@Milwaukee Bucks

The Milwaukee Bucks offseason primer episode: Part 1

The Milwaukee Bucks offseason primer episode: Part 1

coming up on today’s locked on bucks we get into the off seon with Frank Madden we’ve put together a list of potential targets what to expect in the off season for the bucks what the second apron means we get into all of it coming up after this un locked on Buck you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into lock on bucks it is the free agency primer Edition that’s Camille Davis and Frank Madden joining us all today we thank you for making lock on bucks your first listen every day free and available wherever you get your podcast you can find it on YouTube as well part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and today’s lock on bucks is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs they help you find the colif candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that is lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply uh probably the most highly anticipated episode that we have uh maybe every year but certainly every offseason and that is when Frank pours over the numbers and as I mentioned we had a list of potential targets what to expect for the bucks what are the areas of need so before we get to any of the players as I think we’ve all kind of picked out a few that we’ve eyed ourselves I suppose Frank the best place to start with is um the Bucks need to do what this off seon well I I think we’ve probably been thinking of this in terms of what what the roster needs right um and and I I think in kind of simplest terms I think we’ve OB obviously probably all been thinking about how do you make the the roster more athletic um and again I think I think the three of us have probably all come to a similar conclusion right like yes ideally you would get younger and more athletic but ultimately you need to still be competitive and put yourself in the best position possible to to maximize the window that you have with with Giannis and and perhaps more importantly Dame and and Chris Middleton and Brook Lopez assuming all those guys are around just because they’re obviously a few years older than than jannis so um so I think that there’s certainly some I’d say roster needs which obviously we could probably spend you know a couple hours on right dissecting exactly what kind of fifth starter you would need um what kind of bench uh contributors you might want to add um you know is there a different flavor that you’d want in the front Court uh aside from Brook Lopez and Bobby poris um I think there’s probably obviously you know uh some some debates we could have there but I would say generally more athleticism that could go on the wing that could be also in the front Court potentially um certainly a fifth starter to replace Malik Beasley as much as I love AJ Green obviously you want to have more depth more Talent um on the wing and in the back court than you know just assuming that that AJ magically becomes that guy himself or that Andre Jackson Jr as you guys have been talking about here with the kind of play reviews um that those guys just you know take some some huge leap so I’d say that we’ll get into kind of some of those you know needs and who some of those guys might be but clearly there’s at least you know at the very least even the most optimistic bucks fan looking at the Cent roster would say you know there’s things that that you need to do to round out this roster to compliment who you have in particular I think Dame in the back court um and uh but I think the other piece too is aside from wanting to get better I think there is a there I think kind of like two then related questions like one how much do you want to actually change up this roster and you know I know I think Justin you hinted at it in the Brook Lopez discussion like I don’t think they’re going to try to trade Brook Lopez but if you really wanted to do something to shake up this roster that would be the big move that you could potentially make assuming that he has trade value and again I would assume probably Bobby poris and Pat conon fact that there weren’t any trades made around those guys at the deadline probably hints that those guys don’t have a ton of value especially Pat um so maybe Brook does but um and I’m not basing this purely on you know shots of Giannis and Brooke at Disney world but I would assume Brooke is probably around but you know again is there if not Brooke do you wanna you really want to try to trade pacon and Bobby poris those are kind of obviously kind of big questions given that you don’t have a lot of other contracts to move move and then I think the third question is financially do you prioritize when you are potentially making moves with those guys are you trying to reduce salary to try to get under the second apron and get some more flexibility be able to aggregate salaries And Trades be able to trade um you know have a little bit more um ability to to make moves um on the margins uh because right now high level we won’t go super deep into it but bucks are uh effectively over the second apron for the rest of this cap year um they will be over the second apron uh barring again a major trade even if they kind of just fill out the roster with the picks that they have and minimum contracts they’d probably be about I’d say like six million over the second apron so they’d have to make really they’d have to really kind of you know deliberately try to get under the second apron um with trades presumably involving Bobby and orat um in order to to get that flexibility back so a number of kind of I think interconnected discussions there what kind of players do you want to Target do you want to potentially make big moves involving some of those bigger or let’s call it medium salaries that are actually on the roster and when you do that are you trying to shed salary in a meaningful way to try to get under the second apron and get a little more flexibility the good news is past this coming year you’re probably going to see the cap go up by the max of 10% every year for the foreseeable future because that new TVD is going to kick in but right now this coming season again most people are based on the league estimates are only projecting about a 5% which again makes the second um a much tighter squeeze for wuke bucks and a number of other top teams so again number of questions that kind of you know set up all of these discussions about what you do in the off season but um I don’t know about you guys I know we were just talking off off offline before we started about the second apron are they going to prioritize saving money are they going to prioritize maybe moving any of those big guys maybe we start with that I mean do you guys actually see this team trying to get under the second apron and get some of that flexibility back or given the sacrifices that may be involved you think they’re just going to say ah screw it we’re just gonna bite the bullet for another year it’s tough right because this is going to be the first time that we are seeing these handcuffs put on teams that are over these aprons and how does that really handicap your ability to put together a championship contending team like my first instinct is just thinking of the ownership group that we have now uh and generally you would think that they’re fine with spending money especially bringing in uh Mr Haslam uh into the ownership group as well so you would think that spending money is something that they’ be okay with if the result is going to be a team that’s going to really be contending for a championship so that’s how I’m thinking of it now if the bugs pivoted and they were like we’re trying to get under the second apron I think I would be a little shocked about that to be honest with you just given the fact of the level of urgency we’ve seen with the bugs about trying to get back to the champion ship just trying to do roster moves uh to push them closer to that um and thinking about what that means for the bucks if that is the case where you’re trying to just build the best roster that you possibly can uh you mentioned the names that you’re going to be hearing in trade rumors if that does come up with Brook Lopez Pat conington Bobby poris even with Bobby poris like reports have come out later about some of the conversations around him and the trade deadline with that Grant Williams possible trade is that you know that fell apart because the Bucks were looking for ADD draft compensation because they felt like they had the better asset in that particular trade with Grant Williams at that time with a depressed value who might be somebody who’s a trade Target for the bucks at some point but uh outside of that like second apron I think those the three names that you mentioned are the ones to keep in mind like if we are making a trade these are going to have to be the guys that do it and then the question is if you do trade them is what you’re bringing back in going to like for example if you trade Brook Lopez is whatever you’re bringing back in going to give you Rim protection how are you now going to Pivot around that if you’re trading out Pat conon like do you trust one of these young bucks on the roster to step up into that role or can you bring back somebody in that’s going to be able to contribute so it’s a lot of different moving pieces to answer and we can guess how the Bucks might approach it but to your point Frank uh the answers to those questions will really dictate how how it shakes out this offseason so in terms of what we would expect them to do um that so as you mentioned they’re they’re in the second apron until the end of The League year so until July 1 um but then I mean you’re you’re essentially going to be in it for the second year then or for this next year unless you do one of those moves which would basically be I mean I know people have talked about the names we’ve mentioned Bobby poris and Pat conon if you just traded one of those and maybe you threw in your first round pick as well for a few future first rounder or for a second rounder or something to free up that or a guy or a guy making less money right like if you trade Bobby poris for a guy making seven or8 million dollar in some right like then you could yeah you know along with some other things you could do you could probably get under the second apron but it’s not you know it’s not easy yeah and and you’re GNA be flirting with it throughout the year basically um I I think really the only way to get there is if either you trade Bobby poris or Pat conon for essentially nothing or you trade Brook Lopez and you bring back a lesser priced player but that is it’s not even the honest thing that we kind of joked about I I still think he’s very valuable to this team and that I mean I know you’re running out of time so it’s it’s easy to say it’s an excuse but it in many ways last year was kind of the Year from hell for the bucks that I think in some ways you have to chalk it up to all right we know this this might be the last bullet we have in the chamber but we think if we get this group together and stay healthy and have the full year of Doc Rivers and maybe we reexamine how we play guys how many games how many minutes that is as long as they’re healthy for the playoffs we think in looking at the landscape of the league and everything else that’s happened we think this core is good enough especially what we saw from Chris in the playoffs and Dame that we think that duo Yannis and Brook Lopez should be good enough maybe Brook doesn’t close games for you but I still don’t I think Giannis has to be your five to close games I’m still very hesitant to say Giannis is your Center going forward you don’t want that additional wear and tear on him so he doesn’t he don’t want that either doesn’t want it either to be clear right I would doesn’t matter what we want he doesn’t want it so yeah so it’s not gonna happen until he wants that I I mean I I I lean towards I don’t think they’re going to trade Brook Lopez even though I think he may have the most value of those three guys we’ve talked about Bobby Portis right but I think it would be pretty easy to talk yourself into well we just need somebody that does what Brook Lopez does and oh by the way it’s it’s a one-year expiring contract at that point yeah I think the and here’s the thing too if you’re trading one or more of those guys in order to get under the second apron then kind of like you’ve already made the moves that you know like then like okay then what are the aggregating trades that you that you’re now going to make because you’re under the second apron and it’s like well probably aren’t going to make any more moves right like those are probably the moves that you’re going to make so doing it just for the sake of getting in the second apron I mean the probably the biggest incentive would be the fact that if you’re you know uh above the second apron going in next year uh again then you’re looking at like your pick being Frozen starting in 2032 and and that’s not a deal but I my guess is what the sense that I get is that probably a lot of the teams or second apron this year are probably going to be okay like they’re just going to be resigned to being second apron next year and then because we’re going to see 10% cap increases every year from here on out that’s going to push that second apron number also make that increase by you know 20 million dollar every year moving forward given that the cap uh or sorry the the second April next year is going to be probably a shade under 190 um so again like there’s going to be more breathing room in in subsequent years and and again with these teams like the bucks even the Celtics I mean they’re younger than the bucks but you know some of these second apron teams that we always talk about the Suns Etc um I mean the window is now for these teams right like again we can talk about planning for the future and all that but like uh you know are you going to really like tangibly risk your window now because you want to have your 2032 first round pick available like yeah of course you could use that potentially to make deals and improve yourself but I think I think in general we saw last year when the penalties were very low um for going over a second apron teams just said whatever not going to worry about it um this year they are more real uh but again like you know a lot of these teams I think are kind of like have backed themselves into a corner that that it may just make sense to kind of move forward I think the I think a couple option I don’t think we need to like drain the the mo on Brook Lopez trade options because I would agree like Justin I don’t I think he’s harder to replace than you know Bobby who again his his bench scoring is is unique his durability both guys you talked about the durability factor is like sneaky important um but I think like if you were to make a move like maybe there’s a couple teams that you could maybe talk yourselves into having the combination of like bigs plus swings where you could with Brooke I think it would be about like disaggregating his salary so taking the 23 million he’s making next year and turning that into two smaller contracts you know like the I kind of joked about the Pelicans you know like oh well Pelicans want a rim protector next to Zion like all right you’re gonna have to offer Larry Nance and uh how about herb Jones for Brook Lopez okay are they really gonna do that probably not they’re trying to trade Brandon Ingram instead um but you know if there were some scenario right Brook Lopez would be a fantastic compliment to Zion Williamson um if there was some scenario right um maybe the Bucks would throw in a pick right to get herb Jones and Larry Nance who obviously is not like a ideal starting center or something like that he’s a small ball five um if that but uh to get herb Jones on a you know really nice contract like man he would be a really nice fifth starter uh with this Bucks team right so again Pelicans H could be interesting I think the Grizzlies could be an interesting option as well maybe don’t have the obvious trade candidate because they dealt Stephen Adams but maybe the Houston Rockets right um they acquired Stephen Adams missed all of last year the the kind of remainder of the season so I I kind of Forgotten he was even on the Rockets um again like do the Rockets really need Brook Lopez with Al shenon I didn’t think they needed him a year ago but you know here we are right but maybe there is some scenario where uh they’d be interested in Brook still okay Stephen Adams would give you $12 million salary he’d obviously could be the kind of Brook replacement if he could actually stay healthy be that like kind of big physical guy next to Giannis um and then what else do the Rockets have they got a bunch of young interesting guys could could you pry tar Ean from from the Rockets like that that wouldd be really interesting but again like are the Rockets interest in doing something like that like I have no idea so I think the magic or maybe the other interesting team certainly for Brooke at least right treat the guy well send him to Orlando right if you’re G to trade him um you know is there Wendell Carter plus some other you know guy on that roster that that would be interesting you know maybe so um but I think that’s obviously kind of a pretty key decision Point here I think we probably all agree like most likely Brooke’s not going anywhere and then I think the next question is like you know Pat doesn’t have much value so are you trading him with the first round pick as just like salary filler and you’re getting like you know an upside play on some guy maybe you know um and then with Bobby kind of similarly like is there a team that would value him high enough again you’ve got picks that you could attach to him does that swing it to something that that could make sense you know I I don’t know right um we could again spend a whole week probably talking about potential trade scenarios but I think that’s probably the you know when we think about the off season again I think you started thinking like do you have a financial Target you’re trying to hit I think we probably all agree probably not right um you’re probably not going to get yourself under the second apron so you just try to basically create the best roster and where you end up salary-wise you end up there um but I do think it’s it is interesting on draft night and you we’ve we’ve all talked about it um okay so maybe you’re not going to pull off a big trade maybe you try to do some something opportunistic with conon or poris and again I would say look at that number 23 overall pick for a couple of reasons one even if you’re not trying to get under second apron the luxury tax still matters you’re still paying huge multipliers on the margins um for every dollar you spend over right probably four or five bucks for every dollar of salary you’re spending um so looking at the salaries of the number 23 pick versus what you could pay the number 33 pick right the minimum salary that you could pay a draft pick about 1.2 million for the 33rd pick you got to pay almost $3 million in year one for the number 23 overall pick and you know let’s be honest who do we have on this roster right now with among the young guys AJ Green’s probably going to be around Andre Jackson J’s going to be around we don’t know about Maron Bo champ I don’t think um we know about uh Justin your guy Chris um but um but realistically like what do we think guys how many how many young guys are going to be on this roster next year it’s not going to be six you know six first second third year guys right I would say four you know between the two draft picks and those four guys I just mentioned it feels like at most four of those between that group at least two are gone you would assume yeah bring someone in yeah so my my guess and I’ll put it to you guys if I was going to speculate I might speculate that this the 23rd pick gets traded in some sort of deal could be for future picks right to punt kind of down the road to have more assets to move maybe you know make a trade later could be with a conon or a poris for you know another player maybe other future picks um could be you know straight up for another Young play you know some kind of deal where you’re trading marjon Bo champ with the 23rd pick for some you know a young player on a rookie contract or or something of that nature um but I would not be surprised at all if given that that 23rd overall pick is going to cost more than 2x the 33rd overall pick and you don’t have really two slots on this roster anyway for new young guys um I would say again my guess is maybe margon Bo champ is gone some point this summer and you replace him with let’s just say I’ll pick the 33rd pick and maybe that first round pick ends up getting moved for something else but that just kind of feels like more likely to me certainly than the idea that you’re going to keep both of those picks um and put them on the roster next year again maybe you do that maybe you do trade you know one or two of the guys currently on there certainly I don’t think any of us would be surprised um if Maron Bo champ was was shocked but was shock but again you know he’s only he’s only been here two years as well so I mean I also don’t want to bury him quite yet um and you know with Chris Livingston like I mean obviously they have some reason that they felt compelled to pay him money clearstar on the making I don’t know what you mean some Reon it remains hilarious to me that he got more guaranteed money than Andre Jackson despite getting picked whatever it was 27 later 25 picks later um so I’m guessing he’s probably going to be around this year but wouldn’t be shocked if he was moved in some some very ancillary deal but that kind of feels right to me like what do you guys think I mean do you guys feel like the the first round pick like do you think they’re there maybe they’re going to find someone they like there or or potentially keep two uh of those early picks because the other flip side is if you keep that first round pick you’ve got four years of cost control and if you really talk yourself into somebody then that’s better than you know having a couple years with the guys that you currently have on the roster Sil costan team I think to your point about the number of young guys we think that the bugs will keep like let’s say for example they did keep and they picked with that first round pick and they picked with that second round pick like now you have six young guys on your roster like that’s almost half of your roster being taken up uh by young guys and generally speaking with championship teams they tend to be more veteran Le because you’re trying to get to that championship and when you have young guys out there on the court they’re going to have to learn through experience and when you’re trying to go for a championship sometimes you don’t have that much time to teach you just have to be ready and get out there and go um and for that reason the idea of trading the first round draft pick I think makes a lot of sense for the Milwaukee Bucks like if that’s the route that they go I will not be surprised then maybe they just keep that second round pick because as you mentioned it is nice having cost control over a player uh so why not have one when your second rounder where it’s going to be cheaper um and also it’s a good second round pick because it’s coming from Portland so it’s going to be really early on in the second round it’s not like we’re entering into an NBA draft here where it’s like stacked throughout um so like if you’re going to try to take a shot at a role player you might just look at a high upside guy there keep him trade that first round draft pick maybe package him another young guy there and see if you can upgrade your roster in some way to get a little bit more experience um in addition to the athleticism in addition to defense or whatever it is that they’re going to be looking for in that skill player and that’s something that I definitely want to have a conversation about as well like looking at the buck roster and thinking about free agency um Frank and the sheet that you put together I love the categories that you used for some of the possible targets for the bucks and just how you pretty much gave him an archetype like a defensive combo guard a wing athleticism like mobile big bench Creator a wing shooter and when looking at the Bucks and thinking about their areas of need like what would you say is the biggest need for the team at this moment because like thinking about the past season thinking about the roster we’ve mentioned backup point guard another ball handler uh something that’s going to be important for the bucks we’ve talked about how that defensive stopper is going to be important for the bucks especially for that fifth starter we’re assuming Malik Beasley will not be back we mentioned Orlando as somewhere for Brook Lopez but I think Malik Beasley and Orlando makes some sense as well as a free agent they definitely need some more shooting and he can bring that in drove but uh when you’re thinking about that fifth starter like that’s where that defense part comes in but then you’re thinking about your bench and you’re like okay we need a point guard thinking about that big rotation if you do get off of Bobby or you move Brooke you’re gonna need another one in there and honestly like the Bucks probably do need a more defensive mobile big in that rotation as it is right now um maybe that’s who that draft pick goes to maybe if they keep that second round or they draft a young big who can kind of learn a little bit behind Brook Lopez for a year but it’s just really interesting to think about what is the biggest need for the bucks this offseason especially if somebody like a a Patrick Beverly does not come back to the team next year before we tackle that let’s squeeze in one break here and then uh after that too I have one question about the draft for both of you guys so we’ll get to that coming up here after the break time to talk to you now about our friends at LinkedIn jobs and Linkedin is the place to go and you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you need to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free LinkedIn isn’t just another job board they have a vast network of more than a billion professionals which makes it the best place to hire it gives you access to professionals you can’t find anywhere else LinkedIn does all of that while making the process easy and intuitive Hing is easy when you have that many quality candidates so easy in fact that 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think there’s a school of thought that the later it is or in the middle of it that’s actually where you’d rather pick because you don’t want to miss too high and we say it every year whenever or every time there’s a bad draft you always find guys that either surprise or at least become role players rotational guys on the team and that’s right around the spot where you would find them so maybe I’m not going to say it’s you know highly sought after but that may add a little more value if not to 23 at least to that area yeah I think the I always hesitate you know whenever people say it’s a weak draft whatever I mean first off I always think back to 2013 and you know the knock on that draft was a lot of times that is driven my perception of the top of the draft and it’s shorthand for there’s not a super duper Star at the top of the draft or the top 10 isn’t littered with guys that we think are going to be you know Surefire future Allstars right um but you know it’s like then you look at the history of of the draft right 2013 2014 the two most consequential drafts of you know the modern bucks era 2013 bad draft bucks famously go all in to be an eight seed and get wiped out by the he they pick 15th boy what a crappy what a crappy outcome for for that year right absolute dead in the middle and you draft the greatest player in franchise history one of the best players you know in the history of the sport and who wins you a championship the next year you know the draft was supposed to be littered with future Allstars you tank you do the quote-unquote right thing and you end up with Jabari Parker and you know four years later he’s walks for nothing so or not nothing we they were able to give ersan leova a full mid-level contract oper at least but but um so I always hesitate to like you said to to be um and again it comes somewhat from ignorance because I’m not obviously deep in in the draft piece of this um I won’t I won’t kind of like again try to prognosticate who the Bucks might take if they did stay where they where they are um I did want to like at least knowledge too is like some people may be thinking themselves well if you don’t want to take multiple young guys in this draft why not try to package 20 and 33 together to try to move up and have a chance at a better player right if you if the whole point is you you really need to hit on a young guy and whatever then you know what if you could move to you know 15 by pack packaging those pieces together right I’m just making that up I mean I would certainly consider it um certainly the history of of John horse would say that you know I don’t think we’ve seen when was the last time the Bucks moved up in the first round of the draft I I I honestly don’t know I mean like there was the trailer the tractor trailer draft I’m trying to think like if there’s been a more recent example of them moving up in the first round um and I’ll let you guys scratch your chin on on that one while I blather on a little bit but um somebody’s probably listening to this and be like oh you guys are idiots you forgot about um but you know again like I I would say that’s probably less likely um and again part of this is just again not to get over really fixated on the kind of salary component of it but when you have a a salary sheet that is as expensive as the Bucks have every you have to look at almost every guy and just say like well all right we’re paying Maron $3 million a year are you better off just you know if someone gave you a second rounder for him and just you know basically resetting with a guy that you can pay $1.2 million and that’s probably $78 million in total payroll with taxes and all that um so those are just that’s just kind of calculus so the flip side is if you again trade up package those two picks um now suddenly instead of getting a 33rd a pick for 1.2 and a 23rd for $2.9 million now you’re getting one guy for you know four million five million whatever it might be again like these are all the things like the Bucks probably are going to weigh I think um in practice I think they’re probably going to be most concerned with just getting the best player they think is available um but again are they going to have enough conv conviction to make a move like that again you know we’ll we’ll see but we we’ve got some time before before the draft to figure that out so uh but I think the one thing I again from what I’ve thought about the draft and looking at the free agents available and the discussions we’ve had about the big men on the one hand like it seems like you can generally find like a decent like respectable backup big for a minimum deal every year Andre Drummond is always out there guys you can always get Andre Drummond for for a minimum contract um but if you’re thinking about like in practice thewa bucks needing to think about like Brook Lopez and the ticking clock with him being on an expiring contract next year and kind of what does the future of that position look like um I think it’s natural to think about a center you know rolling the dice on on a on a young Center who uh wouldn’t have to come in and and be you know a starter or high minute guy doesn’t have to be dererk Lively for the Mavericks for instance in his first year right um but a guy that maybe a year from now two years from now um ideally maybe that guy does hit right um and there are a number of guys you know in the first round who uh you know I think are are bigger guys sort of in that in that range that that the Bucks might at least have a shot at whether it’s I think uh khil we seems like he’s probably gonna go before the Bucks pick but he’s been a guy who you know seems like potentially in that Mid First to later first round range uh I think Don Holmes is a guy that you know could be available in the L in the first rounds Eve Miss EES Missy athletic big guy coming out of Baylor again it sounds like there’s you would potentially have an option to to take a dice roll on a bigger guy at that point in the draft and again is it worth it right um that’s kind of what the Bucs have to figure out and maybe there’s a guy just as good that you know would still be available at 33 uh right so that’s kind of all all the Bucs have to figure out um but yeah I don’t know Justin I just kind of think went took took uh Camille’s question and just ran with it for a while I mean anybody that that you’re thinking of in the draft at this point or anything I guess philosophically with the draft that that you’re thinking about Beyond you know kind of what we’ve already hit on no I I think that last part you you basically nailed my thoughts I I would lean towards I think they’re going to trade that pick for all the reasons that we already laid out the certainly the financial ones but also you know the big one that we we touched on in previous show too with Tai and we talked about earlier in this one you’re not going to have a 5050 roster of vets and then 50% of it is the young guys so you know that number that we said too of I would assume at least two of those players or assets are not on the team next year for that reason so I think that would lean towards uh trading the pick if they did keep it I I’m not gonna profess to have heavily followed any of these guys similar to to you guys but it would just be the we got to find a big or start to think about who can we bring along and as as you pointed out at least it’s not at least we assume with how the roster currently sits at least it’s not a hey you got to step in from day one and you’ve got to start and you’ve got to play Heavy minutes and this is how you got to play next to Giannis and these are the things that we’re looking for that you can bring them along slowly it doesn’t even have to be a center just a big that can play out there um and and ideally defend multiple positions so to me that’s really the big approach because we’ve said for years too um the Bucks have been incredibly thin in the front court that you are fortunate enough that the three guys that you have had for the better part of uh what Four Seasons three seasons now have been pretty durable for you um and you’ve been able to lean on them and mix and match different lineups because of that but as we saw in the playoffs and through different portions too of the last couple of Seasons when you think about Brooke missing two-thirds of a season when one of them is gone you see just how thin you are so to me that’s that’s really the biggest piece that the Bucks have to start to address here as we’ve mentioned the the most obvious ones of hey you got to get younger you got to get more athletic you have to have bigger wings and guys that can defend on the perimeter I mean that’s something every team needs but the Bucks also need to start thinking about you know we need some depth because I I think the the big piece of that is we’ve seen now the last couple of years you know we went through this phase of the center position is dead and it’s all position basketball which it largely still is that positionist portion of it but um we’re seeing a lot more size being introduced it’s it’s not back to the basket but I I think you still need size to win in this league you see the success the Timberwolves had if you get to the finals you think about well maybe that’s the t-wolves maybe that’s the Nuggets maybe it’s the guy in San Antonio that is going to be pretty good for the next handful of years and then of course Joel embiid in the Eastern Conference so you need size and I think that’s the big thing that we’ve learned through these uh two years especially with injuries this portion of it in terms of what the Bucks need to address we’ll wrap it there we are going to do a part two where we will take a look at some individual players and that list that we mentioned that Frank put together and Camille and I picked some names of our as well so we will start to get into that on part two of this episode Camille and I will return to wrap things up after this passion drive and patience that is the formula for winning championships and it is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your Ride or Die Al live at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers all right we still have quite a bit of meat on the bone here so we’re going to stretch this into a part two coming up on tomorrow’s show we continue the conversation with Frank and Camille and start to single out some individual players prank Frank put together his list of somewhat attainable to possibly very attainable players for the bucks this off seon so we share our thoughts on those players uh some of the internal C candidates that the Bucks have as well and more of a discussion on the young players so we continue our look at the off season and free agency for the bucks coming up on tomorrow’s locked on bucks for Frank and Camille I’m Justin we’ll talk to you tomorrow unlocked on bucks

Justin, Camille and Frank tackle the Bucks offseason. Which free agents (if any) are likely to be retained? What positions do the Bucks need to address externally? What types of players should they be looking at in the draft or should they even keep the pick? We get into all of that on Locked on Bucks

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  1. If we’re losing 5 old washed veterans from this years roster in Crowder Beasley Beverly Thanasis and Gallo I think it makes sense to keep the four young guys and still draft two players with our picks.

    We’re gonna be toast when it comes to draft picks after this year so the next stage of the giannis era starts with this draft. Trading our first rounder with pat connatougn to get rid of him on an expiring deal is delusional. How much longer will Pat C continue to find ways to destroy Giannis’ prime and legacy in plain sight? We need to draft Ryan Dunn at pick 23 and start him at the 3 and move Middleton up to the backcourt with dame. Then we use the 33rd pick to grab a backup mobile center that can play behind Brook and we develop.

    The great thing about the second round this upcoming draft is that they give u a full day break between the first and second round so we basically have the 3rd pick of the second draft. We’ll be able to really sit down and figure out which backup big would fit giannis best based on everyone available. So I would argue that early second round picks are incredibly valuable now with the new draft format because u can really prepare for them without any clock rushing the selection.

    But back to my main point… if we trade Pat for nothing to get under the second apron that would help this teams flexibility a ton. From there we have the 6 young guys plus giannis dame Middleton brook bobby, that would leave us at 11 roster spots filled so we can sign 4 solid vet minimum guys which should be more than enough. 9 vets and 6 young guys is a good balance to me.

    Another thing that’s great about young guys is they don’t have the status to complain about minutes. When u have a lot of vets like Beasley and crowder who expect to play it can get annoying to manage for Doc and the coaching staff.

    I think we should target players like Oladipo, Hayward, Javale McGee, Wiseman, and PJ Tucker (probably will pick up option tho). I need to take a closer look at the free agent class tho cause there might be better options that are younger and more athletic.

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