@Chicago Bulls

Could DeMar DeRozan Leave The Bulls For The Clippers

Could DeMar DeRozan Leave The Bulls For The Clippers

you found yourself on another episode of lock on bulls the Clippers could pursue DeMar rosen if Paul George leaves in free agency being P going to talk about how much we believe that or not also will the Bulls make a draft day trade and how important is that if they are listening to those deals and rumors that Chris Paul may want to come to Chicago no thanks me and Pat are gonna discuss all these Topics in world today Lo bus [Music] you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in lock on bulls member of lock on podcast Network where it’s your team every single day that’s F the designer host and creator of the Wy City Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over ESPN 1000 I’m hay creator of Chicago Bull Central Chicago Bear Central today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet visit lockon to get started all right Pat uh let’s jump right into it man uh the Los Angeles Clippers reportedly could make a pivot towards de deardo Rosen if Paul George does leave in free agency this offseason season um we know that the Philadelphia 76ers are one team that’s reported to have a big interest in Paul George wouldn’t be surprised if there some other Shooters at the door if he does become an unrestricted free agent what do you think about the chance of the Clippers coming to pursue uh DeMar rosen um this offseason potentially it made perfect sense to me when I heard about it I mean maybe it’s just me but literally like a player who’s still a pretty good player but maybe is a little bit you know past his prime and and you want to take a chance on them like that all sounds great but doesn’t that sound like exactly what they did for Russell Westbrook they’re gonna do it again uh it sounds like exactly what they did for Russell Westbrook it sounds exactly like what they did for James Harden it sounds exactly like what they’re continuing to do it for Paul George and kawh Leonard like what do you mean do it again they’re still doing it like you can’t do it again if you’re actively doing it I mean you still can’t do no do it again like nobody said start back up but it is still doing it again you can actively do it and still do it um I mean has that become the identity of the Clippers open their new stadium next year right am I not mistaken yep and soes sense guess what they want to be competitive yeah you do not want to go into your new stadium at with a bad basketball team so yeah I do fully expect them to make a run at demard De R rozan if they do be out if they do end up uh becoming out on the uh uh Paul George Market um and I think that it complet completely fits Theo of that Clippers team a player and listen it’s not to say that any of the names that all the names I just mentioned are still good players yeah turned into a a role player but he’s playing the role as one of the best bench point guards in basketball Paul George is still really good Kawhi Leonard is still really good James Harden still really good well James Harden’s still good uh you know I mean like like you can go down that list and Demar de rozan is still good but like their MO has become we’re going to pay a little bit more we’re going to go get the bigger names but yeah we’re willing to take a gamble on the guys who are a little bit more over the hill to keep our names continually in the conversation as far as playoff contenders maybe not finals contenders but they will be playoff contenders and especially going into a new stadium they they they got to be winners you you cannot go into a new stadium you leave the Staple Center and you lose like you going into a whole new stadium and you’re not selling tickets that’s I don’t know I don’t know if they’re going to sell tickets even if they win like people in La hate the Clippers they really hate the Clippers it’s it’s a very like the only I will say this the only Clippers fan I know that’s like a real like a diard Clippers fan is Daran like he’s the only one he host locked on Clippers but he like he is like a DI hard I don’t even know how that happens yeah I don’t know bro like people die hard Magic respect if you tell somebody from La yeah I got you tickets to the Clippers game right like it I just it’s certain teams I just don’t know how it happens how do you become a Die Hard magic fan like nobody’s born in Orlando you just migrate there nobody nobody’s born in Orlando I can’t you people are born in Tallahassee and moved to [Laughter] Orlando I don’t know man like I just I think that it fits the Clippers emmo think that it would be something that they would absolutely look into doing and I think that uh just today in Orlando by the way 6,475 babies born today I’m not gonna lie that’s a low number get your babies up Orlando get your babies up that’s not a lot of that’s not a lot of babies in the whole state of Florida today there were 647 ,000 babies born today so a 10 a tenth of that coming from just Orlando okay 600 no that would be that would be 10 point no no that’s one what point cuz six1 yeah uh this you see why we talk sports not that mad no man I just like why did you only on locko BS why did you look up how many babies were I don’t know of a point there cuz I don’t care about the Clippers I care more about how many babies were born in in Orlando oh I don’t know know man like I I guess like here’s what’s funny is is it just me or does this is this the team that makes the most sense to go after Demar I guess in the sense that it that if fits their MO if Paul George does leave they can have about $32 million in cap space um not a team that’s afraid to spend money to be over the luxury tax anyway but you got to have true cap space to sign a free agent unless you’re using a mid-level exception um it all makes sense and also the thing with the Clippers are as much as they do want to stay competitive to open this new stadium I believe fully in two or three years they’re blowing that crap all up oh yeah for sure no no I’m not saying that this is the longterm answer I’m telling you that this is you know that when they’re finally ready for Terence man to take over the team when he’s 36 um they’re just gonna keep it’s finally your turn Terrence it’s your time now they’re finally going to turn the Reigns over to Terence man at 6 years old and he’s going to retire the next day um I just I don’t know man like they’re a I don’t know what the Clippers plan like I’m gonna be honest with you the Clippers have as murky of a plan as the Bulls have um and it just it at least they have better players that put you in a better position in the Western Conference than what the Bulls have so they also have owner that’s willing to spend money right like they like they don’t care about the the tax bill and uh in LA and he is willing to do whatever take like let’s be clear like the Clippers if they are fully healthy they are a championship Contender the problem is though is that you’re betting on a bunch of players that are never fully healthy they haven’t been fully healthy for almost a decade like shout out to Paul George for putting together one of his heal Theory Seasons last year like shout out to him and kawhai for what what that’s worth we’re talking about saying hey by the way this is their most healthy season in like six years and he played 74 games which is really good for Paul George what what kawh play like 62 60 something like that yeah some somewhere how many games did kawhai play last year healthy season for Kawhi Leonard since 2018 he played 68 games so which I mean listen to me made perfect sense because we kept hearing that the Clippers were basically just like we’re going to make sure that you don’t get hurt and then you get hurt anyway but I think I I do think it’s it’s funny because like in my mind now uh Steve Steve Balmer who owns the the Clippers is just trying to do anything he can um heading in the next season signing demard de R Ro in right I’m sure there’s going to be some I mean listen we’re we’re we’re going to talk about the Chris Paul rumors to Chicago there are Chris Paul rumors to the Clippers yet again uh I think both signings could be made in an attempt to bury the fact that Lawrence Fishburn is going to be playing Doc Rivers a couple I was just about to bring up that clip TV show bro what they got Lawrence Fishburn doing bro is out of this world here here here’s my question bro like nothing else is going on John Wick like it was nothing else going on that you was like Hey I shouldn’t make this bad television show that looks it looks so tubby at this point bro Lawrence Fishburn is just collecting a check but not only him they also got my boy Al Bundy in it playing Donald Sterling he do got Al Bundy playing Donald Sterling which is which is let’s be real that might end his career that might be the I mean listen I mean Ed O’Neal what like since since Modern Family ended what is really as El O’Neal been in Ed O’Neal was in uh he he got a hit TV show um oh I can’t think of it uh uh um he with the he with the uh that is Ed O’Neal right am I tweaking maybe I’m TW maybe I’m tweaking but I think he’s in yeah that’s it modern modern Modern Family that ended six years ago it ended it ended three years ago it ended in 2020 okay they did four years ago my bad oh yeah four years ago that math Kick In Your Butt dog uh listen no Hey listen he you you live off of that as long as you can brother cause uh you was in that with that fine hey do your ad re brother all right so with that said next up we’re going to be talking about the bullsh possibly making a trade in the draft but before we get into that we got to get a message from our sponsor and that is FanDuel it’s winner take all time in the NBA and NHL and FanDuel is giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads money lines player props and more visit lockon and make every playoff shot count like Anthony Edwards and Carl Anthony TOS did tonight for the Minnesota Timberwolves FanDuel America’s number one sports book all right therea it took you that long to figure out her name oh no I said it I said it before the break oh okay yeah I threw it out there oh yeah I know who she is for sure if there was a Sophia V Rosario a quite a big draft day trade um seven years ago trading Jimmy Butler to the Minnesota Timberwolves in exchange for Zack LaVine lri Markin and Chris Dunn um and the Bulls have kind of been directional this since then like other than the one playoff appearance we haven’t had a true playoff appearance since we traded Jimmy Butler now Pat I’m gonna ask you this could the Bulls reverse that Draft Day luck this year by making a draft day trade and maybe setting the the the the franchise on the right direction it’s tough because I mean you’re you’re still in a situation where you can’t do anything really with that Portland pick just yet you don’t have another pick available to yourself until 2026 that 2025 pick is up in the air right now because of uh uh uh the the trade you made with the Spurs and so you’re you’re kind of in a tough situation but I do think there are some names that are up there that I’d love to see the Bulls try and go after right I talked about Donovan kingan uh as somebody that that I think would would fit well with the bulls um he’s probably gonna be a top six to eight pick somewhere in there uh which is out of your range can you maybe move a couple of picks to go up a few spots I don’t know if there’s anybody up there that I see is that valuable right like if somebody Falls to eight I I kind of at this point don’t want you to trade trade for you I mean like like it’s like if the guy unless you think he’s going to be a star like if he falls to eight it’s like all right like he’s almost there maybe take the chance maybe gamble but like if there’s somebody you view as top three and you think he’s going to be out of there you got to have a lot of confidence in this draft you got to have a lot of confidence because this is a draft right now where and I keep laughing at it every single day um and and everybody that was sitting there laughing at me on lock on NBA and was sitting there like why would this ever happen Brony James is shooting up them boards Brony James is that last those boards from being out of the second round into the second round like you said what yeah shooting up the boards going out from out of the second round into the second round some have some I saw bronnie James 15 think that who who’s mock I think that was ESPN’s M no no he’s 23rd in ESPN’s M oh 23rd on ESPN somebody just had him 15 somebody just had maybe it’s CBS CBS CBS is bad was a Ringo Ringo strikes meing was a Ringo it might have been CBS I don’t know one of them was but but I keep telling you listen he was a midc round pick when we started all this combine stuff where he didn’t have a good combine he was a midc round pick and after a bad combine people are sitting there talking about no bro that’s the thing people you always say that but people legitimately left his combine impressed because that’s how bad they thought he was that he that those mediocre stats in the combine people were like huh he’s better than what thought he was no and but but what I’m saying is that tells you where his draft is at because he didn’t have a good combine I think he went nine for for 2 none of the big time and major other than like ESPN because they have the name ESPN though but the actual draft experts nobody has Bonnie James going that high right now so I I get it it is a weaker draft and as far as that and a good combine especially when they start doing the one-on-one workouts it can it can make you rise and things like that but there are still some really good players actual players in this draft that do have upside I just don’t know if you have to move up to get them that that’s the thing like I don’t know if you need to give up any assets in this one because theoretically at number 11 you’re still going to have a plethora of guys there that honestly I think it’s more likely the Bulls could trade down and still get their guy while maybe picking up a second round pick there’s only there’s only one guy I’m looking to trade down for and is because uh they keep uh they keep saying that he’s going just not be there or maybe you can just buy without somebody’s mocks uh I think you need to find a big in this draft but if tsj falls as far as people are saying he’s gonna fall find a way to get him that you know what that’s the weird thing in all of this like how and it seemed like at least from the last thing I read it seemed like the case may be going his way but it’s like everything that I’ve read says the case is going his way and yet every time I see him I’m like he’s going further down the board exactly it it’s it’s really a weird thing because like we all know and even the everything that you no matter where he’s placed at if you read what they’re saying about him everybody talks about him having Lottery potential but he keeps falling so it’s like what what is the information these people are getting that we don’t have that is making him fall it got to be something there’s got to be something out there bro I have no idea but the one thing that I will say is like that there’s not many players that I see with star potential and maybe I’m being a little bit of hypocritical I said this on the phone with you the other day maybe I’m being a little bit hypocritical with tsj um because he’s not a great three-point shooter and I know the Bulls need three-point shooting terribly uh but I really do believe that he’s the best player in this draft um maybe outside of Alex SAR who I ain’t gonna lie Alex SAR watching Alex sar’s tape did not impress me I didn’t oh bro I don’t I don’t know I didn’t watch his tap go shoot ability his ability to dribble like a wing like I I loved alexand SAR tapate but like I said the Bulls aren’t going to be in a position and I get it they’re not going to be in position for him but it’s just I watched and I was like this feels a little Philip house Kish feels feels mean like but he he he has higher athletic potential but I get I can get where you’re getting at but like we say that Terence Shannon Jr isn’t a good three-point shooter but let’s be clear four three-pointers per game over his collegiate career 35% he’s not terrible and last season 6.73 hit that at a 36% clip it’s not terrible like very Chris Middleton is though when when you watch very streaky very he he’ll have a game where he’ll go five for six he’ll light you up he’ll have a game right after that where he’ll go 0 for six and kind of even it out I I agree I know the percentages are what they are but very you know a little up and downish for for tsj on the three-point shot yeah but if you I mean that’s earlier in his career if you look at last year honestly bro he what game four five six seven eight games in a row of shooting above well 30 mid-30s and above of course he had the the 28 two for S and [ __ ] like that but like he’s a he’s a scorer he’s gonna be streaky he’s not and he’s not a shooter yet he’s a scorer so you know that that’s it’s going to be a little streaky but he has that it’s not like here’s the thing if he if he’s wide open I want him taking the three what I’m taking it yeah no he’s not he’s not bad enough where you go hey maybe don’t take that three it’s just that right now his his first thought is to get to the bucket and that’s why I say maybe a little bit more hypocritical because of what I’ve said that the Bulls need to pick up in this uh um in this draft you got to find I mean listen at at a certain point you have to come into the modern NBA you gotta find size you gotta find a shooter I would love for you to find both of them in the same person um but tsj to me I I do believe is the I I think he’s the best player outside of Alex SAR on this list and he’s like like we’ve said he’s plummeting like maybe I’ll be proven wrong maybe we’ll get to uh um five years down the line and tsj and Kofi Coburn or running a heck of a pick and roll down in Puerto Rico but like I really think he’s the best player that I I think outside of Alex SAR he’s the only other player that has star potential in this draft I don’t see Star potential out of Kyle filipowski I see really good player uh I don’t see Star potential out of Donovan Kling and I see what we missed in Walker Kesler that we could have got at freaking 18 uh I don’t see uh uh uh star potential in a lot of these names that we’ve done mock on Cody will I don’t see Star potential and Cody Williams I see a really good role playing score maybe it’s just me especially what their what their Brandon Cody Williams as lead three inde D all right you see you see our boy Tristan D Silva’s moving shooting up the dra the mo that man he was an early second they got there’s some mock that got him going 15th I’m like yeah listening to us I wouldn’t be mad at Tristan D Silva at 11 I’m not gonna lie to you I wouldn’t be because I think that I only because of the age 24 years old I just I just don’t care you know I mean like at this point I haven’t seen uh uh I haven’t seen five years of good Bulls basketball in oh I haven’t seen five years of good boyss basketball five straight Derrick Rose yeah dere didn’t didn’t play five straight but yeah but we were still good over those over that you gotta keep in mind we still had the the freaking um Nate Nate Robinson year we had like we had the the the uh uh what was his D atin year we were still playing some good basketball okay I’ll count that as good all right okay I I count that as good it’s just it’s good without like I guess I guess I haven’t seen five years of like Championship hope basketball okay yeah yeah yeah you definit I mean like I haven’t seen five years of good basketball in a long time should I say um but uh if you were let’s say bull St pad at 11 they take whoever Tristan da Silva one of those guys that that whose name has been up there would you be open to trading future asset to try and get a second first round pick if tan Shannon is still on the board no I’m waiting to fall if he falls in the second me you have this conversation if he truly falls in the second yeah I’m I’m willing to call I forgot who I said have the first pick in the second round call Raptors maybe it is the Raptors but yeah I’m try rap because didn’t I make a Lonzo ball joke on that one oh yeah yeah yeah like you offer you offer Lonzo ball to the Raptor straight up for for a second round pick paing with gry dick uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so but anyway uh next we’re going to go ahead and wrap up the show talk about Chris Paul uh so uh for some reason there’s rumors of Chris Paul potentially coming to the Chicago Bulls if he is uh you know his last year of his contract’s now guaranteed if the Warriors decide to move on from that uh him potentially coming here as a free agent to play for Billy Donovan and my question is well my statement to this is if you’re a bulls fan and you’re clamoring for Chris Paul to come to the Chicago Bulls I hate you I hate you I wish I wish you were doing this episode with P kid because I guarantee you he would be in love with would absolutely of conversation like oh yeah I I you know this this is how kid would do it I I can make an argument for why Chris P Chris Chris Pauling make Chicago Bulls can make the Chicago Bulls a playoff team it’s like oh my God kid bro just shut the hell up kid I love you but shut the hell up I here’s here’s what’s funny let me make the kid argue for you it took a point guard a legitimate point guard to get some of the players on that Phoenix Suns team kind of to the next level you saw Jay Crowder kind of take another step of course we saw Devin Booker finally lock in and become the player he is and they go on the finals run after that you know all the wheels fall off everybody’s dead could that be a situation here where you need a true point guard to unlock one of these young players potential Patrick Williams Kobe white maybe Kobe’s kind of unlocking yeah but not Chris Paul that’s that not Chris Paul anybody with Chris anybody but you he’s still seven assists a game last year I don’t care if still running off I don’t care if Chris Paul with his BBL is running up passing out s Chris Paul got when when did Chris Paul get up he got hey he got the KY lry got bro the same no he didn’t Kyle lry got the Mariah meals package bro if you look at Chris Paul and and Kyle lari standing side by side their body doubles Kyle lry sitting there going back to Toronto playing BBL Drizzy thinking that was just the regular song bro he didn’t think it was nothing wrong with it [Music] BBL that first few weeks on this show BBL Lowry bro you know because that song’s royaltyfree we could actually play that on the show we we make that the them music we should we should definitely get that just for the moments we mentioned Kyle Lowry oh what a pause song but uh no man um Chris Paul to the Bulls is not something I’m clamoring for I’m not gonna lie to you I it’s not something I would want to see the Bulls do and I’m gonna be honest with you it’s not something I want to see the Bulls do at the price that Chris Paul’s probably gonna come at he shouldn’t come at any cost Chris Paul should be free Chris Paul should have to pay you to play for your team I’m good on that man uh yeah I’m I’m I’m all right on let’s see what was Chris Paul coming off of he had 30 million n guaranteed what was last year though what was last year was it 30 million too is Chris Paul still making 30 million what the heck is going on dog Chris Chris Paul is making $30 million yeah you not getting him in a vet minimum that’s what I’m been trying to tell you bro like well you said nobody’s gonna pay Chris Paul oh they gonna pay him all right bet watch what I say Chris Paul Hey Hey listen you putting a lot of faith in a in a front office that has led you astray many a time you telling me you don’t believe that for one season AK would offer Chris Paul $20 million no not with where this team is right now I feel fully confident listen he gonna look at it and say well we tried to give dear 20 dear didn’t want it yeah might as well but that’s the thing we don’t have just the money to offer we only can do tomorrow because we we have his Bird right AK maybe save for his own stupidity at that point in time oh by the way did you see did you see Drake got got another reference track leaked as well he didn’t even write mob ties this the one song he didn’t write myage yeah yeah um and didn’t a ain’t a the one that dropped that a act the one that like broke that new act that act even act is compromised crushed yeah yeah he he’s he’s trying to come around but he still every once in a while he goes back into it’s like uh I’m still act but I got I Gotta Throw This this one out here so I could look objective from time yeah it ain’t good uh follow us on everything at locked on bulls you follow follow me on everything at path the designer Chris Paul 2025 just to see Hayes lose his mind no I’m going to quit the show is what I’m going to do I’m literally going to quit the show um you guys follow me we appreciate you guys for tuning in locked on bulls is free and available every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube for path the designer I’m Hayes it’s been locked on bulls y’all peace peace DB [Music] [Applause] b l BBL l [Music]

Haize & pat The Designer discuss rumors of the Clippers being interested in DeMar DeRozan. The guys also talk about Chris Paul rumored to want to join the Bulls & more

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  1. I will pass on the Chris Paul signing, if he is the signing then the bulls may as well blow it up unless he coming for cheap. If a blowup does happen, I would love to see a lineup of Coby Ayo TSJ PWill and whoever you draft at 11.

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