@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Pre-Draft Workouts: D.J. Horne 1-on-1 Interview (June 4, 2024)

Indiana Pacers Pre-Draft Workouts: D.J. Horne 1-on-1 Interview (June 4, 2024)

DJ how the workout go today workout went pretty good um I would say as expected you know very fast pace um I know that’s how Indiana likes to play so I could have imagine that they would have you know tailored their workout around that what are you hoping to show teams during this process um just you know my flexibility um I know a lot of people think that I’m just a a scorer but I want to you know showcase that I can do a lot of other things on the court uh that can help a team win where do you think your game has grown the most during your time in college um I would say definitely this past year just with the uh amount of responsibility I had for my team it allowed me to really like understand the game more so than just as a score and how to you know get my teammates going and how to like just better understand how to win coming back home for that last year and being a part of that magical run what did that mean to you personally um it meant everything to me um cuz you know in the talks before going to n state that was you know the plan to go there and you know make history and um to see how that you know played out um you know couldn’t obviously the whole thing that’s still the best way to draw it up but you know definitely was a magical run do you feel like you carried some momentum from that run into this pre-draft process uh no doubt definitely think that it’s helped me as far as my confidence and um just giving me a name a a lot of people you know tune in to the March Madness let alone in the last four teams in the uh country so to be playing at that high stage and be able to succeed like I did uh I think it definitely helped me a little bit of a final four reunion feel today with with you and Lance and camell here man yeah I got to looking around I’m like wow this the whole final four right here at least the guard so uh it definitely was good to see those guys again and just knowing that you know I’m I’m with good company when you sit down with teams during this process what’s your pitch to them what are they getting if they draft you uh just an underdog who had to really get out of the mud his whole you know career and um basically you know earned everything that was given to him so uh you know I carry that same mindset mentality into the NBA

NC State guard D.J. Horne spoke with’s Wheat Hotchkiss about his goals during his pre-draft workouts and the significance of his Final Four run. Pacers draft coverage is presented by NerdWallet.


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