@Denver Nuggets

The TRUTH About the Denver Nuggets Future…

The TRUTH About the Denver Nuggets Future…

I like many other people thought the Denver Nuggets were on course to win another NBA championship this year but Anthony Edwards had other plans so that leaves us with the question what the Denver Nuggets need to do this offseason to get back to Championship contention because their bench was horrendous it killed them in the playoffs and Jamal Murray was hurt they had one score with Nicole yic like Aaron Gordon was their second best score here in this playoff run because Michael Porter Jr disappeared and Jamal Mario was hurt I think you run it back with this squad though this starting lineup was one of the best in the league net rating wise um and just overall for the eye test they were one of the best in the league they need a major bench revamp though Christian Brown can’t be your best player Off the Bench if you’re trying to win a championship now obviously he will progress a little bit he and Payton Watson but I mean Justin Justin holiday and Reggie Jackson That’s not great uh looking at what I think they need to do this offseason they got some trade candidates now they are only 20K under the second apron but kyp’s got that player option you’re going to have to try and deal zek Nagi um I mean I guess you could look at Hunter Tyson but I don’t see why I think he’s a guy that you can develop to be a good piece in the long term Zeke Naji is making four years or making 33 million over the next four years and he’s only averaging 3.2 points per game 2.2 rebounds on 46% shooting from the field definitely a guy I would look to swing if I was the Nuggets now in 2021 22 he did average 6.6 points 3.6 boards and shot at 51% from the field but he was not able to maintain that success and I think you have to keep kavus cwell Pope one probably your best perative defender on a $15 million player option that’s pretty cheap for him a guy that averaged 10 points per game 2.4 rebounds 46% shooting from the field 40% from three now if you just look at the box score you’d say maybe that’s a bit of an overpay but when he brings that and his Elite defense that that’s a guy you got to keep around he held opponents to shooting 40% from the field this year and that was while guarding the other teams best player now like I said this lineup had the best plus minus in the NBA for starting lineup so when you look at it the solution is really clear you just have to address the bench now there are some trade ideas that I went into today um they are handicapped by the new CBA but visai meic would be a really cool option at backup point guard yic has um expressed interest in playing with meic and with Charlotte he put up 11 points per game six assist on 44% % shooting from the field in just 27 minutes a game so definitely a viable trade option to pair up with his fellow Serbian Nicole yic um bones Highland is a guy I think they should come back I think you know he’s a dynamite scorer Off the Bench I don’t know why they ever traded him I know they had some locker room issues he only averaged 7.5 points 2.5 rebounds in 15 minutes but as a team that has limited Avenues to work with a guy that put up 12 points three boards and almost three assists on 40% shooting from the field 38% from 34 you is a guy worth bringing back um you also have other options here Kelly o lenck being one who averaged 10 points per game five boards 4.4 assist on 55% shooting from the field 39% from three this year for the Raptors he started the year with the Jazz Royce O’Neal with the Nets this year averaged about eight points per game five rebounds three assists and he also played for the Suns of bit 20 minutes a game for him and then Cory kissper I don’t know if the Wizards would be able to do this but maybe like zek Nagi 28 and a couple of future seconds or maybe a future first for Cory kissper who put up 13 and 1 12 points three rebounds now I know he doesn’t bring the most defense but as a scorer and shooter Off the Bench he could Thrive alongside of Nicole yic as well now some free agents to look into Gordon Hayward is a guy that has really been brought up in rumors he’s obviously not going back to OKC Sam pry didn’t mean to call him a mistake but that’s how it sounded and so obviously he wasn’t too happy with that um with Charlotte this year he put up 14 and a half points per game 4.7 rebounds 4.6 assists on 48% shooting from the field and that was in about 25 games and it has been it’s one of the worst kept secrets in the league that the nuggets are very interested in Gordon Hayward um now obviously he brings his injury issues to the table but I mean he’s a guy that very good score you know very experienced I think he would be a nice addition Lonnie Walker another guy you talk about microwave guys off the bench that can also shoot the three 39% from back there Kyle Lowry will be a great backup point guard with Reggie Jackson potentially on the way out eight points a game three assists two boards on 38% shooting from the three ball for him and then Mason plumbley who this year uh put up about 5.3 points per game and five rebounds on 56% shooting from the field in 15 minutes a game so with that being said let’s go ahead and take a quick break here make sure to like button leave me a comment down below and hit that subscribe button if you are enjoying today’s video at any point as you can see here a large majority of the people that watch these videos are not subscribed to the channel so if that is you go ahead and change that and with that being said let’s go ahead and continue on here looking at what I think the Nugget should do the rest of the way they got to keep the core together like we said best plus minus as a lineup in the league the starters are not the issue that is for sure I mean you have the three-time MVP you have a great Wing score in Michael Porter Jr one of the better point guards in the league in Jamal Murray especially once the playoffs come around if he’s not hurt and then two great three and D options in Aaron Gordon and kcp I guess Aaron Gordon not much of a three-point shooter more of you know a Defender and um in Queen guy and then I think Michael Porter Jr will be back he’s only 25 years old really he’s only played four years in the league because two years he’s missed the entirely year with injury um and he averaged 17 points per game seven rebounds 1.5 assist in 32 minutes per game this year for the Nuggets he shot at 48% from the field 40% from three on six attempts and played 81 games so this is a guy that yes he had a bad playoff run but he will be back he is a great scorer one of the better Shooters in the league in the playoffs he averaged 16 .7 boards 46% shooting from the field and 40% from three it was just that Series against the Timberwolves that he hurt them he killed them in that series he could not hit a shot 32% from three 38% from the field average six boards and 11 points per game overall not fantastic now Jamal Murray another guy that usually a big playoff riser for them well he had the calf injury this year and it you know not great um 18.4 points per game for him 4.4 rebounds 40% shooting from the field and 30% from three usually like we said he is a known playoff Riser a guy that will Elevate his game when it matters most and this year the calf injury I mean you could just see it slowed him down tremendously now they also have picked 28 in the draft and three guys that I think they should get one Dron Holmes a guy from Dayton that can just do it all I think he would be great Off the Bench for this he he and pton Watson in the front Court Kevin mcculler Jr a guy that can come in and contribute from day one great defender just got to get that knee right but great defender great shooter great scorer I think he is a home run pick and then Jaylen Tyson from California a guy that’s been around the block in college but another guy that averaged about 20 points very athletic good Defender um that could fit right into this nuggets team from day one so definitely some guys that could come in and make a huge impact they also need some internal development the three rookies they got last year Hunter Tyson Jaylen picket Julian straw strawther was the only one that really got major minutes this year but I think all three of these guys are guys that can contribute if there’s one Jaylen pick it maybe couldn’t but I think Hunter Tyson down the line could be a very good NBA player same thing with Julian ster Peyton Watson’s a guy he has to develop some as well he was just not good in the playoffs and again this is only his second year really in the rotation or first year in the rotation so good Defender needs to work on the offensive side of the game a little bit more but the major I mean I don’t think they need any major adjustments there are no major adjustments to be made um this is a team that like we said really good starting lineup they just have to address that bench Reggie Jackson Christian Brown pyton Watson and Justin holiday that that’s not good Reggie Jackson probably gone um pyton Watson Christian Brown develop a little bit you can bring back uh Justin Watson and then add a couple of really good pieces to this bench and this is once again a championship Contender assuming Michael Porter Jr doesn’t disappear and Jamal Murray doesn’t get hurt with that being said that’s going to be it for today’s video thank you so much for watching make sure to leave me a comment down below hit that subscribe button and like I said we’re trying to hit about 200 likes on today’s video so if you could help us out with that it’d be greatly appreciated and with all that being said thank you so much for watching today’s video

This video looks at the Denver Nuggets and how they can be an NBA championship caliber team going forward around their current core of Nikola Jokic, Jamal Murray and Michael Porter Jr

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