@Oklahoma City Thunder

I think I know why Naive_Impact_6872, LoganH1219, esstea23 and laidbacklurk223 hate Josh Giddey

With those good looks, ofc he's going to have a bunch of haters. Trust me, I should know.

P.S. Mods this is all for fun. They're so annoyed at me for defending him, they're killing my karma reps lol

by lebootz21


  1. LoganH1219

    Since you deleted your other post but want to rewrite history and call me a hater, let me copy and paste the final thing I said about Giddey:

    “I just don’t think he [Giddey] fits with the Thunder anymore, unfortunately. I hate to say that cause I used to really like him. I bought a Giddey jersey his rookie year cause I was so excited, but I never wear it anymore. He might be an NBA level player but he’s a bad fit with this current roster. I wish for all the success in the world for Giddey, I really do. I just don’t think he’s gonna find it here.”

    Next time you wanna name drop people, how bout you keep your posts up so that way people can read both sides. Or do you only want people to follow the narrative you create? Embarrassing

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