@Toronto Raptors

More rapid fire Toronto Raptors wing targets! | MPJ, Mikal Bridges, Cam Johnson, Alex Caruso & more!

More rapid fire Toronto Raptors wing targets! | MPJ, Mikal Bridges, Cam Johnson, Alex Caruso & more!

on your Friday episode of lock on Raptors what’s in the bowl what’s in the bowl you know what’s in the bowl it’s a bunch of potential Wing targets for the Raptors this summer we’re going to talk about them coming up on today’s show thanks for hanging you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Music] day hey what’s going going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on Raptors part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day it is Friday May the 31st and I’m your host Sean Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the hell website at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us in the locked on Raptors Discord server which is the place to be baby the link is in the description of the podcast it’s free to join it’s a great little Community we got building around the show talking playoffs talking draft talking Raptors off season stuff talking movies talking video games it’s all going on in there it’s a great place to come hang out with people just like you who love the show who love the Raptors and want to talk about the Raptors on a place on the internet that doesn’t suck would love to see you there of course you can find the show for free get your podcast follow subscribe rate review tell a friend always appreciated when you support the show however it is you choose to support the show you can also go and uh find us on YouTube as well subscribe to the lockdown Raptor YouTube channel uh when you do that you can hit the notification Bell when you do that you will get a heads up via push notification every single time the show is about to go live thank you very much for doing that Today’s Show is brought to you by prize piix the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to locked on NBA use the code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 and with that let’s get rolling on today’s show we are joined by our pal Jamar hin from raptor Republic the god of the game recap he is here to play another round of wing Madness where we’ve got the bucket full of names we’re going to pull wings out one by one as though we’re at the pub on a Monday night having half price bad boys and we are going to put three minutes on the clock 90 seconds each to give our case for or against each of these potential Wing targets for your Toronto Raptors Jamar welcome in my friend how are you man I’m pretty good the game uh the game recap god with no game recaps to do so uh I’ve never played this game before so I’m excited to see how this turns out see how quickly I can give my take Let’s uh this really is all about uh just being able to fire off indiscriminate takes uh right off the cuff it’s like improv class but for basketball um all right what we’re going to do going to put some time on the clock we’re going to go 90 seconds each when the buzzer goes which of course comes in the form of a little duck sound on my phone uh you will have to stop giving your point and then I will interject with my thoughts so let’s pull out the first name here and get things rolling as we sift through the little bucket thank you Ikea for providing this bucket and oh baby this is perfect because you my friend are a Denver Nuggets fan so you will have all sorts of takes on this guy Michael Porter Jr a potential trade piece for a cash stra nuggets team maybe they really want to keep contav is called well Pope maybe they want to sort of spread the love a little bit get some more guys in there Beyond just Michael Porter Jr who can offer that threo shooting and just give them some more depth let’s see here Jamar what’s your take on Michael Porter Jr as a Toronto Raptor’s potential Target and of course you are a nuggets fan so you have all sorts of influence on this one uh 90 seconds on the clock go well I think that’s a lot of salary match because he is on a he was I think he’s now either in third or fourth year of a fiveyear $200 million contract so yeah that would be a that’ be a lot be a lot of salary to match for the Raptors um I don’t see this one happening because I also don’t think Denver is GNA do a knee-jerk reaction in mpj uh this this off season although yes you did say they are cash strapped and you know they need to figure out if they’re going to pay kcp or not um from a Raptor perspective obviously they need more shooting um but yeah I just I don’t see this fit anywhere with guys like well I mean right now their team being RJ on the wing and it just I feel like they could do better with contract wise pay mpj 40 mil a year because that’s basically where you’re going to have to pay to match salaries and yeah you could you know give Bruce Brown uh his his option and then send him back to Denver as part of that deal but then it’s like how do you how do you come up with the rest of the Sal salary and match that just doesn’t seem like a fit to me yeah I mean they love the shooting they love the rebounding because the Raptors are weak in that category too just see what they did before Proto but yeah the duck has spoken your time is up I have 90 seconds on the clock to continue uh I’m with you Jamar I think uh it’s a pretty unrealistic one overall I think there’s some like Merit to it I I think having another dude who’s just like a full-on dead eyee knockdown three-point shooter on super high volume would be really valuable um we’ve seen what Michael Porter Jr can do playing around a best player who is passed first and who draws a whole lot of attention not to say Scotty Barnes is anywhere near the stratosphere that Nicole yic is in but similar sort of fit I think between the two if you were to put them together we’ve seen Scotty have great success with all kinds of you know dead eyy Shooters early in his career most notably Gary Trent Jr their onoff numbers are always very good him and Grady dick have some quick chemistry early on it could be a fit I think defensively it’s kind of hard to justify I I know Michael Porter Jr’s made some strives as a Defender but I don’t know if you’d classify him as a pure lockdown Wing guy and I think you need to have that in between Scotty Barnes and RJ Barrett uh and yeah at 40 million bucks a year it’s a lot you could do the Bruce Brown thing and of course the Raptor have Avenues if they don’t bring bring back Gary Trent Jr for example to have a little bit of money to work with you could probably finagle it where you bring back more salary than you send back to the nuggets in Return of course the nuggets have to be careful if they’re over the second apron they actually can’t do that kind of non-matching trade they have to do basically dollar Ford dooll trades and so that’s a tough consideration you know Bruce Brown Chris buet or Kelly o linck uh a pick or two for for Michael Porter Jr that’s probably not enough to justify it and the duck has spoken I think there’s some interesting ideas there but for me Michael Porter Jr probably doesn’t quite match up for the Raptors with where they’re at right now you’re locking into a very expensive team that still has notable weaknesses on the wing if you’re taking Michael Porter Jr on and let’s go now before we hit a break another one more guy let’s pull it out what do we got here the next guy we have here o not necessarily a wing although plays like a wing Alex Caruso uh of course all these names that are in the bucket were submitted by listeners of the show in the lockdown Raptors Discord so you know if there’s guys who are not Wings not our fault it’s the discord’s fault blame them Alex Caruso I think can Moonlight sort of as a three once in a while uh Jamar 90 seconds on the clock thoughts on Alex kuso who’s on an expiring contract going into this summer for a Bulls team that is weird what do you think of Alex Caruso as a potential fit go well I think Caruso can qualify as a wing you see him play the two the three sometimes even the four when they go SL which is kind of weird but as far as a fit um having a lock down defender on the wing I think that would be great um it is kind of interesting to see what kind of money he would command after this season because you know there’s been a lot of interest in Caruso over the last couple of years and you mentioned the Bulls being weird like no one knows what the Bulls are doing that they they’ve been staying Pat forever even though their ceiling seems to be a play in team um you know there even there’s even rumors about you know residing D Ro into a lot of lot of money LaVine is still there so yeah I don’t know exactly what they’re doing but yeah from a Raptor’s perspective it would be great to have a lockdown Wing alongside you know RJ and quickley and guys like that because right now obviously since the departure of OG they’re kind of lacking that on the wings um he can also sneakily shoot it a little bit well from beond Arc in certain spots so you know it still brings a little bit of athleticism to the table um is this actually doable I don’t really think so um I wonder what his current contract is to he makes uh for one more year 9.8 million bucks okay 9.8 million okay so the duck has spoken unfortunately but I can I heard I heard the duck this time yeah I think I know where you were going with this um making 9.8 million bucks it makes like the money and financials of a trade actually pretty attainable for the Raptors in a few different constructions right I think uh you know you would have the option of a Chris Buche contract going out he makes 10.8 million next year that’s a close enough match um you could sort of put together the contracts of Jaylen McDaniels and oai abagi to be the salary going out um obviously you’d have to add a lot of draft compensation to that to make it worth it but I do think there’s something here I I think it’s tough because you have to pay Alex Caruso in a year he’s going to be 30 this coming season do you want to be paying you know a guy who really just kind of popped offensively for the first time just this past season how real is that how much is that going to be an outlier for his career um of course he’s a guy who’s made two straight all defense teams first team last year second team this year uh he would be I think a pretty incredible fit playing alongside quickly in the backourt yeah you’d have Barrett at the three but you would have peruso to be your sort of lockdown guy to really Hound opposing lead guards and wings U maybe you’d like a little more size with him on wings but he would instantly be the best defensive player on the Raptors I think it makes a ton of sense from a fit perspective and you know there will probably be some sort of bidding war for his services and contenders are probably going to Pony up a lot if he’s available but if you’re the Raptors and you’re sitting there on draft night or or sort of after the first round you have pick 31 you have that extra Pacers pick in the future maybe you kind of dip into that Surplus Supply you got from the Pascal SE AUM trade offer up 31 the the Pacers pick in 2026 and the salary matching and and if they take it great if not it is what it is but I think it’s worth at least a call because Alex Caruso will be pretty awesome on the team the duck agrees we’re going to leave it there come back on the other side Jamar and get into a few more potential Wing targets for the Raptors whether that make some sense we’ll get to that coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at prize picks the single best place to play daily fantasy sports we love prize picks they’re wonderful and it’s because it’s just the way priz picks should or sorry daily fantasy should be all you’re doing is picking against the stat projections for given players and saying more or less two words it’s that simple you’re not up against some Shadow 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into our bucket full of wings a reminder locked on sports today 247 is your all day streaming channel for you to go peruse uh as it’s just 247 stream of locked on shows covering the biggest stories in sports you want Stanley Cup finals talk you got locked on Panthers and locked on Rangers over there you want NBA Finals talk you got locked on Mavs and locked on locked on Celtics locked on wolves for the postmortem on their season after going out sad to the the Mavs last night it’s all there for you locked on sports today 247 go check it out and don’t work all day just watch locked on sports today 247 all right Jamar let’s continue on we have the magical mystical bucket full of wing names submitted of course by our dear lockdown Raptors Discord server members and let’s pull another one out what do we got here here we have hm not a wing so good job Discord but we can talk about this guy anyway John Collins John Collins big man Utah Jazz uh kind of always seems to be in a state of wanting to be traded by the team that employs him um maybe not the greatest of signs he makes a lot of cake as well he’s making north of 25 million bucks for the next couple Seasons I think I might know the thoughts on this one here of course the Raptors need some big man help but do they need the big man help in the form of John Collins uh Jamar 90 seconds on the clock take it away yeah so yeah definitely not a wing um the colins situation is weird because he was on the trade block with Atlanta for numerous years in a row and when you say that you know he’s always wanting to be traded I feel like a team always wants to get rid of him too because even um sorry that’s what I meant to I framed it terribly but it’s usually the team who employs him is always like how can we get rid of this guy yeah exactly and even his first year with Utah like halfway through the season you started hearing those rumors where they wanted to get rid of him too so at some point you got to be like okay I think it’s him I don’t think it’s the team I think it’s him um his shooting has decreased um he I feel like he was a better shooter a couple years ago yes he is super athletic um but for his money I feel the fit would be relatively awkward in Toronto alongside Scotty and I don’t feel like he’s a guy that could play the five he would have to play the four so I just feel like it would be a weird fit we just and just totally different player but we just had this whole combo for years and it’s like oh Pascal’s a four and Scotty’s a four well how they gonna fit together well I don’t see how John Collins would be that much different considering they play the same position so yeah I’m totally out on this um yeah I I’m just I don’t even think I need the extra time I’m totally out on this it just doesn’t really make much sense at all from a Raptor’s perspective I think I heard well that’s perfect because the duck is speaking uh right as you finish your point there that’s just great time management on your end fantastic job you should coach NBA teams late in games um so my thought 90 seconds on the clock for me John Collins yeah it’s a hard no man uh 26.8 five million bucks sorry 26.5 eight million bucks uh this coming season and then a player option for that same amount in 2025 26 something tells me he’s picking up that player option and for me that’s too many years of John Collins the fit is just not there he does not do the things the Raptors need from a theoretical third big man they need switchable defense that need someone who can play at the five in lineups with Kelly Ock that is not something John Collins does if Kelly oen weren’t on this team I could say okay maybe like a decent okay Reserve sort of sixthman type bid but again I just think at that money it’s way too much and I don’t think he’s necessarily like a winning player I don’t think you put him into the Raptors lineup even as a starter at the four and look okay this team can go win a lot of games Collins Scotty Barnes RJ Barrett 234 would be disastrous defensively barring some kind of level up from Scotty Barnes as an on ball guy it would also move Scotty out of his best position on defense which is that low man helps side thing where he comes over and shots and it would force him to play at the three and be that Wing stopper which is a lot to ask of the guy who’s the most important player in your offense it’s a hard hard hard no for me I know a lot of raptors fans have been like oh John Collins he’s shiny no he’s not he’s just not particularly good player if you want to be a serious basketball team maybe that’s harsh but it’s a hard no the duck has spoken let’s move on to the next one here we go next guy coming out of the bucket is uh I already did that one um sorry did I put a couple extra mpjs in the bucket to ensure we talked about him with Jamar here you’ll never know uh next one here this one’s fun this one’s probably unrealistic but if you’re talking Pie in the Sky Targets this guy might be the single most delicious Pie in the Sky ma bridges of the Brooklyn Nets who may or may not be going into full down tear down mode courtesy Joe SII comments of earlier this week um who knows what the hell’s going on that team I never know what’s going on with the Nets the Nets are this weird uh much like this Mystery Box a complete Enigma woo as I rattle things around and break my setup Mel Bridges 90 second on the clock what you got here Jamar let’s be real Bridges is like that Meme with the watching Everybody below all his Villanova boys are in New York and he’s just kind of watching well I mean like technically he’s in New York too but he’s just watching all them and just wants to be a part and he just can’t get there um obviously it would be an amazing fit um we’ve seen him in a smaller role in Phoenix uh Excel as like you know a wing shooter a great defender I think the defense has falling off a little bit which is to be expected with added offensive responsibility in Brooklyn but I think he’s actually handled that a little you know as good as you as you can I think they’ve gotten as much as they could ask for from Mikel um from the Raptor perspective yeah it would fit great alongside RJ to have that Wing Defender a great shooter can take on some offensive responsibility if he needed to I don’t know how they get that deal done if Brooklyn wants to blow it up and you know finally start a rebuild which I feel like they might be leading in that direction how much would a guy like Mel Bridges cost to send back I I feel like that would be extremely expensive because how old is he like 27 28 something like that I think this this will be his age 28 season so yeah he’s still young enough where he would command a lot of assets back and I don’t see how the Raptors make that one work I’m sorry if I feel like I’m I’m saying to every single one of these I’m not trying to be that boring person I’m just more of a realist and there’s the duck there’s the duck um look I think your Point’s well made it’s pretty unrealistic the fit would be absolutely glov likee and perfect and holy crap I can’t stop thinking about this and to me as my sorry I I gave myself 10 extra seconds but I’m the leader of the podcast I can do what I damn well please I’m a tyrant um but when it comes to Bridges this summer I don’t think the Raptor is going to go nutnut and offer a whole bunch of picks and stuff for a big swing trade it just doesn’t feel like they’re kind of at that spot right now and they’re in a place where they can kind of just let things breathe a little bit and see what happens that said they created a lot of extra flexibility for themselves financially with the trades of Pascal cakam and OG and maau Bridges makes 23.3 million bucks next year and is under contract again for 2526 at under 25 million bucks that is I think a pretty clear high value contract for whatever team has mcau Bridges and then you figure out the UFA thing in two years time when he’ll be 30 years old that’s an interesting thing another thing for another day um but if you’re the Raptor like if there is someone who you’re gon to go and splurge on and say all right we’ve got the Bruce Brown contract maybe we sweeten things with Grady dick we have the 19th pick and the 31st pick we have all of our picks in store now and now that we’ve conveyed the pick to San Antonio like if the there is a guy you’re going to go and offer multiple picks and swaps for this is the one he would fit absolutely beautifully on this team and I I think you got to at least make the call there are probably other teams that have more stuff to offer the the Rockets have the third overall pick for example and all of the Nets picks that they’re dangling out apparently um all over the place that’s probably where he ends up or some other Contender the Sixers something like that but this is the guy if you’re going to make a swing that you make it for this summer if you’re the Raptors I rest my case we will come back on the other side Jamar and rounder out we’ll get to three more guys to close things out we’ll do it coming up in just one second back at it here with Jamar Hines from raptor Republic god of the game recap as we continue on breaking down dudes from our mystery bucket of guys um so again all Wing targets here for the most part unless John Collins is uh getting submitted by people who are confused in the Discord we love you Discord you’re all Maniacs okay uh Jamar we’ll run through three more here to round out the show this one oh this one’s fun our first free agent of the day an unrestricted free agent from the New Orleans Pelicans Nai Marshall Nai Marshall Jamar 90 seconds on the clock what you got on Naji Marshall I feel like it’s probably realistic if the Raptors wanted to get him obviously this is the first free agent we’re talking about so we don’t have to worry about trades and who we’re sending back and stuff like that and giving up picks that when we just finally finished giving up picks but um I feel like he could definitely help in a reserve role um he can shoot a little bit he he can be he can defend a little bit um it’s definitely the most realistic uh option that we’ we’ve had so far it wouldn’t surprise me to see on him on the Raptors uh if this if the salary works out um he’s probably a guy that in like just doing a rough guest that could probably command somewhere between eight and 10 million a year if it were more than that I I think I’d be a little bit surprise but yeah I feel like he was pretty decent in New Orleans rotation last year uh I’m okay with this one I’m not too big on Marshall in terms of like like an expert of what he does like what he brings to the table but from what I saw just from the eye test I think I he could fill a viable role for the Raptors so I can see this one wow you got it in under 90 seconds that’s just good podcasting man that’s that’s concise that’s Direct that’s to the point uh 90 seconds for me yeah Naji Marshall I’m not against this idea at all uh you’re probably right 8 to 10 million bucks feels like the sweet spot it should be noted right like he’s had one season of being a good three-point shooter in four years with New Orleans he shot 38 38.7% this past season on just 2.3 attempts a game I’m not really sure the three-point shooting is real or all that viable with him um but as like a bench Wing I think you could do a whole lot worse um you know I I think it’s like spot starter maybe but I think that’s probably overextending him a little bit and but you know just to have like an extra depth of wings some different lineup versatility a guy who can kind of fill in those second units which you know feature a lot of Kelly oin and Grady dick having someone with a little bit of like Edge to them on the defensive side of things could be really helpful to making those lineups a little bit more balanced um and you know like you said very realistic they could go and do this if they have the mid-level exception you can give a chunk of it to him um if they have cap space you know if if Gary Trent Jr or Bruce Brown Walk you know you could kind of split the cap space up that you’ll have eight million bucks or so at the high end between multiple guys and Nai Marshall certainly there’s a case for him being one of those guys maybe it’s like Caleb Martin who we talked about on Wednesday and Nai Marshall tandem you throw your whole cap space at those guys and then you go ahead with those extra wings as opposed to Bruce Brown and Gary Trent Jr I think it’s an interesting one for sure it’s not sexy by any means but also his nickname is knife get a guy whose nickname is knife that’s a cool nickname uh and I think says a lot about his game um I did not know that it’s pretty rad it’s pretty rad we’ll come back no we’re not going to come back we’re still doing the podcast what am I talking about uh I got into go into break mode we’re well past that two more guys let’s pull out our penultimate guy today oh God I don’t know why someone suggested this technically he’s a wing is he an NBA player is he an apparition the way he plays defense you might think he is Tobias Harris unrestricted free agent okay 90 seconds on the clock go ahead Jamar okay so Tobias I don’t think he provides what you would want defensively you scared me for a second because I thought I thought you legitimately disagreed I was I I was legitimately confused but yeah I mean Tobias is okay I just feel like he’s just he’s not going to provide what the Raptors want um at his best he’ll give you somewhere between 15 to 18 points a game he’ll give you some decent shooting he has some random Disappearing Acts um he was or uh extremely routine that that also uh he was I feel like he was miscast with pretty pretty much his whole new contract with Philly as like a third option I don’t think he’s a third option he definitely wasn’t filling the Jimmy Butler role Tobias Harris over me no definitely did not work out that way um I just and he he’s on the other side of 30 now I just I don’t see why the Raptors would pay what is he gonna command like probably he might try to get over 20 mil why would you spend over 20 mil on Tobias Harris an older guy a guy that doesn’t fit your needs um a guy who is a Turn Style defensively sometimes it just makes no sense a guy who plays a similar position to Scotty like that would be his natural position at the four makes no sense in any aspect to me except the fact that yeah he can shoot occasionally that’s the only thing that we would bring to the table just he on team okay I went over yeah I went under the last time so we’re trying to balance it out this is fair this is fair I just didn’t know you had 90 seconds worth of to har Harris takes frankly impressive uh for me starting the clock I I yeah this is like such a hard no um ask any Sixers fan what they think about Tobias Harris and that should be your answer to this question I think you know there’s a world in which you get I think 20 million bucks like I don’t know what team is giving Tobias Harris 20 Detroit it’s always Detroit isn’t it um best of luck to them with that I yeah he doesn’t address the core needs that they need from a wing um he would you know be forced to be the lead Wing Defender that’s a bad place to be a Harris and Barrett you know two3 on defense have fun with that that would be kind of a nightmare the three-point shooting is fine although we Dro back this year just to 35% and he’s just like not a playoff player which I know is not a problem the Raptors need to worry about necessarily just yet they have to get to the playoffs first before sorting through that type of stuff but um if you have designs on being a competitive team in the next few years with Scotty Barnes uh I don’t think that Tobias Harris helps you once you eventually do get to the postseason and so yeah you know barring like a one-year midlevel exception signing because there’s no other options out there I don’t think Tobias Harris makes a lick of sense for the Toronto Raptors and I am gonna cut myself short with 15 seconds on the clock because we don’t need to talk bias Harris anymore um last guy let’s pull one out of the bucket here uh who do we have who we have oh another Brooklyn Net maybe a little bit more attainable than Mel Bridges cam Johnson uh again we have no clue what the hell the Brooklyn Nets are trying to do what they want to do what their intention is are they going to be good are they going to be bad are they going to try to you know lure Stars again that seems to go really well for them all the time um what you got for cam Johnson of the Brooklyn Nets as a potential fit for the Toronto Raptors you got 90 seconds go I’m okay with this one um I think he’s probably the well outside of mpj but I would say on this whole list he’s probably the second best shooter on this list um that we’ve gone through so far um defense can be spotty um I think he would fit decently well with RJ though if you’re just thinking offense uh on the wing just to provide another shooter um I don’t know his contract three more years uh he makes 23.6 this coming season 25 26 it goes down to 21 as the Nets are very transparently trying to line up their cap space for that summer then back up to 23 for 26 27 so three years and around 22 23 per year okay it’s a little bit more than I thought but it’s still doable um is this a move the Raptors would make H I don’t really know because again if we’re talking defensively he doesn’t really check those boxes in my opinion I don’t know if if you defer on that but um or yeah I just I mean from an offensive perspective I’m always looking at shooting because the Raptors have lacked shooting over like the last three years just look at the just check the numbers I mean or you know watch a couple games you know they you you know they’ve sucked at shooting over the last few years so I’m always looking at that as like my number one priority but you have to look at the defensive side as well and I don’t think think he matches those boxes with damnn it that duck the duck has spoken um I’ll pick up the thread there yeah for cam Johnson I think it’s fine I think it’s like he he sort of falls into the DeAndre Hunter category for me who I talked about on Wednesday’s show U where it’s like okay all of your other options have been exhausted all right let’s maybe swing a guy a deal for this guy to be kind of a stop Gap I don’t think you should be under any illusions that if the Raptors are to go to trade for cam Johnson is like the long-term Wing solution of the future but as a stop Gap to ensure that there’s just a little bit more size a little bit more shooting a little bit more positional length um to this team I think you could justify it he doesn’t make a ton of money and three-point shooting is valuable three-point shooting at 6 foot eight or 6 foot n is also valuable he probably is a tradable guy for the next couple Seasons as well especially when his contract dips down a couple million bucks for 2025 26 um you know I I think it keeps your flexibility it keeps a movable contract on the books and it gets a guy in the door who can help address some of your weaknesses I don’t think he addresses them all like you said I don’t think he’s like a shutdown Wing defender or anything like that he’s probably better right now than RJ Barrett and maybe even better as a wing Defender like sort of on the ball than Scotty Barnes so you throw him in there you roll at a starting five of quickly Barrett Johnson uh Barnes and purle and you probably feel pretty good about that he sort of replaces Gary Trent Jor shooting in this situation with a little bit extra uh sort of size so I could see that working um and what does it cost like is Bruce Brown plus pick 31 enough it could be that contract’s not Amazing by any means and they would free up a little bit more sort of long-term cap money for the Nets as well as they look to get off the the their sort of cap restrictions going into 2025 when they hope to be a free agency team so yeah cam Johnson not sexy fine as a stop Gap was actually being talked about in the lockedown Raptors Discord today so glad talked about him here but yeah not uh not like something I’m over the moon about but of the guys we’ve talked about today one of the better fits for sure yeah um hold on before before I just like how we’ve hypothetically set Bruce Brown back to Denver and hypothetically set Bruce Brown back to Brooklyn they love him man they love him where they love him send him where they where he’s beloved and uh all will be happy and Rosy and good um that feels like a good place to leave this one Jamar thanks so much as always for hanging out with me and uh putting up with my nonsense thanks for playing with the game it was a good time anything you want to promote for the good people out there I have absolutely nothing to promote just great great sell here uh just follow me if you want at Jamar BH j m r BH to people who are listening yes I had to think if I spelled my name right yeah I spelled my name right see yeah amazing s probably the worst sell up ever had in terms of what I’m doing outside of this pod or yeah I’m just going to shut up that’s cool man we love Jamar go back and read the back catalog of game recaps if you want to uh relive this past Raptor season you can go do that if you’re a sick person um or just you know follow Jamar and rock with him on the Internet it’s always good stuff uh Jamar thanks as always buddy thanks to you the listeners for tuning in very much appreciate you rocking with us and supporting the show lots more draft content coming up we’ll get some good guests on probably next week as well as we continue to fill the void left by VC Jacob who is traveling the world with the uh Canadian Cricket Club for the uh World Cup which is awesome um but yeah we got lots of good stuff planned draft trades Etc more stuff from the bucket the magical bucket of course um and we will uh leave it you off there again follow subscribe rate review tell a friend always appreciate it when you support the show on audio and video you can also go and join the lockon Raptors Discord server the link is in the description of the podcast we would love to see you in there and perhaps when I do this same exercise but for big men you can submit some names and uh just don’t submit guys who are guards and not big men like whoever put John Collins in thinking he was a wing I love you bye thanks so much we’ll talk to you Monday thanks for hanging t

In Episode 1648, Sean Woodley is joined by Jamar Hinds (Raptors Republic) to play another round of Wing Madness, as they pull names of potential Toronto Raptors wing targets this summer and discuss their fit and viability either in trade or free agency. Off the top, Sean and Jamar chat about Michael Porter Jr. of the Denver Nuggets and why his contractual status makes him probably too much of a risk for the Raptors to take at this point in time, before digging into Alex Caruso, who would be an incredible fit, but do the Raptors have the juice to trade for him? Next, they rattle through John Collins, who is decidely not a wing, and Mikal Bridges, who is maybe the perfect wing for the Raptors to go and offer all of their stuff in order to pair him with Scottie Barnes. Lastly, Sean and Jamar rip through quick takes on Naji Marshall of the New Orleans Pelicans, who could certainly be had in free agency, Tobias Harris, who is a no go, and Cam Johnson, who could be a perfectly cromulent stop gap.

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  1. I don’t know why your so out in Ryan Dunn. He comes into the nba as an equal defender to Alex Caruso. I really don’t think you understand how good Ryan Dunns defence is. He’s elite. We are a awesome transition team. And Ryan Dunn fire that perfectly. He’s an athletic freak I would love it if he’s there at 31. I also wonder if we end up getting the Knicks pick for Bruce brown. And take Ryan fun at 24 or 25 pick. For 19 I’m targeting Devin Carter , yves Messi, salune (but he’s prob gone) K ware, someone will drop. We will get a good player at 19

  2. Raptors would be STUPID to do any of these trades. We are not in any position to do any of this crap. We need to draft / develop. Tank next year. Get a high end player in the 2025
    Draft. Even if that means we get the 10th pick. So be it. There will be a lot of talent availible next year

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