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Bulls Trade Ideas: Should Chicago trade for Brandon Ingram?

Bulls Trade Ideas: Should Chicago trade for Brandon Ingram?

can tell you that they love you and they never mean it true love from God In The Name of Jesus turn my back on the king I committed treas thank God what’s up YouTube you’re inside the edge and I’m back with another video thank you guys for tuning in and if you’re new to the channel be sure to subscribe do all that good stuff it helps my channel grow um I love talking NBA content NFL content um you know I like talking about free agent signings big trades big scenarios team rebuilding um I love talking about stuff like that I love talking about talent and development and that’s just my thing guys I love talking um NBA um today I want to talk about the Chicago Bulls my favorite team um you know it seems like the Chicago Bulls um you know organization has been you know we’ve been in shambles for the last four years I mean the way the Chicago Bulls seasons has ended has been tragic guys you know losing into playing games um I believe the last time we made the playoffs we faced the Bucks and we lost 4-1 it was almost like why the heck did we even make the playoffs if we didn’t even compete you know so it’s been a rock it’s been some rocky years for the Chicago Bulls guys and this off season it’s going to be very important for the Chicago Bulls the Bulls have to shake up a lot of things this summer you know there’s a bunch of different opportunities um different choices different ways that the Bulls can um you know roster can rebuild um it kind of just starts at point guard I love Kobe white and what he’s doing um you know we looking at D rozan and LaVine we know that they’re the top star and a lot of us was hopeful you know a lot of us was hoping that you know they can carry this Bulls team to compe in for for playoffs and it just seems like you know this team is just not orchestrated behind the roosen and LaVine to really grow and Elevate this team I mean I feel like they don’t really have a lot of dark horses you know when you look at the Chicago Bulls roster there’s still a lot of a lot of gaps in this team and there’s still just a lot of uncertainty I think if that’s the best word to use there’s just so much uncertainty when you think of the Chicago Bulls I mean I mentioned Kobe white but then we got Lonzo B coming back you know how is that going to work out um you know we have Patrick Williams um you know he was a first round draft pick you know are we going to help develop him should we resign him should we bring him back I mean that those are question marks um you know dalen Terry a guy that we drafted and I’m wondering when is he going to get playing time when is he going to see instant minutes we talk about the center position I you know who’s going to be at center for the Chicago Bulls next season you know who’s going to be a rim tector what is Chicago going to do is Adam sonogo is he going to come from the G League team is he going to really you know get minutes for Chicago and producing and get those instant minutes next season I mean there’s just so much question marks on what the Chicago Bulls should do but I do think that the Bulls need to go after another All-Star caliber player and the guy that I’m looking at is Brandon Ingram guys that will be a really good move if the Bulls can go after Brandon Ingram um you know looking at Brandon Ingram’s career with the Pelicans I mean he’s been carrying that franchise for the last five six years um he’s been an extraordinary player ever since he came out of Duke Brandon Ingram has been a instant he’s been a score machine and I think that is what the Chicago Bulls should look for in this upcoming offseason the Bulls should look for a small forward Wing caliber kind of player um I know he’s similar to demard De r rozan i mean if I had to make a comparison I think that’s a good comparison you know Brandon Ingram is a mid-range shooter you know he has a good pullup game um you know he can catch and shoot um he can shoot the three ball um you know he can drive to the Lane with you know with his length um this guy’s really lengthy he can shoot over defenders um you know he can play that one-on-one um ISO ball you know he can get a bucket when we need him and that’s something that the Bulls is is missing you know besides you know LaVine and D rozan we know what they do but outside of that the Bulls don’t really have another player um that can score on that kind of level and especially being at 68 you know so I think a good trade scenario would be for the Chicago Bulls to trade Lavine to the Pelicans for Brandon Ingram and Zack LaVine I mean when you look at that contract he signed with the bulls for two more seasons I believe and for 2025 he’s owed 43 million for 20 no for 2024 he’s owed 20 43 million for 2025 he’s owed 45 million and for 20 the 2026 season he’s owed 48 million so that’s a lot of money in cap space and I think if the Bulls was to make that transition and make that trade for Brandon Ingram um I think that would definitely save a lot of a lot of of cap for the Chicago Bulls and also I mean if they was to do that trade for Brandon Ingram he only has $36 million left on his contract for one year for this 2024 season so one thing is the Bulls will it’ll basically be like a try out season you know if brenon Ingram is playing on the Chicago Bulls and let’s just say he’s clicking with Kobe Wyatt you know that’s a good duel let’s say Lonzo comes back and he’s healthy and he’s Diamond assist and things are kind of coming together and Brandon Ingram is is averaging about 19 to like 20 points per game then I think it will be a good deal I think that would be a good move if Chicago can replace Zack LaVine with another perimeter All-Star caliber player um and again it would be a lot more cheaper I mean we would just owe we would just buy out the rest of his contract at 36 million then we can refresh and revamp a a whole new contract for him if he wanted to stay we wanted to extend that um I do think that that would be a good trade scenario for Zack LaVine um when you look at the Pelicans is it possible now the Pelicans they have you know Zion Williams and Brandon Ingram as their two star players um and it looks like the Pelicans I mean if phones are being called for a trade for Brandon Ingram I do think that you know the Pelicans they they might pull the plug and they may ride with Zion Williams and then he can get that Max um deal that Max contract so I mean this is a high possibility guys you know I’ve heard rumors about Brendon Ingram being shopped around I mean he has been shopped around I believe he was traded from the Lakers so I think you know the Bulls should really make a splash to get Brandon Ingram you know I love it I love what he does on the court as far as his scoring ability I think he would be a perfect fit and if it was to be Kobe white brenon Ingram and demard de R rozan I think that’s that Trio right there can do some special things and that can be the start of something in the future and I know the Bulls have the 11 pick so I mean you know the Bulls can can kind of revamp this offense a little bit but like I mentioned it’s just so much uncertainty but I think if there was one target the bull should go after it would have to be demard de rozan guys um I love his game um just what he brings to the table with a scored ability is something Chicago really needs because Chicago we’re we’re a defensive team when you look at um you know a lot of players we do have Tory Craig um Patrick Williams you know these guys are not you know these guys still need to develop their offensive game Javon green you know these are guys that need to develop their their game so I mean there’s so much players on this roster I can get into in dep but I think adding another score to Chicago would be really beneficial and I think it would really help this core develop and grow so with that being said guys I don’t want to make this video too long but I want to hear you guys’ thoughts you know how do you guys feel about a trade for Brandon Ingram you know how do you guys feel about Brandon Ingram do you think this is possible do you think the Pelicans will keep him in Zion or do you think they’re going to trade one of one of those I mean there’s just so many scenarios but this is just one video so far that I’m doing just before the summer and everything opens up I’m going to be doing a lot more content talking a lot about a lot more trade scenarios I definitely want to get into Chicago Bulls because I don’t think this is going to be the same roster we’re going to see next year so with that being said I hope everyone’s having a good day God bless I love you all peace true love from God In The Name of Jesus turn my back on the king I committed treas thank God he forg his name preacher screaming Jesus

The Chicago Bulls are going to be changing things up this summer. That much became clear when Arturas Karnisovas admitted that something isn’t working. With a shake-up comes trades, and with trades come ideas. The question is, who should the Bulls be targeting in potential deals? Could New Orleans Pelicans wing Brandon Ingram be an option?

Ingram and the Pelicans are on the brink of being eliminated from the playoffs by the Oklahoma City Thunder, and it feels as though he could end up being the odd man out. If the Bulls want to keep a similar team structure while also getting younger, Ingram could be an interesting option.

He’s a mid-range-heavy scorer and is only 26 years old. However, his contract ends after next season, meaning Chicago would have to re-sign him. Ingram’s age fits in with a potential new Bulls timeline. #brandoningram #chicagobulls

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