@National Basketball Association

Interviewer: “Growing up watching the NBA Finals late at night, what does it mean to you?” Luka Doncic: “I didn’t watch cause it was 4 in the morning and I had school the next day”

Interviewer: “Growing up watching the NBA Finals late at night, what does it mean to you?”

Luka Doncic: “I didn’t watch cause it was 4 in the morning and I had school the next day”

by Accurate-Albatross34


  1. Accurate-Albatross34

    I spent a bunch of time travelling in europe this past year and I felt this hard lol, every game starts at 4 or 5 AM.

  2. Savings_Cash6829

    Really lucky here in Australia/New Zealand with the times of games

  3. maxxxwellsdemon

    Why are they even so sure that he watched them, it’s hard to stay up all night

  4. Reporters like this are so cringe, always asking leading questions in an attempt to feed into their own fantasy narratives

  5. Big_al_big_bed

    European here. NBA league pass absolutely rocks and I would say it’s even better than watching the games live. By the time I wake up, I can either watch the all possessions cut which shows every make and miss and is about 40 mins, or if I have time the edited game full game where they have cut out all the ad breaks. Usually 1h 40 mins or so. All while I’m having breakfast. Its fuckin sick!

  6. johnjohnjohn93

    Yeah but I bet he’d stay up to watch league of legends

  7. cynicalspindle

    Every finals game is 3am or 3:30am for me. My work starts at 6am. Cant even catch the full game lol.

  8. TrumpTheTraitor1776

    Well we didn’t watch either buddy, no worries!

  9. well_uh_yeah

    I feel that way as an adult living on the east coast of the US.

  10. Serious-Government32

    staying awake to only see your team get blown out at 5 am on an school night is terrible

  11. NBAball05

    Why are some reporters so god damn fucking stupid

  12. Bradleyg223

    Booked a trip to Netherlands/Germany earlier this year, happening to coincide with games 4-6 🙁

  13. Basic-Roof-2748

    I was in Europe when the Nuggets were in the finals last year and it’s hard af. Even being up for the three games I was there for was rough, can’t imagine trying to watch a 7 game series.

  14. lialialia20

    real answer: “I didn’t watch cause I was playing overwatch at 4 in the morning even though I had school the next day”

  15. Here in Brazil we’re “lucky” that east coast games usually start around 8-9pm and west coast ones around 11pm-midnight. The Champions League final from today will start at 4pm so kinda of a good starting time too if you’re not working lol

  16. Basketballchef1534

    The trick is not to open any app that will show you the score, no news… you are amish till 4/5 pm, then you watch the game 10 hours after it is played.

  17. NoPotato2470

    From Europe and haven’t missed a Celtics playoff game in 15 years


    Reporters can’t be bothered to do simple research

  19. FollowTheLeader550

    Being a die hard Lakers fan on the East Coast resulting in me going to court for missing too much school. Staying up to 1am every other night from November to May was rough.

  20. sidskorna

    “What does this mean to you” questions are the worst.

    Right up there with “how did you do it”

  21. VanWesley

    I have a vacation planned for mid-June that I’m super excited about. When the Mavs clinched the Finals berth, I was also super excited. But it didn’t hit me until I saw the finals schedule that I was gonna be in Europe for most of the Finals. It’s gonna be quite a trip.

  22. Sometimes they forget the NBA is not really a world championship

  23. jakeoooo7

    It’s hard enough to watch the first two WCF round from the EST, I can’t imagine lmao

  24. If you were old enough growing in the US you only saw NBA playoff games on tape delay after the late local news

  25. LordStark01

    I’m finally going to get some sleep between the finals. Every game start at 3:30 and never ends before sunrise. I miss sleeping during nights.

    Need to prepare for the games.

  26. CowbellMerchant

    Living in the UK I couldn’t justify supporting a team on the west coast because all their games are normally later. Unfortunately for me I decided to support the Knicks which meant regular heart attacks at 2/3am this post season.

  27. winnerchickeen2019

    So what did Luka play before Overwatch?

    League? DOTA? was he an OG starcraft Gosu?

  28. Are those people crazy? Central EURO time is 6 to 9 hours in front of USA. Most matches start at 2 to 4 AM. Only hard core fanatics can see those matches live. Working class people cant. Edit: If Americans want to help Europeans please put your matches much earlier. Like 2 or 3 PM.

  29. The only matches people in Eurasian time zones stayed awake for was Ali’s and Tyson’s.

  30. If there is a single sports reporter anywhere in the US who can ask an athlete a question other than: “what does X mean to you?” I’ll eat my shoes.

  31. shaynewillie__

    I live on the east coast and could barely keep my eyes open to watch the late playoff games in high school. School started at 7:20 and I needed to wake up at 5:30 to get my day started. I specifically remember falling asleep with the TV on trying to watch the Baron Davis Warriors the year they did well as the 8th seed.

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