@San Antonio Spurs



okay so our boy Jeremy soan apparently did an interview um today okay I did not realize that the message that I received was from today I want some n we fun yet all right so I say this so many times okay I I don’t think people actually believe me okay you’re not hearing me you’re not listening um guys if you have any requests or anything you want me to go over please send it to me send it to me through through uh Twitter that’s usually the best way you can do it through Instagram as well Spurs Clan but just go to Clan the Spurs fan on Twitter and just send me a DM I have my DMs open so um if there’s anything you want to go over you know or want me to go over just send it or just tag me you can tag me as well um but apparently Jeremy soan had something to say uh you’re a meshy uh thank you for messaging me this um I didn’t read all your message you just told me that the interview is in English and he told me where to go in the interview he said 53 23 I think so I got it at 5318 right now we’re going to listen to what he what he had to say here he said this is when the important stuff happen now before we do that okay I I have to I have to shout myself out a little bit okay I haven’t done this enough Clan theem merch okay I say this all the time you will get free shipping just promo code free ship and it’s when it’s the order is over 80 80 bucks so that’s like two uh hoodies or three shirts or yeah whatever however you want to do it but go check out the merch shop Clan theem merch we just got a order in yesterday I believe um so I have to get on that one but yeah it’s first come first serve it take some time so um you want to go ahead and be in the queue please man head on over to Clan theem merch all right enough of that enough all that where we’re like at the two-minute Mark now all right let’s let’s listen to what he has to say yes well actually I don’t think I need Clos caption he said this is in English maybe he meant English subtitles hold on let’s listen and I’m 29 okay that’s not on and that wasn’t English uh that was not on my headphones okay 29 29 yeah old people old people here I feel old I’m actually 29 believe it or not a bit older than you yeah yeah um we wanted to ask you first um what is your first concern or what is uh the most important thing for you this summer actually we are going to put close captions on there we go in Spanish are you working for the next season we know that all the NBA players are working uh every summer to keep improving uh the game what is the thing that you are focusing on this summer yeah yeah shooting again I’m just kidding as always everything but um you know when when you really look at detail and stuff is like one of the main things is uh you know fixing my mechanics and making my my jump shot smoother consistent right um and just you know opening up that game because is when I open up that part of my game everything is going to come easy on the offensive side so definitely that that’s yeah that’s probably can I can I say something all right um some people didn’t understand what I was saying when I was talking about Ron Holland on my other video I cannot believe all right guys I’m going to rant a little bit okay just bear with me I cannot believe that there were so many people against the idea of getting Ron Holland with the fourth pick there was people legitimately trying to say that I don’t know what I’m talking about because Ron Holland would be a great P did did you not watch the video Ron Holland like don’t get me wrong there’s other options as well right I I wouldn’t be mad with Dilly at 4 I wouldn’t be mad at Maus buellis at 4 I think it just depends on what the landscape is looking like at that at that time and if whether or not the Spurs trade the eighth pick you know I don’t know um but I’m just saying Ron Holland in this draft from what I’ve seen defensively this could be a juggernaut okay you get so much easy offense when you have great defenses when you have soan who can switch on just about anybody Ron Holland he’s very switchable and wimy we all know what wimy can do even against guards so there there’s I don’t know why that’s even a hot take especially with the the amount of penetration that Ron Holland can bring um his his playmaking ability he has pretty high basketball IQ I don’t know why this is controversial now I say all that to say this this thing with Jeremy Sohan one thing that I said specifically is that I feel as if if soan as broken as his jump shot was and still kind of is can improve to the degree in which he improved there’s no reason in my mind why Ron Holland of all people who has a better jump shot form than soan can’t do the same if not be a better shooter than Jeremy soan I I don’t know why that was a crazy just just out of the box oh my God Clen what are you talking about I don’t see why that was so controversial are you guys okay you got to you got to at least listen to the argument man I don’t think it was that I I don’t think it was that complex all right it wasn’t that big deal I’m just saying Ron Holland fits with his team very well and that would be a pick that I think would be a good pick even at four that I don’t know he’s even a good top three pick but you know but if you if you follow that by saying I disagree with you clan we should take topic then I don’t want to I don’t want to hear you anymore I have to do that to in my game well and I we better not speak of that um we we wanted to ask you about that because you obviously tried the this the one the one hand free throw we were talking with Jos Calderon today and he said that it’s probably because of the elbow thing you know to get it like perfectly in line with the with the B we know this already you guys got to pay attention um is that something that’s that you f you feel it really help you going forward just tell him the story again the coaching staff came up to him and told him to do that yeah no again when I when I started doing the one-handed free throw um my percentages went up by quite a lot so um that I think shows one thing I think one thing like you said was my elbow um having it out instead of sometimes when I’m shooting it goes in um and then keeping my wrist locked and you know guide hand of course keeping it straight um so it’s just you know now repetition and and trying to you know I don’t think I don’t think he’s going to go off of that now I I thought it was just going to be kind of an experimental thing you know until he’s ready to bring the other hand into the play but I I don’t think he’s going to change that three times so yeah for sure trying to get like perfect exactly every time they yeah exactly that’s good that’s good um today in the office we were talking about what we can ask you no you weren’t stop lying uh two comparation that uh come up when we are talking about you one is the other one yeah and the other one is is Dennis Rodman is Dennis Rodman can you tell us one thing that you think you look like them yeah and one thing that it’s really different he answered this question too um in Draymond Green I don’t know why like people don’t like that take where it’s like if you compare him to Draymond Green I could see him being on somewhat of a trajectory of traymon I don’t know why that’s a that’s a hot take it shouldn’t be a hot take I think most people would agree with that actually I think one thing that I think you can see is like coming between all three of us is I don’t think we care what other people say like think of us their opinion um I think we all play hard and just play the way that you know our team my coaches players want me to play we don’t you know try through too much but uh we don’t also care what you know people say so I think that’s a common thing and one different thing is um I think I’m more talented on the offensive side no no that’s that’s 100% truthful that’s a truthful statement he is more talented offensively than I would say uh both of those guys I mean I guess Draymond Draymond has pretty good passing ability but you don’t really know what he’ll look like without Steph Curry but yeah yeah yeah offensively definitely shout out Draymond yeah they they are great players but I think I’m more talented than um I agree I agree but Draymond is also a connector type player you know he’s going to he’s going to have to earn it but yeah Draymond he can’t I don’t think Draymond at least at this point in his career is incapable of putting up some of the numbers soan can on on certain games um I mean so just goes off sometimes it just depends but anyways sorry met them I mean have you talk with person I I haven’t met Dennis rman hopefully one day um but Draymond I’ve talked to quite a few times and he’s good people every time we play at the end of the game we always dab dab each other up and talk um I think he respects my my game and and sees a lot in me so you know it’s always it’s always good to see him and you know shake his hand mhm yeah awesome um I would not want to meet Dennis robman just saying obviously has been a big year for you guys in San Antonio W Ral everything went absolutely crazy crazy um do you feel like some kind of pressure in terms of uh how long the process to be like a very good team will take do you feel that yeah um oh that’s a good question these are good questions I like these two what’s there guys we shouting them out I don’t know how to say that but you see it right there right draft draft you see it OS draft OS guys yes good stuff good questions I love it good questions nice questions it’s good question I think you know it’s crazy we always talk about it in this in the organization from coaches to players to the front office um and when you you know of course social media makes everything like here like apparently we’re going get G to get him he’s getting traded this and that um hey that’s me is he talking about me he’s talking about me right now I’m I’m liter I literally do that I I literally do that all the time every every video it’s like we’re going to get him we can get him I don’t know but it’s all about you know staying hypothetic um of course having someone like Victor you know come to the team um heightens everything makes it you know makes people think you got to do this now um but when you really look at you know teams that win um you know when you know Denver started winning um listen to all their players like joic was 2 what7 28 listen to Mari they drafted him he’s 20 whatever now yeah um you know and it’s it’s a process and we’re not we’re not trying to rush it and and we’re staying patient when you were he should give examples of teams that’s rushed it and see what happens to them every single team that rushes it they they fail I mean there might be a a team here or there that that make a run but it’s not longstanding is not every single Dynasty or at least most D no no we can say every single Dynasty just about every single Dynasty uh that’s been successful for a multitude of years with a singular Superstar it took time they they didn’t just throw a bunch of players on a team a year two that’s crazy that’s a dumb thing to do and the Spurs are smarter than that and you know of course you got to you know find people and if someone’s not something’s not working you got to change it but um as of now it’s the process and I think we’re all looking you know forward and and positively and uh we’ll see but um whatever it’s going to take two three four years I don’t know um it’s just depend by the way I do want to say this uh this is this is this is obvious now uh he’s he’s with the team for the Long Haul okay he’s with team for the Long Haul whether you like it or not he’s in team for the Long Haul so he’s basically saying the organization has talked to us which obviously would be him wimy and Devon fael these guys are in it for the long haul now it doesn’t mean that it’s off the tables that they would never trade these two at all you know with deid and so in but as of right now he is directly in communication they’re on the same page so all that needs to be squashed on how quickly we develop as young players is and as a team so you feel the pressure but you’re all like in the same uh like in the same PBE like one year at a time maybe one game out of time he doesn’t care what people thinks you know yeah exactly exactly no of course like you know you try not to look at social media but it’s there it’s everywhere you look there’s going to be social media so um you see you see the pressure uh you just can’t let it get to you you can’t let it get to you so yeah there was a I I feel like cuz I know he’s on Twitter a lot I feel like at least I’ve been pretty responsible on Twitter okay I I don’t think that I jump to conclusions or say we need to do this and that if anything I’ve come to the defense of soan a ton he got way too much hate dude way too much hate uh and and it’s it’s really disheartening coming from fans Spurs fans and also Spurs fans that’s that’s older I I noticed that too it’s a lot of older Spurs fans and it’s like you would know what the process is right like you you’ve you you’ve gone through I mean the Spurs have never been like a a bad franchise or anything but you’ve gone through the years of almost being there but not being quite good enough to be that team that wins a championship you’ve you’ve seen what that looks like I don’t see how you can’t be patient I don’t know I don’t know and I grew up off the Spurs winning all the time like once I started watching we were just winning all the time so and even I can be patient I don’t get that uh experiment at the beginning of the year uh playing point guard um how was that yeah I mean when you are playing basketball all your life in another position and then you come to the NBA and it’s like let’s try this you as a player you start to think in different things of the of the game that you weren’t thinking before how was that that perect for you he did it a little bit didn’t he he had to do it in college sometimes run the offense and stuff and he did it a little bit his Rook year I wonder what he’s going say yeah it was it was it was a crazy one for sure long period of time you know I love I love ups and downs um moments where it didn’t feel good you know this social media again to me um but see man you guys really got to him he can sit here and say he doesn’t care but he’s still human y’all got to him man you guys were so mean about it that was terrible the day I learned you know how to persevere through you know tough times and learn copyright you know it’s crazy like I didn’t really get ready for it I think if if I got more ready in the summer um and you know really you know worked on being a point guard I think it’ be better for me and the team um but yeah it’s it’s something that happened and you know I still you know after that experiment I you know go back to my usual self and uh you know start playing better and stuff so yeah it probably got you better in a way right you probably learn some stuff yeah please please speak on that please speak on that cuz I don’t feel I’m one of the people that don’t feel like it was a complete failure I actually think that it worked out pretty well that at Le at least to learn you know what they learned from it you can use later on maybe so everything happens for a reason definitely um we were talking late just before about Wy uh we we wanted to ask you obviously is like the biggest teammate you’ve had in the NBA recently um literally yeah literally literally the biggest in every way um can you tell us like the best and the worst thing about wbi I mean okay let me pause this you’re a meshy my guy you’re the only person that sent me this so big shout out to you my boy um I don’t know if you care about this or if you want anybody to follow you I don’t know I guess you can just block them guys um follow follow follow yshi okay follow yshi please he deserves it where did you find this I I I didn’t not I no one told me about this thank you 41,000 views so I should have seen it but thank you joking obviously you know um the best I think he’s just he’s normal you know when you when you come into a league with that much hype and that much publicity and you know everyone telling you you’re going to be one of the best ever um you know sometimes that can get to your head and you can be like you know you know what I mean yeah um but Victor is not like that he’s he’s normal he’s good people um he hangs out with us he talks to us he talks to you know everyone around the Spurs um so he’s just top level you know human being and uh that is off the court but on the court too he plays hard he loves the game he’s passionate and he’s never pointing fingers hopefully he says that hold on copyright um he’s a team player he you know doesn’t get jealous or anything when someone’s playing well um so you know he’s he’s he’s top level in both you know off off court stuff and on court uh the worst thing yeah I don’t know T his tast in his taste in wardrobe please I I don’t know there’s nothing bad you know no come on bro that’s a cop out he good people you don’t like the way he dress no it got to be something come on you don’t like his Taste of music I don’t know you don’t like his hairstyle that’s one I don’t like his hairstyle do something do something with it Vic come on make it looks make make it look cool he might braid it again wanted to know you are close to him uh yeah you think he has this in at his house no way there’s no way he needs that no he can do like this everything everything yeah we wanted to confirm that yeah wanted to confirm that well uh Jeremy we uh don’t want to um waste your time waste your time you are training here in the embassy where you are with your friends um you are 21 like two days ago so being here with us being here with us is not the best plan so thank you for your time no thank you very much to show you how much hate he’s gotten I didn’t even know he turned 21 but every single Spurs player gets like oh congratulations happy happy birthday I didn’t hear anyone mention this have fun here and good luck in the next season and in the process that we are sure that it’s going to be really good sure yeah we’re all was talking about going to San Antonio like to make a trip like spend there like maybe I don’t know one month no not one month we still have to cover the rest of the league you know but maybe be there like for a week and you know we don’t we haven’t been there so I’ll take you guys somewhere good for food oh and show you guys the facility the facility is nice now we got new One MH is nice and the the the organization and everything seems really good from the outside so yeah maybe we can make it work I guess that’s it there’s like 10 minutes left though oh okay then they just kind of all right cool that was good man that was really good like like once again thank you y Mesi for sending this over um this is this was great stuff I guess all this is in Spanish yeah you see translating you see what you see what some of the top comments this one let the LIVE edition be three hours I have no idea don’t no culture no future I what hey that’s you’re aesi look you’re Jeremy is a luxury my favorite player from San Antonio because of the way he is great interview congratulations guys hey big shout out to your mesy your mesy all right anyways I will get with you guys later um like I said if you want to support the channel this Clane merch um or become a YouTube member okay that’s that’s also a good way of supporting but I’ll I’ll uh I’ll hit you guys up later no complaints here I thought it was really well uh interviewed I thought that you know sohan’s answers were um were pretty great I think that he’s a little worried about social media um and that’s why he refused to answer a negative about Victor it has to be like his it got to be something right may be something but um good stuff though good stuff I think I think we it was rehash things but I think we learned we learned a little bit all right we need to be kinder be a little kinder to to Sohan he’s already going to get hate around the league deserving so okay he he kind of puts it upon himself but it’s it’s our job as fans to have his back all right he does his job he does a good job right he’s a he’s a really great defender let Let’s uh let’s back them up let’s back them up anyways I’ll give it you guys later bye [Music]


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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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or #NBA


  1. Sochan can have those nice middys and footwork sometimes imagine if they were happening more

  2. Man at this point none of us have a clue at what the Spurs will do. Usually other than the top pick the Spurs do not pick anyone that was talked about in the media.

  3. Clan, you need to pipe down during interviews… You are asking to pay attention to the content you are presenting then you proceed to talk over what's being said within the content… Your thoughts can be shared once the clip has ended.

  4. I disagree, to me it makes perfect sense that the older fans are the ones that don’t understand what it really takes

    They’re the ones that are the real spoiled Spurs fans that are used to winning 50+ games every season. That saw an already pseudo contender in the 90s with Robinson and then after only one bad year got Duncan and were full on contenders. Then, we’re able to get Tony and Manu with the last pick in the first round and second to last pick in the second round if I’m not mistaken

    It was the most annoying thing when we were tanking for Wemby and so many Spurs fans just wanted to win. After every game it was acting like the world was ending and Spurs just needed to grab every win they possible could. I noticed a lot of the other Spurs fans still thought that draft picks don’t matter cause we’ll make a star out of whatever pick not realizing how much the other organizations have caught up in scouting

  5. Oh man Jeremy is going to EXPLODE this season now that he can legally have wine with Pop at a team or 1 on 1 dinner!

  6. It's a hot take because Castle is both a better defender, a better player, oh and was part of actual winning last year, something the Spurs or Holland and the G-League Ignite didn't learn a lot about last year.

  7. I knew you'd like this one!!

    I follow their channel because they are a good way to keep up with the NBA in general. I knew that since they are a spanish channel most Spurs fans wouldnt find this interview so i had to sent it your way 😁

  8. How can you hate Jeremy? And he’s 21! Bruh yall treat him like he been in the league for 10 years smh I miss seeing him play can’t wait for next season

  9. I would gladly take Holland at 4 if you look at upside Holland definitely has the higher ceiling than castle and I don’t see a scenario where he falls to 8

  10. U look like Jeremy sochanπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. One second you say the questions have been asked already and then the next second they are great questions haha

  12. One second you say the questions have been asked already and then the next second they are great questions haha

  13. Ron Holland jump shot looks super broken. Plus he's from the G league which is historically disappointing for top draft picks. If you want that type of player I'd be much more interested in Stephon Castle, who at least has nicer mechanics.

  14. Yeaa clan talk ur πŸ€¬πŸ‘πŸ‘? Dumb as people talking nonsense not getting RON HOLLAND foh can't wait to draft night & next season…πŸ€GO SPURS GOπŸ‘πŸ‘

  15. If I’m being honest, Sochan seems to be going in the draymond role but tbh he definitely is more skilled offensively scoring wise

  16. Oh and clan to say you don’t like Vic’s natural hairstyle is anti black as helllll πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it’s a fro dog, is that not how our hair looks

  17. Los Drafteados is one of the best channel of basketball in Europe. I love them. And they like Wemby. Witch is a miracle for spain people. πŸ˜‚

  18. Alien in the Mask,… If u ever talk bad of any Spurs Player while he is a Spurs even when there struggling … YOUR NOT A TRUE SPURS FAN…. I stuck and watched every minute of the Spurs games during every bad season … I didn't talk mess about any ex Spurs Player…if u can't appreciate the struggle then your just not a true fan… I saw year after year Spurs lose to Utah and Houston during David Robinson era and knew one day I better appreciate all of it…. IT WILL TAKE TIME… BUT NOT MUCH… Oyeah , true Spurs fan tell those dumb experts stop the Keldon trade Talks… I know his mentality tuff … But the disrespect on him…MY WORD …. yall will regret it … Alien in the Mask… Love the video thank you for sharing … YEAAAA SOCHAN

  19. Not sure why there was a lot of hate, this guy is only 20 and it takes time. Sochan is growing and he’s going to be great.

  20. The Holland hate is a little overblown, he was in system where he wasn’t given the right tools to actually improve his game and you can’t teach the physical tools or work ethic he has, I think the Spurs could really use an athlete like him. Like how are you so high on Castle and so low on Holland when they’re basically the same archetype player.

  21. I don’t think Jeremy playing point was necessarily an β€œexperiment.” Defensively.. perhaps. I think it was meant to force Wemby and Jeremy out of their comfort zones.
    It made Wemby learn how to find his own looks
    It made Jeremy a better ball handler and passer
    It also led us down the path of wondering if a big defensive point guard (Castle?) would work with our scheme

  22. Watching the adjustment where Denver had AG take the ball down the court against the twolves…. Jermey needs to be able to take the ball down!




  24. Awesome interview! Many people been praising Wemby for his demeanor and high IQ interview answers but Sochan is also a very good talker dude. I hope he's a Spur for life!

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