@Sacramento Kings

Mike Brown extension was RIGHT MOVE for Kings

Mike Brown extension was RIGHT MOVE for Kings

extension Mike Brown will be the king’s head coach through the 2026 2027 Seasons he will earn 8 and A5 million a year including a raise to $8.5 million this year a big congratulations to Mike Brown a big congratulations to the Sacramento Kings they’ve done it your tweets your chatty house messages your I the if anybody went down to doco and maybe just yelled at Golden One whatever you did it worked Mike Brown has received an extension from the Sacramento Kings that happened over the weekend and man it just we we T we spent the entire offseason talking about it where they landed was just the most obvious possible place 8.5 million dollar a year right between what he was supposedly asking for and what they were supposedly asking for literally right smack in the middle it’s three years it tears up his deals to start this year so he is under contract through the 226 2027 season and the national nightmare is over this is how all it should have all worked out in the end uh I’m glad that this is how it worked it there were some really really rough patches there where people did not believe uh that this thing was going to get done from everything I’ve I’ve heard on the backside uh but this is this is the right thing you chose a head coach yeah two years ago that head coach turned around your program and built a culture you had two winning seasons in a row he’s the best head coach you’ve had since Rick Adelman he has every opportunity to be a Rick Adelman type coach here in Sacramento or even surpass that right guy right time right time to extend him this is a really really big deal for the Kings because now they got a lot of work to do and they know exactly who’s running the program yeah that’s the thing and we’ll get to the work to do but the Mike Brown situation should have never gotten where it got and I understand negotiations are going to negotiate and that’s how things are going to go and I understand where the kings are coming from if you can get a really good head coach for below market value you’re going to try and it didn’t work out that way for them but they’re paying a good coach the going rate for a good coach now and if it works out and it’s a three-year deal which lands in the range of okay this is now some runway for Mike Brown to get this thing rolling MH and continuing to go the right direction without tying up the king’s financials for 5 years in the event that they don’t like the way that it’s going after two or three years so it makes a lot of sense the the next step now as far as the just the head coach position goes at least for me the next step is giving him that Runway don’t say hey this is a three-year deal and if it doesn’t go the way we like uh then we’re going to let him go because we only have to pay him out for two more years no give him the give him the years give him the time let this thing grow let this thing keep going in the right direction that’s that’s now the next step but you can’t clear that hurdle until you get to it for now they got over the biggest hurdle which was do not let Mike Brown go into this season as a lame duck head coach yeah the key to everything to me has always been in Sacramento is it can you avoid distractions can you avoid chaos Yep this was the best way to avoid chaos Yep this locks in a guy and extends him out and gives him exactly what you’re talking about the runway but also so like this a basketball program needs to grow organically and you can’t keep changing pass all the time and that’s what we’ve seen for 16 years but also for like 10 under the like there has to be stability and it has to start at the top and there has to be a clear directive to go a path and and this makes everything easier it makes signing free agents easier makes signing Malik monk easier it makes trades easier it it does make everything like simpler and it’s the right way to move forward as a franchise whether you’re a Mike Brown guy or you’re not and there are people out there that like oh I don’t I don’t I don’t know about Mike Brown as head coach it’s like okay well he did something that no one else had done in 16 years yeah and is he look is he going to be the coach that leads the Kings to a championship no idea but you weren’t going to find out in one year no wasn’t it wasn’t it wasn’t you weren’t going to find that out this season like you have to let it you have to let it become something you have to let whatever this is whatever this version of the Kings is hit it ceiling first and I don’t think it was going to hit it ceiling in the 2024 2025 season and if that’s what you were banking on if it’s like hey it all rides on this year then that’s just not a good way to operate that’s that’s a that’s a loser way to function yeah yeah losing franchises change coaches all the time that I mean because again it’s about like having like the stability to to create something to allow the nuances of basketball to develop and this this franchise has just not been able to do that and this is a it’s a big moment I don’t know how to like like put it out there any bigger than than what we already have I mean we literally saying I Sayang in the opening Kyle uh you know this is one of those things where you’re looking at a team that has has squandered these opportunities and we can go back through every year and I can show you the near misses that that that stop this team from finding success and taking the next step it happened time and time again where they were just off by a little bit that’s why you don’t just change everything all the time and uh there’s there should be a lot of Hope in Sacramento there should be a lot of positivity about this this is a guy with a 607 career win percentage he’s a guy who’s taken a team to the NBA finals he’s a guy with four championship rings as an assistant coach like this is the right guy at the right time and again like what you said there may come a time where like this he can’t get you over the hump or whatever we don’t know but you’re not there yet and and you need to see this thing play out much longer and you need to actually support him in the right way give him the pieces and I think the one thing I will point out that I do believe that the Kings have supported him in a different way than they have most assistants they’ve given him a budget to go out and get really top tier assistant coach is like Jordi Fernandez like J Fano and really like put the support pieces around him continue that continue to build on this thing add the the defensive pieces that not just Mike Brown needs but that the players on the court need in order to find success like we can’t keep saying oh Mike Brown wants defense H and ignore the fact that that damont sabon sure would love a shot blocking long athletic three four that can protect his back yeah and so those are things were now the real work begins you you did the the piece it should have been simple and it wasn’t simple but that’s okay we move past it we forget about all of what’s happened over the last two weeks and now it’s time to create something new and to build this program the right way yeah and the the the building of the program we’ll we’ll discuss but there’s another aspect of this that is just the the Kings for the first time in what feels like forever just doing the right thing like just doing the normal basketball team thing and did it did it go 100% smoothly no but they signed the head coach who had had success or they I’m sorry they extended the head coach who had had success like good that’s I know that’s such a it sounds so basic and simple but dude I’ve been doing media in Sacramento since 2011 and they’ve never done the good simple easy thing yeah they’ve never taken the layup and they did it this time and it’s like great that is so that is like you you you wrote it in the in the Kings beat the Kings and you wrote like they chose a path they took they’re they’re they’re on this path now they’re going with it and it’s like good that is such a positive thing that I know just sounds like oh that’s what a basketball team does but it’s not what the Kings have done and that’s that I know it sounds ridiculous and it’s going to sound silly to anybody outside of this Market that like oh they extended a H coach so what it’s like but do they just don’t do that they haven’t done it in 18 years and the guy that they would like Michael Malone is the guy who would have gotten an extension had he gotten the chance to stick around but he didn’t because that’s what the Kings do so uh good on good on them they are they are moving in the right direction as a franchise and getting out of the doldrums of the previous 16 17 years yeah and I would even say that that Monty McNair this was his coach this was his hire right we talked about like he inherited Luke Walen and he had to keep Luke Walton not just one season but the beginning of his second season and then he went into an exhaustive search and he had a group of names and Mike de anony um again Mark Jackson um Steve uh Clifford Clifford yeah like there was a group of coaches that he went through and he he molded over and like who fits all who checks all the boxes and I think Mike Brown was the perfect guy for the franchise at the moment that they got him but also this should be a moment where you you push past all of what’s happened here with negotiations you get on the same page and you you build this thing out and you build it out as a team the what made the early 2000 King so good was the partnership of Rick Adelman and Jeff Petri it was this symbiotic relationship where they needed each other one guy provided the talent the other guy coached the talent but they did the best best they could to work together and to fill the needs of each other yeah and so for me that’s where like this is the moment where like you guys are committed to each other for another three years so five years total yep like build something you’re so close build something right now give Mike the tools and for that matter Mike needs to you know work with Monty on what it is that he needs as a general manager to get this thing going and this is a it’s a good moment it’s a good moment to build from yeah and that’s it’s great thumbs up we had fun at the start of the show but now now like you just said the real thing starts now now comes the team building aspect of this now comes okay your coaching staff is in place I know they got to hire some assistants and make some moves there but you have your head coach you trust him to get his staff together and now what now comes the hard part now comes the roster adjustments the tough calls on trades the tough calls on signings where are you going to spend money um can you get Malik monk to come back like this this is now where the real portion of the offseason starts because for a while for a long time when we talked about the offseason we’re talking about boxes they need to check it was like oh and the Mike Brown contract but yeah that’s an extension they got to get that done and now okay that’s out of the way now but the larger portion of this the Mike Brown thing became the most urgent aspect of the offseason yes very recently but that was never the biggest box to check at all no that was like a formality they just happen to get a little wonky yeah but now now the hard part starts and we can be excited that that they did the right thing to keep their head coach and and we can think that it was the right move uh but that’s that is baby step number one in getting this thing going back the right way yeah I totally agree and and I think it’s interesting too Mike has the opportunity in I think this next season to be the second winningest coach in Sacramento Kings history since they moved here in 1985 86 oh my God there’s Rick Adelman and then there’s Gary s jeene Saint is number two on the list number two and then number three is Dave jger and Mike is right behind Dave jger after two years yeah that is insane all right now now now that I know that we’re getting sainton for sure oh we got to we got to talk some hoop with with Saint and see how he feels about getting chased down I I love him he is such a good dude and I I anytime we we want him he’ll come on gregarius the the the personification of the word gregarious sitting in the in the Green Room at NBC and watching a basketball game well watching multiple games a Warriors game on one TV a Kings game on another TV with Gary St genene and Jerry Reynolds one of the highlights of my life Gary St jeene yells at the TV the entire time he’s redac just like you would expect but one of the most genuine human beings that you’ll ever run into I just learned that there are like a million definitions for gregarious but for people fond of company and sociable because I thought maybe I used that word wrong but for Animals it means living in flocks or Loosely organized communities oh so maybe he’s also gregarious in that way I don’t know I don’t know how he lives I don’t know every time I see him now I know he loves his wine though he does every time I see him now he looks at me goes get over here and give me a hug I love him a guy yeah we’ll get we’ll get Saints on as Mike Brown chases him down for the number two winning as coach in Sacramento Kings his

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