@Los Angeles Lakers

Vando tho?

Vando tho?

by angryshoper


  1. mambabite24

    Love me some Vando, but it’s 4 on 5 unless he learned how to shoot and/or finish better. We need some legit 2 way players.

  2. PhantomPain85

    He’s an injury risk every year. I like when he’s healthy but that is a 50/50 proposition at best in the playoffs. We need people who can play.

  3. yeezyhersh

    ill trade anyone if we get size. and offensive creation.

  4. AntSmith777

    We can only move D-Lo if he opts in right? Sign and trade is highly unlikely.

  5. He can’t shoot. If we upgrade then yes, if for just some other one way then no

  6. SStyle777

    This sub likes overrating role players a lot 💀

  7. doyourjobpelinka

    Vando can’t shoot and has a history of foot issues…I can see wanting to move off him…but Im not sold on Rui fit next to Lebron either…

  8. josuelaker2

    I like Vando but there’s two things that make me 50/50 on this dude, his shooting and his sus foot injuries.

    Then I ask myself, do you really like/ know this guy, or do I just like the idea of what he might be?

  9. Ghostbeen3

    There’s a reason reaves is a legit trade piece that other gms want. I love vando but he always hurt

  10. Yommination

    Injury proned black hole on offense. Not a huge loss

  11. thehanssassin

    Here comes the Reddit experts!! Saying we should trade all. Y’all should apply for Laker GM.

  12. markmyredd

    Vando seems to be injury prone so yeah.

    Reaves meanwhile is an ironman 16ppg guy with a really good contract.

  13. KingNephew

    He’s a one way player, if you can upgrade, you do it. Lakers role players would be like being allowed to have lights only in one room at the time.

    Play the defenders and you have no offense, play the scorers and your defense tanks.

  14. Everyone should be moveable depending on the return. But healthy Vando is really hard to replace so I’d be wary about moving him.

  15. D-Lo maybe get Donovan Mitchell ??🤔🤔🤷🏽‍♂️

  16. hungrywantmooshoo

    Who cares if they are moveable. Almost all these guys have little to no value lol so we ain’t getting much back in return

  17. I don’t care what they do, but you have to get a legit starting caliber Wing. We can’t go into the season again with a collection of bargain TJMax wings and hope one pans out.

    There’s plenty of guards that would be fine playing off Reaves, but we gotta have a legit starting caliber wing if they want to go anywhere. Do whatever you need to do to make that happen.

  18. I get so confused about the love of Vando on this sub. He literally got played off the floor in the 2023 playoffs… why keep someone who can only play one side of the ball? (Which is this teams biggest issue)

  19. Carolake1

    You guys are missing the issue here. Vando has to be on the table just because they would need him to help make salaries match. You can’t trade for anyone good without sending back some salary. These are basically all their tradable players with mid-level salaries except Rui and AR.

  20. swankstar7383

    We need a dribble drive guard. What do you think it will take us to get sexton from utah

  21. JournalistKey4544

    Hes our best pos defender. Even if his offense is bad hes still the best thing we got unless some crazy random player becomes available

  22. thelennybeast

    You can’t move D’lo, he’s opting out.

  23. Savage_Ball3r

    I don’t even remember how good Vando played. All I remember was the daily rumors of when he’s coming back to play 😭. It was getting so annoying!!!

  24. Miserable-Lawyer-233

    Sure, 86 Vando. Nobody needs a turnover machine that can’t shoot. His defense doesn’t make up the difference. It’s not like he’s an All-Defensive defender, and even if he was, he’s still a major liability due to turnovers and poor spacing. I think what we’d miss most from him is offensive rebounding, but again, because he’s lacking in so many other areas, he’s just not worth the investment in money or time.

  25. TorontoRaptors34

    I agree Rui Vando Gabe DLO are very moveable pieces. 

    I think Bron Reaves AD are who u build around. Imo Reaves legit held back being in a backccourt with DLO u put a Caruso or Murray next to him hell go crazy. 

  26. Juan_Solo84

    We need a facilitator in addition to Lebron. It seems that the offense stagnates all too often when Lebron’s not on the court. That’s why I was so excited at the prospect of Gabe Vincent. Then his injury never let us see what the could’ve looked like.

  27. Illustrious-Fig6819

    Moving Vando would be a mistake unless we get someone on the wing to replace him. People really downplay how much of an impact player he was to this team when he was healthy and available.

    I’m not opposed to moving off of him but just saying we need to move him for a 2 way wing if he’s moved, not for someone like Trae Young or Darius Garland.

  28. McDaniels has been a rock for the Wolves keeping them in every game.  Watching a team player like that and the impact they have on the game I think shows how much we missed Vando in our playoff series. 

  29. augustcero

    how are we trading dlo if he opts out of his PO this June?

  30. xxxhotpocketz

    Vandos defense is good but if a player is just out playing him then he provides nothing because he has zero offense and becomes a liability

    He’s also been injury prone

  31. BusiestWolf

    Vanderbilt is way harder to replace than Reaves lol

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