
Match the sport to the athlete!

Match the sport to the athlete!

we have five different athletes who are experts in their field and we have to correctly guess which athlete belongs to which sport there are five different rounds and the first round everybody is claiming to be a basketball player so boys let’s ask some questions y’all play basketball all right number four how long have you been playing basketball for uh it was the first sport that I started playing my dad signed me up when I was five and so I’ve been playing for over 20 years now cap can you can I quit on the line what position do you all play guard which guard shooting guard a shooting guard point guard kind of like a two3 hybrid Point makes sense um what was the uh highest competitive level you played at number one I played college division one what school Santa Clara two what’s your highest level I didn’t play in college but I played a amateur league and you claimed to be an expert in your field well number three I started in high school but then when I was in the military i’ had been injured so when I transitioned we had a p ‘s best practice program that took us into combat winded research Expeditions and Olympic sports and so I got into uh wind Warrior games okay wow wow wow that’s and that was for what sport basketball okay just I was I or something you know we needed that all right number four tell us uh yeah college basketball as well division one at HRA number five played uh junior college level at Georgia Military College damn I’m I’m kind of stumped I don’t know can we could take out number two two off two is definitely is definitely yeah I mean just the height thing called himself an amateur I agree I have two written down not bball I’m kind of feeling one you think so I’m I’m getting like Brandon pky vibes from number one are you Outdoors a lot of the time yes basketball basketball you be hooping outside that’s kind of sus you could do outside but I feel like all the pros I know hate playing Outdoors that’s so true that is a little sus to me yeah one is out for me number four what’s your favorite shoot a hoop in right now uh I have a pair of Mellows at home that I use no way meows wow you’re hip no no baby that’s where I’m from okay okay I that’s true that’s true wait car Caro or Mello ball carelo okay sorry no that makes shoes are nice not going to lie he those are the worst basketball shoes ever I’ve tried them recently I hate those I’m saying I think that’s a bit sus even though I respect the Loyalty um but at a pro level that is an interesting choice all right I got a question who is the most notable basketball player you’ve played against starting with number one one is out in deep thought LeBron no way your question what that is crazy he said LeBron one is out all right number two who is the most notable probably bronnie bronnie where did you play him uh Santa CLA wait was this like what what what program you just showed up out of nowhere it’s possible number three mine was Talia Williams it was in London okay Talia and what’s your favorite shoe to hoop in right now I like Air Jordans any any uh VAR like version like which do I need to have a version for Air Jordans I mean like I would argue yes you do I think you do yeah no I can’t imagine hooping in ones right now uh number five we have what’s your hoop and Sho to play in hyperons like what year say the more the more older version I would say like around 20 2012 2013 how long ago did you play professionally basketball Collegiate basketball uh it’s been it’s been 3 years who are the most notable people you two have played against uh Dame when he was at Weaver State and I played against jav R damn what happened you can imagine what happened we’ve had a bunch of questions in each round there will be a challenge so we can really see what they’re about the challenge for the basketball round you will each have two attempts to score on me okay we’re playing on the turf this because our basketball hoop got shattered unfortunately oh my God are you boys ready Jesse don’t let him score I don’t want him to score ow I got the stop can we see a drive oh we’re seeing it damn okay he said n one he one I will say even though he made that it felt soft I agree it looks soft this kid might be a Hooper all right no he’s not let’s go he’s already not oh oh no not today you ly cross me for a second oh he didn’t even check out he just went for it the fade away okay good shot he is not the Hooper the Hooper though could be purposely trying to play Bad to deceive us so we don’t know okay o Jesse get a block get a block I’m here I’m getting Hooper Vibes he’s acting like he knows a lot about [Music] basketball his handle okay trash the grunts are crazy trying to play out here baby okay get in there boys I feel like he was a Hooper but he was trying not to seem like a Hooper let’s get it let’s go yeah look at him he’s so excited to pull up and hoop on guess you you scared the post up no ah it’s a Turf it’s a Turf you know not really can’t get that much bouncing you know that makes sense oh he’s trying to play it off oh no I feel like 1 through four we’re trying to look good and I feel like five was trying to look bad Jess what’s your reader over there you played some defense I think one definitely not two definitely not three no it it’s definitely down to four or five but I feel like four was trying to seem bad like he had the bag but he he didn’t even open the zipper thing I can’t shake I feel like five gives me the vibe that he’s an expert in one of the other sports but he’s just also a good Hooper and he Hoops he’s nervous he checked his watch I think it’s either four or five I’m personally leaning towards four he’s got more of a Hooper it’s between four and five no look okay number five when he drove on you he pretended to lose the ball yeah and he pretended not to know how to dribble he’s left-handed yeah he’s nodding his head he agrees with us could be wrong could be right who knows all right I think we got to lock in a vote starting with Jeff I’m going heavy on five I’m going five I believe it’s four I’m locking in number four all right it’s two to two Chris lock it in I’m going to go with number four all right we believe number four is the basketball player so at the end of the video once we’ve assigned a sport to each person we’re going to be allowed to collectively decide if we want to switch anyone if we pick up anything else throughout the challenges we are now on to round two which is football number one going down the line what is your experience in football uh I played in in Middle School what position I played receiver slot receiver number two I played in high school and then I played a little bit of Cal what position a guard you played guard guard I mean lineman lineman well no I know what the guard is but right tackle left tackle middle tackle I tackle that’s not a that’s a tackle that’s not a guard I think he thought we were on the basketball rounds he’s not an expert’s he not an expert in the field he’s out number three running back for the Warrior games in the US and the Invictus games in the UK damn invict she got a story for everything she’s an expert in every sport number four I played at Stony Brook University what position did you play I was a DB safety his demeanor totally changed from the last one the last time he was like trying to sell it he’s just like I was a DB white people don’t play DB no he’s different though is is that true Chris I don’t know why’ you ask Chris there’s a white Corner that’s going to get drafted tonight he’s strong about it it’s the first White Corner since Jason seahorn played for the Giants in 2007 number five what’s your experience started in middle school we have over a decade um did High School didn’t did to college and I played at SC State University what position who athlete I’m everywhere whatever you need I can relate what were you utilized as on offense I utilize running back you know what we’ll start with number five this time go down the way give me one of your favorite football memories or moments when I scored a 97 yd touchdown wow what the play 28 so basically I just they just toss me the ball I hit the sideline I just gun it okay wow that checks out that’s a check for me um number four uh it was when we were playing Albany University of Albany uh to win the conference whoever won won the conference and went on to the playoffs we were up by four so they couldn’t kick a field goal we were on defense down by the goal line last play and they threw up like a little lob and I got just a a little tiny piece of it I tipped it ever so slightly and made the ball change course and then our cornerback picked it off and sealed the deal wow that was so DET saw him really thinking he lit up for that I am lost now number three uh in the Invictus games uh which Prince Harry puts on uh it was right before halftime and there was a hail and I caught that in the end zone so it was pretty thrilling because the royal family has like this whole following of people that loved them so much and so it was even more than your typical like football game crowd wait so you are representing the UK no they put all military branches together uh number two we don’t have to ask number two you know what number one we don’t have to ask we skip it number he said he offensive L like bro Chang position I mean I want to hear the I want to hear it you know you’re right you’re right let’s just hear it what’s the moment man so we’re playing UCLA yeah 2 minutes left yeah I’m following you dude this guy did not block anyone let let him cook Bro 2 minutes left they fumble the ball I grab it 50 yards all the way take it down touchdown cap he played on offense but they fumbled the ball let’s hear number one I’m more of like a a team guy so like going to practice every day with my teammates in the locker room on the trips on the bus rides just the whole experience itself not necessarily a moment but but a team thing I am so lost now all right you know what I think it’s time for a challenge so each contestant is going to have three throws to show us their throwing form and Mitchell we’re going to volunteer for you to show us how it’s done all right possible football players the challenge at hand is a throwing chall challenge we have three targets a cone a dummy and a Gong you’re going to be throwing three balls just like this say damn it’s all right you Ain too doing so good great job mitell during this challenge I want to thank the sponsor of this video Underdog fantasy but first let’s bring out number one number one please show us your skills yeah let him rip baby oh yeah oh he got a good throw I like the he got a good throw sidearm oh yeah that’s a good throat I’m going hit this one though wow if you didn’t know Underdog is the easiest place to play fantasy sports not just basketball you can make picks on baseball football UFC and more it’s simple you just pick whether you think your favorite player stats will be higher or lower and you can win big money let’s go number two oh yeah number two wo let’s go number two don’t hurt anybody hey he’s acting I didn’t like the spiral though no there it is I’m going to put another X next to his name yes yes every time I write the numbers out I crosses out in Underdog fantasy you can make your own entry with as few as two picks and 3X your money or you can go bigger to win up to 100x with Scorchers let’s bring out number three we got number three okay not a quarterback oh yo that a great spiral hit the gong okay not bad not bad I feel like there’s zero chance now after that let me show you guys some of my my past winning picks on Underdog good news I’ve got a special promo use code Jester to claim your player special and firsttime deposit offer up to $250 in bonus cash even more good news underdogs pick them games are available in 30 plus States including California Texas and even Canada so what are you waiting for all right let’s bring out number four all right number four okay he he got that flick ah he’s just angry he’s kind of built like a football player that really did give me football player Vibes also he could have been one of those multisport athlete kids right now there’s a new customer special where Dustin poier only needs to have five significant strikes it’s going to be higher guys all you have to do is click the link below or download Underdog via the App Store and use code jesser that’s Underdog fantasy promo code jesser it’s so much fun go check it out let’s bring out number five can I try to strip the next guy cuz he’s a running back so he should be able to protect go ahead got stay on check man you right you right you [Laughter] right no no he doesn’t throw but is he faking it I don’t like the follow through you know you know what he oddly throws like I watch a lot of NFL football when they run the trick plays where the receiver or the running back has to throw it he throws like that I’m more confident this round than it was last round in number five being the football player number five what was your 40 time my 40 time 47 number four 468 M so faster than him maybe once upon a time so you played Safety or Corner safety were you more like an in thebox safety or uh more of a free safety were you a starter my senior year were you a starter yeah at what position running back what’s the most touchdowns you had in one season most touchdown I had in one season 18 18 is a lot number five do you think number four play football for sure I mean look at him damn damn we’re torn who is your favorite football player of all time AJ Peterson Eli Manning my guy oh my God number three Eli this guy’s a Troll he’s trolling bro Mitchell if you’re locked in let’s start the voting process I’m locking in number five as the football player yeah I’m locking in number five I’m going to go with number five as well I’m also going five I’m going number five unanimous decision love it love it love it yeah we could switch them at the end of the video if we’re not confident round number three is boxing so let’s go down the line tell me your boxing experience starting with one uh I took a couple boxing lessons and classes at the r Center it’s definitely not number one right cuz he’s supposed to be an expert would you consider yourself an expert I’ll fight anyone okay I don’t want the smoke I will say that number two so I grew up boxing I started at the age of five I took some Kung Fu lessons you like Pacquiao yeah yes I got an amateur League eventually in a pro went like 22 and five you’re 22 and 5 your record oh he’s a boxer for 22 damn so you fought a fight when you’re one no okay just kidding testing you number three I started off in mixed martial arts under um ganaa Santo and uh Bruce Le’s prot’s aan chai s see number two knows this information he’s laughing he’s laughing he knows this information he knows she’s capping yeah we have not seen him laugh until this moment anyhow I got into boxing because I had done competitive mixed martial arts and so during the Olympic sport training where they had us rehabilitate through sport recovery um I was able to go overseas and I have a record of 11 and two I stopped because I have a traumatic brain injury and so I can only do it for so long okay wow it’s always so believable and she always goes overseas yes number four I don’t know if you guys know Long Island New York has a ton of good Fighters good wrestlers all of the above um so I actually wrestled Chris Weidman I don’t know if you guys know Chris widman and was he in UFC yeah yeah yeah so then we were you know kind of competing against each other throughout high school here and there he was to an extent he had me he had me but he beat my ass a couple times so then and then I just transitioned into boxing from there who’s your favorite boxer uh of all time probably Evander Holyfield everybody you know was Mike Tyson this Mike Tyson that everyone was scared of him no one wanted to fight him Holyfield beat his ass twice I feel like four is just he’s just good at everything yeah multi-talented man okay number five tell us I have over 15 years of boxing experience I’ve done uh amateur Semi-Pro and professional uh my professional record is 11 and0 I have an amateur record of 8 and0 wow you never lost how many knockouts 16 if my math is correct he only hasn’t knocked someone out twice three times three we can test it I mean you go ahead who’s your favorite fighter Mark Tar Johnson can’t forget about him you know that is you don’t know who that is I love the question of like a favorite moment so starting with number one give me a favorite boxing moment I think it’s just like football it’s every day in and out hitting the bags jump R working out sparring all that he loves the prep he loves the process he loves the grind um so I was fighting this one guy that I really didn’t like he was just mean and hit him with like a little Li Li sh legit move right there yeah you know right in the liver and he just starts throwing up everywhere liver shot let’s go wow my favorite moment is that I met Muhammad Ali in shadow box with him in London um before he passed and even though that wasn’t fighting him and I wasn’t during a fight I his energy because his disease had overtaken him so much he moved so fast it was extraordinary he had such this beautiful spirit and you would think that somebody with that kind of uh disability might feel really self-conscious but he just laid it on and he was still the butterfly stinging like a bee so that was my favorite moment w wow that is awesome that’s my favorite moment I kind of believe number three I believe that story I believe she met Muhammad Ali but I don’t know if she’s a boxer I don’t know if it’s my greatest boxing memory but it’s my favorite I got I took a body shot from number two and if you’ve ever been in a ring you know that body shots actually do a lot more Dam damage in the shots of the face and the head those body shots are crazy and uh I I was I I went down to a knee I thought I was out and I was proud of myself for continuing the fight I lost by decision but uh afterward I went to the hospital I got an x-ray and I had a broken rib so I finished the fight with a broken rib so I’m pretty proud of that that’s a dub though in a way number five my moment it would uh have to be when I got my fourth knockout was dwindling down until the last minutes of the fourth round I just felt my shoulder pop like like literally dislocated so I’m out they fighting one arm and I just heard the clack clack clack and I was just like and I just swung my dislocated shoulder hit him knocked them out clean you know what it’s funny is like when people talk about their moments they kind of get into it number two was the only one that kind of like know got that into it you know number you know five was kind of like loose with his punch you know what I think we need I think it’s time for a challenge my boy James has taking a punch from pro boxer Ryan Garcia o so he knows a thing or two about pro boxers so each contestant is going to be punching James is that the real challenge yes no dude are you kidding me woo I I don’t like being punched I have to get punched five times go ahead do your thing okay did we get it one more time can we get one more time can we see a hook screw you guys talk to us how did it feel was he the boxer he didn’t put his elbow behind it on either yeah it was not him uh oh James James number two is pulling up dude and I’ve been talking on number two bro talk your talk so he wakes up you know what I’m saying we need to see if he’s good or not can we see a 10% straight pun yeah oh yeah he boxes okay okay that’s enough Punch Yeah he he he can hit he can hit yeah he can hit how was that d water polo water polo hey number two we actually want to see one more pun said you play water polo that’s how weak it was that’s a compliment water Polo’s hard to play I think he’s definitely got some technique she might be it all right first we’d like to see a 10% straight okay nice that’s good form just give us a good [Music] sh okay all right that was good that I love how they’re adding some extra I don’t want to get punched by four and five dude all right number four we’d like to see 10% straight and then um go ahead all right okay solid right now it’s between three and two for me I feel like number five could be the boxer though 18 knas 18 K’s undefeated we going for 19 number five all right we’d like to see a 10% straight oh look at the little footwork all right and then uh just give us you know C couple good ones I’m going to give you one good one all right you ready yeah okay that was that was I am so lost now he sounded the most like a Bo that’s what they do all right let’s debrief you got hit so tell us what you thought okay so one thing I’ve learned about getting punched by Ryan Garcia is they like to aim for this little spot here like below the PEC above the ABS it’s like the weak point I feel like number three was going for the weak point strategic okay number two did that little Duck motion that I always see them do when they do their like big punches so I don’t know number five did the sound though he did do the sound he did I feel like 2 three and five I will say I felt like four and five were very sympathetic to me compared to 1 through three yeah thing with five is he’s an allaround athlete number five could I see a one two three oh my goodness he boxes can we see everybody do that two can I see a one 12 4 oh now he’s doing the sounds what the heck where are these numbers it’s like certain punches oh wa are we Whispering want do a 562 the thing that’s my area code my bad did you get your brain injury in the ring uh in the military yes but um I had also gotten during doing different obviously uh Combat Sports too I feel like number three could be the boxer she definitely has fighting experience 1,00% this one’s the toughest one yeah this is very tough I feel like four was going easy on me he was very sympathetic to my my position so I don’t know if we saw the real punch could we see a one two three from you oh no n no n no never mind number three can we see uh one two three oh yeah okay no right no no no one okay never mind I’m going to number two number two number Deuce I want to give it a number three okay and number two we think you are the boxer round number four is archery so going down the line tell us your archery experience with number one uh I grew up in a in a hunting family going out on the ranch up in Montana and Wyoming Jackson Hall area Elk bear everything compound bow um continued on hunt to this day up in the plains okay that’s the first believable thing I think he said you ever trickshotted it’s hard to do you do it in the video game you never hit a 360 I wish number two so uh I picked it up around the age of 10 and uh from there I just really enjoyed it did it with my brother all the time and eventually uh joined like a competition league and got first place few gold medals wow congratulations number three I got into it at the uh Chul Vista Olympic Training Center where they were doing a sports clinic for disabled veteran I was the best shot so I was invited to train and I really love the sport so I went over to South Korea where you can stay at a place where you can train all day and um put myself into a perfected per uh shop process she got a story for everything she’s World traveler that’s impressive number four uh similar to number one kind of got into it through uh hunting take the ferry from Long Island up to Connecticut up into the woods there my dad used to take me when I was little we used to use guns but uh we switched over to a bow one day and now it’s kind of in my bag okay uh very similar to 4 And1 grew up uh hunting um hunting big game you know like deer boar uh use combat and a recurve bow I’ve been doing it now for 12 years and man I say I consider myself like a second coming of Hawkeye okay I love number five I love the confidence what’s the secret to a good shot your breath all about your breath it’s a breath and a follow through are my main two key factors that I’d like to follow up with you agree with that number three yes I agree exactly with that is there anything else for a good shot he’s missing out well the process is how to be able to get yourself by mechanically aligned so that you have the most leverage and you can extend the most power with the minimal effort to repeat that consistently over and over again that was like on point number three have you won any competitions from archery no number one what’s your favorite bow like type of company or yeah huh yeah what yeah what brand what brand a bow it’s called ival you guys like Universal as well I’m more of a switch and number two what about you Precision dang they all got their different bow brins that’s insane wait these are bow Brin I think four of those bow Brands were made up have you ever gotten any injuries any of you from this sport yes uh related to my draw shoulder oh yes she’s a shooter yeah these are words that they use in bow and arrow can I see your uh your bow motion it’s usually on my steady arm that jacks me up for you it’s your draw for me it’s my steady three do you smell cat do I smell cap do you biomechanically think he’s lying no he looks like he has got the ability to put himself in the right position I think we got to see more of the form so let’s get into the challenge now we’ve all seen Katniss everine in Hunger Games hit the Apple off someone’s head so the contestants are going to have to hit a water bottle off of Jeff’s head hey yo I was talking all that trash against James and you guys set me up for this we’re all set up we have to analyze is their form I hate you [Music] guys [Music] okay yo I mean he did hit it but the form wasn’t there I’m expecting direct contact with Jeff’s body with number two he’s going to hit me in the liver that’s back other way bro he’s trolling us he’s trying to kill me he’s the biggest troll here today junior oh you’re so cooked oh he didn’t even try yeah he is not the Archer I could see her like she can hit the bottle if she wants to she’s holding it yeah 100% good luck they’re just they’re just hitting Jeff I think they have a agreement to hit me they’re fist pumping after the hit oh no no I don’t know ow that wasn’t accurate though I feel like he was like like I’ve never seen someone and arrow like this it could be five no he looks in trouble right now everybody’s trash out here Jeff I’m sorry you had to go through that I feel like number three could have gotten the bottle like easily but didn’t want to show she had that much skill you were not Aiming High you were aiming at his back why didn’t you try to go for the water it might have been just because I don’t shoot that kind of bow might have been do you hate me number three me yeah no I’m a very compassionate person okay why was it so shaky for you why was it shaky because uh normally I um I shoot with my right hand but I was like you know what I’m going to try to just experiment a little bit today see just how well I am you know I knew it I think he’s left-handed he’s doing everything left he’s messing with us he shot his jump shot with his left hand I’m I’m idex so you know most of my sports are left-handed most number one how many days would you say out out of a regular month are you using the bow and arrow well I go in practice probably two weekends and then in the summertime we go every month um on a two-e hunting trip number one you were the best thank [Music] you number one can I see your hands it was calluses calluses oh you guys want to lock in let’s start with Chris this time I’m going to go to number three going number three as well I’m going to go number three I’ll be selecting number three all right number three we believe you are the the Archer the final round is water polo go down the line tell us your water polo experience yeah I played it um in middle school and then in high school big swimmer so I used to swim the 100 and 200 free and then I got in the water polo and then played all the way up to my senior year played uh four years Varsity all years all four years Varsity yeah damn traded in as freshman played the Sprinter the Sprinter is the one who Sprints to get the ball at the beginning of each quarter I don’t know if that’s true all right number three what is your water polo experience was chosen to play water polar as the wind the Warrior game sport I had had a I had had training at the Special Forces under water operations school and so it seemed like a good fit because under water she was in the Navy number four yeah well Long Island Again constantly in the water growing up and uh I tried out for the team at Temple I got cut and then I actually transferred to Presbyterian my God number five’s goggle place so I transfer to Presbyterian and I played there I was a driver you’re capping dude I think you guys are really sleeping on this run no I don’t think number four is a water polo he’s the only one who put his thing on properly number five talk to us no pretty much did it here and there you know I’m like I’m like I’m just one of those guys you know I just uh did did it uh pretty much going up high school did a little bit of college uh my position I was a star so um you know you guys are famili with that position that just pretty much the best player out there so you know so yeah that was kind of like my thing gotcha number four what was your offseason sport my offseason sport I ran track who’s gogg are on more correctly number one or number two I didn’t even dude four is the water po over no number one’s the water pull over there number one number one number one looks like a Harry Potter reject right now number one is it more natural to have the goggles over the cap or under the cap it’s definitely better to have them under he knows he’s just messing with us he’s trolling us a troll number one has a tread build you know like when you got a motion in the ocean no four has that build y’all never seen this build before like what’s going on bro hey you’re you play every sport look at the bottom line of five’s goggles you know what I’m saying like professional this is the only time you’ve laugh explaining your your sport number five is out number one and four you guys were both on the swim team uh no actually I just swam do you guys still play water polo 2 this day or are you retired every now and then at the gym but well hey I have a question what’s the dirtiest thing someone’s done to you under the water yo no like Foul Play water polo is such a physical sport no no no he’s laughing because your mind went somewhere and you’re kind of right you got to be careful of the Family Jewels underwater for sure cuz the refs can’t really see it you know what I’m saying so you’ll catch a knee you’ll catch an underwater fist something like that for sure let’s get a challenge to really show what these guys are about since obviously we don’t have a pool here we’re not filling the warehouse with water the challenge is going to be to score two shots on the gong but Chris is going to be defending you go Chris all right number one just pretend you are in the water water move them feets this is such a different atmosphere for a water po player you got him angles angles they do that you see that extra side they try to go around it we’re sleeping on this guy for water PO he was my first water polo thought no he doesn’t go around enough give me that number two lock in oh he’s dribbling nope no BR you did not score three goals in that Tif game you’re capping oh yeah you’re not getting anything on Chris right here good defense two goals would be crazy oh good job let’s see this is going to be telling [Music] no no the only guy that did it was number one this is just for entertainment purposes have fun number five oh yeah oh yeah all right oh I do the trip right there I trip right there yeah yeah oh look at that look at that go Chris I’m a lock down since only one person doesn’t have a sport we’re giving water polo to number one now we can decide if we want to change anyone now I’m going to just say my thoughts first I think we’re accurate with number one number two number three but I’m a little worried about four and five I actually think they might be switched I fully agree with that I agree with that 100% four and five switch and I’m good with everything I think one is the basketball player and he was sandbagging like crazy I think two is the boxer I think three is the Archer I think four is the water polo player and I think five is the football player you say the same you just switch basketball and water polo all right well let’s make a group decision I personally let’s see if you guys agree I want to switch four and five I agree with that so we we need three so we got three votes on the table that’s a majority will you two please switch Sports Jeff are you locked in with this I am locked in with this lineup James no what changed you you propose I propose one uh water polo to four football to five basketball to one are we agreeing to that change or not starting with Mitchell I I just really think number one is water polo I feel like that’s my strongest I’m going to say yes to the change I’m going to have to veto James’s proposal I think this is what’s locked in is correct so Jeff you are vetoing James’s or you’re I’m vetoing James’s and I’m keeping this vote we’re locking in all right number one we believe you are the water polo player please grab your correct sport no you guys come on James called it I called it called it I’ve Ved it number two we believe you are the boxer please show us the correct support he’s grabbing the water [Music] polo are we going to go over five number three we believe you are the Archer please show us your sport [Music] I’m Archer we got it right you are the Archer let’s go number four we believe you are a football player please grab your correct [Music] sport not a football player let’s go all right we got one good good stuff number five we believed you were basketball but you are a boxer yes wow 18 and0 so we went two for five we’re great big thank you to the for coming out shout out to everybody if you want to see us try to guess the secret NBA player with Giannis it is popping up right here go check it out we’ll see you guys in the next one peace

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Guess The Secret NBA Player ft. Giannis Antetokounmpo

Every Time I Score, the Defender Gets Upgraded!

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