@National Basketball Association

Stephen A. Smith: “Who talks about the WNBA, who talks about women, who talks about women’s sports more than First Take?” Monica McNutt: “Stephen A., respectfully, with your platform, you could have been doing this three years ago if you wanted to.”

Stephen A. Smith: “Who talks about the WNBA, who talks about women, who talks about women’s sports more than First Take?” Monica McNutt: “Stephen A., respectfully, with your platform, you could have been doing this three years ago if you wanted to.”

by 2222lil


  1. shanmustafa

    people woulda got fired if he was talking about WNBA three years ago consistently

  2. Shoddy-Media2337

    Do we really want to hear what SAS has to say about the WNBA tho

  3. Stephen A Smith talks about what his producers tell him people want to watch.

    why tf would he talk about the WNBA 3 years ago when he’s not even talking about small market teams in the NBA RIGHT NOW???

  4. bmoreboy410

    Why would they talk about something that has no interest?

  5. staymelooo

    Lmao Monica is delusional. Stephen A had no reason to talk about that shitty league years ago

  6. Icy-Lime-9760

    Come on, let’s put the virtue signalling aside for a second. 90 percent of First Take’s audience would have changed the channel if Stephen A Smith was talking about the WNBA pre Caitlin Clark.

  7. DamnStupidFlanders

    Stephen A Smith aims for ratings. I hate this victim narrative where we all just sit around hating “the media” when they wouldn’t peddle this shit if it didn’t get clicks and discourse.

    At the same time, he shouldn’t be talking big shit like he actually cares about anything deeper than being the face of ESPN and birthing (with Skip) this era of sports media.

    They’d all go away if we stopped talking about them, but they won’t. We’ll never pass up a chance to feel like we’re better than someone

  8. Acework23

    Finally there is some attention to the wnba brought by CC and all these women do is hate hate hate, how about ride the wave and make it more popular instead of dig your fking popularity graves you jelly fishes

  9. MiserableScholar

    By God they’re gonna Max Kellerman her


  10. Why does it seem like there’s ridiculous drama with the WNBA fandom every other day? Are we really chastising people for getting into the WNBA “too late”?

  11. People somehow always ignore the money making part of business

  12. EcstaticActionAtTen

    Between covering the Cowboys and Lakers, and sometimes the Yankees, ESPN don’t have time for much else.

  13. Shannon was about to tell the truth. I don’t know why we have to act like people were watching the wnba like this before. Let’s get serious I wasn’t and the majority of people weren’t trying to hear nothing bout the wnba before this year. The women weren’t even watching as the majority of people who watch the wnba are men. Why do people keep acting like this shit was big like this before it’s crazy.

  14. GigaChadHenne

    There’s a thousand sports leagues that Stephen A doesn’t talk about, what makes the WNBA special that they deserve attention? They are being discussed more now because people want to hear about it, maybe they should be happy with that instead of the tired bullshit whining

  15. Not_We_Make_Soap

    The WNBA is looking more pathetic and petty everyday

  16. OwlAlert8461

    I can do without SAS’ negativity driven style. It wears on me.

  17. boccci-tamagoccci

    I’m certain 90% of First Take’s audience is tv’s at gyms and barber shops

  18. They don’t even talk about some nba teams lol

    All SAS talks about are the Lakers, Knicks, hating on Kyrie/Kawhi/Harden etc

  19. ktdotnova

    At the end of the day, if the people gave a shit, ticket prices, ticket sales, jersey sales, and TV rights would all reflect it… and they didn’t. Women don’t even watch women sports.

  20. Let’s stop pretending like the wnba is interesting

  21. TheFestusEzeli

    This comment section is so funny, completely missing the point of why Monica said this.

    Monica isn’t getting on SAS for not covering the WNBA until this season. She is getting on him for claiming he is this big WNBA support when he isn’t. She didn’t just randomly go “why aren’t you watching until this season!”. It is completely fine to have not started watching or following until this season, just don’t claim you are this huge supporter.

  22. grandmasterfunk

    Video got removed, anyone have another link to it?

  23. Pipes_of_Pan

    What puzzles me is this brand-new narrative that getting flagrantly fouled is somehow a rite of passage for rookies. Since when? I have never heard a “welcome to the league” story about getting chokeslammed on a rebound or bulldozed when the ball isn’t even in play. Even petty-ass Shaq didn’t do that when Bynum dunked on him. This is just trifling behavior from the vets.

  24. jking163620

    this is my first year actually watching the W and man the amount of missed layups is craaazy

  25. CanyonCoyote

    It’s all entertainment. Nobody should watch anything they don’t want to watch. Nor should sports fans be subjected to segments that don’t have a wide audience for shows with a wide audience. I’m glad Clark has brought more fans to the league but the WNBA is owed shit. They’ve been around for like 30 years. I don’t really give a shit about the NFL but I know I have to suffer through it’s coverage because it is far and away the most popular sport with the biggest audience. If I want to focus on the NBA I can just listen to NBA pods and watch NBA shows and go on NBA skewing sub Reddits. If the demand for WNBA explodes, there will be more coverage because tv shows like big audiences and like to make more money. Again they are like 30 years in and media has been trying to make the league happen sporadically for years.

  26. tennisss819

    first take didn’t talk about the wnba for the same reason they don’t talk about baseball or hockey. Because it doesn’t drive viewership.

  27. Like Bill Burr said, if women want the wnba to be successful they should support it and stop bothering men about why its not successful or why they dont support it.

  28. “if you wanted to.”

    Is she under the impression he wants to *now*?

    I can’t tell, because the clip was taken down an hour after OP posted.

  29. Similar-Jellyfish499

    Love all the women on my Insta feed posting “BOUT TIME PPL PAID ATTENTION TO THE WNBA”

    Girl you’ve never watched a WNBA game in your life, just stop it

  30. PointBlankCoffee

    The WNBA doesn’t get coverage cause women don’t care or watch.

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