@New York Knicks

Knicks Offseason Guide w/ ESPN’s Bobby Marks (Free Agency, Trade, Draft, Cap Outlook)

Knicks Offseason Guide w/ ESPN’s Bobby Marks (Free Agency, Trade, Draft, Cap Outlook)

to NX Nation on this Tuesday afternoon another edition of Nix fan TV live presented by shop. Nix Fant on today’s show this is the niick offseason guide and we’re going to break everything down free agency trade draft with ESPN’s resident general manager a longtime friend of the program Bobby marks is in the building man call us up 657 38315 or you can hit us up on the kftv Discord and this is a Nick fan TV and bleach report simoc cast we’ll say hello to our people on Bleacher Report Bobby how you doing man I’m doing great good to good to be with you as always absolutely man great to be on with you as well9 or you can hit us up I got on the bleach report here there we go a a little uh technical difficulties give me one second here make sure that I am live on Bleacher Report hang on make sure we are live how you doing man okay there we go all right so we are live on Bleacher Report um so a as we are going into the NBA Finals here what what’s your schedule like will you be doing finals coverage is it draft for you I’m in a little bit of everything I feel like I’ve got you know it’s F you know it’s it’s crazy because we’re so different than the NFL where like it’s you know we’ve got finals which would be you know basically the equivalent to Super Bowl and then we go right into you know the draft is later this year it’s the 26th and the 27th and then three days later free agency starts and then as you know summer league it’s like boom boom boom and then we get to Mid July and then we’re done like it’s it comes in such a wave that we’ve got you know so many different things we’re working on we’ve got a um a free a draft free agency guide that will come out um we’ve got like six or seven different free agency type pieces of content that will come out in the near future we still got to write Dallas and Boston you know as far as those offseason guides those are the two ones that we haven’t um really touched that because neither of the teams had been in a position to be be eliminated in the playoffs um so yeah we got um we got a lot going on but it’s a it’s a fun time of the year yeah no question about it and before we dissect this Knick’s off season when you think about the season that they’ve had the Acquisitions that they made and and the Run what do you how do you uh reflect on this next season yeah I mean they just basically as you know I mean they basically just ran out of guys you know I mean that’s the reality of it here and I you never want to use um you know injuries as as an excuse and stuff and and when we wrote their offseason guide um it gets more challenging you know I think it’s a little more easier to write teams that are in the lottery and you’re basically you know there’s 30 different things they need to do in the off season I think with New York it’s always about like the great unknown if what this roster could have been like right what this roster a healthy roster and not even really um not even um Julius and um and probably Mitch like just o OG just just OG as far as him um him being healthy um so that’s the great unknown and um so all in all I mean I think you I think it’s I think it’s a different feeling than it was last year when you lost to Miami in the second round yeah um because I think you kind of got out work probably in that series and this is kind of who you are and how do we change and what do we add um listen I I get it whenever you lose in the playoffs um there will always be a reaction to you know hey we got a you know you know the continuity thing it doesn’t we saw what happened in Atlanta three years ago they stayed pad and then everybody else lapped them um so I do think you have to be careful here I I yeah I think you I think there’s a sense that you’re happy with how the season went I think certainly you’re not content I mean being content is if you get to an NBA finals and everything but um as as you know there’s a lot to there’s a lot to dissect here I mean it’s you know this isn’t this isn’t Minnesota where like hey you know we’ve got our starting five under contract and we’re probably going to roll it back and you know and we’re going to go from here but when you look at you know where they are with the draft that’s coming up in the next um you know in the next few week I think they’re the only playoff team that has has multiple ones um and then you look at you know certainly a lot of big decisions when it comes to free agency as far as retaining their own and some extension things that we probably need to address here um but I do think they’ve given themselves an identity I think the hardest thing that for teams to you know search for is an identity kind of a blueprint you know plug andplay guys you know how guys fit in so when you’re you’re going through the draft process and you’re going through free agency and you’re trying to figure out like who outside of our own works with this group you I think there’s a there’s a I think there’s a a you know a platform prior post Jan one which was the anobi trade that kind of gives you an idea as far as what guys would fit with this group yeah and they did a good job with that trade in in just adding to the chemistry and you’re right like th this postseason last postseason it was a frustrating loss but I understood it just who my just being you know who Miami was but this year it was frustrating but also I thought it was rewarding in that we kind of see that this team has some real promise even after losing so many guys as you said and it just seemed that with this postseason and going looking forward as we dissect this team like the parody is going to be there in the league where you know the dynasties are gone and it’s not no longer going to be the big three era as we see the sun struggling with it’s going to be probably the the the big two and a great Supporting Cast and so I think that opens it up for for a team like the Knicks where they could they could legitimately contend yeah I mean I think you’re you’re seeing I think depth matters I mean it really does I think I think certainly they benefit I think if you’re in a western conference it’s a bear right like you know listen when you look at um teams that weren’t in a postseason whether it be Houston and Memphis those teams are going to get better and then certainly when you look at San Antonio and in Utah and Portland and some of those other teams are going to try to get better I mean David Griffin the G the president of basketball Ops in um in New Orleans I mean they have they win 49 wins second most in franchise history they lose in the first round to a good Oklahoma City team and basically comes out and says like you know the status quo isn’t good enough in the western I mean you don’t you don’t you rarely had seen that um before but I do think there’s so much parody um I do think in the East you know certainly you you have to count on a a Milwaukee team that probably will be help right I me you just have to do that but who knows what happens in Miami you know who knows what you know whatever Philadelphia does with their roster whether it be cap space it’s it’s still going to take a while if you bring in seven new players to kind of um assimilate as far as you know you know we you know we saw that in 2010 when Miami put that great roster together like it took a while to do that here um so there is a um you know there is more of a parody um in in the Eastern Conference and I think with New York it’s you know it’s always about like do we bring that back the same group um or do we look to make to to tweak some things I think sometimes when you tweak some things you you’re almost kind of you know taking a little you might be able there’s more risk for you to kind of take that step back yeah absolutely and so this is why it could get a little tricky here so let let’s start with I actually want to start with Brunson because there there was a report earlier in the offseason from Steve poer Newsday who said that uh Jaylen Brunson and his team could potentially uh look to extend with the Knicks this season at a 4-year $158 million deal now that would be a major steal for them considering he made the all NBA team this year right and if he if he made it again after next season wouldn’t he qualify for the supermax I mean correct me from ear no no so he doesn’t qualify at all for supermax because he signed as free agent here so the um why why the different numbers is so and this is where kind of bit New York a little bit here where they structured his contract and it’s a declining number so basically it’s 140% off his off his salary for for this upcoming season here so that’s why you’re limited as far as that 157 number if he let’s say um says I’m not going to sign the extension I’m going to play out next year and then I’m going to decline my player option here he’ll be eligible to sign for 30% of the salary cap so that’s why you see that bigger number that I think five for like 270 um I think for him yeah I mean listen if he comes in at less you know at a $34 Million number compared to a $46 million number it’s a huge um huge boost to New York as far as what they’re able to do I think there’s another crack at the Apple for him so he could come in and say you know what I’m going to do a um I’m going to do a a three-year extension and and a third year is going to be a player option and then I’m going to put myself back into free agency you know three or four years from now and maybe make you know if I’m still playing at a higher level be able to make up whatever I lost um there so it’s hard you know that I mean like when when we see this all the time in rookie extensions when people put $158 million in front of you like that’s not that’s hard to turn down I don’t care if you’ve got 270 waiting for you from a year from now a lot can happen in that so that’s that’s what you know that’s what jaylen’s going to have to figure out and that’s what his reps are going to have to figure out as far as um is there a way to you know maybe um you know get a little bit of a pay increase for that 25 26 Season but then give myself some flexibility where I can decline that option and then go back into you know into free agency you know two or three years from now that’s interesting so take a take a little bit now and then look to cash out a little bit later uh that would be an interesting move now in in the lens of the um first apron yeah just pulling up your graphic here nicely done here first apron is at 178.6 million so like let’s say hypothetically Brunson did make that deal this year H how would that impact the Knicks in terms of future moves that they could make yeah so this year uh no impact at all because he’s still on the contract that he signed um a few years ago when he came over from Dallas it impacts starting next year um and I I think what you’re going to see is there’s going to be some Revenue growth here as far as how the salary cap grows and I think New York’s in this position as well as a lot of teams where the cap this off season us upcoming offseason is only going to grow about 3.7% so you’re kind of like in this little bit of financial crunch this year but eventually it’s going to get better you’re it’s going to get better in 20 um in 25 26 you’ll see a 10% growth likely the new t deal was going to come through um so it will get better there it will give you more you know flexibility as far as how you can build out your your roster but if he signed the extension um this off season that first year of it would uh would start next year next year yeah so then are you finish on point just want to take a quick water break nope that’s all I got for you so so then so then let’s say I’m just thinking in terms of if he signed the deal now yeah would they still be pressed to make that Improvement to the team this year in in uh in in terms of just being leery of the uh of the apron yeah I mean I think what you’ll see is that you almost have kind of like a one-year Financial window if you’re going to make big changes this off season especially if a if a Brunson um you know goes from whatever 24.9 million to let’s say next year um if he did an extension now all of a sudden that’s at you know what 34$ 35 million so you’re taking on more money here um so um the good as I said the good thing is that the apron will grow um the first and second apron will increase um you know over the next uh over the next year here starting next year now with uh with Julius Randall what do you think about Randall’s prospects and and an early extension with his team he also has a team option for 24 25 yeah it’s a big the the the extension number is a big number I mean I think it’s three for 181 which is a huge number for a player um you know that certainly missed the um you know post um you know I think starting in February um you know the end of the year you know did not play in the playoffs here I think it’s hard for you to commit um to an extension at that number um he’s got a 30 basically a $31 million um player option for 2526 I think if you’re I think it’s hard for you to commit to that and increase it over the light life of the contract here where you’re paying um let’s say Julius um $40 million plus over the next three or four years I think that’s a big I think that’s a big ask for uh for New York to do so you so do you think they they let it go into free agency and play this year out as kind of a proen year I think you have to I mean I think you know because there’s no guarantee him going into next year saying you know what I’m going to be a free agent I’m going to decline that $31 million um that $31 million player option here I think if there’s something for you to to and this is the one thing that New York has really been good at is how they’ve structured their books um you know you have no player on a roster making more than $30 million and I think that’s going to probably change soon it’ll probably change with with um with anobi this offseason it will change with Brunson if he does an extension next year maybe even with with Randall here but I do think you kind of get an idea listen if he’s looking for the full you know if he’s looking for um you know three four um you know um you know let’s say 161 or 171 you know the extension number I think that’s that’s that’s a that’s a a too rich of a contract for you to entertain yeah no I I certainly agree with that one um in terms of Anan noi you know they’re saying Philadelphia could be a player here I mean what do you think the odds are that that he he’s not a Nick when free agency starts on on I would be stunned I I really would unless you know New York comes in and the numbers is significantly lower than what he’s looking for um really I think Philadelphia is really the only team that would be in play for him when you look at um when you look at teams like OK Oklahoma City and Orlando um you know teams that have you know certainly significant cap space playoff teams um and then you look at you know Utah and um Detroit certainly has a lot of money to go out and and spend here I think it’s it’s a matter of kind of coming together as far as what the Comfort level is as far as a um you know a long-term deal as far as what your per value number is I think there’s yeah there’s the concern you know the durability where he’s played on an average of you know I think 50 games over the last four years I think you have to take that into the consideration but when you made the deal in um at the end of December you did that with the mindset that he was going to be part long term um or you weren’t going to do that and I think you had to have an idea as far as what that number was going to be um when he did become a free agent yeah absolutely right I just can’t see uh them letting him walk out the door after making a big trade like that he means way too much to the team and so uh going to be interesting to see what that number comes in at because because uh do you think is it closer to to the 40 side or is it closer to the 30 side what do you think I think you’re probably somewhere in between I think you’re probably in at 34 to 35 number um you know I think you’d love to get it close nope may we lose Bobby marks um so I think um you know I think if you you’re looking at a four for 140 type number um I think that’s probably know it’s a little bit different than doing five for 245 you know that’s you know I mean when he made the trade everyone said oh you know he’s a Max guy and this is kind of where you are I think I think you’re probably in that I think you’re still in that 33 to $34 million range CP the franchise Bobby Marks here on the ones and twos the Nicks offseason guide if you guys have questions for Bobby call us up 65738 31509 or you can hit us up on the kftv Discord another major factor here for the Nicks Bobby is Isaiah hartenstein hartenstein uh did sign a two-year deal with the Knicks two years ago at roughly roughly like $8 million now the max they can offer him 4 years 72 just explain real quick the the early bird R situation here and why they can’t offer him anymore yeah so he’s different than OG so OG um has bird rights so bird rights gives you the ability to exceed the salary cap and it gives you the ability to sign a player up to um up to five years so OG can if he declines his option he can sign for up to 30% of the salary cap basically his bird rights have transferred with him from Toronto he signed a rookie contract he extended and then those rights were tra uh when he got traded those transfer with him with with Isaiah is different because he signed a two-year deal if he had signed a three-year deal and let’s say it become a free agent next year then he would have full bird rights so bird rights is three years early bird rights is two years so you’re you’re limited as far as how much of a first year starting number could be you know whether it be 175% off his you know this this past year um or the average player salary average player salary is you know like 12 point let’s say 12.9 million it’s kind of like what Austin Reeves went through last year so that’s why you’re seeing it capped at a certain number at four for 72.5 million the hard thing is is that the early bird has to be for a minimum of two years as far as what the next contract would be so it’s not like he can go out there and sign a two-year deal and with a player option for the second year and say you know what I’m GNA establish my bird rights next year right I’m going to do a a OnePlus One and then I’m GNA be a free agent next year and then I’m going to be um because I’ll have three years with New York here you can’t you can’t go out and do that by using early bird so there’s got to be a minimum of two years the challenge now becomes as as far as if a team like Detroit all of a sudden comes in and says you know we’re going to give you four for 100 yeah yeah now he’s gonna have to make a decision right or um Oklahoma City comes in and say you know what we think you’d fit perfectly next to chat here’s four for 80 do I think so probably not it’s not in their style that how they go about doing things um but you’re limited as far as you know how you how much money you can go out and offer him and you know it’s it’s funny like all these you know he was his contract turned out to be great value right yeah eventually value turns into something else and then you’re kind of limited as far as what you can do I I do Wonder wi with OKC you know I look at them as the biggest threat in terms of them looking for a five now people are questioning would prey spend that amount of money on a player like an like an ihart what do you think about that you know what they you know what when you look when you study Oklahoma City it’s not in their they it’s not kind of how they’ve G gone about business now does that mean that things changed it could I think when you look at them and they’re look they’re sitting around $33 million in room you know they’ve got some they’ve got a two-year Financial window before um you know next offseason uh Chad and J Williams are extension eligible then the following year Shay is extension eligible so all of a sudden these costs start to add up when you look at how they put together the roster they don’t go out and sign free agents that’s not their nature they went out and sign bismach bomo and yeah um Mike muscala minimums even L Dort who’s on the 17 188 million contract he was an undrafted free agent you know Isaiah Joe was a you know undrafted you know Philly had waved him undrafted guy um I think for them it’s it’s kind of like you know they’ve got so much draft Equity you know where do we find someone in maybe in in the um in um you know in the trade market like Jared Allen for example for me like that would make more sense where you get two years left on Allen’s contract instead of maybe committing four for you know 2425 million because but you never know I mean listen they they you know when you get to a second round like Oklahoma City did and you were and it was a competitive second round you might think you know what how we’ve gone about business before you know maybe we have to change our thinking as far as become more active in in free agency so let’s say because I do think iHeart will be back with the Knicks I just think it makes a lot of sense he’s got chemistry with those guys and and they need him so yeah I hope that they take care of him but then where does that leave Mitchell Robinson and his future with the dicks I mean Mitch is my guy he’s the Elder Statesman longest tened Nick on the team a a good story well with the injuries I you just can’t rely on you can pencil them in to miss time every single year how do you how do they invest in him as a starting five knowing that he’s not going to be there at critical times for them you know it’s it’s it’s a great point and I think that’s why Isaiah becomes a um becomes a priority I mean you we haven’t even talked about Precious too who’s a restricted free agent you know when you when you when you dissect the new these new rules and this Collective bargain agreement it always was was that when you were doing a deal you’re signing a player was always about the luxury tax right like and it was really just a matter of like ownership right so if if Leon if we’re under the old CBA and but but with this current team this offseason right now so they say this the 2017 it really would be like Leon just going to James Dolan saying hey we’re going to go into luxury taxes how much this cost us now how these rules are these apron rules first and second apron I feel like like a weatherman saying like there’s a hurricane coming like I’m telling everyone and everyone’s like no it’s not g to hit Shore and I’m like no it’s going to hit sure now it’s like okay we want to keep OG we want to keep Isaiah can we do it can we do it and go into the apron or can we do it and now all of a sudden now it requires us to move Mitch and maybe he have to T something to it or maybe you just you have to shed maybe we have to do something with Boon because what happens is let’s just play Devil’s Advocate and say like you know the the roster stays intact okay the only two guys you add your two picks um you don’t bring back precious and you don’t bring back Alec Burks and Shake Milt and those guys but you bring back OG and you bring back Isaiah and let’s say their salaries are 5 combin $52 million next year and we’re going to and we want to keep Bo On We’re guarantee his contract at the end of um uh June I think it’s the 28th of June and we’re going to keep um we’re going to keep Mitchell you’re in a you’re in the second apron like you’re you’re in the second APR you’re not a luxury tax team you’re in second APR so just so just to just to confirm this if let’s say they Isaiah and OG get the deals we think they’re going to get yeah the Knicks are now in second apron territory this is you haven’t even extended Brunson haven’t even extended Randle yet you’re in second apron you’re in second apron this year wow you’re in it wow now so that’s yeah one that’s keeping Buon that’s keeping Buon that that’s guaranteeing the Buon contract now would that prohibit the Knicks would those second apron restrictions be in place over the course of the this season coming up or would it be the 2425 I mean the following starting July one wow wow wow so you could get listen you we we could be in summer league on July 15th and you you you might say to me like man we got $194 million in salary and we’re 5 million over the second apron what does that mean to us well here comes the restrictions now right so this is what this is what teams like Minnesota are facing where you have the inability to take back more money in a trade the inability to so basically what happens with when you’re in the apron it it basic basically eliminates all these different resources that you have to build out your roster if you if the next disgruntled Allstar became available if Giannis became available I’m just hypothetically throwing this out where you can’t take back more money in a trade you can’t aggregate contracts those trade exceptions that you have I think New York has three trade exceptions those are no longer available um you know the some of the other rules you know using your tax mid level doesn’t become available um your draft if you finish in the second apron after this after the 2425 season your draft picking 2032 becomes Frozen you can’t trade that in a deal here you know yes you have a lot of other draft Equity that you’ve built here but it just makes it extremely extremely difficult as far as how you um how you can add to your roster outside of your own players here and you we saw um you know Josh Ki who’s you know um you you one you know you know certainly his dad is the owner of the of the Denver Nuggets came out and said like listen we built that roster in Denver under different collected bargaining room you know yeah um so it just makes it um it makes it more challenging if if if a if New York if that $50 million player became available and you’re in the second apron and then all of a sudden you’re like you know what we got the salary to do it you know we could do Julius and um um Josh Hart mhm you 46 and 50 that gets you within there no you can’t because you can’t aggregate those two contracts and now you can’t take back more money in the deal wow but that’s why it it used to be as I said like it used to be just going to James Dolan saying hey this what’s it’s gonna cost us another $30 million in luxury tax there was never those other layers of these restrictions that teams are going to be faced with here um and that’s why it makes you know the decision you know you trade it for Bo on I he can help you he can give you depth um but it’s like almost like teams are saying you know what you have too many toys instead of having eight toys where you’re only have five now you got to give three of those back right or you can you can you know you can keep your depth but it it’s going to cost you as far as how you going to be able to maybe add something else to you but yeah those are you know I think I think the Mitchell Robinson with two years left on his contract um the you know certainly from a health standpoint uh if you if you sign Isaiah and you comfortable committing $32 million to your two centers I mean that’s those are some hard decisions that they’re going to be faced with here wow and and so I mean that pretty much me means that this gonna be a critical off season here oh it’s and and they’re not the only ones so don’t think you’re like you know like but here this is why they’re different though than other teams though is that you’ve got your draft equity right you got two picks you got two three picks you got two in the first um 24 and 25 okay young inexpensive Talent you’ve got future you’ve got all your own first round picks you got draft picks from other teams here so even if let’s say you did go into that apron you’re not where Phoenix is okay you’re not where Milwaukee is where you’re basically relying on roster spots six to 15 on guys signed to the veteran minimum contract you’re Contin churning it out and you don’t have any draft Equity to either draft a player to to maybe use in it in a deal here good point good point and there are rumors that they’re trying to package 24 and 25 I do hope that they intend to keep a pick I think they should get I’m looking for a upper classman someone who can come in and contribute Allah you know pton Watson or or Christian Brown like for for Denver but it I would certainly would behoove them to just keep one rookie roster spot then two then right I think so I mean I think I think when you look at you know certainly that you know you know you basically have you know three three free three or four free agents here I think you know and then you have certainly a pick in a second that maybe goes to a two you know maybe that’s a two-way guy you know maybe um you know do you want to maybe move one out and then you know you know do you recruit maybe you know two or three seconds down the road you know you but I do think it you know I would be surprised if we get to you know you know by midnight on June 26 the first night of the draft New York doesn’t at least have one player and I think yeah I think you can you know you I think you can find Value similar to what Miami did last year with golden state did last year where you can get guys that were you know three or four year um you know guys you know a guy that we saw out in at the combine you know guy kid named AJ Mitchell from UC Santa barara who’s a three-year guy you know six4 guard tough as Nails kind of fits tibs as far as a defensive um mentality can play point guard for you um you know guys like that fit you know it’s it’s you know it’s it’s not you know he probably is not an Allstar four years from now but I think you could probably become a complimentary role player and what happens is that where free agency is you know this is not the greatest free agent class outside of certainly what their own as far as dealing with your own free agents and this is probably um you know this is how they’re going to be able to add to their to their roster outside of you know of keeping their own CP the fanchise Bobby Marks here the Nicks offseason guide we are live on Nicks fan TV and Bleacher Report and Facebook and Twitter so salute to everybody watching wherever you guys are at uh from my guys from the lunchtime grind throw a hashtag grind in the chat and let us in know that you’re in here watching instead of working man you’re doing the right thing okay um rokas yakutis draft and stash pick there’s rumors that he wants to come and play for the NBA is there any additional salary cap implications when you sign a player who in that draft and Stat scenario yeah so guys if you if you draft a player in the second round um teams have what we call a second round pick exception that you don’t have to take from your one of your exceptions so let’s just say uh New York is a second apron team or a first apron and then all of a sudden like some of these exceptions that you would have had you know last year you signed Dante to most of your non-t Taxman level you don’t need to dip into that so if you have a player that you draft and stashed and he’s a second round pick or if you draft a set player in the second round every team no matter where you are financially um you have this this second round pick exception which could be anywhere from um a three-year at a minimum a three-year contract team option the last year or fouryear contract team option in the fourth year and it’s it’s basically a a minimum type type deal got it so uh buam bonovich another name we we talked about his contract the guarantee datea I think is is uh before the draft it’s right after I think it’s I think it’s the 28th um okay three days prior to the start of um the salary cap year so you’re looking right around the 28th on there and there’s two million2 million out of the $19 million is um is is guaranteed the hard part is when you look at it well people are say and I saw a lot of people commenting you know hey maybe he’s a trade asset maybe you could trade it yeah well when you trade a player that’s only got whatever either zero Mount guaranteed or partial the partial Mount counts it’s not the $19 million number it’s the $2 million number that’s going out as far as how so if you wanted to go out and trade Boon for a $19 million player well basically you’re basically going to have to guarantee his full salary it’s similar to what we saw last year when Chris Paul gets traded to um Golden State Phoenix oh from he goes from Phoenix to the Wizards in the Bradley Beal trade and his he had like $15 million guaranteed they guarantee the full amount to match the um the you know you know whatever else went the Landry Shaman went too to with h with to match the beal number here so I think you know I think with buan I think you have as we said like that’s the decision that you’re going to have to make right like as far as do you did you just see him kind of you know as a one-year rental um do you want to maybe flip him do you maybe want to keep him um you know and maybe use again maybe flip him down the road here maybe it’s that’s who you think your depth is and you’re you’re content as far as where you are financially yeah that that’s what I was thinking like do they consider another OnePlus One to have that flexibility to have the contract that’s then tradable or maybe do they look to package a boy on a Mitch and maybe some picks to because because what what I’m thinking is I know everybody every summer it’s like okay star trade star trade but is it another triple rather than a home run Grand Slam like is it another OG anobi type of trade you know what the boss what the Celtics made with um with Derek white or with porzingis like is it another move like that where they figure they can bring in a guy mid level salary but that can still help move the needle for this team into contending status I mean I think that’s realistically probably where you’re looking at um first of all that we’ve you know I mean and maybe it’s going to happen in the next three weeks like who’s the stars that would actually be available right like who actually is a guy that’s you know it’s and that’s that’s the hard thing like you know you know maybe we’ll hear Carl Anthony Town’s name no I don’t I don’t want to get but but but here’s the thing like so here and five years ago thoughts like that yeah I get it but are you content taking back four for 221 and a guy making $50 million no way that hamstr that hamstrings you as far as what you’re able to do but when you look at you know when you’re you know swapping a19 million guy for a $7 million guy and it’s now it’s a guy that you know either you know as they call them you know guys that um can come in if you’re a baseball pitcher come in in the sixth and seventh inning and Gobble up innings for you or specialist that you maybe you know might need I think that’s the more um the direction that you go in and I think it’s hard building rosters in this day age with three guys making $40 million yeah yeah and then basically it’s like you know where you know where your depth is and we see it we see it in the Dallas series you can have two guys you can have Kyrie and Luca um you know making you know top dollar but then man you need you need pj Washington you need Daniel Gafford you need Derek Lively you need Jaden Hardy you need guys like that um you know those those you know that that depth um that teams with not have if you’re top heavy in salary yeah and that that’s the word I used and and innings eater I I think uh you know is something that the Knicks could use especially off of the bench well what do you think about de Jon Murray and and where land you feels and the Hawks may go there yeah I mean that’s the guy like you know like you know people always say like you know you Trey young and you’ve got deante who’s got more value and I think for me it’s Murray um just because of where his contract is you know he’s going into year one of that uh four for 114 that he signed last last off season it’s basically $20 million less than what Trey uh what Trey young is per year um so that’s a you know that’s an interesting name um I think the the the other thing too we’re going back to these apron rules is that where New York is right now and they’re not an apron team right you finish 23 24 season however if they go out and use one of these trade exceptions that they have or if they go out and they send cash in a deal at the draft and if they go out and make a deal on June 20th um and they take back more money those aprons now get triggered they are now hard caed for next year so even though they’re not in it right now you’re looking ahead to the starting on July one based on what happens in the next three weeks here that those will trigger the hard cap if they go out and use one of those resources um going forward so that makes your decisions a lot harder right like as far as what you can do but I think the Murray name is a really good name I think Atlanta will be active as far as you know certainly with um with with both guys there CP the franchise Bobby Marks here we’re going to take a couple quick questions and then wrap up great show so far book from Queens quick uh book go ahead and unmute your mic hey fellas can you hear me loud and clear go ahead Bobby great to have you CP3 I me CP great to see you as as always so quick question quick question um so if the Knicks did have to make a big move do they have to make it this off season or is there a way they can make it going forward I appreciate the call yeah I mean I think it’s a little bit easier this off season as we said like just because the Brunson number is going to get bigger yeah um I think certainly whether it be in an extension or if few decides to play out um not do an extension and sign for five for 270 which he could next year so now you’re going from a you know as I said a $24 million contract to a $46 million contract so it does give you more the flexibility um to um to do a deal I I think you know it’s a matter of you know you when we talk about one-year window that oneyear window might not be there is if you like to keep basically everyone intact yeah so that might be there might be more more optionality next off season um so making a big deal I think it’s just a matter of kind of where you are with the apron right like you know big deals go away where you are based on where you are with these new rules and everything FEI from Brooklyn FEI go ahead and unmute your mic rapid fire fam going once all right Fe looks like you got to um reset your Discord I’m going to drop you off the Discord go ahead and reset and try it again 646 what’s your name where you calling in from Ti from Office still hiding under the desk baby all right Ty Clemens he’s at work but uh he needs a question all right hurry up let’s go real quick I just want to know would the fans finally respect Dolan and he pay that luxury tax and keep the um Team intact well Angel respect a tender so listen the luxury tax is not the issue right the L James Dolan will go would go into the luxury tax all these owners would go into the luxury tax to put a championship team out there the luxury tax as I said is basically replaced by these restrictions do you want your pick Frozen in 20132 do you want the inability to go out and make it Allstar type trade that that’s going to be that’s the that’s the questions that the front office and ownership have to come to will come to the realization as far as what they need to answer it’s not about spending going into luxury tax by6 million and paying a $13 million penalty it’s not about that anymore like that’s that that’s from the in in the old CBA um it’s about it’s about you know the the restrictions that will come when you when you’ve got some high salary here it’s not that’s not just the financial implications now it’s operational now now it’s hitting you in how you maneuver that that’s that’s different we’ve never seen that uh FEI from Brooklyn Fe go ahead and unmute your mic yo am I coming through now you’re coming through let’s go shout out to the show kfv hit that like button shout out Bobby marks number one show for the fans by the fans thank you man yo so I got three quick questions um Alec Burks can we sign and trade him is that a thing uh number two when you guys are talking about bogdanovich you got my head spinning I’m definitely going to watch this whole show over again so I can understand I’m definitely goingon to watch it again but um with bdon M I kind of don’t even want to keep him on the team because I was looking at him as being great uh salary filler like a for a trade but if he puts us in the second round in the second apron we can’t and we can’t aggregate his salary I feel like he’s not even worth another 9 million player next year I’d really really love to aggregate that salary but then the third question is there any way we can keep precious on this team I thought he did a great job filling in during the regular season not so much during the playoffs but we need someone as a y when Julius is out if OG is out I’d really love to keep prees on this team and last thing Bobby can you say a couple words about your colleague Monica mcnut excoriating Stephen AI I appreciate the call man yeah that’s a lot of questions yeah well I’m Gonna Leave the four the last question I’ll just give a laugh about the last question there so I will uh I’m a bystander to all this here right um regarding precious I I believe that the likelihood is that New York will tender him a qualifying offer and then he becomes a restricted free agent and then you figure out as far as what the market will be there’s no you I think that at the very least that will happen and we’ll see if he can get an offer sheet or maybe the New York figures out a way to to retain him because I do think there’s a priority with him as far as from his his versatility and be able to kind of give you insurance coming off your bench um I think when with Burks you can yeah I mean you when you do a signing trade it has to be with the cons at the player um you’ve got I think he’s got bird rights signing trades are a little more challenging because it’s got to be a minimum of three years on the contract first Year’s got to be guaranteed so that’s the team that’s you know but then you’re then you’re if you’re doing a sign in trade then you’re adding more salary to it so now you’re like now you got more salary coming in um and then as far as with um when he mentioned kind of with with Boon here yeah I mean that’s that’s the you know that’s the downside you know you keep them then you’re not going to be able to you can’t take that contract and put them with a $15 million player um and take get 30 more $34 million in salary that’s what you’re that’s what you’re seeing in Phoenix you know um you know Phoenix can’t go out and and trade ysep nage and this sear little and take back a $25 million player like that those the aggregate rules are you know are so punitive wow lot of work to do for Leon roseen company man but Bobby we definitely appreciate the time here great great job just really going into a deep dive on this Nick’s offseason guide uh we are going to reconvene in Las Vegas at the sports business classroom you want to just give the people a little bit about uh about the program yeah I mean I’m looking forward to it it’s kind of um you know something um for me this is something new as far as to kind of be the lead instructor here but we’ve got um I think we only have a few um a few spots open but it’s uh it’s in Las Vegas from the 14th of July to uh the 20th it coincides with Summer League um we have everything and anything as far as what how you want to learn about the business of basketball whether it be agent negotiations um you’re involved uh I think you’re going to be terrific as far as building your brand um people want to get into sports sometimes it’s not always about working for a front office right sometimes it’s it’s building a media brand um for for a team that you grew up rooting but now there’s a there’s a you know there’s an arm to that um but we have um you know it’s basically a college likee environment where you go through you know six or seven uh sessions per day um for the whole week salary cap uh media and broadcasting scouting analytics um it’s going to be fun uh we’ve got about 125 people that will come out and and take the class there um but we’ve got a wide range of instructors and we’ve got NBA people we’ve got people from the league players Association it’s a it’s a good week um for sports business classroom looking forward to it and and hopefully by that time most most of the off season trans I hope so that’s the benefit of Summer League being a little bit later this year that we’re not in like mad scramble mode that like maybe it’s like kind of like you know we get to July 4th 14th and everything’s done already right so I I I I would hope so hopefully man and then you know if so we we can break it down in studio there in Las Vegas man but but for now thanks again Bobby for the time and and have a great day man I appreciate it thanks for having me all right all right ladies and gentlemen that was the great Bobby Mark salute to everybody in the chat once again man hit that thumbs up button for you boys if you are on YouTube if you’re on Facebook hit the Thumbs Up Button if you’re on bleach report hit the fire Emoji thanks everybody for tuning in man this was a a great show I I thought was very informative very instructive King D this was very educational this is what we do at Nicks fan TV man this is what we do we educate we we inspire you know we have a good time and I hope you guys got a lot out of it my guys on uh bleach report ro3 I see you woolly appreciate it Cameron gland throws a fire Emoji up lka bong8 appreciate it woolly says this is about fit not talent I think it’s a little bit of both you know until we we figure out what we have here in Julius Randall I’m talking about postseason then it could could be we just we just don’t know but for now uh this was a great season by the Knicks Lawrence Peters my fanchise channel members on here salute man Johnny 4481 salute I don’t know what happened to my camera man my camera just glitched out I had to go to the backup generator again but you guys that have been watching this show know that’s what we do man when when things go out we just go to the backup plan and either way the show must go on DJ edsy salute man d salute to DJ Edy I hope you got your merch over there uh in the UK shout out to Edy and and uh if you haven’t already go ahead and get your merch man shop. nfant make sure you go get that absolutely big off seon ahead man chip said CP got real concerned when he mentioned the second apron yo it’s real it’s real man these next few moves you get you got to you got to be confident that this is the team because it’s going to get not impossible but it’s going to get much harder to put a a a chip team out there once you make your once you make your Investments Harlem’s Alfredo I appreciate you man I appreciate you who else on Facebook Ty Clemens thanks for calling in shout out my people on on Facebook so to everybody that called in on the lunch break um what else order of business so uh this was a show with Bobby Marx salute to the replay gang if you guys are catching up on the replay if not you can also hear us on the car put it on the podcast this will be available in audio podcast format Thursday on uh the NBA report I mean tomorrow Wednesday on the NBA report the great Derek Harper will join us man we’re going to talk about the Dallas Mavericks and their run to the finals and we’re going to get Harp’s thoughts on the Knicks as well I try to get some Nick talk going on the NBA report as well with our distinguished guest earlier this morning I had Howard Beck from the ringer preview the finals we had a great show there and then this Thursday starting game one all the way to the end of the finals CP the franchise kmar Kenyan Martin on the ones and twos NBA Finals postgame live on the NBA report make sure you guys are there after every game man highlights analysis caller reactions call in talk to Kar talk to an NBA veteran who’s been in there in the trenches and get his thoughts on things man we’re going to have a lot of fun with it let me make sure I have not missed any uh super chats somebody in chat said people still use Facebook yeah you’d be surprised man salute to my two cents checking in from uh I think France my two cents salute CP Bobby does a second apron challenge to make it more attractive to make a bowl move this summer before you in a spot to make it harder yeah I I think based on you know our conversation here with Bobby I think the answer is yes think think the answer is yes the time to make a splash is now G5 wi appreciate it Shore TV iHeart is a must absolutely yeah I got I gotta do some more uh testing with this camera man my camera’s been glitching out on me man Triple M this episode changed my mind we can’t afford ihart who else we got here man salute to my Bleacher Report people Nick at night Julius is staying bring back the core I’m with it oh Helen settles get rid of Julius damn CJ billions on the bleach report says get rid of R uh says get me maau like I told you guys on on uh yesterday’s show I don’t see the maau bridges thing happening how are we getting maau Bridges here how do we plan on getting maau Bridges here salute to everybody on the on the uh on the bleach report Twitter if you guys are on Bleacher Report make sure you guys follow us at Nick fan TV on all platforms Daniel B dra this episode brought realism to the chat yeah we ain’t treaming no more it’s time to get real now now the work begins contracts and expectations contracts and expectations Eric horn says see you in Vegas I signed up okay Eric we’ll see you there yeah yeah man Sports business classroom going to be a uh a great week in Vegas I’ll be teaching out there on the media and broadcasting side along with Howard Beck J adande nikayas is gonna be there Steve Jones so we got a good group definitely got a good group man Seth part now will be there as well so it’s going to be a good group uh on the Bleacher Report side I think I’m back on the 19th let me let me just double check and make sure uh I know when I’m when I’m there on the Bach report side I think I’m back on the on the 19th and kftv you know we rocking all day every day man we got to get the lunchtime grind Bacher report I’ll be back on the 19th and also on the 29th so make sure you guys put that on your calendar same time and then kftv we will uh we will keep it rocking with you guys man beautiful day here in New York about to get to the Grind hope you guys enjoyed it remember like share subscribe share these videos Man the number one show for the fans by the fans I don’t talk I don’t care if it’s Nicks I don’t care if it’s NBA we get it let’s go thanks everybody for tuning in man we guys we we’ll see you guys uh tomorrow on the NBA report CB the franchise Derek Harper have a great day everybody thanks again to Bobby marks thanks again to Howard Beck for today’s shows peace

Knicks Offseason Guide w/ ESPN’s Bobby Marks (Free Agency, Trade, Draft, Cap Outlook)


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0:00 – ESPN Front Office Insider Bobby Marks Joins KFTV!
2:30 – Knicks Season Recap!
8:00 – Could Jalen Brunson extend this summer?
12:55 – Will the Knicks extend Randle this summer?
15:00 – Will OG leave New York?!
17:30 – I Hart’s Free Agency!
22:15 – Where should the Knicks go with Mitch?
23:20 – Knicks are approaching the SECOND APRON!
31:55 – How will Rokas contract affect the Knicks!?
33:00 – Should the Knicks keep Bojan?!
37:10 – Dejounte Murray contract details!
38:55 – Book from Queens
40:40 – Ty
42:00 – Femme from Brooklyn
45:00 – Sports Business Classroom in Vegas!
47:15 – Salute to the Chat!

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  1. As a Pistons fan, this is why I like KFTV, the rotating guests. Yes it’s Knicks basketball, but if you just like hoops, you’ll learn a lot from these convos. Good stuff.

  2. Sign OG and iHart, accept Bojans option, and trade Mitch. If Brunson extends this season we’d be in a great spot

  3. Mitchell Robinson & salary filler(s) for Marcus Smart. Grizzlies need a C, Knicks need someone who can run the Off when Brunson sits & can also play alongside him. Smart fits the Knicks identity perfectly. They can use a high IQ, tough guy for sure. And resign Precious to be backup Center for a third of what Mitch costs. And def not signing Julius to an extension, simply don’t trust him. When he signed this most recent extension, he essentially took the following year off.

    0:00 – ESPN Front Office Insider Bobby Marks Joins KFTV!
    2:30 – Knicks Season Recap!
    8:00 – Could Jalen Brunson extend this summer?
    12:55 – Will the Knicks extend Randle this summer?
    15:00 – Will OG leave New York?!
    17:30 – I Hart’s Free Agency!
    22:15 – Where should the Knicks go with Mitch?
    23:20 – Knicks are approaching the SECOND APRON!
    31:55 – How will Rokas contract affect the Knicks!?
    33:00 – Should the Knicks keep Bojan?!
    37:10 – Dejounte Murray contract details!
    38:55 – Book from Queens
    40:40 – Ty
    42:00 – Femme from Brooklyn
    45:00 – Sports Business Classroom in Vegas!
    47:15 – Salute to the Chat!

  5. As for the people saying run it back, our window is very small with these numbers, maybe we can or maybe we'll be screwed long term because of that. So what I would do, is trade Randle and get better adjusted numbers from lesser role players or even a rising star?. Look we can't keep everyone. We made a playoff run without Randle, get more depth keep our core guys.

  6. Knicks get Mikal Bridges, Nick Richards
    Hornets get Mitch Robinson, Ben Simmons, 2-1st from Knicks
    Nets get Miles Bridges, Bojan Bogdanovic, Davis Bertans, 3-1st from Knicks

    Knicks complete their Nova Knicks, would free cap space to resign IHart, and get a great back up big on a team friendly deal.

    Hornets get a top 10 center (when healthy) which they sorely lack and 2-1st. I’m not sure if Miles wants to stay in Charlotte, so at least the Hornets would get some value back.

    Nets get Miles Bridges in a sign & trade, who is 2 years younger than Mikal, has high upside, and better than Jalen Green (who Rockets proposed in a trade with Bk). They’d also rid themselves of Ben Simmons and waive Bogi and Bertans, freeing up nearly $30m in cap space, which they’ll need to avoid the luxury tax, after resigning Nic Claxton and Cam Thomas. Most importantly, they’d get at least 3-1st round picks from the Knicks.

  7. Great analyst I never understood this new cba or even how past ones worked and he’s taught me the most about it and other financial and upper office moves and stuff like that , def keep bringing this guy back

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