@Milwaukee Bucks

Embarrassing edits

Okay I get that we don’t want our rivals to win the chip, but posts like this are embarrassing for the fan base IMO. Emphasis on ‘my opinion’.

by [deleted]


  1. breadbinkers

    Man grow up it’s an internet sports meme and it’s mildly funny

  2. If you get embarrassed by what random internet people post on the internet that is on you. 

  3. youarenut

    it’s funny and we all want mavs to win anyways plus it’s hard to talk shit when everyone on bucks was injured idk why it’s embarrassing

  4. ThisisnotaTesT10

    I agree. I also think the dumb ‘Knicks-Bucks alliance’ type posts I was seeing simply because some folks didn’t want to see the Pacers win was equally cringey.

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