@Chicago Bulls

DeMar DeRozan to the Clippers? Zach to the Sixers? No, I Don’t Think So

DeMar DeRozan to the Clippers? Zach to the Sixers? No, I Don’t Think So

NBA trade Buzz offseason Buzz whatever you want to call it is kicking up a bit as we near the NBA Finals with most team seasons over and teams are already trying to figure out how to get better going into next season and I know this is a little late and I’ve had a lot of people ask me recently hey what are your thoughts on these rumors specifically as it relates to the Clippers and their interest in demard De Rosen as well as some of the trade rumors being linked to the Sixers and Zack LaVine and so I wanted to share my thoughts on the matter and I would love to hear your guys’ take on it as well so what’s going on everyone you’re listening to Bull Central here hope you’re all doing well now I guess I’ll start with the recent news that was reported for Mike a Scot on Hoops hype is that one team to keep an eye on that could pursue DeMar rosen if he doesn’t resign with the bulls is the LA Clippers should they lose Paul George who has a player option in the final year of his deal going into next season to the tune of $ 48.7 million which he’ll likely decline regardless of whether he leaves the Clippers or not because he’s going to want to reup for more on a longer term deals this could possibly be his last big contract before he starts to decline as a player now I hate to be the bear of bad news for all those Bulls fans who want to see Demar gone and the Bulls taking a step back and starting to rebuild for the future but even as Mike Scot indicated in his report that the belief around the league is that demard de rosan will ultimately resign with the bulls given the Bulls are still looking to compete dear obviously the number one guy on the team and the fact that the Bulls are likely going to hand him a fat contract one that not a lot of other teams are going to be able to afford in signing him and while I hate to shut down this rumor and move on but as far as my thoughts on the matter yeah I think think there is little to no chance that the Bulls execute a sign and trade to send dear to the Clippers and the biggest reason for that is Paul George isn’t going to be going anywhere there’s been talk about and the Clippers aren’t necessarily willing to offer him the full Max which is what he’s expecting there’s been talk about Paul George being frustrated playing on the same team with Kawhi Leonard as he’s always hurt I don’t doubt that some of that is true but they’re not going to let Paul George go they’re going to offer him a Max extension and quite frankly I don’t think Paul George would want to go either he’s always wanted to play in LA he’s still playing for a team that is a title Contender their biggest issue is they just can’t stay healthy for the whole season and to be honest that also applies to Paul George not just Kawhi Leonard like he can’t really get mad at Kawai when he’s had his fair share of availability issues including in the postseason but no PG isn’t going anywhere especially with the Clippers investing billions into that new stadium that’s opening next season they need fans to remain interested they need to fill out those seats they’re going to need the star power to bring people out to the games they’re going to resign Paul George that said in the extreme off chance scenario that Paul George does in fact leave maybe he’s even willing to take a discount to play with a more formidable team very unlikely but we’ll roll with it for now I could see why there would be interest in Demar to Rosen on the Clippers front one because Demar is still playing at a high level it’s not like he’s falling off as a player two while he might not be as big of a name as PG and I think most would agree that all around Paul George is a better player but Demar his talent his name would still enable the Clippers to be competitive it would still keep the fans interested to go see them play at the new stadium and then finally I could see why dear would be interested because we know he’s from that area we know he’s wanted to play for La in the past albe it for the Lakers and if Paul George leaves dear would have a significant role on that team now it would have to be a sign in trade of course since the Clippers don’t have the cap space to sign tomorrow outright as a free agent even if Paul George leaves given the Clippers are already over the luxury tax line and actually a second apron team I believe so they don’t have the ability to use the full midlevel exception so in order to get DeMar paid his fair value and the amount that he wants the Bulls would sign him as a free agent and then would trade him to the Clippers where they would take on his contract and be able to operate over the cap since they now have effectively acquired him in a trade rather than through a free agency acquisition signing I know most of you know how signing trades work but wanted to outline what it means to sign and trade a player for those that weren’t familiar it’s more or less a workaround or a loophole if you will for high calibr teams who don’t have the money to sign free agents to acquire them by way of free agency but where their current team signs them to a contract and they’re subsequently traded now I know I’ve already mentioned this whole sign and trade scenario for Demar D rozan to the Clippers to be unlikely but in my view what makes it even more unlikely is who the Clippers trading in return for Demar D Roo because if Demar is reportedly going to be commanding close to $40 million annually the Bulls would have to take back close to that amount of salary in return and if the Clippers are still looking to be competitive and want to keep their current core intact what players are they going to be able to include to match and salary now there is James Harden who’s going to be a free agent and maybe they do a double signning trade for both of these players but man Harden in a bull’s uniform killing the development of those young players I don’t know that doesn’t strike me as appealing at all not only that but it also means paying harden a hefty contract for a guy who’s already starting to show signs of decline but really outside of that who else noran Powell is their next highest paid player outside of the big three at 19.2 million uh then you’ve got old man PJ Tucker who’s about to be 40 years old he’s got a player option at 11.5 million zubac they’re not trading zubac who was on a team friendly compy contract I just don’t see how they’re going to be able to make the dollars work if dear is going to be getting close to $40 million a year even at $30 million I don’t really see a path unless of course it includes James Harden which makes me very uneasy as a player I’ve never been a fan of and his game but then again I don’t know man I guess I wouldn’t put a past AK with his desire to keep this team competitive and signing an old James Harden to replace Tomar would be one way to do it now let’s move on to Zack LaVine of course we know the Bulls focal point this summer is to move Zach obviously they tried last season but given the lack of interest for him they weren’t able to find a trade partner but now with the season nearly over and some teams maybe looking to make big changes to their roster after failing to get further into the playoffs than they had anticipated that interest level could change I’m still a little skeptical that teams are going to be willing to give up a lot for Zach especially coming off a major injury and especially at his contract with still three more years left on his deal but sure I do think that there could be options at play this off season especially when you consider that trade opportunities are more frequent in the offseason when teams with cap space have the ability to absorb Zach’s contract without sending equal value and salary out to the Bulls which is also attractive to the Bulls because if they’re able to take back a lot less in salary for moving off Zach deal it could position them much better as it relates to resigning dear and Patrick Williams while remaining under the luxury tax and for the Sixers I mean they’re flushed with cap space going into this offseason they actually have the most cap space than any other team this summer now they’re obviously going to need to pay Tyre Maxi a big contract who is a restrictive free agent this summer and they’re going to need to resign buddy heeld after they just made a big trade for him are they going to fully guarantee the contract of Paul Reed how about DeAnthony Melton so I mean the cap sheet is going to fill up quickly for them like sure they have a ton of cap space right now but a ton of open roster spots that are going to need to be filled but trading for Zack LaVine I’ve said this before but the Sixers are one of the few destinations where Zach actually makes sense and one where I think they could have some interest I never bought the interest level of dear and Philly when he’s the end antithesis of what Daryl mury wants in a player a guy who has always been about maximizing the three-point shot and using analytics to win games the man hates mid-range shots that’s dear’s bread and butter though but for Zach while he does have a good mid-range game he’s still one of the more efficient three-point Shooters in the league he can be a bit streaky at times but people forget that he was shooting near 42% on eight attempts per game in 2021 the year that he was a first-time All-Star and while that percentage has dipped slightly in recent years you could argue part of that is the change in his role on the team and The Limited spacing with DeMar rosen Mory could look at that and say hey in a new environment a new systems that could Thrive here and be just the player we need to compliment embiid and tyres Maxi another shooting threat and a player who can play off the ball as a great catch and shoot shooter I’m sure the injury concerns are going to be there but if you’re the Sixers a team that knows they need to act now to keep and be happy and maximizing his Prime and building a contender around him you might have to take risky moves to be able to keep and beat engaged and wanting to stick around and for the Sixers again because they have the cap space to absorb Zach’s salary they likely don’t need to give up much to get Zack LaVine I’m sure the Bulls would love to have one of their first round picks but I doubt the Sixers would go for that when they know there isn’t much of a market for Zach and the Bulls have very little leverage but maybe a couple of second round picks and potentially a sign and trade for Buddy healed which is a downgrade for the Bulls from a talent perspective but they could get healed on a more team-friendly contract shorter term contract and one thing that heel does excel at that the Bulls need is shooting maybe they could execute a sign and trade for to buy Harris although I’m not really interested in Harris who has really fallen off in recent years as a player and I don’t think that moves the needle for the Bulls at all I would love for them to pick up a guy like Paul Reed but I don’t think that’s realistic as I’m sure the Sixers are going to want to hang on to him as a young backup center especially knowing embiid’s injury history but regardless I could see a trade of some kind working out where Zach goes to the Philadelphia 76ers I still think the Bulls are going to be hard pressed to find a trade for Zach until the trade deadline next season uh when he’s able to demonstrate his value coming back from an injury but the Sixers are one team that I think works and could be a good fit for Zach at the end of the day though I think the most likely scenario in both of these instances is DeMar resigns with the bulls after Paul George re-ups with the Clippers the Bulls try and trade Zach but don’t get the type of deal they want and you see Zach start the season with the bulls to raise his stock a bit and then the Bulls try and move him for a better return before the deadline that’s honestly where I see all of this going I could be wrong but either way I would love to hear what you guys think let me know in the comments as always be sure to subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one

Discussing the recent reports and rumors relating to a potential sign and trade of DeMar DeRozan to the LA Clippers and Zach Lavine to the Sixers

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  1. I think the moves are going to have to involve some 3rd teams. These teams clippers and sixers just don't have the pieces to satisfy the bulls in a trade. Unless we are planning to tank. Which I doubt. If we are moving on from lavine derozan and vucevic leaving us coby ayo dalen possibly pwill possibly lonzo, and if that is who we are left with we need some young athletes. Sixers and clippers just don't have that to give. Need to try to add teams like the pistons houston thunder etc who have assets and possibly players who could do good for us.

    But quite a few teams may come into play as free agency goes on. I would be looking at teams like the Suns kings maybe even Denver and Minnesota def the Lakers who will be pursuing lavine and derozan.

  2. I find it fascinating that the 2 teams in the finals right now haven't gone through a rebuild in a long time. Also, their top players weren't acquired by tanking. Hopefully, the Bulls can get there someday too.

  3. Personally, I don't really know what the Bulls are going to do or even what they're trying to do, at this point.
    They've put themselves in position – AGAIN – to where they're just CIRCLING THE DRAIN.
    Yeah,THE ONLY WAY trading DeRozan and LaVine "MAKES ANY SENSE" is "IF" they "BLOWING EVERYTHING UP" and starting over, which, who knows how long that'll take for them to "DO SOMETHING" and "GO SOMEWHERE."

    From my perspective, it seems like an "EASY FIX."
    1.) Get a 3-POINT ASSASSIN.


    2.) Get a "BIG MAN." It'd be EVEN BETTER "IF" the "3-POINT ASSASSIN" and the "BIG MAN" was the same player.
    3.) It might be time to "MOVE ON" from Donovan.
    Personally, I'm not impressed with what he's doing or trying to do, either.
    At this point.
    It doesn't seem like the Bulls can really get fair or adequate compensation for DeRozan or LaVine.
    I don't really understand the trade destinations (in this video presentation) either.
    I'm with you on Harden and his "GAME."
    Not the type of "PLAYER" the Bulls need, especially at this point.
    And I've never really liked him or his "GAME", anyway.
    As far as LaVine and the Sixers go – I don't understand why they would try to "PAIR UP" an "INJURY CONCERN" LaVine with an "INJURY CONCERN" Embiid, either.

  4. We should trade Zach for a steak sandwich just to get him off our books. Pay Demar a frontloaded 4 year max contract. He will be worth the first couple years and if we are still not good by then it will be tradeable on the back half for a tank.

  5. It's funny that they use the word "compete" we tried to compete and are in the lottery 😂 Jerry and AK are 100% brain dead. AK said that his 1st priority is trading Zach, but he's going to shocked at the return

  6. LOL…..Comical….LOL…….the Clippers are going to resign George. Why would they sign Derozen??? He is an All Star not a superstar player and there billionaire owner is not letting George leave. Please………Zach To the Sixers???? Why????? Look that team is close to being if not dissemantled and going into rebuild. Why take a big contract on when Embid injury history is shaky. Not happening…………so all summer this same BS about this and that. Look they coming back get over it……..

  7. Let's make it happen AKME. You guys need the practice of making a deal for Pete's Sake since it's been so long.

  8. Who cares what we get because this team is completely dead, build around the young pieces and go from there, trying to hold on to old players and injury prone players is absolutely punishable and psychotic. Yall is tweaking wanting to keep this bum team together.

  9. I see the Bulls doing absolutely nothing while AK makes excuses for being a crappy GM by saying "Oh well, we tried".

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