@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Point Guard Big Board Vol. 1 | SSPN Offseason

Spurs Point Guard Big Board Vol. 1 | SSPN Offseason

what’s up everybody welcome into another edition of sspn offseason I know me and Ethan have been doing the live streams and we’ve been putting out the clips but I had this idea and I also was trying to think of some other ideas of getting out some content uh other than just you know uh clips from the streams that we put out so this was the idea that I came up with we’ve been talking about draft prospects for a long time so I figured I might as well put a top five together and call it my B board for two of the positions of needs for the Spurs obviously you can see today by the title we’re starting with point guard so I could sit here and talk about all of the people that we’ve discussed and all that type of stuff but we’re about to jump into that anyway so once again this is the sspn Spurs point guard big board for the upcoming draft volume one and I’m just going to do my top five point guards because that’s Pro there’s probably only a chance of these Five Guys getting drafted anyway maybe there’s a little bit too on the outside I don’t really think so um but with all of that being said at 4 and eight I think that um this handful of players we could do like all top 10 but all of those guys aren’t even going to be in the Spurs consideration for drafting if that makes sense so we’re just doing five and I’m gonna rank them after all of these discussions that Ethan and I have had so without further Ado let’s go ahead and jump into this thing at number five I have Rob Dillingham yes uh for those of you guys who have been watching us throughout the entire draft process Rob Dillingham started out at number one for me uh we you can see his stats right there 15 points about three rebounds four assists 47% 44% from three on the season and that kind of ties into his strengths overall um an incredible off the dribble shooter uh really solid shooting splits even if they’re not as efficient as another point guard that was on his team that we’ll talk about today still very efficient shooting numbers um his ability to shoot in the catch and shoot situations running off screens and of course uh the dynamic ability that he has to put up shots off the dribble are the things that make him so exciting even though I have him at number five here um that doesn’t mean that I’m not happy if the Spurs end up picking him at eight you know uh at the end of the day the Spurs are probably going to pick one of these five guys at four or eight and whichever one they go with I’m just going to trust the Spurs coaching staff but or excuse me the Spurs Draft and front office staff I guess it’s a better way to put it the coaching staff too y’all know what I mean but even though Rob Dillingham is at number five I’m gonna repeat myself with some stuff that I’ve said at nauseum about Rob Dillingham but I think it’s almost worthy of saying this much because of the um the mouth waterer ing potential if you will of him and wemi playing together in the pick and roll the Twan game offensively man the dynamic ability that he’s had at overtime Elite and in the SEC if you pair that next to Victor wanyama I I really I don’t even have any words because if y’all have watched Rob dillingham’s tape you know how electric that would be you know how hard to guard that would be and even if like the low end of Rob Dillingham you know like his floor ends up being his ceiling you know what I mean I know that sounds weird to say but I think y’all get what I’m saying there if even if like the the projections are the least amount for Rob Dillingham in what his potential can be the lowest like a a a spark plug Off the Bench even in that situation him in the Twan game with wemi is going to give defenses problems um I think he does have a really upside um I think if everything comes together for him he really could be the next you know Tyrese Maxi like player not saying exactly the same uh he’s obviously a little bit smaller than him um not just in stature but in you know muscle as well um so but offensively he could potentially be like the next Tyrese Maxi type player off the dribble you know Kentucky guard that can just go get Buckets uh Shay gild just went to Kentucky as well there’s some other names that I’m forgetting off the top but they’re a lot of successful Kentucky guards but he’s not the only one in this top 10 or excuse me this top five that we have an option with um and that’s not leading into necessarily my next selection but I’m just saying it’s not like you just have to pick from one Kentucky guard this draft so that’s why I have him at number five um but still he’s in my top five if the Spurs pick him at eight despite his defensive deficiencies and his size deficiencies I’m still going to be very happy with it and I think that him ending up in San Antonio could maximize his potential and definitely improve his defensive fundamentals his frame is always going to cause issues on defense but I think that the flashes that we saw last year uh at Kentucky you can go check that out on the sspn Twitter that I posted a while back if you go to the media section um if everything translates for him he he could be you know maybe a potential All-Star one day even if it’s mainly on the offensive end um but yeah that’s why I have Rob Dillingham at number five really the reason he slid for me from being my favorite player to my least favorite player is because they’re or or I say number one on my point guard Big Board not favorite player to least favorite player because he’s definitely still not least but moving from number one to five on my personal Big Board uh is just defense you know as much as you can be in awe of the offensive stuff and think about that with Victor wanyama and the Spurs need bucket Getters they need shooting um they need that Dynamic offensive ability aside from just wemy and Devon that’s not the entirety of the game of basketball so that’s why I got him at number five but let’s go ahead and move on to the next person we have I’m GNA go and pan out of this one for a second and we are going to move on to somebody that we just talked about fairly recently in our latest Prospect breakdown and that is Devin Carter point guard for the Providence Friars he is 22 years old so much older than Rob Dillingham you can see his stats up there about 20 points per game nine rebounds three and a half assists 37.7% from three 47% overall from the field with two Steals and a block I would still say that I think if everything works out for Rob Dillingham he’s going to have a higher ceiling than Devin Carter but Devon Carter has a much higher floor than Rob Dillingham and also defensively it’s night and day between the two measurements wise and on the tape as well as the numbers you see right here with three stocks a game essentially for Devin Carter um now you may have noticed also you may remember and you probably already have gotten a little bit spoiled if you’re an sspn and you’re you’re really locked into all of our content I said I may have him over nicoa toic I do not have that anymore and that’s kind of spoiling the next uh the next person on my big board here but I’m going to stick to Devin Carter in a sec for a second like I said in comparison to Rob Dillingham his floor is much higher uh the ability to shoot that is still almost similar to Dillingham obviously not the same dynamism off the dribble but the range um we heard the talk in the combine as well that out of those reports he was pulling up from 30 feet with ease hitting them in the same sense that he did at uh at Providence and he got the majority of the shots at Providence as well I’d have to go check I don’t know this off the top of my head how many threes that Rob Dillingham took per game but I would guess with kuy’s loaded roster and other three-point Shooters like Reed Shepard and and others on the roster um that he probably took less three-pointers than Devin Carter which makes me wonder maybe Devin Carter’s percentage would be a little bit closer to 44% like we just saw with old boy Rob Dillingham maybe not that close but you know a couple maybe 40% uh if he wasn’t taking seven threes a game which he did this season um so yeah that’s just something I thought about here looking at the percentage after we just looked at robs but regardless the point I’m trying to say here is Devin Carter in my opinion as much as maybe the shots a little wonky you could say I think he’s a really solid shooter I think he’s shown with the Improvement you see the percentages from the first two years and that’s also with increased volume as well he’s really worked on that developed that has an NBA background with his father his father also has connections to the Spurs but his athleticism he put up some of the the best athl athletic numbers in combine history a 42-inch vertical some of the fastest shuttle times as well at the combine as much as he’s a little bit older because he’s such a complete player offensively and defensively on top of all the athleticism numbers with his frame and size as well that’s why I got him over Rob I just feel like he’s a little bit more of a sure thing because the offensive game as much as the highlights and the off the- dribble crossover ball handling may not be as good the scoring’s there the shootings there as much as the playmaking you know you could say that maybe there’s a little bit you’d like to see more from him there if he’s going to be a true point guard in the NBA the difference between him and Rob’s assists is like. three I think so and I know that obious L Kentucky is a different situation with all of the guards that they have there and I think that Rob has some playmaking potential but I also think at the same time that there’s not really that big of a gap from them in in the playmaking aspect either so like I said apologies if I’m repeating myself the physical aspect the offensive aspects that’s not that far of a drop off from Rob and then the defense as well um that’s why I got him at number four but he is not at number three which is Nia topic I said in the last live that Ethan and I did that I think I have Devin Carter over nicoa toic and to be fair a lot of that had to do with the injury that just happened to nicoa topic and I’m about to bring that up here in a second just to give you guys a little bit more details because Ethan and I we haven’t even really necessarily talked about this too much or dove into it too much but here is an article here from May 13th of this year when the second injury happened so n Nia topic projected top five pick gets injured again topic collapsed on the court after attempting a pass in what seemed like a non-con injury but here’s the key thing for me and you can see his stats here well this is his Euroleague stats specifically if you go to his overall stats when he played for Mega and just the overall season not just the Euro league I believe it’s was about 15 points six assists and that’s honestly all I remember off the top of my head but I know that those are his full numbers uh for both of the teams that he played for this season but getting back to the article just a month after getting back from injury Nia topic got injured again the Serena zza I can’t even say that but they’re like red star or something is like their team name uh Prospect played just six minutes in game one of the ABA uh League finals against okay it doesn’t really matter who they’re playing the Adriatic League the projected NBA lottery pick was driving to the basket with about 320 left on the clock in the third quarter when he collapsed on the floor after making a pass in what seemed to be a non-c contact injury topic left the court with help you can kind of see that right here but here’s the bigger thing they say 20-year old he’s 18 this is just a error by them um he suffered a knee injury in January and that kept him off of the basketball court for four months this injury as much as it’s just a sprain and it’s probably not going to be that serious that has come out the MRI did happen obviously this was you know at the beginning of May and we’re in June now it’s the same knee and so that that is what’s really that’s all that’s caused topage to fall on my boards if it wasn’t the same knee if he wasn’t out for four months if it wasn’t a month later that the same thing happened you know I probably would be a lot higher on him bluntly but with that being said I still have him at number three and I have him over over Devon Carter because I think at the end of the day if this can just be you know a little two injury thing with this knee and he can get that right and he can be 100% for his career and everything works out unquestionably in my opinion has a higher ceiling than than Devin Carter um and could be a potential Allstar you know I I we’ve talked about the Luke comparisons and you can see it in his game um it’s not the exact same as Luca I don’t think he’s ever going to be hitting the step back jumpers that that Luca donic hits I don’t think he’s ever going to be necessarily the prolific scorer but he’s got a good jumper he does have a lot of skill and fundamentals but the vision and the passing at 66 that’s the stuff that shows shades of Luca and while there may be some defensive deficiencies I still don’t think it’s it’s it’s nowhere near the level Rob Dillingham for example that we mentioned earlier and because of his frame and and I see good fundamentals sometimes he gets beat off the dribble a little bit his lateral quickness and maybe reaction time that’s the way that I would describe it it’s just someone you know uh watching tape from from my computer here um maybe maybe Nia himself could School me a little bit if we started talking some ball with all the skills he has but y’all get where I’m coming from um that would be the things that I I would potentially criticize but I think it’s fundamental Bas is solid and I know I you could say this about any Prospect or you could say that I could say this about any Prospect but still I think I think regardless of where he goes in the NBA he’s gonna improve his defense and teams are going to work on that and that’s what he’s going to work on and focus on but I think specifically if he does end up in San Antonio I think that’s even just like I said with Rob Dillingham that is a great place to go to improve your defense and I think because of his frame and the flashes he has shown you know jumping passing lanes and and getting blocks and staying in front of guys from time to time um at least from what I’ve seen in the defensive tape um losing my train of thought here guys sorry about that what I’m trying to say is that nicoa topic has a lot of potential um and definitely has like I said has a higher ceiling than than a guy like Devin Carter and I think that with his frame that allows him this is what I was trying to get to earlier that allows him to have a higher defensive ceiling than per se you know someone who’s smaller and has defensive deficiencies having the length and the frame that he does I think that just being in the NBA and I mean you never know how these guys are going to work out I could be totally wrong on this maybe completely flops but also I think that being in an NBA training system learning that game and really just going to work on his defense the frame allows for you to have some hope there uh and and and you know have some physical tools as well that he can put to use you know once maybe improves that reaction time and lateral quickness and who knows how much the knee injury is affected that as well but those are my thoughts on Nia topic um you know obviously in a little bit of a smaller version uh on this episode here but that is why I have him number three and like I said the the injuries that’s that’s the only I mean he might be at one or two but also both of the guys at one or two have kind of shot up my boards and because they’ve played in in in the Big East one won a national championship and another played in the SEC kind of spoiling it a little bit I just kind of feel a little bit more for sure about them as much as we’ve seen a lot of foreign players come over and make an impact the Adriatic league as much as we have seen some Euro League highlights from NOA but you saw his stats there they’re not the same um is just I I hold the French league to a higher regard than the Adriatic League I’m just not sure I’m not even trying to like crap on it I just don’t know how to measure it in comparison to the NBA so because I have a better idea of measuring how things are going to translate with the two college players I’m about to talk about that’s why I have them over toe pitch so let’s get in to number two and just to recap here if you forgot we had Rob Dillingham at five Devin Carter at four and nicoa Topic at number three and that moves on to number two for my sspn big board here and that is none other than Stefon Castle Yukon guard Stefon Castle my dog I thought for a second that video was about to play there I was just pausing that the stats are not crazy but if you’ve watched this channel you have have seen one you’ve seen Lou Lou excuse me from Miami Heat beat I almost I don’t know what I was doing there with my mouth um pause um Lou from Miami Heat beat uh he has him number one on his big board you can go watch that clip that we posted I think it’s called Stefon Castle’s upside a couple weeks ago and he he thinks the Spurs should Sprint to the podium if Stefon Castle is available but it’s not just lose opinion that swayed me on Stefon Castle he had kind of been rising up boards a little bit more for for me and Ethan um and especially now with the point guard news I think you know that only allows him to fit even more into the Spurs system and as Ethan and I have talked about in other episodes it bodess well for the Spurs sizewise and matchup wise for some of the other big Allstar point guards in the Spurs division like LCA ious like shil Alexander there’s some other good guards as well I mean Zion takes the ball up the floor a lot I don’t think he would necessarily be guarding him but still you’ve got to see J McCollum over there herb Jones makes some plays from time to time Jaylen green Fred Van vet you know um those are just names of of you know guards with offensive skill sets in our division I didn’t even mentioned johnar and Desmond Bane right that position has got killed for the Spurs over the past two years defensively and he would make a ginormous impact to say the least uh his his defense is the thing that stands out for him as a prospect and as Ethan and I have mentioned almost at nauseum at this point him at Yukon is not necessarily the Stefon castle that maybe SE Stefon Castle has shown in the combine or in other workouts he was playing a role on a national championship team where he was guaranteed nothing you know and and was playing out of position just to play for Yukon to go win a National Championship which he did also Big E freshman of the year as well the three-point shooting is is one thing you know that a lot of people have harped on with him won the three-point shooting star drill at the NBA Combine I think that’s a little better than you I think that’s a showing that you know maybe his jumper is a little better than what everybody’s thinking just looking at the percentage from this season at Yukon I mean still at the same time going to need some work there it’s not a perfect jump shot that is something that you can key in on but it’s also like it’s not like it’s completely broken and there’s no potential for it to improve and be solid you know so I I think and and even then it’s like the the defense the Spurs just need it so bad man and his offensive game and inside the arc his playmaking ability and flashes that he’s shown there orchestrating sets as well as the combine flashes like I mentioned earlier that’s why I have him at number two and the shooting is the reason that I have him at number two you know that is something that you can pick at and that’s why I think that there’s a more complete all-around player that maybe doesn’t have the same frame as Stefon but I think is a little bit more of an allaround sure thing than Stefon so let’s just go ahead and move to that number two is none other than Reed Shephard or excuse me number one is no other than Reed Shepard from Kentucky me and Ethan were talking about this in the last live he said he would still pick Castle over shephard I also I said after that I was like I’d actually have Shepherd over castle and the reason I have that is kind of like I said in that episode the only thing personally that I give to re or that I give to Stefon Castle read Shephard is his frame with that being said if some things can be honed if if if stefon’s able to you know one day become a 40% three-point shooter you know then then he’s probably gonna have a higher ceiling than Reed Shepard I’ll be real even if everything pans out for Reed Shepard and I really like Reed Shepard I think he can be um a really solid player I think there’s a reason that he’s getting number one pick consideration the the statistical percentages for him are just ridiculous I read that in the last episode you can go check out that live but we’ll we’ll read the ones that are right in front of us here 53.6% from the field 52.1% from three if you’ve watched this channel I have completely flip-flopped on Reed sheeper I mean him and Rob Dillingham have probably switched places over time as Ethan and I have continued to dive into these prospects and look more and more at them since the season’s end really since the end of April so about a month here really Midway through April when the Spurs season season ended so about a month and a half here now in the first two weeks I was like H I’m not sure if if if Reed Shepard’s gonna translate I’m not sure if he’s gonna you know if his athleticism or or lack thereof I thought you know might be taken advantage of he’ll get bullied pushed around he won’t be able to make the same passes blah blah blah what did the combine measurements say and what did what did the tape in Kentucky say as much as the NBA is a different level than the SEC there are a lot of physical specimens other NBA players in the SEC 12 points four rebounds four and a half assists doing whatever he can for his team to get the job done was able to play some combo guard played the two also played the one brought the ball up the floor I believe was second in assist rate at Kentucky behind Rob Dillingham but still led the team in assist I believe a block per game I didn’t even mention this two and a half steals per game so that is essentially right there almost four stocks per game almost keyword almost but still the shooting percentages the defense and and I mean the the blocked jump shots that I’ve seen as well as you can see two and a half steals game while only fouling twice a game fundamentals a family history shooting ability great defense it’s almost like his floor is going to be Derek white so as much as you know we in the Devin Carter breakdown to go back down to number four here his ceiling you know potentially could be Derek white I feel like Reed Shepard’s floor is Derek white and I think in this draft that’s another reason why he’s got number one pick consideration and I haven’t even mentioned the 42inch vertical at the combine as well as the other impressive athletic numbers that he mentioned and showed so I mean there’s really there’s not a lot of holes to find about Reed Shepard other than you can say the NBA game is going to be an adjustment for him but at the end of the day he’s going to be a solid Defender a good passer and a great great shooter and I think he is someone who can kind of when I say create his own offense he he can do some off the dribble stuff but he can create for Like A team’s offense if you put him in a pick and roll he can you know um maneuver his way through traffic and maybe draw two and then make a bounce pass through somebody’s leg to legs to to lead to a wide open layup under the basket that’s the type of stuff that he does he can draw attention he can lure defenses to create shots for his teammates on top of his own Super efficient shot making ability I think he’s going to go at number three regardless of whether if the Rockets trade or keep their pick but if he somehow Falls to number four as much as our boy Lou said sprint to the podium for Stefon I’m kind of like Sprint to the podium for Reed I’d also Sprint to the podium for Stefon but if he falls to number four it’s like sitting in the war room for like 3 seconds I’m like read sheer let’s go and then we’ll we’ll address you know whether it’s Salon or whatever will address the wing position at number eight but if this guy falls to four this is who I’m rolling with I kind of just mentioned it it’s it’s hard to find holes in his game not to repeat myself but it’s like his floor is Derek white and I think that his ceiling could be higher than that which means he could potentially be an All-Star one day I know a lot of it is you know you could say beforehand was was fundamentals but when you have the combined measurements and and numbers showing off the athleticism that he has I mean it kind of explained why he’s able to like jump from the elbow to almost the three-point line and SWAT SWAT jump shots in midair maybe because he has a 42 inch vertical even if he doesn’t believe it I don’t know if y’all saw that but he couldn’t believe it when when they said it was 42 at the combine but yeah I could sit here and continue to ramble on but we’re almost at about 30 minutes here I think get the point so just to recap Once Again at number five we have Rob Dillingham and I say we this is this is my big board Ethan Ethan has a different one but at number five Rob Dillingham number four Devin Carter number three nicoa topic number two Stefon castle and number one Reed Shepard I appreciate y’all watching for real thank y’all for checking out the Channel all of the support lately we it’s been greatly appreciated and it means a lot to me and Ethan so if you enjoyed the content don’t forget to hit the like And subscribe button be sure to follow us on Twitter or X whatever you want to call it ssbn Jud McLaren and Ethan quento and while you still have a chance if you want to support the channel go ahead and check out this QR code check out our merch the link is in the description as well as the channel description sspn doy spreadshop we got t-shirts hoodies hats all that good stuff we appreciate y’all and and I clicked the wrong button there we appreciate y’all and we’ll catch you in the next one ghost first go

Jude is back to share his top five point guards for the Spurs in the 2024 NBA Draft! šŸ€šŸŽ™ļø

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  1. Respectfully, you've flip-flopped more than a flounder. If the draft was a marriage, you'd have racked up 3 or 4 divorces. Reed's defense won't translate to the NBA nearly as high as it was in college. Castle's defense will translate, and defense wins championships.

  2. I believe the spurs draft is very simple. If risacher falls itā€™s him @ 4. Thatā€™s most likely not happening tho so then the next option is castle/topic. Even if reed is there @ 4, spurs still pick castle/topic. Personally based on front office drafting, it should be castle because even if he dosent work @ pg, u can still use him @ the 2 or 3. Topic dosent pan out 4 whatever reason then thereā€™s no other position 4 him + his injuries. Castle is the safest pick but if they want an ACTUAL pg then topic. @ 8 regardless they have 2 get a shooter with offensive upside so I personally think knecht is a lock 4 the spurs @ that pick.

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