@Indiana Pacers

What tools the Indiana Pacers can use to get better in free agency + salary cap situation and timing

What tools the Indiana Pacers can use to get better in free agency + salary cap situation and timing

what tools and timelines will matter for the Pacers this summer as so many moving Parts come in for a team that could run it back what will matter for their finances what tools will they have what dates will matter as they try to build their team out we’ll break it all down today on the lockon Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up y’all happy Friday congrats you made it through the week and the month and welcome into another edition of the luon Pacers podcast where we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name’s Tony East I cover the team for Forbes NSI and today a lot to get to as we continue to look ahead at the Pacers offseason went through some of your comments with through some of the stuff I thought was important and we’re going to break down the how of the Pacers Improvement yesterday we looked at their internal players the considerations the team will have to make the monies the contract comps today we’ll look more at the tools to do it and the dates and all that Jazzy Jazz and get into some of the specifics and the terminology you’ll need to know mostly because I’ll be saying these like a hundred times in the next month but also because you should know them as a fan of the team so you can properly assess what does and doesn’t make sense in the summer again this is where I think the stuff is important it might sound like we’ll read out of a dictionary sometimes today but I promise you’ll need to know this stuff to know how the Pacers can get better this summer also I forgot a player yesterday who’s going to matter this summer uh the date where it will matter is after most of the offseason dust has settled so I just missed it because I’m stupid but we’ll get to that today also um let’s start with the Pacers financial situation and Outlook because I think that’s probably the most interesting and revealing thing when it comes to the Pacers summer so the most common question I get is how much cap space do the Pacers have because that is the generic you know oh the how what what can they add players how much blah blah blah the answer is none the answer is just straight up zero and that might seem confusing on how they can resign or sign or get players when they have no cap space and we’ll get to that in a second but let’s get into the meat potatoes of why right because if you just take a glance at their salary cap sheet you’d say they only have 11 players under contract right now I’m just gonna I’m gonna read all the names so sorry for that but it’s relevant to the exercise tyes Halbert Miles Turner Aaron n Smith T.J McConnell Benedict Maan jarus Walker Jaylen Smith if he Ops in Isaiah Jackson Ben Shepard Andrew neart and Kendall Brown that’s 11 players for the Pacers who have a contract for next season Smith could not McConnell’s could be smaller although it’d be dumb Browns could be gone but that is the 11 right now those 11 players their salaries Su up to 112. 846 million if they’re all fully guaranteed doesn’t sound like much that’s only 11 players the salary cap as of right now let me be clear about something that’s going to come up a lot in this episode is projected did not set yet not set in the Conference Finals but went nine total games out of a possible 14 so there’s a lot that could be up in the air still projected right now to be $141 million so how do the Pacers have no cap space if they nine excuse me 11 under contract players total is 112.8 million but the salary cap is much higher than that that’s because of something called capol so I’ll explain why those are important but what those are is they are a charge against the salary cap for a free agent so Pascal cakam has a charge against the cap even though he does not have a contract same with Doug mcder at Obby top and James Johnson Etc and that number allows you to keep a player’s free agent rights so you hear a lot of talk about Pascal siakam’s bird rights that allows the Pacers to sign him even if they’re over the cap to a Max contract bigger than any other team they are allowed to do that if they have his cap hold if they cut if they get rid of his cap hold you can do that at any time for any free agent then they would open up cap space but they would not be able to sign Pascal seak to his big of a contract which is all relevant because right now they can sign seum to a five-year deal worth uh $245 million at starts at 42 million but if they got rid of all their cap holds as you can see see by the math earlier they would only have like 27 million in cap space so they actually can offer him more by keeping his cap hold on their salary books which is why the cap hold counts against the cap and his cap hold is huge it’s 56 million that alone takes them over the salary cap in terms of actual charges it’s not just your salaries that count against the cap dou mcdermitt’s cap holds pretty big because his salary is Big last year um that will probably be eliminated because there’s no real point of that I mean they’ll keep his bird rights but you know his salary will be less than his cap hold will be topping as a fairly big cap hold because he was a high draft pick right so those cap holds are what take the Pacers over the salary cap so if you want the Pacers to sign a player who’s worth more than probably going to be worth more than I’ll make a a number but let’s say $18 million somewhere between 15 and $18 million just above the mle if you want the Pacers to sign a player worth that much money this summer the only way it’s possible is if the Pacers do not keep cakam or toen or McDermot on their team unless those players sign for the minimum or an exception which is not happening in the case of SE yakum and maybe toen we’ll get to him in a second so that’s not worth it so they’re going to try to keep seaka all the reporting suggest that there’s mutual interest and that they’re going to offer from the Max and that’s great so that means they’re over the cap and if they sign SE yakum to a Max add in 40 something million to that salary total we talked about earlier and they’re over the salary cap so the Pacers have no cap space this summer there’s no way they can just go sign a free agent with cap space they can still sign players we’ll get to the how in a second but that’s an important place to start it’s either seum or worst players that’s why it’s so critical that they bring him back overthe cap teams can of course resign their own players they can sign toppen and sakam and even mcder legally they won’t up to a Max contract right um but they can add external players to teams that are over the cap are given a couple resources to actually improve their team uh and they are called the mid-level exceptions or in the case of over the cap teams the biannual exception is also an exception they get uh to add talent to their squad so what those are is if you’re over the cap you are allowed to use these exceptions there’s one called the tax pyramid level exception which is smaller and intended for teams that are paying the tax or close to it and there’s the non-t taxair mid level exception which is bigger and for teams farther from the tax but over the cap but using the non-t tax PA one hard caps you not going to get into that today um so there are pros and cons to both obviously signing a better player using more money is better as of right now again this is projected because this is based on where the salary cap comes in the non-t tax paramid level exception projects to start next season at $ 12.85 million that’s pretty big that’s a pretty big first year salary for a player whereas the taxpayer mid level uh is smaller it’s only $5.1 million so uh you can offer a four-year deal with the non-t taxpayer and a three-year deal with the taxpayer so I think it’s about four years 55 million would be the full boat of a non- taxpayer midlevel exception offer the Pacers can offer that to a free agent even if they’re over the cap right so think of a player at about that level that’s what they could add will get to why I don’t think they will but we’ll get to um but that is something that is available to them right as an option and then the tax paramid level exception if they’ prefer to use that instead to not be hard capped or to limit their own spending or because the tax is a concern which we’ll get to in a second as well that can only be up to a three-year deal and that starts at that 5.1 million number so that’s something like three years something between 16 and 17 million my my on the napkin math is not very good right now but those are the two one or the other you cannot use both of those exceptions but but those would be a tool that the Pacers could have to add a player who is not currently on their team while still over the cap right but they can’t go higher than that while over the cap so it’s SE yakum plus a mid-level exception player or SE yakum and to in a mid-level exception player or some combination of those and all those guys who knows but those are the other TOS there’s one more called the by annual exception which is a really interesting one that I think there’s some kind of game theory involved here it is a deal that starts at a mo a maximum value of $ 4.68 million and can be up to two years in length here’s what makes the buy annual exception so interesting you cannot use it two years in a row so if the Pacers use it this year they can’t use it next year if they don’t use it this year they can use it next year which is a fascinating game to play since the Pacers are now entering an environment well they will be over the cap probably every year for a bit going forward they can think about when the best time to use it is I would wager that they don’t use it this summer because they could use other exceptions to add players and then use that one in the the future uh and since the Bae fits into the taxpayer mid level exception you can agree to terms with the player and then figure out which exception they fit in based on how the rest of your summer goes so I predict given their tax not concern but how close they could be to it they will not use the Bae but that’s another tool available to them and you can always sign players to minimum contracts no matter what they’ll have the assuming they make a pick in the second round they’ll have the second round pick exception to sign those players to contract so between the mid-levels and the Bae and the draft there are ways for them to add players to their current team even while they’re over the cap so to summarize what we’ve talked about in layman’s terms for the last eight nine minutes they do not have cap space they cannot just go sign a name Max free agent player Paul George is GNA be the name everybody says whatever they can’t just go sign Paul George unless Paul George is taking like A10 million Pere deal which is comical to even discuss they can’t just go get him or James Harden or I name any other you know Marquee free agent but they can keep their own guys on any deal they can use the mid-level exception whichever one they decide to use they can use the ba if they want and they can sign guys to minimum contracts and they can sign their draft picks so that is the financial reality for the Pacers now there’s other stuff that matters including the tax and the key dates and some other players I didn’t talk about yesterday so let’s talk about all that as we continue on the resources and timing episode of the offseason for the the Pacers before we do that though let’s very quickly talk about prize picks America’s number one fantasy sports app where it’s simple to play you pick more than or less than on two more player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in the biggest moments in basketball are here the NBA finals are coming up get in on the playoff action wi up to a 100 times your money on prize picks as you and the 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pick less it’s that easy we are back here on lockon Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day for your second listen lock on Mavs the Mavs are going to the finals wow what a run for them they’re defending their taals off in the postseason and they will play the Celtics who just vanquished the Pacers MAV Celtics starts June 6th six days of no NBA Hoops but lock on Mavs can tell you about how the Mavs won game five in Minnesota check it out and then go to lockon wolves and hear about the other side of that and the upcoming offseason in Minnesota here we’re talking about the offseason in Indiana where we just ran through how the Pacers can add Talent from a resource perspective that obviously does not include trades that can make trades anytime just looking at signings and free agency any legal trade is possible in theory at any time let’s talk about some other numbers that matter or numbers that I will be throwing around this offseason currently the projection for the luxury tax I can’t believe I’m talking about the tax next season is 171.5 four5 million again that could could could change depending on where stuff comes in so the this number might actually matter for the Pati the summer which which is why I asked Chad Buchanan about the team’s appetite for potentially paying the tax this summer and of course again it all depends on what’s available or what it is he said uh talked about herb Simon and then he said wants to see nothing more than to bring a championship and if I think if we get to the point where we feel like if this is a move that could get us into a championship spot I think ownership will get behind it so uh not ruled out if you heard me rant on this already this offseason there actually is value in waiting till the right time to pay the tax although in theory a team paying it every year would be the best thing ever but teams don’t do that unless you’re the Warriors or the Clippers anyway the luxury tax line is 171.5 formul let me go through an exercise with you to explain why that number matters and is interesting to me as we went through the uh the finances of every player so I’m GNA make some assumptions really quick and this is not all correct likely different things will happen Okay assumption one T.J McConnell his full contract becomes guaranteed assumption two Jaylen Smith opts into his contract that one really could go either way assumption three Pascal seak signs his max contract and assumption four the Pacers re okay there’s a couple more I’m not going to number all the assumptions another one is James Johnson just resigns at his minimum Obi toppen signs a three-year $4 41.6 million deal I’ll explain why I get to that in a second and then Doug mcder on a one-year $4 million contract you might think that’s it’s an overpay will get to again none of this specifics matter yet I just want to explain that all that stuff sounds reasonable to me right I don’t think they’re going to wave McConnell there’s no way he’s totally worth his deal uh Jaylen Smith could opt in that seems reasonable to me after the postseason you had seaka on the Mac seems like the most likely outcome of that to me that starts at 42.3 million topping on that deal what that contract I made up just now is three years more from the Pacers but that would open up the most trade options for him if that needs to be a thing this season would still seem like a fair deal to me if you listen to my contract comps yesterday um that is just a made up a little bit number but that’s just for the sake of exercise James Johnson on the minimum you get that Doug mcder at four million I just picked like Kevin L Seth Curry range from last year but you could argue Doug m t’s a minimum player either way those just picture all those contracts all seem very realistic choices for the Pacers that would make their 15-man roster the exact same one as last season and there is a little bit of a hurdle there with draft we’ll get to that in a second but I’m sorry for all the leadup that is a 15 player roster it’s done that team is in the tax that team I just described to you has $174 million in player salaries plus the dead money of Nick staus Joan Morgan and Malik Fitz on the books and that is a a team with a $175 million in taxable salaries with including all that stuff which means they actually it’s closer to 176 they would be $4.5 million over the tax so all of that stuff happening yeah it’s possible Pacers could decide to just pay that tax but if you’re that close to the tax every team in NBA history has tried to get under if they can at some point and so if you can avoid it in the off season great you should so that makes me think that path with all reasonable contracts for their returning players seems like one or two things would not happen right that’s why the luxury tax line matters and why the 171.5 four million matters the Pacers would like when the official numbers come in from the NBA the actual number to be higher than the estimation because then they have more wiggle room to maneuver through all this they can make different decisions and all that so we will know that number from the league during or right before the moratorium ahead of free agency but the tax does matter to me right again in fantasy land where it’s all fake money and all that in theory yes the best case scenario is Herb Simon p every year and no one ever cares there is a penalty for paying the tax a certain number of times across a certain number of years called the repeater tax penalty and that is why it matters the first year you start the repeater clock and so if a team is not viewing itself as a contender it actually does make sense for a team that is willing to pay the tax for a contender to wait for the right time because it still adds flexibility on a contending timeline but again fans should not care and should think their team should spend as much as possible so if using the Pacers are Championship Contender right now you should not care about anything I just said you should say yep they should sign all those players to those deals and make the tax if you think the Pacers should be patient or if you think the history of them never very rarely it was a long time ago spending into the tax then you would imagine that what I just described could be changed slightly so like the obvious one that I think everyone will say first dou MC Derman at four million just get rid of that right get rid of it okay understood replace that with their 36th pick on a minimum deal or a near minimum deal and you save two million there and then you just wave Kendall Brown you save another two million and you’re really close right you’re still a little bit over but you’re close you can figure the rest that later maybe you could uh stretch something I have no idea I’m just I don’t think there’s anything to stretch uh but you know that that there are ways to get it closer but still over maybe it’s Pascal cakam is slightly less than the max like 40 million that would help them in savings maybe Jaylen Smith Ops out that would help the Pacers that’s 5.4 Mill but they might want him back he’s good and young and played all season for them and was a key part of their best defensive and rebounding stretch of the regular season maybe it’s topping at a lower number right who knows there’s a lot of ways to keep it lower but everything I just said about hypothetical contracts seems like a reasonable outcome to me for the player I mentioned and yet it is not does not seem like a realistic reality for the Pacers because it puts them into the tax so I think there’s a lot up in the air there I think the 36th pick being a player who would get a standard contract is an interesting Factor if they actually make that pick there’s just a lot of fascinating factors to me so one thing one takeaway you could have there is every contract you expect from a Pacers free agent maybe knock it down a peg if you think they’re all GNA be back thing two is maybe they trade pick 36 for just a future pick and add no salary thing three is maybe they start the season with 14 players thing four uh is that there could be trades coming this summer or think five is that something zany in a combination of all that stuff happens but that is why the luxury tax number matters now there’s another number that could matter and that’s the apron can you believe it the first apron you get to hear about these for the first time because the paer didn’t have to care about these last year this is a new CBA thing the first apron current projection for next season is 178.6 55 million that’s the hard cap number that’s where some transactional restrictions come into play certainly if you’re barely over the tax you want to be under the first apron and not deal with all that so that is an even harder line however all those numbers I just said combined would be under the first apron so as it stands I think it’s going to be fascinating to monitor that tax line I think that’s another ma number that matters I think the guaranteed salary number matters and there’s still so much more to get to for this Pacers offseason but I hope you understand the numbers that are pushing and pulling on them the resources they have to add Talent what it will all take and if I’ve missed anything comment tweet at me let me know uh because I did miss something yesterday and that’s why it’s very valuable to have all of you listening we’re going to get to one of those things I missed yesterday but I’m on Twitter at Tony AR and if you’re watching on YouTube comment below there still more coming here want to talk about Isaiah Jackson some two-way players and plenty more notes about the dates that matter this offseason let’s get to it back here on lockdown Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day for your second list and check out lockdown NBA to hear the latest and greatest about wolves Mavs and and from around the association and you get to hear me on there me and Wes Goldberg chopped it up about game five of wolves Mavs looked ahead at the Wolves offseason and talked about the most crucial players in the Finals series my pick spoiler alert was Kyrie Irving but you can hear Wes is and much more on that podcast let’s keep going on the Pacers here the biggest thing I missed yesterday when running through all the Pacers free agents and extension things is that Isaiah Jackson is extension eligible as our all 2021 drafty uh this summer in the first round via their rookie scale extensions like the one tyres Halbert and er Smith signed last summer that can be up to the max it won’t be but it can be up to the max um up to five years in length although four years for most guys with eight% raises so up to a huge number what is Isaiah Jackson worth who knows the deadline for that is the day two days before the regular season actually starts uh last year I think the comp the best comp would be like Paul Reed Paul Reed probably a little better than Isaiah Jackson but cap inflation all that Paul Reed got three years 23.5 million on a really funky contract last summer you maybe something like that but I don’t know why Isaiah Jackson uh would consider extending unless Jaylen Smith is gone or like he knows he has a guaranteed role with this team for lots of time um it’s just very rare that extensions at that low of a value happen for rookies Paul Reed got his via restricted free agency uh nassier little and pton Pritchard kind of ruin my argument against never players taking those smaller rookie scale extensions but uh so it’s possible and we’ll talk more about it when the time has come relevant for it but that is something I missed yesterday we didn’t talk about the two-way guys uh at all Oscar sheway Quinton Jackson Isaiah Wong I Oscar sheway g-league Rookie of the Year had a wonderful season and to be clear all of their 2A guys will be restricted free agents if the Pacers present them a qualifying offer if maybe rank the likelihood those guys would be back I would say sheway one Jackson 2 Wong three again sheway had a solid year who knows if he’s ready for NBA minutes yet he’s got a lot to work on but clearly has an insanely good rebounding skill Quinton Jackson fit in really well with this team was great in the g- league he a good score Z Wong didn’t grow as a point guard to me I don’t know the Pacers assessment of him but is a quality score stuck around for the whole season for a reason um but you know maybe they want to cycle in someone else and maybe they want to keep him who knows but they also have those two late second rounders that means they could add someone else on a two-way so that’s why I would rank those guys in that order of chances to keep them they kept Kendall Brown last year on a twoa and added two new guys so they have kept twoa guys before we’ll see what happens there now I’ve covered every free agent the Pacers salary situation how they can add players the resources to do so why I think a lot of random numbers will matter that’ll bring up a lot there’s one more thing to get to and that’s the key dates you know what’s really funny is the key dates podcast in Prior seasons have been a whole all three segments podcast because there’s the draft combine and the draft and the g-league camp and the playoffs and the finals and all this stuff that the Pacers need to look forward to that matters for their season and contract deadlines and all that stuff well they made it to the Conference Finals they passed a lot of that stuff already so it’s way shorter this time and I can fit it in at the end of an episode but it all still matters the order of operations if you don’t know in the NBA is very important and we should talk about it right now so the next date is the opt out date for uh overseas players in the draft that’s later in June as as it pertains to the Pacers specifically uh the most important next date is one day after the finals ends which is whatever date or game that actually happens in so if it’s a sweep and it’s game four the very next day is when this applies this is new in the new CBA teams can negotiate with their own players let me put some air quotes up teams can officially negotiate with their own players one day after the finals I don’t nothing nefarious ever goes on in the NBA there’s nothing ever before that but that is the official date now which is different because like in theory I think it’s possible the day after the finals you see leaks that are like X player has agreed to X deal with X team and like that could come out earlier now uh so that’s why that date’s going to matter you’re not just going to see all the free agency bananas on June 30th at least I think we’ll see how that actually looks in practice from a reporting and transactional perspective but for the Pacers who are a strong run at back team a lot of their discussion of free agency could be that day one day after the finals uh later in the summer June 26th and 27th that’s the NBA draft you know what that is uh that’s two days because if you didn’t know this if this is the first time you’re hearing this the NBA draft is stretched down now it’s two days the second round’s its own day and the first round is its own day so the Pacers might have no involvement on day one if they don’t have a first round pick and then very early involvement on day two if they make no trades uh their current picks if you don’t know are 36 49 and 50 uh 36 could be a roster player 4950 seem more likely to be two-way guys uh but that’s the draft situation two days is very fascinating I think that’s better it’s so chaotic in the second round for executives and I know people say woe is me whatever but truly if they have a more stable situation or more time to figure stuff out after the first night and they can get the right player for their situation that’s better for the player if the player’s in the right situation and that’s why I think it’s a good thing it could land more second rounders in favorable or correct situation so maybe no one’s dying to watch the second round on TV but if it’s better for the NBA basketball product and a TV network is willing to buy the rights for the second round of the NBA draft it’s a win for everybody except for people who don’t care about second round so that’s why that’s happening we’ll see what the Pacers do there we’ll preview the draft starting next week uh and then 628 so the draft ends June 27th June 28th one day after the draft that’s when T.J McConnell’s contract would become fully guaranteed in theory that means the Pacers need to wave him two days before that uh I don’t think they’re going to wave him anyway so June 28th is the day that T.J MCC $9.3 million contract becomes fully guaranteed for the upcoming season I talked yesterday about why that’s an no-brainer if you don’t didn’t hear that and you want to hear it the next day June 29th Jaylen Smith his player option decision is due by that day the Pacers probably would like it if they got that decision before the draft to make better decisions about their financial future maybe they already know before the draft but nothing’s official by then but that’s the final day Jaylen Smith can decide if you’re Jaylen Smith maybe you want to see what the Pacers doing the draft before you make that decision what if they draft a center what if they trade away Isaiah Jackson on draft night you know there’s any number of things that could influence his decision so the push and pull of that will be fascinating but that is the official date of jayen Smith’s player option decision being due after the draft but before now what I’m going to call external free agency starts because remember the internal part that happens earlier can now start right after the finals which is a no-brainer why teams can’t negotiate with players on their own team earlier is dumb they’re under contract with that team already uh the next date after Jaylen Smith player option obviously free agency starts on June 30th at like 6 pm. uh they can’t become official until July 6th is when signings can become official uh that includes internal signings that’s after the moratorium ends that’s when the League’s finances for the next League year are officially set which means contract values can be set and all that uh we’re going to mix in some stuff that’s not necessarily related to free agency here uh the next date on the calendar that’s going to matter is July 10th not for a free agency reason or a contract reason that is when Team USA Camp starts it might be a couple days before that that day they play Canada in like a friendly uh tyres halberton playing for Team USA obviously in the Olympics Andrew neard playing for Canada I think that that’s the only pict I know of for now uh playing in the Olympics that’ll be very cool some games to watch to cover on this podcast in the summer of course we covered the World Cup a lot last year with halberton and Ty um so that’ll be fun that’s when that all starts and they play against each other early which will be pretty cool um but yeah early July July is when that all kicks off and then Late July is when those games get going that date’s coming up uh July 12th is the start of summer league which isn’t really a free agency date that’s when you’ll see guys play but for Kendall Brown who could be fighting to get his contract guaranteed perhaps summer league actually matters for his free agency and the Pacers offseason in general summer league ends July 22nd which is also the day that injur M hard becomes extension eligible for the Pacers we broke down what that would look like yesterday it depends where the cap comes in where the estimated average salary comes in something like four years 76 to 80 million is what the max extension would be there depending on where some numbers come in my official prediction is that nothing gets agreed to there even if that is close to his value right now we’ll see after that the next date is July 26 that’s when the Olympics start it runs through August 11th I don’t know team USA’s official schedule but during that Olympics specifically on August 6th that is when TJ McConnell is officially extension eligible ran through that one yesterday his max extension is four years 58.7 million uh again he would not get all of that but that’s the most it could possibly be uh we ran through the pros and cons of that in some high detail yesterday uh I think the date could end up being earlier than that because of how the offseason mapping ends up working I explained that a little yesterday but that is that when he officially signed his current contract so for all intents and purposes just know that he is extension eligible at some point after free agency starts but before the season starts um that’s what’s in theory relevant to this discussion then there’s a big gap August is shockingly late for a date to even be on the calendar here uh nothing until after that two days before the season that would be the uh extension contract deadline for Isaiah Jackson to get his rookie skill extension done if you wanted to do one with the Pacers opening night is when Kendall Brown’s contract becomes partially guaranteed at $250,000 the does not become guaranteed until the League wide cutdown date next January and then the final date would be October 31st Halloween that is the deadline for team option decisions on the seconde team option for Ben Shepard or excuse me the third year team option on Ben Shepard and jarus Walker and the fourthe team option on Benedict Maan I’m gonna help you right now those will all be picked up by whatever team they’re on presumably the Pacers uh those will all be picked up so that’s not even actually something that is interesting but is a formality that will happen at some point this year last year there was at least like discussion about those this year there’s not it’s very obvious that is all the dates that’s all the money stuff I think you need to know I hope I didn’t miss something uh if I did if you think wow I’ve listen to this and I still have a question about this or that let me know you can hit me up on Twitter at Tony r e that’s how somebody reached out and said hey you forgot about Isaiah Jackson I did or you can comment Down Below on YouTube if you have a question there I read through those uh comments as well thank you guys for listening today and throughout the month did an episode every single day in May because the playoffs except for one that was the day between the end of The Buck series and the crossover before the Nick series and I feel bad that I missed today so I’m GNA do one more I’m gonna record on May 31st post it Saturday and then it will be back to normal schedule for June so just the normal five days a week for the weekday episodes in the offseason so tomorrow you’ll get another one tomorrow is going to be the free agent position that I think will be the least intriguing for fans so I’ll do it by myself that’s point guards let’s talk about some point guards on the free agent Market that the Pacers may have interest in if you’ve never heard how I do these free agency previews by position you’ll find out come tomorrow so hope you guys enjoyed Today’s Show hope you had a great week hope you had a great May we’ll see you in June talking more free agency for the Pacers tell then everybody have a wonderful day

The Indiana Pacers offseason began officially this week. What resources and tools do they have to get better in free agency and during the offseason? Why will the timing of their moves matter? And what cap space and luxury tax numbers matter? Host Tony East breaks it all down.

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Tony East

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  1. Turning out just the way I figured. Lol. So they're confident enough to throw 40+ mil at Pascal. But not 12mil to sign anyone else. Sounds ridiculous for anyone pretending to be in "win now" mode. Don't say you're willing to go over the tax and then let all FA's who are solid +/- players on good contracts slide on by. If they make a massive overpay for a guy that's not truly worth that much. It's not going to look better two year's down the line either. Lol. I mean.. My God, it's not that I dislike the guy.. I just don't like what they're doing. I think what we could have done.. Who could we have signed last off-season. Moves I'd made prior, it's all frustrating. Then to think had we kept Bruce Brown.. Had all our picks and Walker going into this draft. Player's/picks we could move. Then go in and try and sign whoever we want. If it's not a "Star" player then whatever.. Not any real one's out there anyways. Might as well develop and look to sign the best player's on good contracts. Idk how the Bulls and Chicago is a better situation for DeRozan. Or that we couldn't have made a solid offer for anyone else.. Might as well not even think about it anymore.. I just hope they will come together. Communicate more and figure out the most effective ways to play to our guy's strengths. Play with lineups and find out all your player's tendencies. What they like to run.. I do think they will be better as a team next year.. Having had more time and Mathurin back..

    We had a #1 Offense though and despite what Pascal can raise us Defensively. He's not much of a help to us at 45 million dollars a year.. Not when he's only putting up 14.. 18, 23 on 7-19 or whatever it is.. and 7 rebs in 42 minutes. Your defense alone isn't better than Obi/Smith and 2 or 3 other young FA's known for their defense and scoring. That we could pick up for much less. Maybe it's not at the PF.. But we could have drafted there.. Oh yeah, we just did.. lol mistake too seems like. Idk, strange they never played Walker at all. Makes me think they may look to see what someone would want for him this off-season. We get Pascal and all the same problems still persist. Yet now in a constant state of mediocrity. Because we can't improve, we haven't made other moves. Missed out on guy's last season. Now this season and will be letting young/good player's walk.. idk.

    Our Defense will still be a problem. Rebounding will still be a problem.. So what are we really getting?? All I can ask for is if we do this. I want to see a completely different player. One with hella hustle and a more vocal/dominant presence. Gotta improve the shot too.. dude be straight up clanking 3s, not even hitting the rim. He better give a hell of a lot of Defense… Because he's not drawing Doubles and Defenses are more than okay with staying in Man Coverage against him and letting him shoot from almost anywhere. When he drives they only have to stay with him and run alongside him. I can't help but be frustrated seeing us as a #1 best Offense ever. Then going to not even being able to score the basketball.. Not playing the same way.. not getting to the rim and slashing with anyone. It sucks, it's not a vibe at all. Guy's aren't playing off eachother and moving it the same way anymore. We lost a lot. To trades and injuries. I want to be able to appreciate Pascal more. It's truly only his contract and the label of "Superstar" player.. That's what really ticks me off.. because it holds everyone else back behind him. Or anyone that could potentially sign, or ever gets drafted in the future.. for year's. Basically saying we are going to play him 38 to 42 mins no matter what. You can't grow and develop when your focus is to not grow and develop. You really can't do both. Not this way.. You can do better by not jumping the gun.. letting thing's ride when we don't get exactly what we want from a trade.. We look like we're becoming the old Knicks and the Knicks are making all the right moves. We would have made the playoffs no matter what. The fact we made it as far as we did was great. A little lucky, but despite everything the team has went through. They still played to their best and I was happy to see that. This team has no limits to what they can do. We can beat absolutely anyone.. All we have to do is continue to play together and work hard. We have a great group of guy's. Hopefully we can add some more and get the right mix of player's we need.

    If we can get another FA, retain Obi and make the correct Draft choices. Maybe we can really light a new fire under this team's azz. Get back to playing how we were before and even better. We lost a few player's. We need to replace them.. and get Mathurin back to full speed. I can't wait for next season. Get a 6'7ish SG/SF in the draft and a C, then whoever else.. depends who's left. Cam, or even a PG..

  2. Hey Tony,

    Could you go over the impact this new season's CAP will impact future season's CAP?

    I know it is hard to predict, but I and others are worried about some players not being able to resign in future seasons if we pay everyone this offseason.

    If you could explain how signing Pascal to a Max, Tyrese getting his bonus, and signing our other free agents this offseason affects extension talks with Myles, Nesmith, Nembhard, Benn, and T.J. at the end of next season that would help quell some of the worry the general Pacers fans have this off-season.

  3. I think Jalen Smith is going to opt out since teams could even offer him more with the taxpayeer MLE; that doesn't preclude keeping him, but there's definitely a decision to be made about Smith/Jackson/Toppin/Walker. I've never been a Toppin fan but if his flaws make him affordable, that's not so terrible. For Jackson, a value extension is a guarantee that he gets paid even if his minutes disappear, but I think all parties would rather have a trade.

  4. we could make a package deal on draft day and include sticks and picks for a rebounder or better player/picks

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