@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons NEED To Flip the Script

The Detroit Pistons NEED To Flip the Script

hey uh another guy that didn’t get shoot easy was Troy Weaver and what have I been telling you now for weeks he gone he’s gonna be gone and when they hired Tran langon as their president of basketball operations the Alaskan assassin himself I said to ansen and uh I forgot who was sitting here maybe brilin and I said that said for Troy you said no he’ll get a year at least to get together I’m like they’re not going to let him touch anything anymore and his record ter uh he finishes with a 74 and 244 loss record that is a 230 winning percentage oh you know that’s Matt Millan neighborhood that’s that’s worse than Matt Millan Matt Millan was 27% yeah 23 oh he’s 23 that’s right my math is off isn’t that something that’s worse than Matt Millan Troy Weaver gone now the Pistons let’s face it the worst team in the NBA the last two years they had the worst record in franchise history last season we all know how they get screwed in the draft pick five again last year pick five this year pick five no one even pays attention to them anymore Terry they’re becoming a team that a team that that we all love it’s only 20 years that they won their last championship that we used to love and they have fallen off the cliff here man and guess was the right first of all was it the right move finally to get rid of Troy dude that’s that’s not even a question how could you ask that I’m just throwing it out nobody in America would say oh no that’s a bad move what do they do that for oh my Lord no uh he should have been gone a long time ago they should have just fired him when he fought the Redwing fan that’s that one night because it was he was unfocused the team stunk and he’s worse than Matt Millan I don’t know man Anon what do you got for me man on this I’ll say this the team that he inherited was a mess both financially and lack of Talent on the roster at this point at least he’s leaving a decent little core of young players as well as a whole lot of cash in cap room uh we had some guys that were on the books that weren’t even playing for us when he inherited this team so he is leaving the team in slightly better condition in the way that he found it it’s definitely a more attractive job to take on than when he took it um because you could only go up yeah they’re a disaster at this point I mean they really are I still love them I know you guys are saying people don’t um you know at this point I think they need to buy out Monty we need to see if Tom Gores is agre really willing to put his money down and put this team in a better situation or if he’s just about the cash Terry what do you think about the coaching situation Monty Williams comes in here the highest paid coach in the game they really they just offer they offered him so much money he couldn’t say no here’s what I say free Monte yeah Monty doesn’t want to coach this team no he doesn’t the only thing is keeping him here is all that money the time gors gave him so um maybe the thing Troy Weaver was correct in is don’t hire him as your head coach this guy doesn’t want to be here so here’s what I would do I would say m do you want to be released when he says yes say okay good let’s let’s work out a buyout but uh when you’re holding somebody hostage it’s never going to work out the Pistons will never be a complete team with Monty Williams as coach not saying he can’t coach but you know do I want to be here is this a good fit no no no you know what you know shoot him out of a cannon get him out of here I know it’s it’s time man he never really wanted to take this job I mean but how do you say no to all that d right in reality and that’s what it comes down a little rhyme yeah say no to all that do yep one of the things I got to give the nod to though is is that these young players Cade and the nucleus they seem to still want to be here at least they’re saying all the right things so this is a situation where if they can get a coach that actually does want to be here I think that with some right some of the correct offseason moves which means moving that number five pick trying to get some veteran talent in here uh if we can get a coach that actually wants to be in here I don’t think that the turnaround for this team is going to take four years I think that it can take a year and a half to two years because to get what to be competitive at least for to try and be near a play playin game I know that’s not it’s not a high bar you know what you know anony you’re young and you’re cute they’re not going to turn this around in a year and a half or two years they’re not you have a coach who doesn’t want to be here and secondly you don’t know if if these players want to be here the only way you can find out is you need to go out and get and do shots with these dudes yeah yeah get that truth serum in them you know players always say I want to be here because if you say you don’t want to be here guess what the fans are going to boo you they’re going to trash you online they will throw stuff at you so you can never say I don’t want to be here if you’re a professional athlete in a certain city you always say Yep this is the place I want to be I love the fans the greatest place in the whole world blah blah there’s certain stuff you got to say to survive so what you need to do is do shots with Kate Cunningham after about three or four hours see what he’s talking about then fa let’s hear from sham Char a very good guy NBA Insider he’s got the scoop on what’s going to happen here in Detroit L has officially taken over as the president of bass operations and one of the first moves he is making I’m told the Pistons and Troy Weaver the general manager are parting ways sources tell me that he is exiting as the GM 74 244 record 23% winning percentage for TR Weaver the eighth worst in NBA history uh we obviously know they set an NBA record for the most losses in a row last season uh he’s been at the helm since 2020 but now that tran Langan is there he is going to have the authority to completely reshape the organization completely reshape first the front office look into the coaching staff see if there needs to be any changes there I’m told tra Lon the Pistons are in serious talks to hire Michael Blackstone and executive with the Pelicans to come over as traan Lan’s number two with the piss so this really to me shows that he has full autonomy to really reshape and retool this Pistons organization so they look towards New Orleans and uh the great Michael Blackstone Blackstone the magician maybe he comes over and he’s going to be the helper for trj and Langdon that still doesn’t tell you what they’re going to do uh going forward with the coaching and of course with that number five pick what do you what do you do in a well we can figure out the coaching pardon we can figure out the coaching yeah let’s see who Aron represent if you represent some coaches they’re in the they’re in the mix should arm tellum still be part of this front office no I mean come on man you know he’s had his son here he’s had his clients here he’s got his boys here you know what the Pistons have become they became yeah the boys club but they become the Detroit Lines of the 1980s and 1970s where and the early 2000s yeah but they were hiring people they liked correct and so this is what the Pistons are doing so to you oh they can turn around in one or two years no they can’t they’re going to suck for at least five years more years with this yeah or more with this type of mentality well I’ll agree with that type of mentality and I think I I’d push it to even up until the new regime for the Lions came in they always had a bunch of chefs in the kitchen that were good old boys uh for me with the with the Pistons though and you and I talked about it over the weekend Tom the Alaskan assassin’s going to come in here and drastically put his leave his mark on this team and it’s going to be more than just Troy Weaver I think we’re going to see some major shakeups I listen I know that I I can he bring can he bring Zion Williamson with him from New Orleans no we don’t want him yeah we do no we don’t he’s fat and got bad feet he he lost and he played a lot better this year I don’t care Terry you need somebody to put at least a little bit of a veteran presence to put with these kids and I know he’s young but at least he’s a talent that’s not a vet he’s a talented guy at least he’ll pay he’ll play 50 games I’ll take I’ll take 50 games of Zion Williamson I’ll take it I I won’t you you can keep them I I like Zion but but really bringing him here would kind of be similar to when they brought in Blake Griffin I feel like you know you got a guy was at the end but but well okay sure he’s younger but what you’re doing is you’re locking up a whole bunch of contract on a guy that doesn’t probably really want to be here and will eventually leave um we have good bakeries we got good B 50 55 games out of Zion Williamson isn’t going to do it for me but these guys are in a position with the amount of money that they have over these next two off Seasons they don’t have to spend it all this this year and I don’t think they’re even going to be able to CU I don’t think that many people want to come here uh again I down Pistons cornbread for breakfast lunch and dinner so I Am The Optimist when it comes to this team I still believe that the books are clean enough and that there’s a decent amount enough of talent here um young young talent that they can by in not this season next season they can be a team that win over 30 games and then at that point you’re stop laughing at me Terry and at that point after those two years I think this is a team that can be back in the conver but it’s going to take drastic moves by by um the Alaskan Assassin by TR Lang and um it’s for he hat Mass you want to bring in Zion yeah go ahead okay what’s your favorite Bakery uh Detroit Bakery East Detroit Bakery East Detroit Bakery he Detroit B give him the phone number that’s what it be uh you know but there’s there’s a a really good bakery near him at the at Little Caesars canelli okay he can go they got some great desserts there Zion Williamson can clean up there there you go he’s a good ball player Terry come on he’s good he’s a good ball player he be the best player on this team immediately that’s not saying anything it’s not saying a lot they have five guys on the team other than that you still have to fill the roster out you still have to fill the roster out they have the most cap space with hardly any players available and they have the fifth round draft pick a fifth pick overall with hardly any good players available in the first round no everything is against them no no no no it is good luck getting somebody to come here and play for these I know that I know you got to overpay and I don’t want Ben Gordon and Charlie Ville in a waer either that’s what you’re going to have to do I know well you already talking about about getting a fat Zion in here what else you going to do huh you have a better idea um move the team sell the team is that what people say they worth $3 billion he bought him at 300 million you don’t even see the guy you don’t hear from him Tom Gore I’m talking about you don’t hear from him man except when it’s time to throw out those t-shirts that’s it he’s a great t-shirt thrower yes he is one of the best he is absolutely I just don’t know what else to do with him because they’re so far away the NBA finals start on Thursday they’re so far away from just getting in a playoff spot that it it it’s very sad man because Detroit sports right now our only hope as the Detroit Lions the tigers are playing 500 baseball with about four holes in in their lineup the Red Wings this close to making the playoffs this this past season if they didn’t have one bad month without Dylan Lin and then of course you got our Detroit Lions on the top of the Heap finally did you ever think you would have a city here in Detroit led by the Detroit Lions Terry well I I thought it was possible if the lions were like eight and8 and everybody else had falling off the cliff that would be the only way I thought the Detroit line would be leading the way but leading the way in this way no I I’ve seen enough I’ve seen five Decades of them stinking or you know what I’m not going to say stink mediocrity okay because as a joke the paper always say when they had played 16 games they T we need your prediction for the Detroit Lions and I always put eight and8 eight and eight every year and I was right about half the time yeah 8 and8 was like the most that any publication would give them like USA Today 88 you know the daily new the Detroit News 88 Free Press 8 and8 9 and seven maybe do you remember the name Don Dan Pompei of course he picked him to win the Super Bowl picked him to win the Super Bowl and we laughed at this man the whole season he just didn’t know he didn’t know but if he picks him this year we’re on board he’s probably picking him not to make the playoffs some wrong with that probably [Music]

Tom Mazawey, Anson Wells and Terry Foster discuss why the Detroit Pistons need to continue to change the way they operate. Will their changes be drastic enough to create a winning culture again? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. Terry is an example of the worst Detroit sports fan. Always first to criticize and always last to offer a solution.

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