@Los Angeles Clippers

Given our current roster, do you think my 85 year old grandpa has what it takes to join the Clippers this off-season?

Given our current roster, do you think my 85 year old grandpa has what it takes to join the Clippers this off-season?

by Potential-Split-3050


  1. LLUrDadsFave

    You see your grandpa, I see my starting power forward.

  2. jumpman0035

    That person in the 23 jersey? That’s Leonard’s knees, my guy

  3. WadeCountyClutch

    Probably play more games than kawhi tbh

  4. soycameron

    I play in this like mostly Mexican rec league where quite a few teams are just old Mexican dudes cookin with fundamentals and jumpers.

    In the championship game we got blown out by like 30 and it was just passing and shooting destroying our defense lol. Old dudes can cooookkkkk

  5. At least he can play in the playoffs and has no inflammation…..

  6. mparker888

    Rockets fan, your grandpa’s in better off-season shape then James Harden

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