@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks 2024 Player Capsules: Clint Capela, offense, defense, future, Onyeka Okongwu (Part 2)

Atlanta Hawks 2024 Player Capsules: Clint Capela, offense, defense, future, Onyeka Okongwu (Part 2)

on today’s show we’re back with part two of two myself and Glenn Willis talking all things Clint capella when it comes to his game how it affects the Hawks what’s next for the Hawks and much more and all of that is coming up you are locked on Hawks your daily Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Hello friends welcome to episode 17 31 of the lon Hawks podcast I am your host Brad Roland coming to you on a Tuesday here in early June and this is part two of two with my friend Glenn Willis joining me talk about Clint capella in player capsule fashion so if you missed anything from part one or just didn’t know it was that was certainly existing at this point in time that is the place to begin this conversation should be available in your same podcast feed right now part one should be there it should be about a half hour or so of click a Pell talk and this is part two picking up where we left off with myself and Glenn again as we always do with these player capsules trying to paint the entire pict with regard to click aella on this episode we had CID Bay in the past moay in the past all the young guys Etc we are still rolling through all of these so stay tuned for more of it in the future but without any more delay here we go with part two myself and Glenn talking about cck capella let’s go to the offense Glenn we have to talk about the offense so uh okay Dealers Choice do you want to start with the stuff that Clint still does pretty well or the stuff where he doesn’t do very well your choice he does stuff well still uh I mean one thing in particular uh he does really well still yes yeah we people are tired of hear me talk about like how thec is a screener um you know his rescreening is so good and and and I know that such a little kind of nuance the area of the game but like when Trey loses his angle because he has a great defender on him Clint’s ability to flip the screen and give him the angle again Clint’s ability to kind of I mean there are times Trey is like stuck with the ball with no angle Clint like just toss me the ball I’ll pitch it back to you and and reset the angle of the screen so his pitchback stuff is I mean it’s just I mean it’s so good you know all that stuff is so good um and that and that’s where he is right his he was like pretty rough in dho like the first half of the Season like where Quin has his centers kind of I mean Quin uses different than when undermate Quin uses Quinn uses his centers to move the ball from one side of the floor to the other right they’ll come to the or they’ll come to the three-point break or a little bit to Center about towards the top of the key Quinn doesn’t really want his guards and wings moving the ball from below one three-point break all the way he uses his Center for that a lot and Clint struggled the first I don’t know 30 games of the year or whatever it was those angles that timing that footwork was pretty bad he got to like I don’t know maybe a c plus level the second half of the Season he was doing that stuff better but still not really what you want in a qu offense but you know but so for me they were asking to do things that don’t fit into his you know strengths at all but Clint being a good teammate tried did his best did what he could made progress was it you know was it enough you know I don’t know but I mean I think if you like had a secret you know voting system across the league from guards that have played with FL like you know who’s the best center to kind of help a guard and has all the little tricks and that talked about before I think I think one of the major reasons the Hawks made that trade was Clint had all those thousands and thousands of reps with Harden doing all this stuff right so he came to the Hawks with that full bag right you you said that at the time to credit to credit you you said that at the time and you were 1,000% right about that and you know the Hawks were never as as plain at saying that publicly because you know it is teams always want to tell you what they what they’re trying to do but I and look for just to say this I know a lot of people done with Clint and the experience and I get it I’m I’m not blind to why that is he is frustrating sometimes y to watch but very y the and and Trey has by the way there’s a reason Trey is really high on Clint and always has been because Clint made Trey’s life unfathomably easier than it would have been it still does it still does and it still does now you’re right but but especially younger you know young I mean younger Trey in particular having was still figuring it out right yeah right and that’s why and then that’s a Hu that’s not the whole reason why but that’s a huge part of why they brought him in it’s a great point you made then you’re making now and you’re 100% right um and the screen stuff is you know people don’t like talk about screens and it is what it is but it’s very it’s very important and I’m glad you point that out and also um the progression point he did have a fiveyear high in assist rate this year he never turns the ball over uh like his his his his quotequote turnovers are the Mis layups and I get that but actual turnovers he’s a really low turnover player and and he passed the ball better than he ever has this year look he’s is he ever going to blow your blow your mind on a short roll no he’s not but uh he he did get better over the course of the season and um you know and Quinn I think multiple times I tried to share some of this audio with people Quinn openly acknowledged what they were asking Clint to do was kind of out outside of Clint’s uh comfort zone offensively which look these guys are NBA players it’s gonna happen I’m not saying that’s a free pass but I think everyone kind of knew the deal around the Hawks like hey Quinn what’s put the stuff in for the team’s sake while acknowledging this is not the best for Clinton and that’s he’s not the only one that was like that other guys it’s always that way with certain players but um that’s part of the calculus and just to say it out loud I know I teas second he is still arguably the best offensive rebounder in the world he certainly is the top three or four offensive rebounder in the league and insert joke here about him about him getting more because he misses his own shot I totally understand that and look a few and look and look a few a few of those are a few of those are true like there’s some Moses boning going on with Clint sometimes he’s not doing it on purpose but he does have some of the possessions where he has three or four shots in a row of his own misses and that boost your numbers but even if you were to strip those out he’d still be a top five off offive rebound he was number one in the League this year by a pretty comfortable margin in rebound rate on offense so like you can you can laugh you can quibble he still he still creates possessions for the team that were not there before because of his office rebounding and that that is a real thing that happens now do I wish that he would throw the ball out sometimes yes yes I do watching him it’s like hey Clint why don’t you just grab it and then turn and pass it to somebody else and I get it just to say it out loud I I get that but removing the noise he still brings a ton of value there that you know other guys can’t match and like it does he does kind of need it because what we’re talking about in a second with the finishing that you kind of alluded to earlier but that shouldn’t just be glossed over I understand that it’s it comes with some other stuff but he that’s a huge value ad that he brings still yeah yeah he does give you like as many extra possessions as almost any Center in the league but there’s to you I just kind of reiterating what you just said but you wish that they often turned into more productive second possessions yes than they did because you know he turns and attacks front of the rim doesn’t quite make the shot um just doesn’t read the floor doesn’t see a Defender kind of hanging out free and when he does kick it out he’s kind of throwing it kind of behind himself and not really seeing where he’s pass you know we we could put a whole kind of you know sh it’s tunnel vision is what I would it’s it’s a television thing and like and look I’ll be the first to admit that it drives me crazy so I can’t imagine like people that are already fed up with Clint how they feel when that happens and I’m sure the coaches would say the same thing there’s just to say there’s no way that the coaches don’t say that to him like Hey Clint why don’t you just be a little more under control and it’s just a maybe it’s a mindset thing or whatever but um that all comes into to play I do want to just as a transition point you mentioned it earlier but it’s worth kind of focusing on for a second he had his worst efficiency season as a as a shooter SL finisher since he was a rookie basically or second year player in Houston like when he was still a bit player um the miss the misses around the rim are well documented he shot uh 61% on shots within four feet per cleaning the glass that’s not a good number for a center um he actually shot the best of his career outside of four feet this year which most of those shots are like four and a half feet for Clint he doesn’t really take 10f Footers very often but um look I’m not blind to the even as the resident capella guy I’m not blind to the fact that they the the finishing definitely regressed and the way you put it earlier was perfect in that two years ago so 2223 season there were already Rumblings from fans about his finishing problems and that that was just not true like he shot 65% from the field two years ago like he was objectively still a good finisher this is the first time in his Hawks tenure where he’s actually been a pretty bad finisher for a full season like he was he was pretty it was pretty R and you know do I think that it gets overblown sometimes because of the way it looks yes but I will be the first as I’m acknowledging now it was a problem this year like you need your Center to be a better finisher than Clint was this season especially when he doesn’t really do much else on offense as far as they score obviously we talked about the peripheral stuff but as a scorer that’s basically what his what what he can do is finish around the rim and when he stops doing that at a even an average level that becomes obviously a pretty big problem today show is brought to you by better help we all carry things around that create stress whether it’s big or small whether he keeps things bottle up it starts to actually get to affect us in a negative way therapy is a safe space though to get things off your chest also figure out just how to work through what happens to be weighing you down in your life therapy is helpful for everybody you can learn positive coping skills and how to set boundaries with therapy and also empowers you to 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don’t know whatever 15 minutes a game with Trey you you’ve got to I mean you’ve got to be able to finish shots because you are punting too much of try’s value if you’re not able to do that and that’s where I think Hawks fans I think it was overblown sometimes I do think like the you know like I said I think the timing of some of the like worst misses like two and a half minutes left you’re down six you got to have that right and he just he just whiffs right that’s the stuff I understand like somebody wanted to literally throw something at TV you know because it’s like they had to have that bucket to win right but for me like when you’re if we’re being super honest I mean I have an I mean I keep my analysis away from my fandom but I was I mean I think I have to be transparent and say I love a guy like Clint it’s not just Clint works hard plays defense all that sort of stuff but if we’re being really fair if Clint is going to come back and be this the same level of finish he was last year appearing him with Trey for all those minutes you’re just punting a lot of Trades value right and that’s not an offensive formula that’s good enough and are there some things they can do to kind of correct some of that maybe was it did the defensive workflow as they were he was working a lot harder coming more space on defense it doesn’t matter like you know if if you come back with the same defensive plan you’re having your big at the level of the screen and you say to yourself that’s going to be a part of why he doesn’t have the same energy at the ramont offense it’s it’s just I mean for Hawks fans I want to hear it it wasn’t good enough it just wasn’t good enough can he get it back can he get it back on track next year I don’t know you know that’s something that we’ll have to kind of wait and see but when you’re building around trade it’s not like the Hawks had the ability to always put the most three-point shooting in the floor last year and that’s one way Clint probably finishes better if they had more shooting in the floor more consistently right he has less traffic D the second Defender less often do I think he would have like automatically been a 65% finisher again probably not that but he probably would have been better um but for me like when I’m when I’m playing like what jumps out at you even though Ana is not the defender Clint is Ana’s touch Ana’s self-creation in the paint and even Bruno progressed a lot kind of creating like right in front of the rim this year too and so offensively youve I think you really do have to kind of think about is running it back with Clint really what we want to do on off now now if you choose to move on from him which I know we’re going to talk about in a minute like how in the world destabilize the the defense you got a lot work to stabilize the defense if that’s what you do that’s the ultimate question so you know you and I are not just pumping up Clint to P up Clint I know I know that there’s a thought out there that that’s what we do and it’s it’s not about that it’s just that I think what it comes down to in the end for you and me and I don’t want to speak for you but is what you just said it’s like okay I’m not averse to moving on from Clint I said last summer I said even as the capella guy last summer that they should have moved on from Clinton like I think that that they need they needed to pull the RIPT at some point in time and there is something to be said for Clint kind of being a safety blanket that for coaches and teams and like I get it like sometimes you got to just take it away and figure it out but I’ll also say if they took Clint off the team defensively last year they were already bad and they would they they would have been worse like that that’s going to make them worse if they take Clint away and yeah may look if they draft Donovan kingan I don’t think rookie Kling is gonna be as good as Clint is right now defensively but he will be probably by year or two like C’s gonna be really good anyway so I’m not saying that Irreplaceable I’m not saying that but in the short term and this is a team that’s trying to win right now for better or worse that would have made them worse now would they be better on offense maybe probably I mean depends on who who’s playing those minutes um but yeah of course Ana is a much more skilled finisher much more skilled player offensively in general but he doesn’t do the same things Clint does on defense not and by the way it’s not always about Clint versus Ana it’s just it’s just not they’re they’re complimentary players in some respects but as far as team building is concerned capella is going to be expiring right well he is expiring as of now like this is last year’s contract um that could sometimes be a urgency point or a pivot point to say all right we kick the K on the road couple years in a row do we do something now um and look he’s not the kind of guy that if he expires on your roster um that you’re going to be furious that you you let him expire like you know some of these top players like you can’t let this guys expire you got to trade them if they’re going to leave CL not that kind of play like it’s fine if he expires but as far as team building is concerned you know this is uh all of this stuff is linked with the draft which we don’t have to talk about a lot right now but it’s part of the deal here like okay let’s say for example the Hawks decide to draft Alex sawar or Donovan cling how does that impact the center room in general kingan’s obviously a pure Center SAR is maybe a center maybe a four we we’ll see but uh are they really going to go into next season with Clint Ona and one of those two guys on the team making a lot of money for a number one overall pick I kind of don’t think so uh I’m not saying it’s impossible but probably not um look and this has been kind of rumbled out there and this not the not the iango podcast but this is not the regime that drafted Ana they are not married to Ana in the same way that people might think that they are I’m not saying they’re going to trade him or anything but nobody nobody that was here when they dropped on Nea is still here than Tony that’s the only guy uh so we’ll see so I’m not even sure what the question is but I do think that they gotta make some decisions open down the roster that’s not that’s not a big secret and I’ve said this for two years but man some clarity of what of what they want at the five and contractually team building wise what they’re planning to have at the five moving forward um it’s secondary to the guard decision that they have to make I think but it’s not far behind they got to figure out what they’re going to do there because in the end it’s really really really hard to build a coherent defense if you don’t know what you’re going to do with the five and you don’t have a real Defender at the five it’s especially with a team that has Trey and right now Deon all those guys like defensively you want to improve your defense it’s hard to improve your defense and get worse defensively at the five at the same time that’s all I’ll say about that yeah and the center room it is interesting because if they do drop fling and I my personal view is I don’t think they should I you know I I mean I don’t think it’s terrible if they do but and they probably and they probably look it’s June 2nd record they probably won’t probably I’m not saying definitely let’s say they do if they Jack kingan I want Clint on the roster with kingan I I kind of Clint is gonna help kingan way more right in terms of the mentorship and all that sort of stuff that comes along because you basically want kingan kind of doing the stuff that Clint has mastered in a defensive way even if he’s not physically the same executing like he was two years ago what have you like if that’s the dout you go and if they end with clinging I’m hope they trade back three or four spots or something and get some some value there because I don’t think they they need to kind of use their one pick there but if they draft SAR I mean Clint can certainly help SAR too but it’s more of a kind of the direct kind of uh you know translation kind of plug into kind of the the Clint circuitry for cing in in a way that’s not there for SAR uh and so that’s that’s an important factor for me is well um the key I mean if you go read all the reporting reporting will say that people view Clint’s now this was before we got to the basically the postseason um and nearly the offseason that was more like last year when there was one plus you know on his contract still left years easier to him yeah uh and and the bottom line is is we saw teams that made it to the second rounds of the playoffs this year that could have used Clint that you know I the Lakers could use Clint you know there are teams that need just you know 18 more minutes of like really professional play at Center or whatever and Clint s’s you know not what you you perfectly have in mind for that but I think there there are places where Clint can really help a team and it’s a lower risk proposition for the team acquiring him but I like I said if they if they if they end up with cling in at Center I want Clint on this roster next year doing the mentor and all that sort what does that mean for Ina hopefully it means that you can kind of move him for a really really good Wing or you know or something like that as much as I love Ina right but but I mean that’s where in my mind something I have I think we haven’t started talking about is they kind of need to figure out what their draft strategy is and have a workb plan towards what do we actually want our Center room to look like next year because for me who they draft really steers you in One Direction other in terms of what player you prioritize bringing back next year at the position Today’s Show is brought to you by FanDuel sports book it’s where to take all time right now in the NBA and the NHL 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playoff shot count with Fu America’s number one sports book it definitely does and I think that look all these decisions are intertwined and that’s that’s the thing about this having number one pick it’s obviously a great thing to them that they got lucky to get this pick but it just even more shines a light on these overall decisions they have to make and because you’re not just drafting a player number one in a vacuum you’re drafting a player number one in concert with what ever else you’re going to do and it doesn’t mean you draft for need there’s this whole discussion right now about need versus fit I’m not saying that but like for cling is a great example if you’re G to draft down and cl that’s a pretty that’s a pretty clear like organizational decision about like how you’re G to play because that that’s a true seven foot two Center like you are playing a certain way I’m not saying he’s super limited like he’s a really talented player but if let’s just say you were to do that that’s an organizational announcement of how you’re going play in some ways you know what I mean using that guy versus like you know if you take Reay let’s just say like that’s a all your doors are still open then he’s he’s a versatile Wing player I’m not arguing on be on his behalf but that’s not like a a uh roster building commitment that’s like a that’s like a hey this forward can fit anywhere which there’s a lot of value in that but we would learn less you know what I mean about like the team’s Direction SAR is interesting too and the SAR is this like Middle Ground where it’s okay is he a center or is he not and man I could promise you this Glenn if they draft alexar the first question I will have my hand raised the minute Landry walks in the room at the draft party and I will say hey Landry is alexar Center and Landry will give me a non-answer I promise you that but I will ask the question first um anyway so but you’re right it’s all intertwined like I’d love to know who they’re GNA pick right now honestly they don’t know I don’t think who they’re going to pick right now if I had to guess they might have the the the basically the European version of the combine’s happening in the next few days or right now or you know so there’s a lot of Intel they’re going to get on I mean I know a lot of I mean I know a lot of hawks fans I I said this on Twitter a couple days ago if you think there’s one obvious choice at number one then I just disagree with you right I I’ve also said like if it were me right now I would go with Sor because I just think he’s that unique of a kind of a you know the athleticism and size it’s just hard to find that athleticism and size template ever right yeah but uh you know I as as I mentioned before we start recording I have different Outlets coming to me and ask me to pick for the Hawks in their mock DRFT and I have decided so far I’m gonna go like half the time with SAR and half the time with Risha sh because I think you’ve got to put thought exercise out there you know and kind of put that into it and one of the the first one I wrote up which U be coming out on I think on on Monday of this week was Reet because if you look at the the Hawks number one problem with their roster this past season was not training de jante right we’ve talked about like that pairing being maybe having a lower ceiling than what you’d want but playing gison Matthews at the three and West Matthews at the four and when one power forward goes down you’re playing 63 64 65 guys at power forward and Ray is 610 right I I guess we’ll find out if he’s really 610 here in the next couple St right with the yeah when the stuff comes out but I mean I so what I’m what I’m taking re I’m talking about they need size at that position now part of that is what do you think of moay what do you think of you know other guy is re as four you know or whatever that is but when I’m doing these mocks that I’ve been asked to kind of pick for the Hawks I’m going 5050 sorry re so far just to put thought exercise out there but I mean this is stuff they have to figure out before they make that pick they have to figure this stuff out no it’s and it’s not not to do the whole draft thing here we’ll put it back to Clint before we get out of here but it is not a vacuum if there’s ever spot where one one you know a in in a draft where it’s more of a vacuum You could argue that number one pick is like you take the best guy and I don’t I’m not argueing with that but in this class where there isn’t a number one consensus and on a team where you are not a blank slate this is not Washington where if Washington won the lottery you take whoever the heck you think is the best player you are a blank slate if you’re the Wizards the Hawks are not a blank slate no matter what you think about the Hawks roster right now they love Jaylen they’re married to Jaylen and then I still if it’s me I’d be thinking about what’s best for Trey and all that stuff but regardless you have two you have you for me a legit Superstar guard and then a substar guard in dejonte and you have Jaylen you’re not a blank slate so you have to think about the way you’re building your roster and that adds some Intrigue it’s like a very interesting month and a half between the lottery and the draft because for that reason I mean it’s already interesting anyway they won the lottery but um I’d love to know just for this conversation I mean bringing it back to Clint before we get out of here um look for all of the reaction we probably still com from this podcast I’m not I’m not uh immune to that I think we painted a pretty clear picture of what Clint is and what Clint isn’t but yeah I I still think that Clint is a starting caliber Center on June 2nd as we’re recording this podcast 2024 does that mean he’s a top 10 Center anymore no he’s not he was three years ago he was four years ago y um but you’re not like drawing dead the clinch or starting center but you need to know what he can and can’t do you need to understand what the rest of your roster is going to be um there are limitations to him which we talked about almost on the floor offensively we all know the limitations and even defensively where he’s still better you you laid it out like he’s not perfect so we endeavored to kind of paint the picture of all these players and they’re all they’re all intertwined but that’s what I wanted to do on this podcast was be like hey basically in short Clint is still a valuable player the notion that he’s like some guy that you just fire into the sun is very silly but he might get he might get traded and that’d be very reasonable I I’m not going to say that any trade with Capell is a reasonable deal but in a vacuum him being traded is a very reasonable choice if you’re the Hawks expiring contract 30-year-old a Kong wo Etc and I and obviously he is available as I I’ve reported so as Mark Stein like he’s he’s available to be traded but you don’t just fire him to fire him away it’s a very interesting decision because of the give and take that’s a long way to put that but I mean anything that you want to add on on the capella experience in 2024 and 25 because uh a big summer for him in general too I mean he’s expiring contract and it’s uh interesting to see what happens next I mean the last big picture thought is just kind of the offensive lineup construction because we talked about you know we’ll talk about Hunter at some point but hunter made some progress this year doing the things Quinn want but he’s still limited he still has some of those same limitations and even though Hunter and capella work very well well on defense for what Quinn wants to do on offense those two really don’t work on the FL together very well where they are right now right not on offense no right and yeah and that and then you mix deante into that too potentially and deante leaned into Stu Quinn was asking to do too but still not really quite what you want the ball just not not enough passing not enough kind of you know quick decision making and all that sort of stuff and so for me I I think the Hawks have to really understand what their defensive templet is going to be they have to really really understand that because they cannot recreate the same issues on offense last year um and and especially if they don’t really really need them on defense we we saw what Quinn wants like if you want to go watch one game it’s that Chicago game where they were breaking the paint every possession driving and kicking and driving and kicking I know V played that game I think Hunter didn’t play that game and um you know deante you know no Trey in that game and people want to make a big deal out of that or whatever you know but that is the off that game is the microcosm what qun wants to see in offense and it’s hard to do all that stuff if you have Clint and DeAndre together a little different if this you know um dejon kind of in the mix with those you and so so you they really have to kind of figure out what they’re trying to tackle and and kind of create on both ends of the court and for where they are right now it’s not it’s not easy it’s not easy at all because they are so fragile on defense that if they start undoing their defense to kind of get the offense where they want it to be they’ve got to really have a plan for how they’re going to stabilize that and that’s that’s a very very hard task ahead of them I guess we’ll say that’s why they get the big bucks you know but we’ll see can do but I mean but but their offense they when they lost games close games it was their offense at the end of the game that often lost in that close game when it wasn’t Deon making one of his you know four game winners whatever it was this year you know but that’s you know quen would put his best defensive lineup on the court to close games often times and they could not generate points in the last three four minutes of games they cannot recreate that issue again next year they can’t not with not with Trey on your team that can’t be where you fell at the end of the game and so that has that Clint is a big big part of understanding what he gives you doesn’t give you on defense what he gives you doesn’t give you on offense is a massive part of them kind of crack you know cracking that problem there’s a lot to work through there uh now again I love the kind of player Clint is great teammate great defense Great Communicator great connected guy all that great all that sort of stuff but for where the Hawks want to go they needed they need more than what he gave him on offense this year and he’s not the same Defender he was three years ago and that is very important context for where they are in roster decisions right now that’s a great way to put it and look he’s this sounds more derogatory than I made it but he’s a stop Gap right now that’s kind of what he that’s kind of what he is I mean look we’ve discussed it but there’s this organizational like lack of clarity about what they want to be we kind of know what what Quinn likes but like they’ve been in this like brain lock the last like year and a half where we we just don’t know what they’re going to do next and it’s basically been nothing they kind of just stood still and that’s gonna end the summer I I have some pretty decent confidence in that they’re gonna do something somewhere whether it be the more picks gonna be made I would imagine but if it doesn’t trades Etc um and look there’s some value in having Clint around as a guy who you don’t have to worry about you know what Clint’s gonna do but there’s also the other side of that is that he you you you know what he can’t do and you know what he isn’t going to do so uh I think people would be fascinated to hear that you would that you would like to keep Clint if they draft Clingan I agree with you but I don’t know how well that’s gonna go over uh it’s one of those things where I don’t care I don’t care I give my analysis in no I and that’s the thing and I probably care too much but no I think we did a look people are going to think what they think but uh my last thought is that Clint capella is still a very very competent starting level Center U maybe he won’t be by the way just one more just to say this out loud he may not be next year there’s a world in which Clint just keeps physically declining he’s not that so just I’m not sure I said that before just I’ll say that at the very end that is one of the dangers of a guy who’s 30 and who has a lot of miles is that he might just be too far the other direction like he won’t be out of the league or anything but maybe he’s next year we we look up in January we’re like you know what Clint’s a back up now that might be a thing that happens I that’s very much in play look at what DeAndre Jordan’s been doing the last three years DeAndre Jordan was a the top three defensive Center in the league for five six seven years right so it can H it can happen fast and that’s that’s something we should at least acknowledge and while Clint is really good at like the tricks of the trade stuff the trade craft that I’ve talked about like SAR needs in the future like to play center like Clint’s really great at that stuff but he had to learn it like he was super raw in Houston and all that stuff and I I just think that there is that’s one Factor we did talk about the age but there’s downside risk if you go into next season trying to win and relying on Clint because he is that age where it could just come off the rails or he gets hurt or whatever so uh super nuanced discussion hopefully people won’t hate it too much although Glenn doesn’t care if you hate it he just told you that he doesn’t care I don’t I don’t I’m kidding I’m not kidding but you uh anyway Glenn thank you for being here as always we managed to get to an hour as we always do uh we could probably do another hour on Clint if we wanted to we’re not going to do that uh anything to plug here here in early June this is going to come out sometime this week so fire away what’s going on in your life yeah I so you know on Twitter well S squ Glenn I’ll be you know promoting some of the mocks I’m helping with you know in different outlets and things like that um I know you spent some time on uh Bryce’s podcast believe and Hawks and I did one with him yesterday so go check that out Bri as I said before like our our growing community in the space around the Hawks is so good you know and so just just yeah even if they might be podcasts that aren’t quite as h Profile I’ll say yet you know go support them go find and support them Bryce does awesome work over there and stuff like that that’s that’s that’s Bryce that’s Bryce Lewis by the way just say his last name on the show Bry Lewis thank you brycey 2K yep is handle there so uh and then you know the guys at PE Treet Hoops are doing a great job covering the dream I love I love what they’re doing covering the dream there West and team such awesome team over there so I just want to like I want to I want to ask for you to support all those people people more than me it’s more important to me that those people get your support and and and and promote them and things like that because they they work really really hard they work hard they all work harder than me at I just show up and talk you know um and so they just they just deserve a lot of support just want to see everybody in the community get support so uh you know go find them and tell them you appreciate them and let them know that you pay attention to their work appreciate their work that’s that’s true all those folks while we’re plugging PE Street Hoops I saw a vintage Graham Chapel uh 5,000 word Melvin agenta profile the other day and my heart was just the size of it was incredible I loved it so uh no I’m I want to Echo that I of course used to run beer Hoops but um I always wanted to do dream coverage and just don’t have the time which is not a negative I I I really have enjoyed watching more WNBA I just never have the B I I don’t want to cover a team poorly that’s my greatest did you know there’s stuff going on with K Caitlyn Clark did you know that I I did follow that story no I I never want the way I and I this might sound great I never wanted to start covering the dream and do it poorly and I I thought I might just because of lack of time so I never wanted to do that but I I’m you’re right good coverage of of the dream over P hoops and uh follow at29 which is the podcast that Glenn and our Nemesis Kevin Shard do great show there I’m sure you’ll have something going on before the draft Tower Jones Is Now regular on that show in addition to his contribs on this podcast on a regular basis but anyway thanks for being here Glenn I do appreciate it and uh we’ll do capsules I don’t know when the next one’s going to be because I’m cognizant that people are not quite in the player capsule space now it’s going to be mostly draft from here on and then we’ll get into free agency all that stuff but we we’ll do another one or two at some point in the near future yeah there’s there’s one or two that we might want to do before draft night just because they might get traded so well that is that is one of the reasons why we went to Clint today just to be transparent we wanted to make sure this got done because Clint might get traded uh maybe we’ll do DeAndre Hunter next maybe we’ll do other guys but uh uh we we’re going to we’ll see what happens but anyway thank you for being thank you for being here as always Glenn every everybody else please subscribe to this show anywhere you might find podcasts YouTube on the video side Apple Spotify fivestar ratings and reviews uh follow the show on Twitter as well at Lon Hawks if you are still on that platform thank you for being everybody and I appreciate it and we’ll see you all next time

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland) hosts episode No. 1731 of the Locked on Hawks podcast, and he is joined by Glen Willis (@willis_glen) for Part 2 of a 2-part discussion. The conversation continues the 2024 Atlanta Hawks player capsule series with a deep dive into Clint Capela, including strengths, weaknesses, future considerations, roster building factors, and much more.

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  1. 12'37 PM 1 hour north of Tokyo. Let's have a trade of Clint . Hey what do you think of the Ingram trade to Atlanta usling Clint Dre and Murray to Get Ingram

  2. I’ll make this easy

    Trade Trae to Spurs for Keldon, Collins, 4th overall, and our 2025 1st.., and more draft capital if possible

    Trade Clint, Boggy and maybe G Matthews if we have to for Nurk, and Allen..

    Starting 5
    Murray —- offense and Defense
    Allen 3pt shooting and defense
    Hunter— offense and defense
    Jalen —versatility and defense
    Nurk — Offense and size

    Bufkin/Topic play making/defense
    Gary Trent — scoring defense
    Keldon – scoring and defense
    Collins – solid bench player
    OO – versatility and defense

    W Matthews
    I admit the bench needed a scorer off the bench, but if you hitting free agency with the need for a bucket getter off the bench, I’d say that’s the easiest find. Especially when the entire team is full of defenders. Think Gary Trent Jr.

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