up Mike Brown B wal the Celtics all the weekend all that good stuff bring gas Casey next everybody have a uh fantastic rest of your Tuesday by

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1 Comment

  1. Kel'el Ware is that pick. Saying guys like lively are out is just not true. More offense is cool but how many times did u hear during the games the kings need stops and couldn't get them

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