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Will the Miami Heat Be Forced to Trade Jimmy Butler? | Miami HEAT Podcast

Will the Miami Heat Be Forced to Trade Jimmy Butler? | Miami HEAT Podcast

the Sixers want Jimmy Butler but is the feeling Mutual Butler’s contract negotiations could Define the heat off season and the team for years to come is the Jimmy Butler era really over in Miami we break it all down today’s episode of lock on [Music] heat you are locked on heat your daily Miami Heat podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day you are locked up on heat your everyday podcast on the Miami Heat whether you’re tuning in on YouTube Odyssey or your favorite podcast app thanks for making locked on heat your first listen every day Monday to Friday I’m West Goldberg editor at allou can here with David rill both of us credentialed heat media members today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use the code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply if you’re watching us on YouTube help us as we are on our road to 14,000 subscribers trying to get there hit that subscribe button if you’re watching us hit that like button ring the bell to get notified when new episodes go up five star ratings and reviews always appreciated on your podcast app before uh we kind of get into all of the Fallout and what a Jimmy Butler trade could look like let’s talk about the latest reporting around Jimmy Butler according to Keith Pompei of the Philadelphia inquire and lockon Sixers the 76ers are monitoring Jimmy Butler’s situation with the heat on and are prepared to offer him a Max extension this summer if they’re not able to land Paul George as a free agent meanwhile the Miami herold’s Anthony Chang reported that Butler wants a Max extension this offseason no if hands or butts whether it’s from the Heat or another team although he prefers the Heat and that the that there are two other mystery teams that are also prepared to make Jimmy the max extension offer if the heat are not so David this latest round reporting is it something or is it nothing oh it’s definitely something I I think there’s no other way of interpreting it other than to recognize that Jimmy while not a free agent I think that shows enough teams around the league Philadelphia and these two other mystery teams and whatever other teams out there might have interest in Jimmy Butler that there is some real tension and that the contract negotiation is a pivotal point for both Butler and the franchise and they smell blood in the water and that’s how teams operate in this NBA and we’ve seen this from the heat side of things whenever there’s been a reported rumor or even you look no further than the Donovan Mitchell contract extension if there’s enough you know actual real real smoke out there teams will start inquiring and make it known through their agents or whatever that I that there’s interest for Jimmy Butler so I I totally see this as a very real possibility that other teams are definitely interested in acquiring Jimmy Butler however even Pompei necessar he clarifies and Anthony does as well that it’s not an easy path that it has to be one my has to not be willing to offer the extension and then they would have to entertain trade offers and from that point then it goes down the same road as what we’re seeing with Donovan Mitchell as well so it’s it’s definitely something but I don’t think it’s necessarily as dire as people might make it seem it’s something this is the way that teams tamper without tampering right it’s let me leak it through the media that hey Jimmy if you don’t get this Max extension offer that everybody and their mom knows you want if you’re not going to get it from the heat based off of Pat Riley’s end of season press conference it doesn’t sound like the heat are really willing to give it to him or at least not willing to have those conversations right now these two sides based on what their public posturing is at least have been are so far apart they are about as far apart as you can get Jimmy Butler is like I want the max extension right now I want all the money and I want it right now and Pat Riley and the heat are they’re like we don’t even want to talk about it dude like the door’s closed right and so these sides could not be further apart so you’re right like other teams are looking and like well maybe we can get Jimmy Butler and Jimmy Butler still has a ton of value across the league even though he’s coming off of a Down Season missed 20 games in three of the last four years going to be 35 by the time next season starts still has a ton of value for the right teams that might be looking for that one extra piece to take them over the hump like Philadelphia like some other teams that we’ll talk about here in a minute but this is the way for Daryl Mory to reach out to a longtime Sixers reporter and and Keith and say hey man here you go here’s some information this is the way that they can tamper without tampering cuz now Jimmy Butler and Bernie Lee his agent know oh if Miami is not willing to give us the max offer at least Philadelphia is and then you combine that with Chang’s report that there’s two other mystery teams also willing to give him that and that’s just basically drumming up you know Jimmy Butler’s value essentially so Jimmy’s going this could be a little bit this this is certainly posturing I do believe that Jimmy Butler wants to finish his career in Miami but he wants that Max offer he wants it and he’s making that known and he’s threatening essentially hey if you don’t give it to me there’s three other teams minimum that will give it to me and I’ll I’ll go there don’t test me my my feeling you know it’s interesting you say that this was Daryl M talking to Keith I thought this was Bernie Lee kind of making it known that you know maybe there’s been conversations between he and myy to some extent but I I my thought was that this was Bernie Lee kind of putting out which one the Keith pompe report or the changen report because I think the changen thing was probably Bernie Lee I think it could be both it could be both but we know that you know he’s saying to Keith look you know obviously have a relationship from Jimmy’s time in Philadelphia it was only one year but it wasn’t that long ago and I think there was a relationship for him there my feeling was that Bernie was probably telling Keith he’s like look you know or or making it just publicly known again this is all public Channel public channeling public posturing as you put it you know Pat Riley made his comments Jimmy didn’t say anything about the contract negotiation went he’s got a nice Bad Boys you know eight commercial whatever bad boys are on right now uh you know he’s he’s he’s certainly out there certainly been a public figure still having his fun still living his life but at the same time he’s letting it know and his agent is letting it known he wants that money so regardless of what Pat said in his end of season press conference he’s still putting it out there through Bernie through Keith Pompei that that money is still the ultimate goal for Jimmy Butler so I just find a little interesting but I I think it’s both to your to answer your question I think it’s a little bit of both because Daryl Mor is also out here being like we also want Paul George right this and this is how Mo Works famously he famously Works through the media and it’s smart this is smart this is how you don’t get hit with tampering charges because you Keith Pompei can’t get hit with tampering and all he has to do is say according to League sources right you know and so are these leag sources might be you know yeah and and by the way great great for Keith he’s got the relationships breaking that news man good for you man he’s been doing this for years but that’s the way if your darald Mory to say we want we have what $60 million whatever it is in cap space that we want to use on a star we want Paul George number one hey Paul George woohoo over here if the Clippers aren’t going to give you that Max extension we’ll give it to you and if you do end up using us for leverage which essentially this might be boiling down to Paul George and Jimmy Butler just using Philadelphia for leverage and Daryl M knows that but Daryl M also wants to make it known that hey I’m serious about this right right and if and I know that even if you’re using me as leverage it doesn’t mean you’re going to get what you want from the team that you’re trying to leverage against but I’ll give it to you because I’ve got $65 million of cap space I got money burn burning a hole in my pocket crap I could pay both of you if you want if I want probably not that’s too much money you buy into the possibility that they prefer George over Jimmy Butler because I find that interesting as well okay just because he’s a free agent you don’t have to trade anything yes right it’s just like hey we just absorb you we get all our draft picks we don’t to we don’t have to move anything with Jimmy it would be you’re not getting that Max extension it would be I mean a little bit Messier but also Jimmy Butler does go to Miami and say well if you’re not getting the max extension then trade me or I’m going to cause a stink and by the way if you don’t believe me ask Minnesota about it yeah ask Chicago about it yeah so uh and then he would basically be forced to trade Jimmy Butler and that would just be draft picks essentially because Philadelphia can absorb Jimmy Butler into salary they don’t even have to send any players back not a single player they can just send draft picks back and that might be something that’s interesting for Miami if they were to be forced to trade Jimmy Butler to get draft compensation and free up the Cat books a little bit kind of take $50 50 million off their cap it that would probably be the way to do it so I don’t know I definitely think this is something I think this is a leverage play just like all the Paul George stuff is just like almost some of this Donovan Mitchell stuff is but the Paul George and Jimmy Butler situations to me are very similar but I do think that the Clippers are probably more pot committed in a weird way to to bring back Paul George since they’ve already resigned Kawai and they’re going into the new stadium and all these things where the heat I I don’t know I I kind of buy it when I hear Pat Riley and say like I I don’t really want to have these conversations right now but you know are they going to be forced to come to the table to match a Max offer for Jimmy Butler that’s what we’re going to talk about next here on lock on heat today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time killer last minute deals all in prices the views from your seat feature and the lowest price guarantee all that and more is what makes game time the best app available to take the guesswork out of buying NBA and tickets and for any event it’s not just the NBA sure maybe you want to go catch the Panthers who tied up their Series against the New York Rangers maybe you want to go catch a concert maybe 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getting $49 million about this coming season and after that average annual value of about 56.5 million per year for the following two years after this coming season Jimmy Butler has a player option after this coming season for $52.5 million so he’s looking for about $4 million raise in that final year that under his current contract that’s a player option right now and then obviously the big payday at the end of it so what other teams do you think it is because according to Anthony changen there’s two other teams at least that are willing to give him that extension I don’t know I I didn’t really have a sense of what other teams might be willing to but I I think it’s it would have to be a team that’s probably close and is looking for specific leadership uh just help on the wing proven playoff experience Etc like we debated this on lockdown NBA the other day like even as we were talking about the Indiana Pacers and the Fant FC season they’ve had I think the playoff series and those close losses to the Boston Celtics show that they certainly need a closer somebody who’s willing to step up in those moments and put you know a put some points on the board carry the team that they can only go so far with their ignitable offense as good as it’s been they still need somebody in those waiting moments of the game and who better than Jimmy Butler a guy who can play defense at a high level who can get you those points and waiting moments who’s not scared at the moment there are teams like that that are young you know fun teams that are this close to being considered contenders they could all use a guy like Jimmy Butler yeah I hate the Pacers fit but um yeah he wouldn’t you know he wouldn’t be pushing the ball the way tyres Alberton does he’d be sitting in he’d be standing in the backourt half the game waiting for them to come back but it would be uh I I I think there are to your point a lot of teams that might be a a piece away like the heat are right I mean the heat are a piece away and if but even with J right correct yeah they need a piece plus Jimmy is there other team that kind of has that piece and then can add Jimmy as their final piece you know and and I I look at a team like the Sacramento Kings who certainly are desperate like you mentioned a piece away I think desperation is also an important thing here because he’s going to be 35 he’s going to be overpaid in the final year of that Max extension he’s gonna he’s going to be 37 years old there’s not a unless he’s LeBron James incarnate he’s he’s going to be overpaid That season so you’ve got to be a little bit desperate right now to maximize some sort of window so I think the Sacramento Kings based on all the reporting out there and and some of the discontent about not them not going further in the playoffs they seem desperate enough and jimy Butler would be a good fit there uh the Golden State Warriors trying to maximize the Steph Curry window that to me makes a lot of sense I think a team like the Houston Rockets who are not a piece away from Championship contention but a piece away from being getting into the playoffs and they have basically a playoff edict by ownership hey you got to make the playoffs next year I could see them going all in for Jimmy Butler a Houston native maybe a team like San Antonio that’s just got C to burn could make a play for Jimmy Butler plus another thing and now you’ve got that other thing Jimmy Butler and Victor web Yama that’s a big three right that that you can make the playoffs with next year so I don’t think that there’s going to be any shortage of teams I think Brooklyn would be interested in Jimmy Butler potentially I think the Knicks might be interested in Jimmy Butler potentially with Tom Tibido I I I really Anthony Chang mentions at least two I think that there’s going to be more when push comes to shove that could be interested in Jimmy BL especially depending on what happens with LeBron James who we all think is going to go back to the Lakers and Paul George who I think if I had to bet like five bucks I think he probably ends up going back on the CL going back to the Clippers yeah but the Jimmy Butler situation is a little bit Messier and I think he’s probably even more available than those guys despite those guys being free agents I would say it’s more likely at this point that Jimmy gets traded by Miami and becomes available to other teams than Paul George does like I I think his chances of resigning in Los are pretty good like that’s the team he chose he went from Indiana to Oklahoma City he resigned there he’s like you know what I don’t want to do this I want to go back to LA whatever issues they’ve had with injury and everything else like that like I I think I think he’s comfortable there and that might be the whole case like he is he’s probably not your number one guy on a contending title team but that’s why they have Kawai but the problem is well Kawai is only a sometime player and they’re just having been good enough to secure a championship but which is why they almost need to resign Paul George right like they it doesn’t work without Paul George kawhai and Paul George only works with it when it’s kawhai and Paul George and they still have to resign Harden I think so would the Clippers have room to acquire Jimmy if George leaves to in free agency okay I didn’t think so yeah so in terms of teams with cap space it’s basically only Philadelphia right that would be any interesting to Jimmy Butler like Utah Oklahoma City like Jimmy’s not going one those places so uh and they don’t even have enough money even like Oklahoma City with $35 million in cap room they don’t have enough that’s not enough for Jimmy unless they trade some stuff away which I I suppose they could do but they’re not trading for Jimmy Butler so it doesn’t matter um what should the heat do then because you’ve got all these teams coming out of the woodwork saying well we’ll pay Jimmy Butler and the last time we’ve heard from the heat publicly they said we ain’t paying Jimmy Butler he we’re already paying him what we’re paying him and we’re happy with what we’re paying him and these other teams are all out here saying well we’ll give him more money than you’re giving him right now so what should the heat do because based on all of this Pat rally stance of I don’t want to have this conversation this summer I’d rather wait until next year that’s just not going to work there’s going to have to be some kind of negotiation here yeah they’re gonna force their hand I don’t know exactly what Miami should do like this is not an easy Choice it’s not an easy Choice even for me as a spectator and media member to kind of comment on it because I I can understand the fans perspective which I think is overly simplistic it’s like oh well he’s been a huge part of Miami’s success over the last five years and some people going to another extreme and saying you know what the team was garbage before Jimmy came to the the heat I don’t think that’s quite fair at the same time they certainly weren’t as quality a team as they have been like to make it to the finals twice to be in the Eastern Conference three times to be viewed as a team that’s always dangerously l l lurking in the uh dangerously looming in the Eastern Conference is is certainly a significant thing but you have to ultimately look at it too as to what is your priority as a fan and as a front office and I think a lot of fans would think guess what the priority is to win a championship and I think the front office certainly feels that think their goal is to win a championship which is why they’ve made the moves they had and I’ll repeat this and I’ve repeat it at nauseum people keep thinking the team hasn’t done what they could to build around them they weren’t like they weren’t not trying to acquire a superstar they did what they could three years ago in acquiring Kyle Lowry and PJ Tucker to specifically build a team to compliment Jimmy Butler and bamama [ __ ] it didn’t work out that’s not on the heat front office they they did their part they did what they possibly could since then they’ve been engaged in in conversations for Kevin Durant Damen Lillard Bradley Beal they’ve done their work they’ve done what they’re supposed to do as a front office to try and build a team around Jimmy Butler it just hasn’t worked out and despite all that they’ve still been a very good team so you can criticize the front office but quite frankly you’re wrong like there the front office does not deserve criticism for not Fielding a team around Jimmy Butler and I’ve said this also but 2019 2020 screwed up the timeline for Miami completely because they acquired Jimmy Butler thinking they were going to be a middling team that was going to get a little bit better and they were going to position themselves to acquire Yannis at DMO or what other big name they might to complement Jimmy and guess what the whole world went ass over tea kettle with covid and the pandemic there was the the the bubble and they W up going to the NBA finals and the next season after that was this terrible season and and again we’re discounting this and we’re overlooking this they played 62 games in a compressed 72 games in a compressed schedule I’m I’m missing my I don’t remember exactly I think it was 72 games but either way a compress schedule nightly covid testing you couldn’t go anywhere you couldn’t do anything like the life of an NBA player and the life for all of us quite frankly was also inconvenience to a huge degree and and for good reason and then they wound up getting swept out of the playoffs and so these two years was really bizarre in terms of a team building perspective I would push back against the fact that they he’ have done everything that they can to maximize the Jimmy Butler window I what work could they have done to me the the the summer that they screwed up was actually and this sounds weird was the summer going into the 2022 23 season I know they ended up making the finals that year but that was the year where they they kind of screwed it over they kind of screwed up there I think that they PJ left they did not have a replacement power forward Kyle Lowry was clearly on the decline by the time that we got to the playoffs it was obvious that Gabe Vincent was the better point guard over Kyle Larry at that point and even though I thought had deadline Larry had at that point I think during the 20th I don’t know about the summer I think there was a trade deadline because I think like what you’re mentioning kind of became much more tangible and and something that you could see much more clearly well we knew that C Martin wasn’t a power forward they needed to make and there was no Damen Lillard Chase going into that year there was nothing really going into that year I think that was the year that was the year KD yeah well he ended up getting traded at the deadline like he wasn’t even really on the move there was nothing really happening that whole summer other than just losing PJ Tucker and well the donov Mitchell stuff it was the Donovan Mitchell stuff no we were in Vegas that summer that was the summer specifically that we were in Vegas and remember we saw we saw uh Sean Marx talking to uh um right so there was a little bit of the Durant stuff and and things like that so but like he wasn’t even moved until February like that’s a bad read on the front office instead of doing that you should have been surrounding Jimmy Butler and bamat bio at that stage the way that Boston surrounded Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum with just highend starter players and I thought that they could have it took a it took a miraculous run to get to the 2023 finals like I’m not calling it a fluke but what I think they still believed in Tyler that sure I’m not even saying trade Tyler just make some other sort of moves don’t just like sit on your butts and not go get a power mov were available starting power forward would be nice the have that option they didn’t have that option like I mean we’re looking at it but they didn’t have those there was no name there was like aible plug-and-play guy I mean I know eventually ruy hachimura that was a name that you talked about a lot that was viewed as as somebody that could fill in those gaps I mean he didn’t become available till later on that same season I still view that TR do think the trade deadline too they could have done something there to make some adjustments to make some changes to make some real quality additions and what we’re going to see this summer because Caleb Martin’s G gone probably Haywood High Smith is more than likely than gone because according to all these latest projections he’s going to get a contract in the you know annual value of8 to 1010 million a year there’s a talent drain happening here and unless you go and acquire a superstar you have to do we have gotten so off topic of what the Jimmy Butler part of this is but based on all I guess with this and all these things if the heat are at least and I would say at least a a superstar piece away then if you’re going to be I I don’t know that you can afford to now pay Jimmy Butler right because all of your pipeline guys Gabe Vincent Max dreu soon to be Caleb Martin heith they’re going to get paid somewhere else yep and it’s going to be really hard to build a team and that’s why to your point David like it’s it’s not just give Jimmy Butler the money he’s earned it he’s earned it like whatever like what what but there’s a salary cap and there’s only a finite amount of resources that you have to decide how to allocate and if you pay Jim Butler 56 a half million dollars a year plus the extension that bam metab bio is going to get from Miami he’s GNA get it then that’s a lot of your cap tied up into two guys who one is still ascending in bamat BIO and the other one’s going to be on the decline because he’s just getting older and and that’s a real tough thing that you got to figure out because in today’s NBA with today’s CBA you you really only get two superstars the days of the big three are over and Pat riy has said as much yeah you just can’t afford to fill out those guys I I make this point all the time but it’s like if the big three were assembled in today’s CBA with the second tax apron you don’t get Shane Bader you don’t get Ray Allen right your Sixth Man is just nor Cole and washed up you don’t even get yeah you don’t get Mike Miller your sixthman is you know rookie Norris Cole and washed up Rashard Lewis and that team’s just not nearly as good North Cole’s they can’t even they can’t even sign you in 2010 right they could even sign UD exactly so um what do the Heat have to do what should they do if they are forced to trade Jimmy Butler what do the next steps look like we’ll take a look at that here on lock on heat today’s episode of lock down heat it’s brought to you by game time thanks a lot to game time for sponsoring the show thanks for making lock down heat your first listen every day make sure you’re subscribed on YouTube and on your favorite podcast app so we’ve kind of guessed what other teams could be out there if they are forced to trade Jimmy Butler but let’s focus on the Sixers because we know at least that team is out there all right so Jimmy Butler and the heat decide that they need to part ways let’s just play this hypothetical out right because that’s sort of the next logical step to do in this conversation I think you just it it would be very painful to trade Jimmy Butler to a conference rival in Philly because not only are you already starting at a place where you’re behind Boston perhaps Milwaukee even arguably Philadelphia because whether or not it’s Jimmy Butler or something else they still have $65 million in cap space to improve that team you might be be behind the Pacers based on how things are right now you’re be you’re probably behind the Knicks and then you’re trading Jimmy Butler to a conference rival to make them stronger while also simultaneously making yourself weaker that is a really tough thing to do but you might be forced to do it because Philly has the cap space to just absorb Jimmy Butler’s contract they have three first round picks that they can include in a deal that would basically be it now you can haggle over do you want Paul Reed in the deal who’s making $7 million like that’s immaterial who cares like it would be the three first round picks coming back I think if you’re Miami you have to find a way to immediately spin those three first round picks in some of your assets that you have now for another Superstar the obvious name would be Donovan Mitchell but I do think that if Jimmy Butler were to leave you then become a little bit more desperate you don’t get to be as picky as you were when you were saying no to James Harden saying no to Kyrie Irving I think you just got to go get a guy and I don’t know that Donovan Mitchell would be as interested in coming to Miami like he he would get his money and maybe he’d get that bigger Market but there’s no guarantee of like that that a team with him and Bam and whatever else whatever if they give up would be better than what the Cavs have now it’s a good point yes it’s a very good point so I mean are you looking at having to trade Jimmy Butler and then winding up with I don’t know Brandon Ingram like is is that’s the next step right I mean that’s the next level player like does Mitchell lead clevand I don’t know that he does like as much as there’s an appeal there of being in Miami and playing alongside bam like part of the brand building that he’s seeking is to be on a title contender in a more established market and a better Market than Cleveland and I don’t know that Miami would fit that criteria if they wind up trading Jimmy Butler the goal would be to get Mitchell and Jimmy somehow at least for Mitchell and for the heat as well but that’s also you know a very difficult process whatever um yeah I don’t know now you have instead of three first round picks now You’ got six first round picks that you could trade if you’re trading Jimmy def Philly for three first round picks that unlocks a few other options in terms of what sure what players are available to you because now you’re going and to teams that could potentially be looking to rebuild and say hey we’ve got six first round picks that we can deal to you where right now that’s not really an OP so is a team like Utah willing to come off of a Lowry marinin I don’t know I for six first round picks that are all going to be a little ho they probably don’t do it uh but I don’t know that’s a lot that’s a lot of and well you’re assuming it’s six but if you’re again if you’re acquiring like Mitchell you’d have to give up some of that draft collateral too oh I’m saying not no I was I was kind of building on your that you’re not able to get down of Mitchell yeah um no I think at that point you would if you can’t get Mitchell I I do think that you basically have to take a little bit of a calculated step back and say you know what it’s probably like you make the calls right you make the calls about a l marinin you make the calls about a Trey young as much as some Heat fans don’t want him you make you have to make the calls you have to alienating bam as well then like that’s the the the thing you have to you have to show bam that you’re trying and I was asked about this yesterday yeah there’s no 2010 looming you know there’s no you can’t okay well you know you had a a kind of look the thing is also the difference between bam and where he’s at right now if you view him as the centerpiece and look regardless of of our listeners and their personal standpoint onio he is the centerpiece that’s the front office View and that’s that’s what we’re saying he is not in the same place that Dwayne was in 2008 where Dwayne was a little more willing to kind of say you know what we might Su for the next two years or not be great for the next two years but we’ll potentially be better because won a championship in 2006 like he was already a rising star at a level that bam is not quite at yet and he already had the championship to kind of cend his legac b got the two bam has the two finals appearances he’s got the Team USA stuff he is a star he’s your he’s your favorite star’s favorite star at this point bam adab bio right like he isur oh of course and he would and he’s going to have a whole summer over in Paris to recruit a a bunch of these players to try to come play with them right and so I think that would be the next it would be a step back if you’re not able to turn Jimmy Butler into essentially Donovan Mitchell the other part too is maybe you don’t trade him to Philadelphia what if the other team is a team like Houston who I think does make a lot of sense for Jimmy Butler I probably wouldn’t do it if I the Rockets I think that’s putting like that’s a little too much of a gamble but they’re a team that wants to make the playoffs and are desperate to make the playoffs Jimmy Butler plus the Ascension of Al and Shang and all that stuff that gets you there they have the number three pick in this draft now it’s a terrible draft but it’s something coming back are they willing to include like a Jabari Smith Jr or a Tom a tomson or Atari een or Jaylen green or something like that a young piece that and then they have big salaries that make that that that make a trade work Dylan Brooks stepen Adams they have like the little like ja lale salaries that they could do all for the salary matching and all that kind of stuff they can get there pretty easily and include some really interesting things that if you’re the Heat now you’re now you’re rebuilding and with probably a good player coming back like Javari Smith makes a lot of sense next to Bam even Jaylen green on paper could be a pick and roll partner with bam atabo you could sell fans on that at least for the hope of it it’s 2008 2010 all over again like you know we’ve got Michael Beasley on our roster the number two pick in the draft we’ve still got Dwayne hey we got Germaine O’Neal he used to be an All-Star Etc I mean we we’ve got Shawn Marian it’s 2008 to 2010 all over again but my problem is that 2010 doesn’t isn’t on the horizon like that that plan the potential of that plan because 2010 from all reports was still very up in the air like the idea of like we’re building we can kind of sort of Punt over the next two years knowing we’re going to get a top five player at his prime that doesn’t exist unless Jason has already made it known could be free agent 2026 but like I you don’t really to your point you don’t really see these guys even enter free agen anymore they tend to get tra before they hit fre agency and Luka at this point it would look crazy for him to leave Dallas based on their success they’re going to the finals probably here so unless unless Goran has already said to Pat you know bring me in as an assistant coach L is the 2008 plan that bad because that was the number two pick in Michael Beasley if he pans out like most other number two picks pan out that’s a good team still who knows what happens you got Dwayne Wayne in his prime a good Michael Beasley ascending you’re able to fill it out with other things what was the stealing for that team though like like Beasley was a fine player for two years like I don’t think there’s any debate about that if he’s the number two pick I mean as a there was a playoff team though they were they were a playoff team they had Dwayne Wade on that team like they had Dwayne they had Michael Beasley arguably their second best player like I mean they they they as if 2 I I believe that but I’m just saying like there’s other versions where the number two pick pans out a little bit better you know like just on paper the plan of we have have a great young player in his prime who has already had success in the NBA and like it it obviously made more sense to get Chris BOS and LeBron James that’s not what I’m saying but like but the whole idea of we’ve got Michael Beasley for two years the number two pick in the draft let’s see how this goes and if it doesn’t work out then we still have a chance at just trading him and going getting LeBron and Chris Bosch but hey building around the number two pick in the draft and and one of the top three players in the league is still not a bad backup plan to not getting LeBron and you know what I mean so if you’re that sure he’s not that I I agree with you there but he’s still a really good player and if you could pair him with another good young player it’s not ideal but it’s not nothing like you got to do something if you’re the Heat’s front office and if you can’t get if you can’t keep Jimmy and you can’t go get Donovan Mitchell like what else do you do what do you think you trade everybody is that kind of is that the point you’re trying to make here no I’m not willing to trade bam I’m not willing to go that far because I don’t think that ever helps the franchise and certainly doesn’t help anybody who’s left on the roster like right tanking does not work it’s not it’s not good for the karma of a franchise and I think we’ve seen enough evidence of that in Philadelphia and elsewhere that it could lead to some success but it’s not necessarily gonna guarantee what you still want with the ultimate goal of a championship this team’s not gonna tank and we know that already so it’s not even an option so you kind of have to ask Bam and and tell him look we’re going to do everything in our possible we have to trade Jim we couldn’t pay him and I think you know why and I think B might be okay with that like I think I don’t think that would create fiction necessar like he would probably be upset you know because I think there is a strong connection between him and Jimmy and I think at the same time he recognizes they have a player like Jimmy but who could carry you to Great Heights but if the front office ultimately decides we couldn’t pay him and Donovan Mitchell didn’t want to come here as much lobbing as you did as much as much as as many people as you talk to in Paris Etc you just couldn’t get another Superstar right away way well we’re going to do what we can next season we’re going to still try to build the roster short-term flexibility short-term flexibility yes and become a player in free agency in 2026 maybe even next summer all of that is true but and you kind of said this already but you’re on the clock then you’re on the clock right and and that’s why even if you were to trade Jimmy for those young players and get the number three pick in the draft and all that stuff you can at least maybe you’re not trading all that stuff now for that Superstar but maybe does become what becomes the package for the next Superstar who becomes available at the deadline or next summer CU you’re going to need stuff because Miami’s biggest problem during the Jimmy Butler era is they don’t have the stuff to go get Kevin Durant they Haven not had the stuff to go get Daven Lillard so if you trade Jimmy Butler you better make sure you get the stuff you need for that Superstar trade back for Jimmy Butler and and and that’s essentially what it if you’re the Heat and you’re forced to trade Jimmy that’s that’s the strategy right there right it best case scenario three three- team trade Jimmy Butler goes to Philadelphia draft picks come to Miami those draft picks immediately go to Cleveland for Donovan Mitchell right three-way trade same thing Jimmy goes to Houston you get all the stuff back you take take all that stuff back it goes rerouted to Cleveland you get Donovan Mitchell that’s the best case scenario in a Jimmy Butler trade right best case scenario best case scenario is obviously you get all of it and you don’t have to do much of anything but the I guess the other version of that is okay we trade Jimmy Butler Donovan Mitchell signs the extension he’s stay in Cleveland let’s just get the stuff back for Jimmy we make some phone calls see if the other superstars out there oh man it’s not but now we have maybe the number three pick in this draft we’ve got a Young Piece coming over from Houston some chunky salaries that we can move in other deals we start to Tinker the roster a little bit I think you would still have to do that right because now it’s not a Jimmy Butler Le team it’s a different looking team you have to take make some some changes and kind of position yourself and then you just sort of go from there and get ready to make a move in February or next summer yeah no I think that’s that’s the idea look I don’t I don’t know that the heat would necessarily this is it pains me to say this and I know a lot of fans and listeners will will probably take this the wrong way I I don’t know the more I kind of talk through it like I recognize how far Jimmy took this team and what Jimmy represents for this organization but he’s not Dwayne they made that decision in 2016 because that’s the cold reality of what a player is at that point in their career and for everything that Dwayne did for this franchise far eclipse is what Jimmy has done over the last five seasons so that’s if you’re not aware of that and you think that they can’t afford to risk Jimmy you’re mistaken again and I again this is just the reality of how the front office has to operate you know you’re not in as bad a place I think you can afford a trade Jimmy and if you can get Donovan then and you’ve got haime hakz who can kind of fill in we’ve said as Jimmy Butler light and hope that he can continue to grow and that maybe someday he can get to you know 75% of what Jimmy can be that’s still a damn good player and then you can still you know what you can kind of position yourself as now we’ve got a new two star system here and we can just try and build around Mitchell and Bam and find players to compliment those that what you’re kind of hinting at here is something I think the front office is going to have to think about is do we want Jimmy Butler at 37 years old making 56.5 million or and and we lose haime hakz and Nikola yic because we’re pairing him with Donovan Mitchell because I do think that part of this also is if you know you can get Donovan Mitchell right then you just pay Jimmy Butler yes right and that’s you just have all these plates spinning in the air and and that’s the tough part about this because all these contract negotiations with the extensions they’re all happening simultaneously so it’s very very it’s it’s a it’s a tight rope that this front office has to walk but if you can get Donovan Mitchell then you just pay jimmmy Butler and you say well screw 2027 we don’t care let’s just go win a championship over this next two years tomorrow’s problem right exactly so but if you’re not able to get Donan Mitchell then it almost forces you so it’s almost like a two for one in a weird way where it’s like well if we can’t get Donovan or another Superstar then maybe we’re forced to trade Jimmy Butler because then we can’t really then we can’t justify giving him the max because now we’re still a second apron team that just made the playing tournament two years in a row and have not made any meaningful changes to one of the most expensive rosters in the league uh whereas if you got down with Mitchell that would be a substantial upgrade so um that’s the hard part and then I do think if you’re the heat it’s there there there I think there’s a conversation to be had of would we rather trade Jimmy Butler and not have to pay him into his age 37 season but get rid of all of our young good young players and Nico and haime and then also some draft picks or would we rather get rid of Jimmy Butler and then keep all of that stuff stuff and rebuild around a 25 26y Old bamat bio and a 26-year old Donovan Mitchell with pieces who fit their timeline probably a little bit better than than Jimmy Butler does even though I would I I could argue against that because Jimmy Donovan and Bam are all basically ready to compete for championships and I don’t know that haime and Nik are quite there yet so whatever but you could you can kind of start building towards the future and expand the window in a very meaningful way yeah I still think that push comes to St you just you pick Jimmy you pick Donovan you pick bam and you just find a way to build around those three guys but I do think it’s a conversation that the front office has to have yeah we could always do like a flowchart of potential options like like plan one is sign Jimmy Butler resign into extension you know and plan two is no plan one is trade for Donovan Mitchell yeah okay fair enough plan one is trade for Donovan plan two and then Reign Jimmy Butler to the max extension that’s a variation it’s two one B is sign now we’ve got Donovan also signed Jimmy Etc and then plan two is okay we can’t sign Jimmy plan 2 B is acquire Donovan Mitchell without Jimmy and then what do we do then and then Plan Three is well we’re screwed we have to trade Jimmy and we couldn’t get Donovan what’s next and that’s I mean they’re thinking about all these things they have to consider all these different options and I know it’s it’s never so black and white and certainly not as neatly summed up as a YouTube comment or response but that’s just the reality is that they have to think of all these different permutations of what happens next and and you know what they could just get it wrong and that’s the reality as much faith and trust as you have in this front office they might not be able to get it right that’s the right for those watching on YouTube Don Mitchell you get him yes give J Jimmy Butler the max extension if you don’t get Jimmy Butler if you don’t get Donovan Mitchell then trade Jimmy Butler maybe that’s the maybe it is just as simple as this flowchart if it sounds complicated to our our listeners that’s because it is it is and that’s why Andy ellberg and Pat Riley and Adam Simon and ER sper all these guys have been employed for so long is because they’ve generally been really good at figuring this stuff out but this is really complicated and when you didn’t get Daman the Lord last summer it made this summer even more complicated because had you had Dame then you just then you just max everybody out and you say tomorrow’s money’s tomorrow’s money not our problem put it on the credit card and figure it out later but they could have won a title this year and it would have all Justified everything and it would have been like yeah we’re a title winner so it doesn’t really matter how much we pay or how many it did not happen this summer is going to be nuts we’re going to talk about it a lot here on the program still 5 days a week here on lock on heat for our every dayers tomorrow we’ll be back with a blue notebook series for a draft that the Miami Heat may or may not be picking in with the number 15th pick uh we’re going to be looking and scouting the guards who could be a good fit in Miami’s backc Court uh but for now that’s it thanks for making lock down heat your first listen every day hit that subscribe button on YouTube follow us on your podcast app n

According to recent reports, Jimmy Butler wants the max contract extension, either from the Miami Heat or another team. Are the 76ers legit threats to pry Butler from the Heat? What other teams might be willing to pay Butler if the Heat are not?

Wes Goldberg and David Ramil discuss the latest and what the Heat should do next.

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  1. Trade Jimmy for picks. With the cap space sign Hartenstein and Anunoby (or make the Knicks pay for them big time). Then trade Herro and jjj with picks for Mitchell or D. Murray. And we'll still be under the 1st apron, definitely the 2nd apron. I also love how David defends the front off for "doing everything" they could. Nice talk will the Celtics make their already good team better.

  2. You guys act like there will be no one out there for the Heat to pick up in free agency. Same thinking has been used as an excuse by the Heat not to make moves every off season and trade deadline.

  3. Don’t you need to get a similar salary back on any trades? Can’t just trade for or give up draft picks.

  4. It'll feel good having other teams throw trade offers at us for a "whale". I'd take Oubre Jr, Hield and Cameron Payne for Jimmy. Then you can add them to a Herro trade next year

  5. I think one player that should have been mentioned that wasn’t during this whole discussion was Mikal Bridges who looks like he will be available this summer. What if we took Jimmy, Tyler/Terry, Jaime + Picks and flipped it into Mitchell + Mikal and maybe like Dorian Finney-Smith? Then everyone would be on the same relative timeline.

  6. All of these ideas are flawed because BAM CANNOT be a build around or a #2 player on a championship team. Wes & David are blinded by their Fandom for Bam. The truth is Bam is a good dude, a hard worker, and a Good Role player. Sorry but it had to be said.

  7. This was the best episode of Locked on Heat I’ve seen. It was an honest and open discussion of the roster and the flaws in the state of the Heat at this point

  8. David's bubble run point is spot on it I would just add that it also created the Tyler problem.

  9. Butler has a ton of value but he is no longer a max player. Especially when are other max player in Bam is not a 1a scorer. We need to trade Jimmy now while we can still get something in return.

  10. Jimmy Butler & Paul George are both 34 years old. How about we start focusing on players who are not past their prime? I don't get any sense of long term strategy from this team. I'd rather win a title 3 years from now than being "close" 3 years in a row.

  11. This should sum up everything for the Heat organization. If they believe that Spo is the best coach in the league than it shouldn't be hard to trade Jimmy. If you get 3 1st round picks that gives you ammunition to make a major trade and bring in a young star or develope the players you have currently and draft good players to contribute. Bam and Tyler with Rozier can get you to the ECF with a fast pace offense mix with good defense. The Heat will clear out 50mill and guess whos a free agent this offseason. Siakam and OG and you can bring both to replace Jimmy so i say do it!!! But they wont😢

  12. David you want Tyler back? They pick on him every game lol The NBA didn’t want Dame in Miami and we messed up thinking we didn’t have to do anything. Riley’s way doesn’t work anymore, that low balling s*** is over with!

  13. This past season is the most frustrated I’ve been with Jimmy. He had MAYBE 3(?) memorable games this year. To sleepwalk through the season and then demand max $ at age 35 is borderline diabolical lol. If we don’t acquire Mitchell, trading him to Philly or Houston sounds like the best options. Also can’t believe Jimmy might actually get traded before Tyler.

  14. Difference between Jimmy stinking up in Miami vs Minnesota is OG40. Moment Jimmy starts acting like that in practice, OG is checking in lol.

  15. Heat should try to get Donovan for Herro, Jaime and future first round picks. Maybe even try a 3 team trade Jarret Allen , caris to Pelicans, Caleb, Herro, Jaime, and picks to Cavs and Heat get Donovan Mitchell and Jonas. If not then we go get Dejounte Murray, Brandon Ingram, or Malik Monk sign and trade for Herro and a future pick from Kings for Malik Monk, Caleb or Highsmith, and/or future 1st picks. Draft a big like Zach Edey and Hunter Sallis PG, Alex Karaban or Julian Phillips in the 2nd round. Sign Jonas in free agency. I love this teams chance with the new roster after this move.

    Dejounte or Hunter Sallis Terry or Malik Monk

    Duncan Jaime

    Jimmy Niko

    Bam Kevin Love or Alex Karaban

    Zach Edey Jonas

  16. 76ers better give us 2-3 young players and 3-4 first round picks. Or else he is headed to Houston Sengun, Jabrai Smith and 3-4 first round picks for Jimmy or OKC 5 first round pick, and a couple of your young players. Or Cavs for Donovan Mitchell and Jarrett Allen to Pelicans for Jonas in Miami. Herro and picks for Brandon Ingram.

  17. They actually did have an option for a starting 4 after 22. His name was Jerami Grant who was traded to Portland for peanuts

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